• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic Index

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Enhancing the Stability of Slopes Located below Roads, Based on the Case of Collapse at the Buk-sil Site, Jeongseon Area, Gangwon Province (강원도 정선지역 북실지구 깎기비탈면 붕괴 사례를 통한 도로 하부 비탈면 안정성 확보에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Hong-Gyun;Bae, Sang-Woo;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Koo, Ho-Bon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2012
  • Slopes are commonly formed both above and below roads located in mountainous terrain and along riversides. The Buk-sil site, a cut slope formed below the road, collapsed in October, 2010. A field investigation determined the causes of failure as improper drainage of valley water from the slope above the road and direct seepage of road-surface water. These factors may have accelerated the collapse via complex interaction between water and sub-surface structures such as bedding. Projection analysis of the site showed the possible involvement of plane, wedge, and toppling failure. Safety factors calculated by Limit Equilibrium Analysis for plane and wedge failure were below the standard for wet conditions. The wetness index, analyzed using topographic factors of the study area, was 9.0-10.5, which is high compared with the values calculated for nearby areas. This finding indicates a high concentration of water flow. We consider that water-flow control on the upper road is crucial for enhancing slope stability at the Buk-sil site.

Prediction of Runoff on a Small Forest Watershed Using BROOK90 Model (BROOK90 모형을 이용한 산림소유역의 유출량 추정)

  • Im, Sang-Jun;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Hee-Gon;Ahn, Su-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2007
  • Water balance is the major factor in forest ecosystem, and is closely related to the vegetation and topographic characteristics within a watershed. The hydrologic response of a forest watershed was investigated with the hydrological model. The deterministic, lumped parameter model (BROOK90) was selected and used to evaluate the applicability of the model for simulating daily runoff on the steep, forested watershed. The model was calibrated and validated against the streamflow data measured at the Bukmoongol watershed. The deviation in runoff volume $(D_v)$ was -1.7% for the calibration period, and the $D_v$ value for the validation period was 4.6%. The correlation coefficient (r) and model efficiency (E) on monthly basis were 0.922,0.847, respectively, for the calibration period, while the r- and E-value for the validation period were 0.941, 0.871, respectively. Overall, the simulated streamflows were close to the observations with respect to total runoff volume, seasonal runoff volume, and baseflow index for the simulation period. BROOK90 model was able to reproduce the trend of runoff with higher correlation during the simulation period.

Case Study on the Hazard Susceptibility Prediction of Debris Flows using Surface Water Concentration Analysis and the Distinct Element Method (수계 집중도 분석 및 개별요소법을 이용한 토석류 위험도 예측 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Ryu, Sang-Hoon;Koo, Ho-Bon;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.283-291
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    • 2012
  • Various studies regarding the prediction of landslides are underway internationally. Research into disaster prevention with regard to debris flows is a particular focus of research because this type of landslide can cause enormous damage over a short period. The objective of this study is to determine the hazard susceptibility of debris flow via predictions of surface water concentrations based on the concept that a debris flow is similar to a surface water flow, as it is influenced by mountain topography. This study considered urban areas affected by large debris flows or landslides. Digital mapping (including the slope and upslope contributing areas) and the wetness index were used to determine the relevant topographic factors and the hydrology of the area. We determined the hazard susceptibility of debris flow by predicting the surface water concentration based on the topography of the surrounding mountainous terrain. Results obtained using the distinct element method were used to derive a correlation equation between the weight and the impact force of the debris flow. We consider that in using a correlation equation, this method could assist in the effective installation of debris-flow-prevention structures.

Development of PDA-Based Software for Forest Geographic Information (PDA기반의 산림지리정보 소프트웨어 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Suk, Sooil;Lee, Heonho;Lee, Dohyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2007
  • This study was done to develop PDA based application system for forest geographic information with GPS. The major results obtained in this study were as follows. A PDA based application program was developed to work on $Microsoft^{TM}$ PocketPC 2002 and 2003 operating system. The screen of PDA displays a 1:25,000 digital topographical map adopted DXF format converted from PC, and the map data with 1:2,500 to 1:30,000 on PDA can be zoomed in or out to five levels. Current position and navigating path received from GPS can be displayed on the screen and be saved in PDA. Information selected among layers of digital topographic map in DXF format can be converted into binary files which can be used on forest geographic information software. This can compress DXF files to 90% in size, and the processing speed of PDA was improved. The forest geographic information management system can be used to manage sample plots on which forest inventory is done, with the help of the sub-menus and grid index values with position information received from GPS. Forest workers can in quire forest geographic information such as forest type, location, forest roads, soil erosion control dams using forest geographic information management system in the field. The forest geographic information management system can provide current position and mobile path information to people who enjoy forest related activities like mountain-climbing, sightseeing, and visiting to historic spots.

