• Title/Summary/Keyword: Three Components

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Studies on the chemical and amino acid components of commercial and homemade soy sauce (시판 및 재래식 간장의 일반성분 및 아미노산 성분 연구)

  • 고영수
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 1986
  • This paper provides the analysis and the comparisons of three kinds of soy sauces based on the manufacturing sources. The main factors of this study are concentrated on general and amino acids components. Three samples represented as domestic market soy sauces, imported Japanese soy sauces and homemade soy sauce are analyzed and compared by Kjeldahl and AOAC method and amino acid autoanlyzer method which have the results as follows; 1. For total nitrogen and pure extract and sodium chloride known as general components, the domestic market soy sauces show the ranges of 0.85~1.51%, 11.37~17.4% and 16.03~17.43% and the imported soy sauce shows the ranges of 1.65~1.83%, 19.54~19.80%, 17.20~18.46% and the homemade soy sauce indicates 0.73%, 30.96% for each components. The results implicates that the homemade soy sauce contains less total nitrogen and pure extract while it contains more sodium chloride than the domestic market soy sauces. 2. The amount of total amino acids contained in each soy indicated the range of 3.864~6.883% for the domestic market soy sauce and the range of 7.705~7.839% for the imported soy sauce and 2.035% for the homemade soy sauce. Especially, 20~50% glutamic acids are contained in total amino acids of each soy sauces.

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Active Damping Characteristics on Virtual Series Resistances of LCL Filter for Three-phase Grid-connected Inverter (인덕터 내부저항을 고려한 LCL 필터의 능동댐핑 특성)

  • Kim, Yong-Jung;Kim, Hyosung
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2016
  • LCL filters are widely used in high-order harmonics attenuation of output currents in grid-connected inverters. However, output currents of grid-connected inverters with LCL filters can become unstable because of the resonance of the filters. Given that the characteristics of output currents in inverters mostly depend on filter performance, the exact analysis of filters by considering parasitic components is necessary for both harmonics attenuation and current control. LCL filters have three or four parasitic components: the series and/or parallel resistance of the filter capacitor and the series resistance of the two filter inductors. Most studies on LCL filters have focused on the parasitic components of the filter capacitor. Although several studies have addressed the parasitic components of the filter inductor at the inverter side, no study has yet investigated the concurrent effects of series resistance in both filter inductors in detail. This paper analyzes LCL filters by considering series resistance in both filter inductors; it proposes an active damping method based on the virtual series resistance of LCL filters. The performance of the proposed active damping is then verified through both simulation and experiment using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator(HILS).

Study on Cytotoxic Activities of the Essential Oil Compounds from Ligusticum chuanxiong against Some Human Cancer Strains (토천궁 정유 성분의 수종 사람 암 세포주에 대한 세포 독성)

  • Sim, Youn;Shin, Seung-Won
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.398-403
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    • 2011
  • Ligusticum chuanxiong (Umbelliferae) is a perennial herb that has been used for invigoration of blood in Korean traditional medicine. It is especially important in gynecological therapy of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. In this study, the essential oil of L. chuanxiong was obtained by steam distillation and its main components of L. chuanxiong, Z-ligustilide and butylidene phthalide, were isolated by silica gel column chromatography. We investigated the cytotoxic effects of the essential oil fraction of L. chuanxiong and its main components on MCF-7, HeLa and SK-Hep-1 cell lines by measuring the number of surviving cancer cells after treatment through direct cell counting and MTT analysis, and by examining the morphological changes under the microscope. The essential oil from the rhizomes of L. chuanxiong and its main components showed significant cytotoxic activities for all three tested cell lines. We also observed morphological changes of shrinking and blebbing in the membranes of the three cell lines, depending on the concentration of L. chaunxiong oil or its main components.

A Study of Components in Form-Based Codes of Small to Mid Cities in US - Focused on Zoning Codes Including Architectural Design Elements - (미국 중소도시의 형태기반코드 구성요소에 관한 연구 - 건축계획요소를 포함한 조닝코드 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sung-Yong;Ahn, Dong-Joon
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2018
  • Rapid urbanization has fostered development of modern cities. Although Conventional zoning played its role to control urban development, it also segregated land uses and created homogeneous development pattern. Mega cities with satellite bed towns has not shown their unique identity and characters. In order to develop comprehensive approach which may bring social and physical enhancement can be difficult to achieve by considering city as a two dimensions. On contrary, extensive analysis and proposals require an approach which can perceive city with three dimensions. Form-Based Codes (FBCs) are appeared as an alternative to conventional zoning with different design process and principles. FBCs approach urban place with three dimension and giving priority to form rather than land use. The purpose of this study was to analyze the necessity of FBCs and its concept, components and how this would change urban characteristics in the aspects of architectural design through analysis on 4 case studies for zoning codes of US cities. Through comparison of components in Form-Based Codes of 4 different cases, this study can show the reasons for differences in application of Form-Based Codes and how detailed components would play a role to establish better urban environments.

