• 제목/요약/키워드: Threshold Method

검색결과 2,786건 처리시간 0.033초

Clutter Rejection Method using Background Adaptive Threshold Map (배경 적응적 문턱치 맵(Threshold Map)을 이용한 클러터 제거 기법)

  • Kim, Jieun;Yang, Yu Kyung;Lee, Boo Hwan;Kim, Yeon Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a robust clutter pre-thresholding method using background adaptive Threshold Map for the clutter rejection in the complex coastal environment. The proposed algorithm is composed of the use of Threshold Map's and method of its calculation. Additionally we also suggest an automatic decision method of Thresold Map's update. Experimental results on some sets of real infrared image sequence show that the proposed method could remove clutters effectively without any loss of detection rate for the aim target and reduce processing time dramatically.

Multilevel Threshold Selection Method Based on Gaussian-Type Finite Mixture Distributions (가우시안형 유한 혼합 분포에 기반한 다중 임계값 결정법)

  • Seo, Suk-T.;Lee, In-K.;Jeong, Hye-C.;Kwon, Soon-H.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.725-730
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    • 2007
  • Gray-level histogram-based threshold selection methods such as Otsu's method, Huang and Wang's method, and etc. have been widely used for the threshold selection in image processing. They are simple and effective, but take too much time to determine the optimal multilevel threshold values as the number of thresholds are increased. In this paper, we measure correlation between gray-levels by using the Gaussian function and define a Gaussian-type finite mixture distribution which is combination of the Gaussian distribution function with the gray-level histogram, and propose a fast and effective threshold selection method using it. We show the effectiveness of the proposed through experimental results applied it to three images and the efficiency though comparison of the computational complexity of the proposed with that of Otsu's method.

Cut Detection with Dynamic Threshold (동적 임계값을 이용한 컷 검출)

  • 윤인구;김우생
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 대한전자공학회 1998년도 추계종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.919-922
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    • 1998
  • A content-base search method is required for video which has an unformatted and huge size of data. The index techniue is necessary for the content-based search of the video data. The first step of the video indexing is a cut detection. We propose a dynamic threshold method which change a threshold value during the cut detection process. We demonstrate that the proposed method is more efficient than the existing methods.

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Comparison with Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of Menthol Cigarettes between Expert and Consumer Panel

  • Lee Seung-Yong;Lee Whan-Woo;Kim Young-Hoh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2006
  • Threshold limit value (TLV) test between expert and consumer panel was conducted about absolute, recognition and difference threshold respectively. And we tried to suggest appropriate and minimum acceptable menthol concentration level by consumer panel. Determination of threshold value was based on ASTM E 679-79 method by forced-choice ascending concentration series. In addition, a semi-ascending paired difference method was referred to conduct test. The group threshold value was determined as the value of geometric mean individual threshold. The smokers were dividend by two groups, trained and consumer panel. Trained panel was selected according to sensitivity to menthol discrimination. Consumer panel wasrecruited in proportion as population ratios including female smokers. They were all over twenty years old volunteers and summed up thirty four persons. In terms of sensor evaluation, overall difference test with seven-category scale by both trained and consumer panelists were done. On judging correct or incorrect answer, two by three cut-off levels applied to. Every test was conducted with two sessions, before smoking and during smoking period. And, only two samples served each paneI per test with regard to sensory fatigue and reliable results. All tests were replicated, and in total 32 times per panelist. In conclusion, the recognition threshold about consumer and expert panel was 358 ppm/cig. and 276 ppm/cig. in separately. Besides, absolute and difference thresholds were obtained also. And, we conduct difference threshold test with two different ways, upward and downward. And, The results of each method were 246, 195 ppm/cig., 1414, 1336 ppm/cig. and 1047, 972 ppm/cig.

An Automatic Contour Detection of 2-D Echocardiograms Using the Heat Anisotropic Diffusion Method (Heat Anisotropic Diffusion 방법을 이용한 2차원 심초음파도의 경계선 자동검출)

  • Shin, Dong-Jo;Jung, Jung-Wan;Kim, Hyouk;Kim, Dong-Youn
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1994년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 1994
  • The Heat Anisotropic Diffusion Method has shown very effective for the contour detection of 2-D echocardiogram. To implement this algorithm, we have to choose the parameter C, K, and the threshold level. The choice of C and K are not very sensitive for the good edge detection of the echocardiogram, however the choice of the threshold level is very critical. Until now the threshold level is chosen by the trial and error method. In this paper, we present an automatic threshold decision method from the histogram of the gradient of boundary-like pixels.

