• Title/Summary/Keyword: The nature of Education

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Type Variations of 'Stepmother' and 'Sister' in the Novels of Park Kyong-Ni and Their Meanings -Focused on Jaegwiyeol, Eunha, Kimyakgukeue Ddaldeul, Nabiwa Unggungkwi (박경리 장편소설의 '계모'·'자매' 유형 변화와 그 의미 -『재귀열』, 『은하』, 『김약국의 딸들』, 『나비와 엉겅퀴』를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yun-A
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.145-181
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzes type variations of the 'stepmother' and 'sister' in the full-length novels of Park Kyong-Ni and attempted to point out their meanings. The pattern of "negative stepmother" that appeared in classical and new novels also appeared repeatedly in Park Kyong-Ni's full-length novels and this was because a change took place in later full-length novels. Novels analyzed with focus were Jaegwiyeol(1959), Eunha(1960), Kimyakgukeue Ddaldeul(1962), and Nabiwa Unggungkwi(1969). The stepmother that appears in Eunha is a type that appears often in the classic and new novels of Korea. While the stepmother newly gained the role and status of 'mother', she forms a competitive relationship with the daughter of the former wife while still refusing to be a member of the family and she puts the former wife's daughter in critical situations by committing misdeeds. However, the young stepmother in Nabiwa Unggungkwi actually becomes a victim to the malicious and morbid harassment of the former wife's daughter. This stepmother is a good-natured figure who shows a sense of guilt for failing to fulfill her responsibilities of upbringing and education and she eventually dies as a victim to a bomb during the war, leaving her young biological daughter behind. On one hand, the sisters in Jaegwiyeol and Kimyakgukeue Ddaldeul are not strongly bonded but when one is caught in a crisis, the other one claims to be of help. Unlike this, the sisters in Nabiwa Unggungkwi have a bond that cannot be broken. They are half-sisters that bind each other so severely that they hinder each other's growth and they eventually end up disintegrating. Through such analyses, it is shown that issues of human nature are dealt with more acutely by breaking the 'young stepmother' away from convention by placing her in the position of the victim to amplify the conflicting relationship between sisters, unlike in previous pieces. This study was significant in that it looked into how previously repetitive character type changes appeared in full-length novels in conditions that clearly display the writer's determination to leave behind a masterpiece.

Qualitative Study on Experiences of Responding to COVID-19 of Therapists in Long-term Care Hospitals (요양병원 치료사의 코로나19 대응 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Bae, Won-Jin;Park, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2021
  • This study is a qualitative study conducted to provide basic data for therapists working in long-term care hospitals to improve their countermeasure strategies for new infectious diseases and improvement of the treatment room infection management system, and to help therapists understand their infection management work. Colaizzi's phenomenological research method was applied as the research method. Telephone interviews were conducted with nine occupational therapists and physical therapists working in nursing hospitals. The contents of the interview were recorded with the consent of the study subjects, and additional confirmation was received by email. The recorded content was analyzed after transcription, and the meaning and nature of the experience coping with COVID-19 were described. The content was organized into 6 themes, 17 main meaning and 49 meaning units. In accordance with the COVID-19 situation, the infection control system has been strengthened by reinforcing infection control education in nursing hospitals, practicing infection control, and supervising infection control outside business hours. It was found that the treatment environment was changed due to the restriction of treatment activities by practicing distancing in the treatment room, adjusting rest and meal times during working hours, and strengthening infection control. In addition, the therapist's role has been expanded and the paradigm of treatment has changed, such as considering the untact intervention, and they have experienced cohort quarantine, pre-tested for COVID-19, vaccinations, and side effects from COVID-19. However, due to the infection work, the therapist's work burden is increased, and the person is experiencing fear, depression, and work stress from the spread of COVID-19. They were also aware of the need for nursing hospital care personnel support, such as guaranteeing rest after vaccination and providing infection control tools and equipment. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for human and physical support for the development of infectious disease response strategy programs in nursing hospital treatment rooms and for infection control in nursing hospitals.

