• 제목/요약/키워드: Through operation

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공해의 상공비행에 관한 국제법 (International Law on the Flight over the High Seas)

  • 김한택
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.3-30
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    • 2011
  • 1982년 UN해양법협약 제86조에 의하면 공해는 영해와 내수는 물론이고 접속수역, 배타적 경제수역이 아닌 수역을 의미하므로 기존의 공해였던 부분이 상당히 연안국관할권 하에 놓이게 되었다. 이와 같은 공해의 상공비행과 관련된 국제법에 관한 사항으로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있다. 첫째, 항공기의 국적에 관하여 1944년 시카고협약 제17조에 의하면 항공기는 등록한 국가의 국적을 갖는다. 여기서 항공법이 해양법과 구별되는 측면이 있는데, 선박에는 통용되는 '편의치적'(便宜置籍 또는 편의기국, flags of convenience)이 항공기에는 적용되지 않기 때문에 항공기에 대한 실질적 소유와 효과적 통제가 유지된다. 둘째, UN해양법협약 제95조는 공해상 군함의 면제권에 대하여 설명하고 있는데, 공해에 있는 군함은 기국외의 어떠한 국가의 관할권으로부터도 완전히 면제된다고 규정하고 있다. 따라서 군용항공기(또는 군용기)의 경우도 이에 준하는 면책권을 향유한다고 해석할 수 있다. 셋째, UN해양법협약은 해적에 관한 정의를 제101조에 명시하고 있는데, 해적행위가 공해상의 선박에 대하여 행해 질 경우, 공해상의 선박뿐만 아니라 항공기에 의해서도 행해질 수 있음을 분명히 하고 있다. 넷째, UN해양법협약 제111조는 추적권에 관하여 상세하게 규정하고 있는데 이러한 추적권은 군함이나 군용항공기 또는 기타 정부역무에 종사함이 명백히 표시되고 식별되며 이에 대한 권한이 부여된 선박이나 항공기에 의해서만 행사되어질수 있음을 명시하여 선박 뿐 아니라 항공기에 의해서 추적이 행사될 수 있음을 규정하고 있다. 다섯째, UN해양법협약 제110조는 임검권(right of approach)에 관하여 설명하고 있는데, 외국선박을 공해에서 만난 군함은 일정 혐의를 가지고 있다는 합리적 근거가 있는 한 그 선박을 임검하는 것은 정당화되는데, 이러한 규정은 군용항공기에도 준용되고, 이러한 규정은 또한 정부 업무에 사용 중인 것으로 명백히 표시되어 식별이 가능하며 정당하게 권한이 부여된 그 밖의 모든 선박이나 항공기에도 적용된다. 여섯째, 1982년 UN해양법협약은 해양오염과 항공기의 관계를 규정하고 있는데, 제212조는 대기에 의한 또는 대기를 통한 오염을 규정하고, 제222조는 대기에 의한 또는 대기를 통한 오염관련 법령집행을 규정하고 있고, UN해양법협약은 제1항에서 '투기'(dumping)에 의한 오염을 규정하고 있는데 각 조항은 자국기를 게양하고 있는 선박 또는 자국에 등록된 선박뿐만 아니라 항공기에도 적용되는 법령을 채택한다고 규정하고 있다. 일곱 번째, 공해상공에서 발생한 범죄에 관하여 국제민간항공기구(ICAO)의 주관하에 1963년 도쿄에서 개최된 회의에서 이러한 문제를 종합적으로 해결한 협약인 도쿄협약이 제정되었다. 또한 ICAO의 주관 하에 하이재킹문제를 해결하기 위하여 1970년 12월 16일 헤이그협약이 체결되었으며, 사보타지문제를 해결하기 위하여 ICAO에 의해서 1971년 9월 23일 몬트리올협약이 체결되었다. 도쿄협약, 헤이그협약, 몬트리올협약 모두 공해상에서 발생한 범죄에 대하여 항공기의 기국관할권(flag State jurisdiction)을 인정하고 있다. 여덟 번째, 공해상에서 연안국의 영토에 진입하지 않고 실시하는 정찰행위는 국제법 위반행위가 아니다. 이는 관련항공기의 공해상 정찰행위는 연안국 영토를 침범하지 않고 행해지는 것으로 공해상공비행의 자유가 우선적으로 적용되기 때문이다. 아홉 번째, 연안국에 의한 공해상 설치된 '방공식별구역'(또는 방공확인구역, Air Defence Identification Zone: ADIZ)이 국제법상 합법적인가 하는 문제가 있는데, 이에 관하여 합의된 결론은 없고, 실제로 실행국가의 국내법에 따라 규율되고 있다. 마지막으로 북극해는 얼어있는 바다가 대부분이므로 북극해의 상공비행은 공해의 상공비행과 유사하다. 20세기후반부터 아시아, 북아메리카, 유럽을 잇는 항공로가 북극을 경유하도록 고안되었는데, 매우 추운 지방임에도 불구하고 지금까지 북극 항공노선에서 사고가 발생한 경우는 없다. 그러나 최근 기후온난화로 얼음이 녹기시작하면서 북극을 이용한 선박의 해로가 개발되면서 북극에 대한 자원개방을 둘러싼 연안국가들의 관할권주장이 열기를 띠고 있으므로 배타적 경제수역(EEZ)과 같은 연안국들의 해역선포는 북극해 비행에 지대한 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것이다.

