• Title/Summary/Keyword: Total area method

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Current Status and Potentiality of Forest Resources in a Proposed Biodiversity Conservation Area of Bangladesh

  • Rana, Md. Parvez;Uddin, Mohammed Salim;Chowdhury, Mohammad Shaheed Hossain;Sohel, Md. Shawkat Lsiam;Akhter, Sayma;Kolke, Masao
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2009
  • An exploratory study was conducted in Juri Forest Range-2, a proposed biodiversity conservation area of Bangladesh to explore the present growing stock of tree, regeneration condition and status of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). This conservation area contains both natural and artificial plantation was selected by using multistage random sampling method. For determination of plot size and sampling methods, the quadrate size ($10m{\times}10m$) for tree stock measurement, ($2m{\times}2m$) for regeneration survey, ($20m{\times}20m$) for NTFPs survey was determined. Regarding tree stock survey, 14 species under eight families were found where Tectona grandis shows average number of stem/ha was 624 and basal area/ha was (10.36 $m^2/ha$) followed by Acacia auriculiformis (0.2 $m^2/ha$ and 637 stem/ha), Gmelina arborea (0.2 $m^2/ha$ and 600 stem/ha). In regeneration survey, 14 species were found belonging to 9 families where Alstonia scholaris shows highest (3,750) seedling per hectare. Regarding NTFPs, bamboo and cane are the most common resources. In last ten years, the total timber output was 1,28,596.14 cubic feet and total amount of revenue was 4,64,434 US$. The vacant area is 1,335.5 acre which contains 14% of total area. If this vacant area is planted with suitable species and take proper steps for appropriate management of this species it will be a good biologically diversified area.

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Development of the non contact tongue moisture measuring device (비접촉식 설면 습윤도 측정 기구의 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-Bok;Park, Yu-Gyung;Kim, Ki-Wang
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: Tongue moisture is one of major features in tongue diagnosis of Oriental Medicine. But with regard to the methods to qualify the tongue moisture level, there have been no adequate modalities to satisfy clinicians' needs. So we developed an novel device and method to quantify the tongue moisture level without contact. Methods and Materials: Ratio of saturated area to total tongue area in the image captured with a spot light at various angles was calculated. We regarded that ratio represented the moisture of tongue surface. To evaluate the performance of suggested method, we observed the correlation between conventional contact method and our method with 19 healthy subjects. Results: With comparison to conventional contact method (Schirmer test), the suggested method showed good correlation (R = 0.8602, R2 = 0.7399). Conclusion: This Method could be a convenient and robust method to evaluate tongue moisture.

Effects of Aspect and Area Ratio of Fiber on the Accuracy of Intensity Method in Measurement of Fiber Orientation-Angle Distribution (섬유배향각 분포측정에 있어서 농도법의 정밀도에 미치는 섬유종횡비와 면적비의 영향)

  • Lee, S.D.;Kim, H.;Lee, D.G.;Han, G.Y.;Kim, E.G.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.953-959
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    • 1998
  • To investigate accuracy of intensity method for measurement of the fiber orientation distribution, fiber orientation function is calculated by drawing simulation figures for the fiber orientation as varying fiber aspect ratio, fiber area ratio, and fiber orientation state, respectively. The values of fiber orientation function measured by intensity method are compared with the calculated values of fiber orientation function. The results show that measurement accuracy of the fiber orientation angle distribution by intensity method is affected by the fiber aspect ratio when the total length of oriented fiber is same. The average gradient of fiber orientation function is 0.94 for 1000mm of the total fiber length and is 0.93 for 2000 mm when the fiber aspect ratio is over 50. Measurement accuracy by intensity method is about 94% and the reliable data can be obtained by intensity method.

A Study on Utilizing 1:1,000 Digital Topographic Data for Urban Landuse Classification (도시지역 토지이용분류를 위한 1:1,000 수치지형도 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Sookjoo;Kim, Kyehyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1D
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2006
  • Existing method of landuse classification using aerial photographs or field survey requires relatively higher amount of time and cost due to necessary manual work. Especially in urban area where the pattern of landuse is densely aggregated, a landuse classification using satellite image is more complex. In this background, this study proposes a landuse classification method to utilize 1:1,000 digital topographic data and IKONOS satellite image. To prove the possibility of this method, the method was applied to Seoul metropolitan area. The results shows the total accuracy of approximately 95% and 14 landuse classes extracted. Based on the results from the pilot study, this method is applicable to landuse classification in urban area.

A Study on a GIS based Updating Methodology of Landcover Maps for the Enhancement of Utilization in the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL에서의 토지피복지도 활용 제고를 위한 GIS기반 현행화 방법 연구)

  • Kwak, Geun Ho;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Chol Young;Oh, Seong Kwang
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.340-350
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    • 2014
  • Recently, TMDL has been implemented to estimate the amount of pollutant loads and to establish proper mitigation strategy to decrease the pollutant loads by the Ministry of Environment. To estimate the amount of pollutant loads with reasonable accuracy, securing landcover map with periodically updating is essential. However, in reality, due to the technical and financial difficulties, the landcover map has not been updated annually. Hence, this study mainly aims to suggest an effective GIS-based updating method in order to promote utilization of landcover map in the estimation of pollutant loads. Bupyeong-gu at the City of Incheon with the total area of $31.98km^2$ was chosen for this study and spatial data including digital topographic maps, ortho aerial photo, and satellite images were collected and utilized. A total of 7,235 feature entities were newly produced through the updating process of five steps and it was revealed that the classification of landcover with the total area of $3.34km^2$ was to be changed. The validity and feasibility of the suggested method were proved with the accuracy of 97.9% from the field verification. Further study needs to be made for devising more automated method to update landcover map to facilitate TMDL for individual local governments.