Re-establishing the Antecedent Moisture Condition of NRCS-CN Method Considering Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics in Watershed Based on Antecedent 5-Day Rainfall (유역의 강우-유출 특성을 고려한 NRCS-CN 방법의 선행토양함수조건의 재설정: 선행5일강우량을 기준으로)

  • Yoo, Ji-Young;Moon, Geon-Woo;Ahn, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.849-858
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    • 2014
  • The mount of antecedent 5-day rainfall (P5) is usually used to determine the antecedent soil moisture condition for estimating effective rainfall using the NRCS-CN method. In order to re-establish the threshold of P5 considering basin characteristics, this study investigated the sensitivity of the threshold of P5 to effective rainfall by comparing the corresponding observed direct runoff. The overall results indicate that the direct runoff estimated using the re-establihed threshold of P5 has smaller mean error (RMSE of 27.3 mm) than those using the conventional threshold (RMSE of 35.2 mm). In addition, after evaluating the effectiveness of threshold of P5 using the improvement index, the threshold re-established in this study improved the ability to estimate the direct runoff by 30% on average. This study also suggested to employ regression models using topographic indices to re-establish the threshold for ungauged basins. When using the re-established threshold from the regression model, the RMSE decreased ranging from 0.4 mm to 15.1 mm and the efficiency index of Nash and Sutcliffe increased up to 0.33.

Carbon stocks and factors affecting their storage in dry Afromontane forests of Awi Zone, northwestern Ethiopia

  • Gebeyehu, Getaneh;Soromessa, Teshome;Bekele, Tesfaye;Teketay, Demel
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.43-60
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    • 2019
  • Background: Tropical montane forests played an important role in the provision of ecosystem services. The intense degradation and deforestation for the need of agricultural land expansion result in a significant decline of forest cover. However, the expansion of agricultural land did not completely destruct natural forests. There remain forests inaccessible for agricultural and grazing purpose. Studies on these forests remained scant, motivating to investigate biomass and soil carbon stocks. Data of biomass and soils were collected in 80 quadrats ($400m^2$) systematically in 5 forests. Biomass and disturbance gradients were determined using allometric equation and disturbance index, respectively. The regression modeling is employed to explore the spatial distribution of carbon stock along disturbance and environmental gradients. Correlation analysis is also employed to identify the relation between site factors and carbon stocks. Results: The result revealed that a total of 1655 individuals with a diameter of ${\geq}5cm$, representing 38 species, were measured in 5 forests. The mean aboveground biomass carbon stocks (AGB CS) and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks at 5 forests were $191.6{\pm}19.7$ and $149.32{\pm}6.8Mg\;C\;ha^{-1}$, respectively. The AGB CS exhibited significant (P < 0.05) positive correlation with SOC and total nitrogen (TN) stocks, reflecting that biomass seems to be a general predictor of SOCs. AGB CS between highly and least-disturbed forests was significantly different (P < 0.05). This disturbance level equates to a decrease in AGB CS of 36.8% in the highly disturbed compared with the least-disturbed forest. In all forests, dominant species sequestrated more than 58% of carbon. The AGB CS in response to elevation and disturbance index and SOC stocks in response to soil pH attained unimodal pattern. The stand structures, such as canopy cover and basal area, had significant positive relation with AGB CS. Conclusions: Study results confirmed that carbon stocks of studied forests were comparable to carbon stocks of protected forests. The biotic, edaphic, topographic, and disturbance factors played a significant variation in carbon stocks of forests. Further study should be conducted to quantify carbon stocks of herbaceous, litter, and soil microbes to account the role of the whole forest ecosystem.

Detection of the Coastal Wetlands Using the Sentinel-2 Satellite Image and the SRTM DEM Acquired in Gomsoman Bay, West Coasts of South Korea (Sentinel-2 위성영상과 SRTM DEM을 활용한 연안습지 탐지: 서해안 곰소만을 사례로)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;KIM, Kyoung-Seop;PARK, Insun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 2021
  • In previous research, the coastal wetlands were detected by using the vegetation indices or land cover classification maps derived from the multispectral bands of the satellite or aerial imagery, and this approach caused the various limitations for detecting the coastal wetlands with high accuracy due to the difficulty of acquiring both land cover and topographic information by using the single remote sensing data. This research suggested the efficient methodology for detecting the coastal wetlands using the sentinel-2 satellite image and SRTM(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM (Digital Elevation Model) acquired in Gomsoman Bay, west coasts of South Korea through the following steps. First, the NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index) image was generated using the green and near-infrared bands of the given Sentinel-2 satellite image. Then, the binary image that separating lands and waters was generated from the NDWI image based on the pixel intensity value 0.2 as the threshold and the other binary image that separating the upper sea level areas and the under sea level areas was generated from the SRTM DEM based on the pixel intensity value 0 as the threshold. Finally, the coastal wetland map was generated by overlaying analysis of these binary images. The generated coastal wetland map had the 94% overall accuracy. In addition, the other types of wetlands such as inland wetlands or mountain wetlands were not detected in the generated coastal wetland map, which means that the generated coastal wetland map can be used for the coastal wetland management tasks.