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항공법규에서의 승무원 피로관리기준 도입방안에 관한 연구 - ICAO, FAA, EASA 기준을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Legal Proposal of Crew's Fatigue Management in the Aviation Regulations)

  • 이구희;황호원
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.29-73
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    • 2012
  • 승무원의 피로로 인한 항공기 사고를 방지하기 위해서는 종합적인 안전체계 구축이 필요하며 승무원에 대한 보다 과학적인 피로관리가 요구된다. 최근 ICAO, FAA, EASA는 조종사 피로관리 증진을 위하여 심층 연구와 함께 법규 개정작업을 활발히 진행하고 있다. 승무원 피로관리에 대한 국제 표준 및 권고방식 (SARPs)은 ICAO Annex 6에 근거를 두고 있다. 승무원 피로관리 관련하여 각 체약국의 적용기준의 근간이 되는 Annex 6의 피로관리 내용은 초판 발행(1969년) 이후 약 40년 동안 주목할 만한 개정 내용이 없었다. 그러나 최근 피로관리 중요성 부각과 함께, 2009년 Annex 6 33A 개정 시 근무시간 제한 추가 및 피로관리 가이드가 반영 되었고, 이어서 2011년 Annex 6 35차 개정 시 승무원에 대한 피로위험관리(FRMS) 적용 근거를 마련하는 획기적인 변화가 있었다. Annex 6에 의하면, 승무원 피로관리를 위하여 항공당국은 두 가지 기준 수립 의무가 있으며 운영자는 세 가지 적용기준 중 택일하여 준수할 의무를 가진다. 즉, 항공당국은 두 가지 ((1) 비행시간 비행근무시간 근무시간 제한 및 휴식시간 기준, (2) 피로위험관리(FRMS) 규정) 기준 수립을 해야 하고, 항공사는 항공당국이 수립한 기준을 근거로 세 가지 ((1) 비행시간 비행근무시간 근무시간 제한 및 휴식시간 기준 적용, (2) FRMS 적용 (3) 비행시간 비행근무시간 근무시간 제한 및 휴식시간 기준과 FRMS 적용 혼용) 중 택일하여 승무원 피로관리 기준을 준수한다. ICAO 동향에 맞추어 FAA는 미 의회의 'Airline Safety and FAA Extension Act of 2010' 통과로 우선 피로위험관리플랜(FRMP) 제도를 도입하였으며, 미연방항공법 개정 입법예고(NPRM)에 이어 최종 법규(Final rule)를 공포하여 2014.1.4.부터는 Flag, Domestic, Supplemental operations 시 승무원이 각각 다르게 적용하던 차이가 없어지고 동일한 기준을 적용하게 된다. 또한 EASA는 승무원 피로관리 관련하여 EASA 회원국이 준수할 진일보한 통합규정안을 입법예고(NPA)했으며 조만간 최종 법규 확정 및 적용이 예상된다. 국제민간항공협약 체약국인 한국도 상기와 같은 국제 환경 변화에 대응하여 SARPs에 입각한 제도 보완 및 항공법규에 승무원 피로관리 적용기준 마련이 불가피하다. 따라서 국제민간항공협약 Annex에서 정한 승무원 피로관리의 구체적인 내용과 발전과정을 고찰하고, 승무원 피로관리에 대한 주요 현안 및 쟁점사항에 대하여 최근 ICAO, FAA, EASA 기준을 심층 비교분석한 결과를 토대로 국내 기준 도입 방안을 제시하였다. 본 논문이 현 제도의 미흡한 부분을 보완하고 불합리한 제한기준을 과감히 삭제하는데 도움을 주고, 아울러 국제 표준 준수 및 항공안전 발전에 기여하길 기대한다. 합리적인 피로관리 기준 수립 및 이행방법에 있어 가장 중요한 요소는 모든 관계자들의 협조체계 구축을 통한 기준 도입 및 효율적인 적용이다. 항공당국은 법규 제정자나 감독관이 아닌 전문가적 조언자나 파트너로 전환해야 하며, 운영자는 다양한 피로요인 관리 필요성을 인식하고 적용하여야 하며, 승무원은 피로에 대하여 책임감을 가지고 피로관리를 해야 한다. 법규 제정자, 전문가, 과학자, 운영자, 승무원 및 노사가 상호 신뢰를 바탕으로 함께 개선코자 노력할 때 실질적인 개선 및 질적 향상을 기대할 수 있을 것이다.

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도입주체에 따른 인터넷경로의 도입효과 (The Impact of the Internet Channel Introduction Depending on the Ownership of the Internet Channel)