A Study on the Concept and User Perception of Smart Park - Focused on the IoT See Park Users in Daegu City - (스마트공원 개념 정립 및 공원 이용자 인식에 관한 연구 - 대구 IoT See 시범사업 공원 이용자를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyung-Sook;Min, Byoung-Wook;Yang, Tae-Jin;Eum, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Kwon;Lee, Ju-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2019
  • Our daily lives are changing at a rapid pace and the concept of smart city is spreading, as the information communication technologies apply to various fields. However, efforts to prepare for changes in society due to technological evolution are insufficient in the field of landscape architecture. The purposes of this study are to explore the concept of smart parks, to investigate how smart technology has been applied to parks, and to identify the users' perception and satisfaction on smart park services. To this end, we conducted literature review, focus group interviews with experts, and a questionnaire survey with 180 users of the IoT See pilot smart park in Daegu. Smart parks can, as a result, be defined as sustainable parks that improve users' experience in parks and solve social and environmental problems faced by utilizing various high technology. Smart technologies introduced at the park so far have been mostly focused on safety and environmental areas, including AI CCTV, smart street lamp, and fine dust warning devices. The results of survey showed that not many users were aware of the smart services the park provided due to the lack of public communication as well as the nature of maintenance-oriented smart services. The survey also found that AR services for the education of historic parks were the least utilized, while solar power benches and WiFi service were most preferred by the park users. In conclusion, smart technologies need to be integrated with diverse park contents more centered user needs, providing services to enhance safety and environmental management in order to develop user-oriented smart parks.

Vascular Plant Diversity and Vegetation of Samusan Mt. in Jecheon-si, Korean Peninsula (사무산(제천시)의 식물다양성과 식생)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Seok;Nam, Gi-Heum;Jung, Eun-Hee;Lee, Kyeong-Ui;Hwang, Yo-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.396-418
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to investigate the flora and the vegetation of Samusan mountain on Jecheon-si, located in the middle part of the Korean peninsula. The vascular plants which were collected in 9 times from June 2014 to October 2015 were identified as 502 taxa in total, including 102 families, 314 genera, 445 species, 6 subspecies, 49 varieties, 1 form and 1 hybrid. The largest families were as follows; Asteraceae (70 taxa), Poaceae (52 taxa), Rosaceae (30 taxa), Fabaceae (28 taxa), and Cyperaceae (20 taxa). Of them, Korean endemic plants numbered 10 taxa, and vascular plants listed in the red data according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) numbered 14 taxa. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 61 taxa in total. Among them, 5 taxa revealed the floristic grade V, 11 for floristic grade IV, 14 for floristic grade III, 10 for floristic grade II, and 21 for floristic grade I. The alien plants were identified as 43 taxa and the percentage of naturalized index (NI) was 8.6%, and urbanization index (UI) was 13.4%, respectively. Samples of the forest vegetation on the Samusan Mt. were mainly classified as Pinus densiflora, Quercus variabilis, Q. acutissima, Q. mongolica, Zelkova serrata and Robinia pseudoacacia forest. The vertical structures of the forest were stable and the DBH-Class analyses showed that the dominant tree species would be maintained. In the surveyed areas, high plant diversity was shown, and a number of endemic, rare, calcicole plants and phytogeographically important plants were found. Nonetheless, numerous and diverse biological resources native have been consistently disturbed or damaged by human activities without some form of protection. Therefore, it is needed to set up strategies for conservation forest vegetation in this study area.

Characteristics of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Colonization Among Neonatal Unit Staff and Infection Control Measures (일개 병원 신생아실 근무 의료인에서 시행한 비강 내 MRSA 집락의 특성 및 전파예방에 관한 보고)

  • Kim, Dong Hwan;Kim, Sun Mi;Park, Ji Young;Cho, Eun Young;Choi, Chang Hee
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : In February 2007, an outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin and soft tissue infections occurred in two newborns in the neonatal unit of Sahmyook Seoul Hospital. We performed this study to investigate the characteristics of MRSA nasal carriage among neonatal unit staffs and the effective infection control measures. Methods : Nasal swab specimens were obtained from the neonatal unit staff for the presence of MRSA. MRSA-colonized staffs were offered decolonization therapy with oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or 2% mupirocin ointment. Every 2-4months after decolonizaton, repeat nasal swab specimens were obtained. Also, samples from the neonatal unit environment and room air were collected. Results : Successful decolonization was achieved in 92% of the cases in 2 weeks after decolonization therapy, but most of the staffs were recolonized after several months. The nature of antibiotic susceptibility was changed from multi-drugsusceptible to multi-drug-resistant. The most frequently contaminated objects were dressing carts, computer keyboards, bassinets and washbowls. In environmental cultures using the settle microbe count method, the colony counts were decreased significantly at the last study period compared with the first study period in the neonatal room, breastfeeding room, service room, and dressing room (P <0.05). Conclusion : Effective control of sustained MRSA transmission within an institution may require prompt identification, treatment, and monitoring of colonized and/or infected staffs. However, nasal decolonization therapy may induce multi-drugresistant MRSA infection and had no effect on decreasing the MRSA nasal carriage rate in our study. Other factors might be more important, such as improving staff education, increasing hand hygiene practices, and environmental sterilization for controlling MRSA infections.