A Study on the correcting and updating the Digital Map using Remotely Sensed Data (위성영상을 이용한 수치지도 수정/갱신 방안 연구)

  • 윤여상;김준철;박수영;최종현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2003
  • The digital map expresses natural topography and artificial things with 3D position coordinates in the computer such as the road, railway, building, river, mountain, paddy and dryland. Therefore, those should contribute to the information-oriented society by maintaining information and providing it to users quickly. However it is difficult to maintain the most recent topographic information all the time because of restricted budget and time. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the updating area of the digital map using remotely sensed data, and to furnish the useful information reducing cost and time. To predict updating area of the digital map, we applied the urban changes analysis method to Landsat TM images from produced date of the digital map to up-to-date. Classification method for urban change analysis applied single band process algorithm. This study presents that updating area of the digital map is predicted by only the rate of 40% on total research area.

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A Study on the Use of Photogrammetry in Survey and Recording of Modern Architectural Properties (근대건축문화재 기록에서의 사진실측기법 활용)

  • Kwon, Soon-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2013
  • This paper is to discover how the photogrammetry method can be utilized for recording modern architectural properties. As a result of conducting photogrammetry aimed at the main building and water supply tower of Goesan Middle School, it was possible to measure actually either complicated patterns or a damaged area on the facade. However, there appeared errors in the actual measurement of the hollow or protruded area on the facade to measure actually or of an object in the cylinder form. First, for the actual measurement of the protruded area, it is possible to complete a facade by measuring actually the protruded area separately after dividing it and complementing it on the facade, Second, concerning an object in the cylinder form, it is possible to complete one facade by matching a facade which is measured actually with a Diaver method among the MSR photogrammetry methods, and three dimensional standard coordinates which are obtained through Totalstation.

Complete Coverage Path Planning for Multi-Robots (멀티로봇에 대한 전체영역 경로계획)

  • Nam, Sang-Hyun;Shin, Ik-Sang;Kim, Jae-Jun;Lee, Soon-Geul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a path planning algorithm, which is the minimal turning path based on the shape and size of the cell to clean up the whole area with two cleaning robots. Our method divides the whole cleaning area with each cell by cellular decomposition, and then provides some path plans among of the robots to reduce the rate of energy consumption and cleaning time of it. In addition we suggest how to plan between the robots especially when they are cleaning in the same cell. Finally simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm in an unknown area with multiple robots. And then we compare the performance index of two algorithms such as total of turn, total of time.

Evaluation of Urban Growth Management Policy using Urban Dynamics Model (도시동태모형을 이용한 도시성장관리정책의 평가)

  • 문태훈
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2002
  • This paper evaluate and compare effectiveness of urban growth management measures in Korea using system dynamics model. Simple urban dynamics model was used to compare urban growth management measures. Since the late 1960s, Korean government has been implementing various urban growth management measures without much success. In the 1960s, factories, universities, and public agencies were strongly encouraged to move out to local areas. During the 1970s, regulations on greenbelt area was adopted to prevent urban sprawl. Besides, regulations to prevent location of population inducing facilities, and promoting dislocation of those facilities were implemented simultaneously. During the 1990, regulations on total number of factories in the metropolitan area, development fees were adopted. These various method of urban management were compared. Simulation results shows that promoting decentralization of population, preventing population immigration, expanding greenbelt area are effectiveness ones compared to controlling total number of population inducing facilities, and preventing construction of new industries. Some implications of the findings were discussed.

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The control of point and non-point source nitrogen to prevent eutrophication of the Nakdong River basin, Korea

  • Kwak, Sunggue;Yun, Zuwhan
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2020
  • Eutrophication of surface waters is commonly caused by excessive inputs of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Nakdong River basin was chosen as the study area to investigate the effect of point and non-point source pollution of nitrogen on eutrophication in water body. Non-point source inputs of nitrogen accounted for approximately 84% in the total nitrogen input of the upper Nakdong river watershed, which mainly consists of agricultural land and forests. However, point source inputs of nitrogen accounted for 58~85% in the total nitrogen input of the middle and lower watersheds, including urban area. Therefore, for watershed near urban area, control of point source inputs of nitrogen may be an optimal method to control eutrophication. In this respect, the enforcing reduction of nitrogen in the final effluent of wastewater treatment facilities is needed. On the other hand, to enact more stringent nitrogen regulations, the LOT (limit of technology) and environmental impact should be considered. In this study nitrogen data were analyzed to propose new nitrogen regulations.