A Study on the Cloud Detection Technique of Heterogeneous Sensors Using Modified DeepLabV3+ (DeepLabV3+를 이용한 이종 센서의 구름탐지 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Jeong;Ko, Yun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_1
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    • pp.511-521
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    • 2022
  • Cloud detection and removal from satellite images is an essential process for topographic observation and analysis. Threshold-based cloud detection techniques show stable performance because they detect using the physical characteristics of clouds, but they have the disadvantage of requiring all channels' images and long computational time. Cloud detection techniques using deep learning, which have been studied recently, show short computational time and excellent performance even using only four or less channel (RGB, NIR) images. In this paper, we confirm the performance dependence of the deep learning network according to the heterogeneous learning dataset with different resolutions. The DeepLabV3+ network was improved so that channel features of cloud detection were extracted and learned with two published heterogeneous datasets and mixed data respectively. As a result of the experiment, clouds' Jaccard index was low in a network that learned with different kind of images from test images. However, clouds' Jaccard index was high in a network learned with mixed data that added some of the same kind of test data. Clouds are not structured in a shape, so reflecting channel features in learning is more effective in cloud detection than spatial features. It is necessary to learn channel features of each satellite sensors for cloud detection. Therefore, cloud detection of heterogeneous sensors with different resolutions is very dependent on the learning dataset.

A Theoretical Study on the Landscape Development by Different Erosion Resistance Using a 2d Numerical Landscape Evolution Model (침식저항도 차이에 따른 지형발달 및 지형인자에 대한 연구 - 2차원 수치지형발달모형을 이용하여 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Eun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2022
  • A pre-existing landform is created by weathering and erosion along the bedrock fault and the weak zone. A neotectonic landform is formed by neotectonic movements such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and Quaternary faults. It is difficult to clearly distinguish the landform in the actual field because the influence of the tectonic activity in the Korean Peninsula is relatively small, and the magnitude of surface processes (e.g., erosion and weathering) is intense. Thus, to better understand the impact of tectonic activity and distinguish between pre-existing landforms and neotectonic landforms, it is necessary to understand the development process of pre-existing landforms depending on the bedrock characteristics. This study used a two-dimensional numerical landscape evolution model (LEM) to study the spatio-temporal development of landscape according to the different erodibility under the same factors of climate and the uplift rate. We used hill-slope indices (i.e., relief, mean elevation, and slope) and channels (i.e., longitudinal profile, normalized channel steepness index, and stream order) to distinguish the difference according to different bedrocks. As a result of the analysis, the terrain with high erosion potential shows low mean elevation, gentle slope, low stream order, and channel steepness index. However, the value of the landscape with low erosion potential differs from that with high erodibility. In addition, a knickpoint came out at the boundary of the bedrock. When researching the actual topography, the location around the border of difference in bedrock has only been considered a pre-existing factor. This study suggested that differences in bedrock and various topographic indices should be comprehensively considered to classify pre-existing and active tectonic topography.

Stand Structure and Dynamics in Forests around Nari Basin of Ulleung Island, Korea (울릉도 나리분지 주변 산림의 임분구조 및 동태)

  • Chung, Jae-Min;Hwang, Sun-Mi;Kim, Yoo-Mi;Shin, Jae-Kwon;Kim, Myong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2010
  • For the sustainable conservation of forests within and around the somma of Nari basin in Ulleung Island, the stand structure and dynamics with the aspect, altitude and stand types were estimated by using analyses of importance value, plant species diversity, S$\o$rensen's similarity index and distributions of diameter classes. Results of the importance value analysis with vegetation stories on each stand showed that Fagus engleriana and Acer okamotoanum were dominant in most stands regardless of the aspect and altitude of the forest around the somma of Nari basin and the plant species composition among stands was not significantly different. The forest within Nari basin was composed of pine, beech, alder and deciduous-mixed stand. Moreover, the species composition was greatly different among the four stands. The diversity of plant species within stand was in general higher within Nari basin than around the somma, and among stands within Nari basin, the plant species diversity of pine and deciduous-mixed stand showed higher values than that of beech and alder stands. The similarity index among stands with aspect and altitude showed that the index among stands of eastern, western and northern slope in forest around the somma and forest within the basin ranged from 0.68 to 0.69, and the similarity among four stands with altitude was very high having index range from 0.85 to 0.95. The patterns of diameter class distribution of the major dominant species from four altitude classes followed an almost normal bell-shaped distribution. The results were interpreted as an indication that these forests will in general maintain a stable stand structure. Therefore, despite diverse topographic features around Nari basin, the stand structure and plant species composition among stands were not diversified as expected. For the conservation of diversity of forest plant species and of forest ecosystems, a promising and intensive program should be considered.