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The Characteristics of Depression in Cancer Patients on Chemotherapy (항암제 투여 환자의 우울 양상)

  • Joo, Yeol;Seo, Wan-Seok;Kim, Jin-Sung;Lee, Jong-Bum;Cheung, Seung-Douk;Song, Shin-Ho;Bai, Dai-Seog;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Hyun, Myung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.154-165
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    • 2002
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of depression in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. Methods : Subjects were 37 cancer inpatients of oncology in Yeungnam university hospital. BDI and ZDS were done and HDS was performed through semistructured interview. Results: 1) There were no significant differences of depression scale score according to sex, education, religion, marital status. 2) The mean scores of BDI, ZDS and HDS in 37 cancer patients were 18.27±7.73, 36.51±10.82, 15.14±6.60, respectively. 3) HDS, ZDS scores were significantly higher in other cancer group receiving high dose chemotherapy. 4) Item score for depressed mood, diurnal variation(p<0.001), dissatisfaction(p<0.01), physical anxiety, decreased libido, sleep disturbance(p<0.05) were significantly higher in other cancer group than others. 5) Eight patients were diagnosed as having major depressive disorder, 11 as adjustment disorder, and 18 patients had no axis I diagnosis. 6) In major depressive disorder group, the score of the depressed mood item in ZDS was high (p<0.05). HDS item score for depressed mood, work difficulty, anxiey(p<0.001), psychomotor retardation(p<0.01) were significantly higher in major depressive disorder group. 7) In patients with adjustment disorder, ZDS item score of constipation(p<0.001), fatigue, anorexia (p<0.01), emptiness, sleep disturbance, dissatisfaction, weight loss(p<0.01) were high. HDS item score of hypochondriasis(p<0.01), agitation(p<0.01), fatigue, decreased libido(p<0.05) were significantly higher in adjustment disorder group. Conclusion : Some psychiatric disorders, such as adjustment disorder and major depressive disorder were common in the cancer patients in chemotherapy. Psychiatric intervention will increase compliance of cancer treatment and improve the quality of life. This study suggests that it would be important to consider the nature of somatic symptoms in diagnosing depression in cancer patients.

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An Investigation on the self-consciousness Symptoms of the Clerical Workers attendant upon Office Automation (사무 자동화에 따른 사무직 근로자의 건강과 연관된 자각 증상에 대한 조사연구)