Grain Size Partitioning Using the Weibull Function and Origin of Fluvial Terrace Deposits (Weibull 함수를 이용한 입도 분리와 하안단구 퇴적층의 기원)

  • Park, Chung-Sun;Cho, Young-Dong;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2019
  • This study tries to reveal transport mechanism and origin of components from fluvial terrace deposits in Danyang and Geum River basins, through grain size partitioning using the Weibull function. Grain size parameters suggest that the samples analyzed in this study can be grouped into the coarse, fine and medium samples. The coarse samples are partitioned into three or four components. More than 65% of the coarse samples consist of components by suspension and saltation by fluvial process, while components by attachment to coarse grains or aggregates and/or by individual grains deposited under non-flow condition are also found in the coarse samples. The fine samples consist of four components and components found in loess deposits in Korea occupy >70%, suggestive of the same transport mechanisms (westerlies and winter monsoon) and common source areas with loess deposits in Korea. However, components by aeolian process from local sources as well as by fluvial process are also found in the fine samples. The medium samples are partitioned into components with similar sizes to the coarse and fine samples, respectively.

Simple Compromise Strategies in Multivariate Stratification

  • Park, Inho
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2013
  • Stratification (among other applications) is a popular technique used in survey practice to improve the accuracy of estimators. Its full potential benefit can be gained by the effective use of auxiliary variables in stratification related to survey variables. This paper focuses on the problem of stratum formation when multiple stratification variables are available. We first review a variance reduction strategy in the case of univariate stratification. We then discuss its use for multivariate situations in convenient and efficient ways using three methods: compromised measures of size, principal components analysis and a K-means clustering algorithm. We also consider three types of compromising factors to data when using these three methods. Finally, we compare their efficiency using data from MU281 Swedish municipality population.

Program for the Selection of Brassieres Depending on Breast Types (유방 유형에 따른 브래지어 선정 프로그램)

  • Lee, Hyun-Young;Jeong, Su-Kyung;Hong, Kyung-Hi
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.467-473
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    • 2005
  • The integrative Internet program was developed for the selection of optimal brassiere components according to the breast types of middle-aged women. In this program, a customer is classified into a certain group through three steps of a discriminant analysis. Three variables used in the analysis include breast volume, radii of curvature of under-breast curve, and a distance between inner breast points. Using individual data of three variables, the optimal brassiere components, i.e. brassiere cup size, curvature of front panel and wire, distance between cups, are suggested for each customer. Discrimination of breast types using only 2D measurements is also included for those who do not have easy access to a 3D measurement device.

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Force control of the five-link robot using wrist force sensor (손목힘 센서를 이용한 5축 로봇의 힘제어)

  • 허영태;이장명
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.552-555
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we present a force control of a five-axes robot, using an impedance model. Tasks such as assembly, grinding, and deburring, which involve extensive contact with the environment, are better handled by controlling the forces of interaction between the manipulator and the environment. The five-link articulated robot is equipped with a wrist force sensor which consists of an array of strain gauges and can delineate the three components of the vector force along the three axes of the sensor coordinate frame, and the three components of the torque about these axes. For the precise control of the contact force, impedance models of a robot and the environment are defined. Experimental results are shown.

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Adaptive Interframe Filtering Techniques for Separation of Luminance/Chrominance Components in NTSC Composite Signals (NTSC 복합신호의 휘도 및 색도성분을 분리하기 위한 프레임간 적응 필터링 기법)

  • 강철호;이정한
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 1988
  • In this paper, new adaptive interframe filtering methods have been proposed to separate the luminance and chrominance components in NTSC composite signals. In thess methods, the composite signals are adaptivelty processed in three dimensions according to the local change or movement of the picture. For interframe processing, two algorithms have been proposed which adapt three filters in the horizontal, vertical and temporal directions to the magnitude f detection signal dependent upon both the movement and local change of the picture. The three kind of filters have been used at the sampling rate of four times the subcarrier frequency. The various quantitative measures have been introduced to compare the objective performance of the conventional methods and that of proposed ones by computer simulation.

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A Study on AC Machine Modeling using Complex Vector and dq Transformation (복소 벡터와 dq 변환을 이용한 교류기 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sun-Ki;Park, Jin-Ho
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.61 no.11
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    • pp.1601-1605
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    • 2012
  • Three-phase voltage and current is applied to the three-phase alternating current motors which are commonly used in industry. Three phase variables of a, b, c are converted into d, q, 0 axis and the AC machines are modeled and analyzed. Basically the coordinate transformation or d-q transformation is used for convenience, a few steps are needed to analyze the motor performances - separating d and q components, establishing each equivalent circuit, and solving the differential equations of the circuits. In this study, a modeling technique of induction motor using complex vector is proposed and it can explain the induction motor physically. This method does not need the separating process of d and q components. With this technique, the model becomes simple, is easy to understand in physical, and can get the same results with those from the other models. These simulation results of the proposed model are compared with them for the conformation of the proposed method.