  • 유원상
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2009
  • The Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced in May 2008 that U.S. retail e-commerce sales for 2006 reached $ 107 billion, up from $ 87 billion in 2005 - an increase of 22 percent. From 2001 to 2006, retail e-sales increased at an average annual growth rate of 25.4 percent. The explosive growth of E-Commerce has caused profound changes in marketing channel relationships and structures in many industries. Despite the great potential implications for both academicians and practitioners, there still exists a great deal of uncertainty about the impact of the Internet channel introduction on distribution channel management. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the ownership of the new Internet channel affects the existing channel members and consumers. To explore the above research questions, this study conducts well-controlled mathematical experiments to isolate the impact of the Internet channel by comparing before and after the Internet channel entry. The model consists of a monopolist manufacturer selling its product through a channel system including one independent physical store before the entry of an Internet store. The addition of the Internet store to this channel system results in a mixed channel comprised of two different types of channels. The new Internet store can be launched by the independent physical store such as Bestbuy. In this case, the physical retailer coordinates the two types of stores to maximize the joint profits from the two stores. The Internet store also can be introduced by an independent Internet retailer such as Amazon. In this case, a retail level competition occurs between the two types of stores. Although the manufacturer sells only one product, consumers view each product-outlet pair as a unique offering. Thus, the introduction of the Internet channel provides two product offerings for consumers. The channel structures analyzed in this study are illustrated in Fig.1. It is assumed that the manufacturer plays as a Stackelberg leader maximizing its own profits with the foresight of the independent retailer's optimal responses as typically assumed in previous analytical channel studies. As a Stackelberg follower, the independent physical retailer or independent Internet retailer maximizes its own profits, conditional on the manufacturer's wholesale price. The price competition between two the independent retailers is assumed to be a Bertrand Nash game. For simplicity, the marginal cost is set at zero, as typically assumed in this type of study. In order to explore the research questions above, this study develops a game theoretic model that possesses the following three key characteristics. First, the model explicitly captures the fact that an Internet channel and a physical store exist in two independent dimensions (one in physical space and the other in cyber space). This enables this model to demonstrate that the effect of adding an Internet store is different from that of adding another physical store. Second, the model reflects the fact that consumers are heterogeneous in their preferences for using a physical store and for using an Internet channel. Third, the model captures the vertical strategic interactions between an upstream manufacturer and a downstream retailer, making it possible to analyze the channel structure issues discussed in this paper. Although numerous previous models capture this vertical dimension of marketing channels, none simultaneously incorporates the three characteristics reflected in this model. The analysis results are summarized in Table 1. When the new Internet channel is introduced by the existing physical retailer and the retailer coordinates both types of stores to maximize the joint profits from the both stores, retail prices increase due to a combination of the coordination of the retail prices and the wider market coverage. The quantity sold does not significantly increase despite the wider market coverage, because the excessively high retail prices alleviate the market coverage effect to a degree. Interestingly, the coordinated total retail profits are lower than the combined retail profits of two competing independent retailers. This implies that when a physical retailer opens an Internet channel, the retailers could be better off managing the two channels separately rather than coordinating them, unless they have the foresight of the manufacturer's pricing behavior. It is also found that the introduction of an Internet channel affects the power balance of the channel. The retail competition is strong when an independent Internet store joins a channel with an independent physical retailer. This implies that each retailer in this structure has weak channel power. Due to intense retail competition, the manufacturer uses its channel power to increase its wholesale price to extract more profits from the total channel profit. However, the retailers cannot increase retail prices accordingly because of the intense retail level competition, leading to lower channel power. In this case, consumer welfare increases due to the wider market coverage and lower retail prices caused by the retail competition. The model employed for this study is not designed to capture all the characteristics of the Internet channel. The theoretical model in this study can also be applied for any stores that are not geographically constrained such as TV home shopping or catalog sales via mail. The reasons the model in this study is names as "Internet" are as follows: first, the most representative example of the stores that are not geographically constrained is the Internet. Second, catalog sales usually determine the target markets using the pre-specified mailing lists. In this aspect, the model used in this study is closer to the Internet than catalog sales. However, it would be a desirable future research direction to mathematically and theoretically distinguish the core differences among the stores that are not geographically constrained. The model is simplified by a set of assumptions to obtain mathematical traceability. First, this study assumes the price is the only strategic tool for competition. In the real world, however, various marketing variables can be used for competition. Therefore, a more realistic model can be designed if a model incorporates other various marketing variables such as service levels or operation costs. Second, this study assumes the market with one monopoly manufacturer. Therefore, the results from this study should be carefully interpreted considering this limitation. Future research could extend this limitation by introducing manufacturer level competition. Finally, some of the results are drawn from the assumption that the monopoly manufacturer is the Stackelberg leader. Although this is a standard assumption among game theoretic studies of this kind, we could gain deeper understanding and generalize our findings beyond this assumption if the model is analyzed by different game rules.

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골반골의 악성 골종양의 재건술에서 체외 열처리를 이용한 재활용 자가골 이식술 및 인공 관절 치환술을 시행한 3례 보고 (Recycling Bone Autotransplantation with Extracorporeal Heat-Treatment for Malignant Bone Tumors of Pelvis)