  • Jung, Mi Wha
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.3
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    • pp.54-70
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    • 1993
  • According as the automation of clerical work(OA ; Office Automation) develops, the use of VDT(Visual or Video Display Terminal) is increasing suddenly. But, in proportion to the spread of office automation(OA tendency), the self-conciousness syptom attendant upon the work is appearing also (Kim, Jung Tae, Lee, Young Ook, 1990). The apparatuses of office enable the clerical workers to be convenient and perform mass businesses. But, they are increasing the opportunity to be exposed to VDT syndrom, techno stress, computer terminal disease, pain by muscle strain(RSI), bradycausia of noise nature, and electromagnetic waves, etc. which are referred to as the new type of occupational diseases to the workers. It is the real situation that the workers to use VDT is complaining of the physical inconvenience sense in the recent newspaper and literature, it is the point of time that the sydrome to come from VDT use and computer terminal disease, etc. must be classified into the occupational disease(Lee, Kwang Young 1990, Lee, Kyoo Hak 1990, Lee, Won Ho 1991, Lee, Si Young 1991, Lee, Joon 1991, Choi, Young Tae 1991, Heo, Seung Ho 1989). In addition, it is the real situation that the scientifitic study result about the scope that electromagnetic waves has influence on the human body has not been suggested yet, and criticism on the stable exposure permission standard about electromagnetic waves to be emitted from VDT and on the problem in the health about electromagnetic waves is continuing. (IEEE Spectrum, 1990). In addition according to the experience of nursery business of industry field, it is the real situation that the patients who consult complaining of physical and mental inconvenience sence, among the users of apparatus of office automation, are reaching 10% of the patients coming to doctor's room. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complain of multilaterally with the actual state examination about the use of the apparatuses of offices automaton. Thus, this study was tried as th basic data for the cosultation and education for the maintenance and furtherance of the health of workers as the nurse of industry field, by confirming the contents of self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of the apparatus for office outomation making the financial institution in which the spparatus for office automation in most frequently used as the subject, and by examining whether there is the difference according to the subject of study, the data were collected, by using the questionnaire method, making 200 workers who consented to the study participation as the subject, among the persons who have spent over 3 months since they used the apparatuses for office automation and didn't receive the treatment in hospital due to the clerical disease for recent 3 years. The period of data collection was from Oct. 9, 1991 to Oct. 12. As for the measurement instrument about the complaint if self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of apparatuses fo office automation, the question item on the complaint symptom of health problem attendant upon the treatment of VDT that Kim(1991) developed and on CMI health problem and the question items on the fatigue degree due to industry were used by previous examination to 25 persons. Collected data were analyzed with the statistical method such as percentage, arithmetic mean, Person correlation coeffient, Kai square verfication, t-test, ANOVA, etc. by using SPSS/PC+ program, and the result is as follows : 1. The self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complained of most frequetly appeared high in 'My eyes are tired'(99.4%), 'I feel fatigue and weariness'(99.4%), 'I feel that my head is heavy5(90.0%), 'eyesight fell'(88.8%), 'I have a stiff neck'(88.8%), 'I fell pain in the shoulder'(85.0%), 'I feel cold and painful in the eyes'(76.9%), 'I feel the dry sense of eyeball'(76.2%), 'My nerves are edgy, and I an fretful, (75.6%), 'I feel pain in the waist'(73.2%) and 'I fell pain in the back'(72.8%). It emerged that the subject use the apparatuses for office automation complained of self-consciousness symptoms related to visual symptoms and musculoskeletal symptoms. 2. As for the general feature of examination subjects, the result to see the distribution by classifying into sex, age, school career, use career of apparatuses for office automation, skillfulness degree of the use of apparatus for office automation, use hours of the apparatuses for office automation per 1 day, type of business of the apparatus for office automation, rest hours during the use of apparatus for office automation, satifaction degree of business of office automation, and work circumstance, etc. emerged as follows : As for the sex of subjects, the distribution showed that men were 58.8% and women were 41.3%, Age was average 26.9. As the distribution of school career, the distribution showed that4below the graduation of high school' was 58.8%, 'graduation from junior college-university' was 35.0%, and 'over graduate school' was 6.3%. In the question to ask the existence or non-existence of experience of health consultation in connection with the work of office automation, the response that I had the consultation exprience and I feel the necessity emergerd as 90.1% And, the case that the subject who didn't wear the glasses or lens before using the OA apparatus wear glasses or lens after using OA apparatus emerged as 28.3% of whole. As for the existence or non-existence of use career of OA apparatus, the case under 3 years was highest as 52. 7%. As for the skillfulnness degree about the use of apparatus for office automation, most of them are skillful with the fact that 'common' was 44.4%, 'skill' was 42.5%, and 'unskillful' was 13.1% As for the use average hours of the apparatus for office automation per 1 day, the distribution showed that the case under 3-6 hours was 33.1%, the case under 6-9 hours was 28.1%, the case under 3 hours was 30.6%, and the case over 9 hours was 8.1% Main OA business and the use hours for 1 day showed in the order of keeping and retrieval, business of information transmission(162min), business of information transmission(79.3 min), business of document framing(55.5 min), and business of duplication and printing(25.4min). as for the rest during the use of apparatus for affice automation, that I take rest occasion demands the major portion, but that I take after completing the work emerged as 33.8%. Though the subiness gets to be convenient by the use of the apparatus for of office automation, respondents who showed the dissatisfaction about the present OA business emergd high as 78.1%. The work circumstances of each office was good with the fact that the temperature of office was 21.8, noise was average 42.7db, and the illumination was average 364.4 lx, in the light of ANSi/HFS 100 Standard. 3. Sight syptom, musculoskeletal symptom, skin and other symptoms showed the significant difference according to the extent of skillfulness of the apparatus for office automation. All the symptoms exept skin symptom showed the difference according to the use hours of the apparatus for office automation. All the question items exept the sytoms of digestive organs and the rest hours during the apparatus for office automation showed the signicant difference. The question item which showed the signicant difference from the satisfaction degree of present OA business showed the significant difference from all the question item classified into 6 groups. But, age and school career didn't significant difference from the complaint of any self-consciousness symptoms.

    . In conclusion, the self-consciousness symptoms of the subjects to use OA apparatus appeared differently, according to sex distiction, skillfull degree of OA apparatus, use hours of OA apparatus, the rest hours during th use of OA apparatus, and the satiafaction degree of persent business. Therefore, it is necessary that the nurse in the inuctry field must recognize to receive the education about the human technological physical condition which is most proper for te use of OA apparatus and about the proper rest method until they get accustomed to the use of OA apparatus. In addition, the simple exercise relax the tention of muscle due to the repetitive simple movement, and the education for the protection of eyesight are necessary.