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Simulation Method of Temperature Dependent Threshold Voltage Shift in Metal Oxide Thin-film Transistors (온도에 의한 산화물 박막트랜지스터의 문턱전압 이동 시뮬레이션 방안)

  • Kwon, Seyong;Jung, Taeho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.154-159
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a numerical method to model temperature dependent threshold voltage shift observed in metal oxide thin-film transistors (TFTs). The proposed model is then implemented in AIM-SPICE circuit simulation tool. The proposed method consists of modeling the well-known stretched-exponential time dependent threshold voltage shift and their temperature dependent coefficients. The outputs from AIM-SPICE tool and the stretched-exponential model at different temperatures in the literature are compared and they show a good agreement. Since metal oxide TFTs are the promising candidate for flat panel displays, the proposed method will be a good stepping stone to help enhance reliability of fast-evolving display circuits.

Crop Field Extraction Method using NDVI and Texture from Landsat TM Images

  • Shibasaki, Ryosuke;Suzaki, Junichi
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 1998년도 Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 1998
  • Land cover and land use classification on a huge scale, e.g. national or continental scale, has become more and more important because environmental researches need land cover: And land use data on such scales. We developed a crop field extraction method, which is one of the steps in our land cover classification system for a huge area. Firstly, a crop field model is defined to characterize "crop field" in terms of NDVI value and textual information Textual information is represented by the density of straight lines which are extracted by wavelet transform. Secondly, candidates of NDVI threshold value are determined by "scale-space filtering" method. The most appropriate threshold value among the candidates is determined by evaluating the line density of the area extracted by the threshold value. Finally, the crop field is extracted by applying level slicing to Landsat TM image with the threshold value determined above. The experiment demonstrates that the extracted area by this method coincides very well with the one extracted by visual interpretation.

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Automatic Liver Segmentation of a Contrast Enhanced CT Image Using an Improved Partial Histogram Threshold Algorithm

  • Seo Kyung-Sik;Park Seung-Jin
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes an automatic liver segmentation method using improved partial histogram threshold (PHT) algorithms. This method removes neighboring abdominal organs regardless of random pixel variation of contrast enhanced CT images. Adaptive multi-modal threshold is first performed to extract a region of interest (ROI). A left PHT (LPHT) algorithm is processed to remove the pancreas, spleen, and left kidney. Then a right PHT (RPHT) algorithm is performed for eliminating the right kidney from the ROI. Finally, binary morphological filtering is processed for removing of unnecessary objects and smoothing of the ROI boundary. Ten CT slices of six patients (60 slices) were selected to evaluate the proposed method. As evaluation measures, an average normalized area and area error rate were used. From the experimental results, the proposed automatic liver segmentation method has strong similarity performance as the MSM by medical Doctor.

Development of Threshold Runoff Simulation Method for Runoff Analysis of Jeju Island (제주도 유출분석을 위한 한계유출 모의기법 개발)

  • Chung, Il-Moon;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Kim, Ji-Tae;Na, Han-Na;Kim, Nam-Won
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • 제20권10호
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    • pp.1347-1355
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    • 2011
  • In Jeju island, runoff has frequently happened when the rainfall depth is over a threshold value. To simulated this characteristic rainfall-runoff model structure has to be modified. In this study, the TRSM (Threshold Runoff Simulation Method) was developed to overcome the limitations of SWAT in applying to the hydrologic characteristics of Jeju island. When the precipitation and soil water are less than threshold value, we revised the SWAT routine not to make surface/lateral or groundwater discharge. For Hancheon watershed, the threshold value was set as 80% of soil water through the analysis of rainfall-runoff relationship. Through the simulation of test watershed, it was proven that TRSM performed much better in simulating pulse type stream flow for the Hancheon watershed.

Hardware Implementation of Part Binary Algorithm (부분 지역 이진화 알고리즘의 하드웨어 구현)

  • Lee, Sunbum;Kang, Bongsoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2015년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.163-164
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    • 2015
  • In order to decode the bar code image binarization process is indispensable. The traditional binarization method is a global threshold binarization and local threshold binarization. Global threshold binarization method using a single threshold. In some cases there is a blur, or if the brightness is different from the bar code image. Therefore, binary pattern information is not retained. Local threshold method is binaized pattern information is maintained but processing speed is slow than global threshold binarization. The algorithm for solving this problem, there is modified binary algorithm. In this paper, we proposed hardware IP implemented by Vivado of modified binary algorithm.

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