  • 김세훈;이상훈;조환성;김한수
    • 대한골관절종양학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2003
  • 연구계획: 골반골의 악성골종양의 재건술에서 체외열처리를 이용한 재활용 자가골 이식술 및 인공 관절 치환술을 시행한 3례의 후향적 연구 연구목적: 골반골의 악성골종양의 재건술에서 체외열처리를 이용한 재활용 자가골 이식술 및 인공 관절 치환술이 골반골의 재건에 있어 그 유용성을 알아보고자 하였다. 증례: 증 례 1~20세 여자 환자로 3개월 전부터 시작된 우측 고관절부와 대퇴부 동통을 주소로 외부 병원에서 우측 장골에 소파술 및 골 시멘트 충전술 시행 후 악성 골종양으로 진단하에 술 후 방사선 치료 6회 시행 후 전원되어 우측 장골 광범위 절제술 및 섭씨 132도에서 2분간 열처리 후 자가골 재삽입술 시행하고 우측 고관절의 인공 관절 치환술 (ABG$^{(R)}$)을 병행하였다. 수술 당시 전이의 증거는 없었으며 술후 조직 병리 검사상 고분화 골육종 진단되었으며 술전 또는 술후 화학 요법은 시행하지 않았다. 증 례2~56세 여자 환자로 약 3개월 전부터 시작된 우측 대퇴부 동통으로 방사선 검사상 이상 발견되어 전원 후 절개 생검 시행하였다. 결과상 골육종 진단되어 우측 골반골 광범위 절제술 후 섭씨 6 5도 하에서 3 0분간 저온 열처리 후 자가골 삽입 고정술 시행하고 우측 고관절에 대하여 인공 관절 치환술 (ABG$^{(R)}$)을 병행하였다. 수술 당시 전이의 증거는 없었으며 술 후 조직 병리 검사상 고등급 섬유모세포형의 골육종이 진단되었다. 술후 화학 요법은 HDMTX, ADR, CDDP으로 시행하였다. 증 례 3~46세 여자 환자로 우연히 발견된 좌측 장골의 종괴로 연골육종 의심 하에 좌측 골반골 광범위 절제술 후 섭씨 65도 하에서 30분간 저온 열처리 후 자가골 삽입 고정술 시행하고 좌측 고관절에 대하여 인공 관절 치환술 (Protek$^{(R)}$)을 병행하였다. 수술 당시 전이의 증거는 없었으며 술후 조직 병리 검사상 II/III 등급의 연골육종이 진단되었다. 결과: 최종 추시상 각 증례의 종양학적 및 기능적 결과는 증례 1은 7년 추시상 국소적 재발이 없는 상태였으며 Ennecking 등에 따른 기능적 평가 지수에서 53%로 평가되었다. 방사선 추시상 약 1년에서 1년 6개월 사이에 골유합이 관찰되었으며 최종 추시시 장골의 재건 금속판의 파괴 소견이 보였으나 환자의 증상과 연관되지는 않았다. 증례 2는 3년 6개월 추시상 국소적 및 원격 재발이 없는 상태였으며 기능적 평가 지수는 60%로 평가되었다. 증례 3은 7개월 추시상 국소적 및 원격 재발이 없는 상태였으며 기능적 평가 지수는 63%로 평가되었다. 결론: 체외 열처리를 이용한 재활용 자가골 이식술 및 인공 관절 치환술을 시행한 3례에서 비교적 만족할만한 종양학적 및 기능적 결과를 보였으며 한국에서 동종 골 이식술이 어려운 점을 감안할 때 이 방법은 골반골을 재건하는데 한 방법이 될 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.

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관상동맥우회술 시 사용된 박동성펌프$(T-PLS^{TM})$와 비박동성펌프$(Bio-pump^{TM})$의 비교연구 (The Comparative Study of on Pump CABG during Pulsatile $(T-PLS^{TM})$ and Nonpulsatile $(Bio-pump^{TM})$ Perfusion)

  • 박영우;허균;임재웅;신화균;원용순
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제39권5호
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    • pp.354-358
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    • 2006
  • 배경: 체외순환에 사용되는 박동성 펌프는 비박동성 펌프에 비해 조직관류가 좋지만 혈구손상이 많다고 알려져 왔다. 관상동맥우회술 시 박동성 펌프인 $T-PLS^{TM}$(이중 박동성 인공심폐기)와 비박동성 펌프인 $Bio-pump^{TM}$의 임상결과를 비교하여 $T-PLS^{TM}$의 안전성 및 장단점을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2003년 4월부터 2005년 6월까지 관상동맥우회술을 시행 받은 40명을 대상으로 하였다. $T-PLS^{TM}$을 이용하여 관상동맥 우회술을 시행 받은 환자는 20명이었고 $Bio-pump^{TM}$을 이용하여 관상동맥우회술을 시행 받은 환자는 20명이었다. 수술은 모든 환자에서 심폐체외순환하에서 박동하여 시행하였다. 수술 전 위험인자와 수술 중 상태, 술 후 결과를 비교하였다. 결과: 두 군 간 연령, 남녀비, 당뇨, 고혈압, 흡연력 및 폐쇄성 폐질환, 심근경색, 신부전 등 술 전 위험요소는 차이가 없었다. 수술시간, 심폐기 사용시간, 사용한 우회도관 및 문합한 관상동맥분지는 두 군에서 차이가 없었다. 수술 중 수축기 동맥압, 이완기 동맥압, 평균동맥압은 두 군 간 차이는 없었지만 맥박압은 $T-PLS^{TM}$군에서 높게 측정되었다$(46{\pm}15\;mmHg\;in\;T-PLS^{TM}\;vs\;35{\pm}13\;mmHg\;in\;Bio-pump^{TM},\;p<0.05)$. 수술 중 소변량은 $T-PLS^{TM}$군에서 높은 경향이 있었지만 통계적 의미는 없었다$(9.7{\pm}3.9\;in\;T-PLS^{TM}\;versus\;8.9{\pm}3.6\;in\;Bio-pump^{TM},\;p=0.20)$. 수술 후 평균 호흡기 사용시간, 24시간 실혈량은 두 군간 차이는 없었다. 수술 후 유리혈장색소는 $T-PLS^{TM}$군에서 유의하게 낮게 측정되었다$(24.5{\pm}21.7\;mg/dL\;in\;T-PLS^{TM}\;vs\;46.8{\pm}23.0\;in\;Bio-pump^{TM},\;p<0.05)$. 수술 후 심근경색, 부정맥, 신부전, 뇌혈관질환 이환율은 두 군에서 차이가 없었다. 수술 후 사망은 $T-PLS^{TM}$군에서 1예(5%) 발생하였으나 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 결론: 박동성 혈류펌프인 $T-PLS^{TM}$를 이용하여 심폐기하 관상동맥 우회술을 시행하였다. 수술 중 기계오류에 의한 사고는 없었고 수술 후 임상경과가 $Bio-pump^{TM}$를 이용하여 수술한 경우와 차이가 없었다. 또한 박동성 혈류의 문제점이었던 혈구손상은 감소하였다. 저자들은 본 연구를 통해 $T-PLS^{TM}$의 안정성을 확인하였다.