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  • An Analysis of Swimming Injuries and Their Rehabilitation (근육 골격계의 질환 및 재활분석(수영선수를 중심으로))

    • Kim, Kwi-Baek;Ji, Jin-Gu;Kwak, Yi-Sub
      • Journal of Life Science
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      • v.32 no.4
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      • pp.325-330
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      • 2022
    • While swimming is a very popular competitive sports activity, swimming injuries are unique due to the repetitive nature of the swimming stroke and demanding training programs that can result in upper limb overuse. Therefore, the primary objective of this review was to analyze swimmers' injury areas, injury types by stroke type, and swimming rehabilitation, as well as to discuss safety management for improving swimming performance. In this study, the injuries incurred in swimming events were discussed in the order of upper limb injuries (neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist), lower limb injuries (knee and ankle), and waist injuries. An analysis by stroke type found that shoulder injuries occurred most often with freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly strokes, followed by rotator cuff injury, impingement syndrome, and SLAP (superior labral tear from anterior to posterior) lesions. Knee injuries were associated with the breaststroke, whereas spinal cord injuries occurred with the breaststroke and butterfly stroke. Finally, back injuries were associated with the butterfly stroke. During the freestyle stroke, the shoulder undergoes repetitive overhead movement; hence, shoulder and musculoskeletal pain are the most common and well-documented complaints of swimmers. For safety management, coaches and instructors must ensure that athletes do sufficient warm-up and cool-down exercises to avoid injuries. In case of an injury, they should be familiar with first aid measures so that secondary damage can be prevented with its quick application. In addition, coaches and instructors need to be trained in injury prevention and treatment so that they can provide appropriate rehabilitation treatment for athletes. Although swimming-related injuries cannot be completely eliminated, to reduce them to a minimum, leaders need the knowledge to apply scientific and systematic training principles and methods individualized for each athlete.

    The Study on Conservation and Management of Natural Habitat of Spleenworts on Samdo Island (Asplenium antiquum Makino), Jeju (Natural Monument No. 18) (천연기념물 제주 삼도 파초일엽 자생지 생육 및 관리 현황 연구)

    • Shin, Jin-Ho;Kim, Han;Lee, Na-Ra;Son, Ji-Won
      • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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      • v.33 no.3
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      • pp.280-291
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      • 2019
    • A. antiquum, first observed in Jeju Samdo Island in 1949, was designated as the Natural Monument No. 18 in December 1962 in recognition of its academic value. In Korea, it grows in nature only in Samdo in Jeju Island. Although its natural habitat was greatly damaged and almost destroyed due to firewood, stealing, etc. After the emancipation, it has been maintained by the transplantation and restoration. The site observed by this study has been managed as a restricted area since 2011. Since it has been about 20 years since the restoration of the native site in the 2000s, it is necessary to check the official management history records, such as the origin of transplantation and restoration to monitor the changes in the growth status and to control the habitat. As the results of this study, we have secured the records of cultural property management history, such as the identification of native species and the transplantation and restoration records. We also examined the change of the growth and development of A. antiquum 20 years after the restoration. There are no official records of the individuals transplanted to the restored natural habitat of A. antiquum in the 1970s and 1980s, and there was a controversy about the nativeness of those individuals that were restored and transplanted in 1974 since they were Japanese individuals. The studies of identifying native as the results of this study, we have secured the records of cultural property management history, such as the identification of native species and the transplantation and restoration records. We also examined the change of the growth and development of A. antiquum 20 years after the restoration. There are two sites in natural habitat in Samdo Island. A total of 65 individuals grow in three layers on three stone walls in a site while 29 individuals grow in two columns in the other site. A. antiquum grows in an evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by Neolitsea sericea, and we did not find any other individuals of naturally growing A. antiquum outside the investigated site. This study checked the distribution of A. antiquum seedlings observed initially after the restoration. There were more than 300 seedling individuals, and we selected three densely populated sites for monitoring. There were 23 A. antiquum seedlings with 4 - 17 leaves per individual and the leaf length of 0.5 - 20 cm in monitoring site 1. There were 88 individuals with 5 - 6 leaves per individual and the leaf length of 1.3 - 10.4 cm in monitoring site 2 while there were 22 individuals with 5 - 9 leaves per individual and the leaf length of 4.5 - 12.1 cm in monitoring site 3. Although the natural habitat of A. antiquum was designated as a restricted public area in 2011, there is a high possibility that the habitat can be damaged because some activities, such as fishing and scuba diving are allowed. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce the law strictly, to provide sufficient education for the preservation of natural treasures, and to present accurate information about cultural assets.

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