계획된 간호 정보가 수면량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -개심술 환자를 중심으로- (The Effect of Structured Information on the Sleep Amount of Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery)

  • 이소우
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 1982
  • The main purpose of this study was to test the effect of the structured information on the sleep amount of the patients undergoing open heart surgery. This study has specifically addressed to the Following two basic research questions: (1) Would the structed in formation influence in the reduction of sleep disturbance related to anxiety and Physical stress before and after the operation? and (2) that would be the effects of the structured information on the level of preoperative state anxiety, the hormonal change, and the degree of behavioral change in the patients undergoing an open heart surgery? A Quasi-experimental research was designed to answer these questions with one experimental group and one control group. Subjects in both groups were matched as closely as possible to avoid the effect of the differences inherent to the group characteristics, Baseline data were also. collected on both groups for 7 days prior to the experiment and found that subjects in both groups had comparable sleep patterns, trait anxiety, hormonal levels and behavioral level. A structured information as an experimental input was given to the subjects in the experimental group only. Data were collected and compared between the experimental group and the control group on the sleep amount of the consecutive pre and post operative days, on preoperative state anxiety level, and on hormonal and behavioral changes. To test the effectiveness of the structured information, two main hypotheses and three sub-hypotheses were formulated as follows; Main hypothesis 1: Experimental group which received structured information will have more sleep amount than control group without structured information in the night before the open heart surgery. Main hypothesis 2: Experimental group with structured information will have more sleep, amount than control group without structured information during the week following the open heart surgery Sub-hypothesis 1: Experimental group with structured information will be lower in the level of State anxiety than control group without structured information in the night before the open heart surgery. Sub-hypothesis 2 : Experimental group with structured information will have lower hormonal level than control group without stuctured information on the 5th day after the open heart surgery Sub-hypothesis 3: Experimental group with structured information will be lower in the behavioral change level than control group without structured information during the week after the open heart surgery. The research was conducted in a national university hospital in Seoul, Korea. The 53 Subjects who participated in the study were systematically divided into experimental group and control group which was decided by random sampling method. Among 53 subjects, 26 were placed in the experimental group and 27 in the control group. Instruments; (1) Structed information: Structured information as an independent variable was constructed by the researcher on the basis of Roy's adaptation model consisting of physiologic needs, self-concept, role function and interdependence needs as related to the sleep and of operational procedures. (2) Sleep amount measure: Sleep amount as main dependent variable was measured by trained nurses through observation on the basis of the established criteria, such as closed or open eyes, regular or irregular respiration, body movement, posture, responses to the light and question, facial expressions and self report after sleep. (3) State anxiety measure: State Anxiety as a sub-dependent variable was measured by Spi-elberger's STAI Anxiety scale, (4) Hormornal change measure: Hormone as a sub-dependent variable was measured by the cortisol level in plasma. (5) Behavior change measure: Behavior as a sub-dependent variable was measured by the Behavior and Mood Rating Scale by Wyatt. The data were collected over a period of four months, from June to October 1981, after the pretest period of two months. For the analysis of the data and test for the hypotheses, the t-test with mean differences and analysis of covariance was used. The result of the test for instruments show as follows: (1) STAI measurement for trait and state anxiety as analyzed by Cronbachs alpha coefficient analysis for item analysis and reliability showed the reliability level at r= .90 r= .91 respectively. (2) Behavior and Mood Rating Scale measurement was analyzed by means of Principal Component Analysis technique. Seven factors retained were anger, anxiety, hyperactivity, depression, bizarre behavior, suspicious behavior and emotional withdrawal. Cumulative percentage of each factor was 71.3%. The result of the test for hypotheses show as follows; (1) Main hypothesis, was not supported. The experimental group has 282 minutes of sleep as compared to the 255 minutes of sleep by the control group. Thus the sleep amount was higher in experimental group than in control group, however, the difference was not statistically significant at .05 level. (2) Main hypothesis 2 was not supported. The mean sleep amount of the experimental group and control group were 297 minutes and 278 minutes respectively Therefore, the experimental group had more sleep amount as compared to the control group, however, the difference was not statistically significant at .05 level. Thus, the main hypothesis 2 was not supported. (3) Sub-hypothesis 1 was not supported. The mean state anxiety of the experimental group and control group were 42.3, 43.9 in scores. Thus, the experimental group had slightly lower state anxiety level than control group, howe-ver, the difference was not statistically significant at .05 level. (4) Sub-hypothesis 2 was not supported. . The mean hormonal level of the experimental group and control group were 338 ㎍ and 440 ㎍ respectively. Thus, the experimental group showed decreased hormonal level than the control group, however, the difference was not statistically significant at .05 level. (5) Sub-hypothesis 3 was supported. The mean behavioral level of the experimental group and control group were 29.60 and 32.00 respectively in score. Thus, the experimental group showed lower behavioral change level than the control group. The difference was statistically significant at .05 level. In summary, the structured information did not influence the sleep amount, state anxiety or hormonal level of the subjects undergoing an open heart surgery at a statistically significant level, however, it showed a definite trends in their relationships, not least to mention its significant effect shown on behavioral change level. It can further be speculated that a great degree of individual differences in the variables such as sleep amount, state anxiety and fluctuation in hormonal level may partly be responsible for the statistical insensitivity to the experimentation.

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Open Source를 이용한 MicroPACS의 구성과 활용 (Application of MicroPACS Using the Open Source)

  • 유연욱;김용근;김영석;원우재;김태성;김석기
    • 핵의학기술
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2009
  • 목적 : Small-scalled PACS, Pc-based PACS로 표현되는 MicroPACS 시스템 구축에 대한 관심도가 급격하게 증가하고 있는 추세이다. MicroPACS 시스템은 PACS를 작은 규모에서 사용할 수 있도록 구성해놓은 것이고, 이 시스템을 구성하기 위해서는 DICOM viewer나 연결프로그램 등이 필요하다. 이것은 공개소스프로그램(Open Source Program)을 통해서 어느 누구나 쉽게 무료로 다운로드를 받을 수 있게 되어있다. 본 논문은 Open source program으로 MicroPACS를 직접 구성해보았고, 저장매체로서의 활용가치를 측정하기위하여 성능, 안정성 측면에서 기존의 광 저장매체(CD, DVDRAM)와 비교 분석하였다. 실험재료 및 방법 : 1. 소형 PACS를 구축하기 위해서 먼저 다음 기준에 맞는 DICOM Server Software를 검색한다. (1) 윈도우체제에서 사용가능할 것. (2) Free ware일 것. (3) PET/CT scanner와 호환되어야 할 것. (4) 사용하기 쉬워야 할 것. (5) 저장의 한계가 없어야 할 것. 2. (1) MicroPACS의 성능을 평가하기 위해 환자 1명의 Data ($^{18}F$-FDG Torso PET/CT)를 현재 Back-up장치로 쓰이는 광 저장매체(CD, DVD-RAM)와 MicroPACS에 저장하는데 소요되는 시간(Back up time)과 workstation으로 복구되기까지의 시간(Retrieval time)을 비교해 보았다. (2) PET/CT 검사를 시행했던 환자 1명의 병록번호와 검사 시행날짜를 핵의학과 직원 7명을 대상으로 알려주고 Data를 찾는데 소요되는 시간을 MicroPACS와 광 저장매체(CD, DVD-RAM)에서 각각 측정하여 비교하였다. 3. 기존의 백업장치로 쓰였던 CD들 중에서 2004년부터 2006년까지 500장을 무작위로 뽑아서 loading을 하였고 그중에서 얼마만큼의 에러가 발생하였는지를 측정하여 MicroPACS의 안정성을 비교평가하였다. 결과 : 1. Server와 DICOM viewer 기능을 갖춘 11개의 open source software 중에서 Conquest DICOM Server를 선택하였다. 2. (1) Backup과 Retrieval 시간 비교(단위 : 분)는 다음과 같다; DVD-RAM(5.13,2.26)/Conquest DICOM Server (1.49,1.19) by GE DSTE (p<0.001), CD (6.12,3.61)/Conquest (0.82,2.23) by GE DLS (p<0.001), CD (5.88,3.25)/Conquest (1.05,2.06) by SIEMENS. (2) CD ($156{\pm}46$초), DVD-RAM ($115{\pm}21$초) and Conquest DICOM Server ($13{\pm}6$초). 3. 1년간 MicroPACS에서의 데이터손실은 없었으며(0%), 500장의 CD 중에서 14개(2.8%)가 Loading하는데 실패하였다. 결론 : 현재 많은 병원에서 도입되고 있는 Full PACS를 open source software를 통하여 소규모의 PACS로 재현해 보았고, 그 결과 가능하다는 결론이 나왔다. 데이터 저장의 유용성을 평가한 결과에서 MicroPACS를 이용하는 것이 기존의 광저장매체를 사용하는 것보다 효율적이고 작업속도가 향상 된다는 것을 확인할 수 있다.

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관상동맥-폐동맥 이상기시증(Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery from Pulmonary Artery)의 수술적 치료: 중기 성적과 좌심실 및 승모판 기능의 변화 양상에 대한 연구 (Surgical Treatment of Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery: Postoperative Changes of Ventricular Dimensions and Mitral Regurgitation)

  • 강창현;김웅한;서홍주;김재현;이철;장윤희;황성욱;백만종;오삼세;나찬영;한재진;이영탁;김종환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2004
  • 배경: 이 논문의 목적은 관상동맥-폐동맥 이상기시증의 수술적 치료의 중기 성적을 확인하고 수술 후 좌심실 기능과 승모판 폐쇄부전의 변화양상을 분석하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 1985년부터 2003년 까지 관상동맥-폐동맥 이상기시증으로 수술적 치료를 받은 15명의 환자들을 연구대상으로 하였다. 1998년 이전(9명)에는 다양한 수술방법을 사용하였으나, 1998년 이후(6명)부터는 1) 대동맥과 주폐동맥 양쪽 모두 관류와 심정지액 주입을 시행하였고, 2)관상동맥의 재이식 시 주폐동맥의 일부를 이용하여 도관을 만들어 대동맥에 연결하였고, 그리고 3)승모판 폐쇄부전은 특별한 수술적 교정을 시행하지 않았다. 결과: 대상 환자들의 연령의 중앙값은 6개월(1개월∼34년)이었다. 수술방법은 좌쇄골동맥-좌전행지 문합술이 1예, 좌관상동맥 결찰술이 2예, Takeuchi 술식이 2예, 그리고 관상동맥 재이식술이 10예에서 시행되었다. 평균추적관찰 기간은 5.5 $\pm$ 5.8년(2개월 ∼ 14년)이었으며, 수술 후 조기사망이 1예, 만기사망이 1예에서 발생하여 5년 생존율은 85.6$\pm$9.6%이었다. 수술전 좌심실 이완기말과 수축기말직경은 수술 후 3개월 이내에 의미있게 감소하였고(p<0.05), 수술 전 3도 이상의 의미 있는 승모판 폐쇄부전은 6예(40.0%)에서 관찰되었으나 모두 수술 후 1개월 이내에 2도 이하로 감소하였다. 3예의 환자에서 재수술이 필요하였으며 재수술의 원인은 관상동맥 문합부위의 협착과 승모판 폐쇄부전이었다. 그러나 1998년 이후의 환자군에서는 조기사망, 만기사망, 그리고 재수술 등의 예가 없었다. 결론: 관상동맥-폐동맥 이상기시증은 수술 후 만족할 만한 생존율과 좌심실직경의 감소와 그리고 승모판 폐쇄부전의 개선을 확인할 수 있었다 그러나 장기적으로 관상동맥의 문제가 승모판 폐쇄부전의 재발과 장기생존율에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 1998년 이후 단일화된 수술방침으로 시행한 결과 만족할 만한 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.

도서관조직의 기술혁신 및 행정혁신에 관한 조직상황론적 연구 (A Study on the Technical and Administrative Innovation of Library Organization in the Perspective of the Contingency Theory)

  • 홍현진
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제25권
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    • pp.343-388
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    • 1993
  • The ability of any organization to innovate itself in a rapid change of environment means the existence of the organization. Innovative activity is achieved in different ways according to the objectives of organization. the characteristics of external environmental factors. and various attributes in organization. In the present study. all the existing approaches to the innovative nature of organization were synthetically compared to each other and evaluated: then. for a more rational approach. a research model was built and suggested by establishing the inclusive variables of the innovative nature of library organization and categorizing the types of such nature. Additionally. an empirical. analytical study on such a model was done. That is. paying regard to the fact that innovation has basically a close relation with the circumstantial factors of organization. synthetic, circumstantial relations were clarified. considering the external environmental factors and internal characteristics of organization. In the study. the innovation of library organization was seen in two parts i.e .. the feasible degree of technical innovation and the feasible degree of administrative innovation. Regarding the types of innovative implementation. according to the feasible degree of innovation, four types such as a stationary type. technic-oriented type, organization-oriented type. and technical-socio systematic type were classified. There were nine independent variables-i.e., the scale of organization. available resources of the organization, formalization, differentiation, specialization. decentralization, recognizant degree of the technical attribute. degree of response to the change of technical environment, and professional activities. There were three subordinate variables - i.e., technical innovation, administrative innovation. and the performance of organization. Through establishment of such variables, the factors which might influence the innovation of library organization were understood, and with the types of the innovative implementation of library organization being classified according to the feasible degree of innovation. the characteristics of library organization were reviewed in the light of each type. Also. the performance of library organization according to the types of the innovative implementation of library organization was analyzed. and the relations between the types of innovative implementation according to circumstantial variables and the performance of library organization were clarified. In order to clarify the adequacy of the research model in the methodology of empirical study, data were collected from 72 university libraries and 38 special libraries. and for a hypothetical test of the research model. an analysis of correlations, a stepwise regression analysis. and One Way ANOVA were utilized. The following are the major results or findings from the study 1) It appeared there is a trend that the bigger the scale of organization and available resources are, the more active the professional activity of the managerial class is, and the higher the recognizant degree of technical environment (recognizant degree of technical attributes and the degree of response t9 the change of technical environment) is, the higher the feasible degree of innovation becomes. 2) It appeared that among the variables influencing the feasible degree of technical innovation, the order from the variable influencing most was first, the recognizant degree of technical innovation: second, the available resources of organization: and third, professional activity. Regarding the variables influencing the feasible degree of administrative innovation from the most influential variable, it appeared they were the available resources of organization, the differentiation of organization. and the degree of response to the change of technical environment. 3) It appeared that the higher the educational level of the managerial class is, the more active the professional activity becomes. It seemed there is a trend that the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at the middle level(three years to six years of experience) was more active in research activity than the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at a higher level(more than ten years). Also, it appeared there is a trend that the lower the age of library managers is, the higher the recognizant degree of technical attributes becomes. and the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at the middle level (three years to six years of experience) recognized more affirmatively the technical aspect than the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at a higher level(more than 10 years). Also, it appeared that, when the activity of the professional association and research activity are active, the recognizant degree of technology becomes higher, and as a result. it influences the innovative nature of organization(the feasible degree of technical innovation and the feasible degree of administrative innovation). 4) As a result of the comparison and analysis of the characteristics of library organization according to the types of innovative implementation of library organization. it was indicated there is a trend that the larger the available resources of library organization, the higher the organic nature of organization such as differentiation. decentralization, etc., and the higher the level of the operation of system development, the more the type of the innovative implementation of library organization becomes the technical-socio systematic type which is higher both in the practical degrees of technical innovation and administrative innovation. 5) As a result of the comparison and analysis of the relations between the types of innovative implementation and the performance of organization, it appeared that the order from the highest performance of organization is the technical-socio systematic type, then the technic-oriented type, the organization­oriented type, and finally the stationary type which is lowest in such performance. That is, it demonstrated that, since the performance of library organization is highest in the library of the technical-socio systematic type while it is lowest in the library whose practical degrees in both technical innovation and administrative innovation are low, the performance of library organization differs significantly according to the types of innovative implementation of library organization. The present study has extracted the factors influencing innovation, classified systematically the types of innovative implementation, and inferred the synthetical, circumstantial correlations between the types and the performance of organization, and empirically inspected those factors. However, due to the present study's restrictive matters and the limit of the research design, results from the study should be more prudently interpreted. Also, the present study, as an investigative study of the types of innovative implementation, with few preceding studies, requires more complete hypothetical inference based on the results of the present study. In other words, if more systematical studies are given to understanding the relations, it will devote the suggestion and demonstration of a more useful theory.

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정미기의 능률에 미치는 기계적 요인및 작동조건에 관한 연구 (Mechanical and Operational Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Rice Polishing Machines)

  • 노상하
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 1976
  • In analyzing the operational characteristics of a rice whitening machine, the internal radial pressure of the machine was measured using strain gage equipment. Changes in cylinder and feed screw configurations, screen type, cylinder speed and counter-pressure levels were examined to determine their impact on the quality and quantity of milled rice and the performance of the machine. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The internal radial pressure in the whitening chamber varied with the surface condition of the grain being processed. During the first or second pass through the machine, pressure was relatively low, reached a maximum after two to three passes with combinations I and II, three to six with combination III and then began to fall. 2. The pitch of the feed screw and the size of the feed gate opening which determine the rate of entry of grain into the whitening chamber, appeared to be the most important factor aff-::cting the degree of radial pressure, quality and quantity of milled rice and the efficiency of the machine. Using a feed screw with a wide pitch (4.8cm), radial pressure was relatively high and head rice recovery ratio \vere quite low. In this case capacity and machine effic?iency were much higher than obtained when using a feed screw with a narrow pitch (2.3cm). Very significant responses in radial pressure, head rice recovery rates and machine capacity were observed with changes in cylinder speed and counter-pressure levels when using the wide pitch feed screw. 3. The characteristics of the screen which surrounds the whitening chamber had an important effect on whitening efficiency. The existence of small protuberances on the original screen resulted in significant increases in both machine capacity and efficiency but without a significant decrease in head rice recovery or development of excessive radial pressure. Further work is required to determine the effects of screen surface conditions and the shape of the cylinderical steel roller on the rate of bran removal, machine efficiency and recovery rates. The size of the slotted perforations 0:1 the screen affects total milled rice recovery. The opening size on the original screen was fabricated to accommodate the round shape of Japonica rice varieties but was not suitable for the more slender Indica type. Milling Indica varieties with this screen resulted in a reduction in total milled rice recovery. 4. An increase in cylinder speed from 380 to 820 rpm produced a positive effect on head rice recovery for all machine combinations at every level of counter-pressure used in the tests. Head rice recovery was considerably lower at 380rpm using a wide screw pitch when compared to the results obtained at speeds from 600 to 820 r.p.m. The effects of cylinder speed On radial pressure, capacity and machine efficiency showed contrasting results, depending on the width of the feed screw pitch. With a narrow feed screw pitch (2.3cm), a direct proportional relationship was observed bet?ween cylinder speed and both radial pressure and machine efficiency. In contrast, using a 4.8 centimeter pitch feed roller produced a series of inverse relationships between the above variables. Based on the results of this study it is recommended when milling Indica type long grain rice varieties that the cylinder speed of the original machine be increased from 500-600 rmp up to a minimum of 800 rpm to obtain a greater abrasive effect between the grain and the screen. The pitch of the feed screw should be also reduced to decr?ease the level of internal radial pressure and to obtain higher machine efficiency and increased quality of milled rice with increased cylinder speeds. Further study on the interaction between cylinder speed and feed screw pitch is recommended. 5. An increase in the counter pressure level produced a negative effect On the head rice recovery with an increase in radial pressure, capacity, and machine efficiency over all combinations and at every level of cylinder speed. 6. Head rice recovery rates were conditioned primarily by the pressure inside the whitening chamber. According to the empirical cha racteristics curve developed in this study, the relationships of head rice recovery ($Y_h$) and machine capacity ($Y_c$/TEX>) to internal radial pressure ($X_p$) followed an inverse quadratic function and a linear function respectively: $$Y_h^\Delta=\frac{1}{{1.4383-0.2951X_p^\ast+0.1425X_p^{\ast\ast}}^2} , (R^2=0.98)$$$$Y_c^\Delta=-305.83+374.37X_p^{\ast\ast}, (R^2=0.88)$$The correlation between capacity and power consumption per unit of brown rice expressed in the following exponential function: $$Y_c^\Delta=1.63Y_c^{-0.7786^\{\ast\ast}, (R^2=0.94)$$These relationships indicate that when radial pressure increases above a certain range (1. 6 to 2.0 kg/$cm^2$ based On the results of the experiment) head ricerecovery decrea?ses in a quadratic relation with a inear increase in capacity but without any decrease in power consump tion per unit of brown rice. On the other hand, if radial pressure is below the range shown above, power consumption increases dramatically with a lin?ear decrease in capacity but without significant increases in head rice recovery. During the operation of a given whitening machine, the optimum radial pressure range or the correct capacity range should be selected by controlling the feed rate and/or counter-pressure keeping in mind the condition of the grain, particulary the hardness. It was observed that the total number of passes is related to radial pessure level, feed rate and counter-pressure level. The higher theradial pressure the fewer num?ber of pass required but with decreased head rice recovery. In particular, when using high feed rates, the total number of passes should be increased to more than three by reducing the counter-pressure level to avoid decreaseases in head rice recovery (less than 65 percent head rice recovery on the basis of brown rice) at every cylinder speed. 7. A rapid rise in grain temperature seemed to have a close relationship with the pressure generated inside the whitening chamber and, subsequently with head rice reco?very rates. The higher the rate of increase, the lower were the resulting head rice recoveries.