• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Basis of Knowledge

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An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing among Groups (집단간 지식공유의 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Moonsoo;Moon, Hyounkoo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2004
  • Knowledge sharing, as well as knowledge creation, is the basis for an organization to maintain its competitive advantage. Organizations trying to use knowledge resources for strategic purposes or pursuing knowledge management are now paying more attention to methods to facilitate knowledge sharing. This study aims to find out the answers to the questions below. (1) Which relational or structural factors influence the intentions to share knowledge among groups? (2) Does the intension to share knowledge among groups really influence the knowledge sharing behavior? (3) What are the roles of accessibility on the relationship between intention to share knowledge and behavior of knowledge sharing? (4) Does the behavior of knowledge sharing really improve the effectiveness of knowledge sharing among groups? Findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, the positive relations of the relational and structural factors with the intention to share knowledge among groups are found. However, crisis intensity was found to have no meaningful influence on the intention to share knowledge among groups. After all we could see through additional analysis that it is in curvilinear relation, not linear relation. Second, we examined relation of the intention to share knowledge with the behavior of knowledge sharing among groups. Multiple regression analysis showed that intention to share knowledge among groups had a statistically significant influence on the behavior of knowledge sharing among groups. Third, the moderating effect of accessibility on the relation between the intention to share knowledge and the behavior of knowledge sharing was found to be statistically significant. Fourth, the relation between behavior of knowledge sharing and the effectiveness among groups was found to be statistically significant, but in a negative direction. The findings imply that the quantity of knowledge sharing does not always lead to the effectiveness of knowledge sharing.

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Knowledge and Attitude about Smoking in Middle School Students (중학생의 흡연에 대한 지식 및 태도)

  • Kim Shin-Jeong;Yang Soon-Ok
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2002
  • This study was done to provide basic data to develop smoking prevention and non-smoking education program. Questionnaire were collected from 438 male, 474 female middle school students at Chunchon, Kwangwon-do from Sep 2, 2000 to Feb 28, 2001. The Questionnaire used to measure subjects' knowledge and attitude about smoking was Guideline for the content of tobacco smoking surveys of the general population by WHO. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS-Win program. The results were as follows. 1.The average score of knowledge about smoking of subjects was 57.01 on the basis of 100. 2. The average score of attitude about smoking of subjects was 63.54 on the basis of 100. 3. In knowledge about smoking, there were statistically significant difference according to subjects' grade(F=3.218, p=.041), thinking about smoking behavior(F=3.424, p=.017), harmfulness of smoking(F=17.202, p=.000), present drinking(F=3.555, p=.029) and in attitude about smoking, there were statisti cally significant difference according to subjects' grade(F=20.520, p=.000), sex(t= -5.073, p=.000), mother's smoking(t= -2.405, p=.035), brother's smoking(t= -5.022, p=.000), mother's schooling(F= 3.730, p=.024), having smoking friend or not (t=-9.357, p=.000), subjects' smoking experience (t=-12.363, p=.000), present smoking(F= 76.643, p=.000), quantity of smoking(F= 6.808, p=.001), period of stop smoking(F= 4.685, p=.004), beginning time of smoking (F=2.286, p=.049), thinking about smoking behavior(F=17.933, p=.000), harmfulness of smoking(F=58.360, p=.000), present drinking (F=58.071, p=.000). 4. There were significant relationship between subjects' knowledge and attitude about smoking(r=.469, p=.000).

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The Effect of Consumer's Objective Knowledge, Subjective Knowledge and Involvement of Apparel on Product Attribute Evaluation (소비자의 객관적 지식, 주관적 지식과 관여가 의류 상품 속성 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Ji-Yeon;Park Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.5 s.153
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    • pp.818-828
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to clarify differences in the product attribute evaluation in relation to the objective knowledge, subjective knowledge and involvement of apparel. The measurement instruments were developed by researcher on the basis of previous studies in the same field. The subjects of this study were female adults who lived in Seoul, Kyunggi or Incheon areas and quota sampling using age and residential areas was employed. The data were obtained from 603 questionnaires. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 10 and LISREL 7.0. Major statistical methods were factor analysis, Cronbach's a coefficient, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Involvement was related to the consumer knowledge and the knowledge influenced evaluation of intrinsic attributes, social attributes, and economic attributes. 2. The dimensions of objective knowledge significantly influenced intrinsic attributes and economic attributes. The dimensions of subjective knowledge significantly influenced intrinsic attributes, social attributes and economic attributes. 3. Apparel involvement significantly influenced intrinsic attributes, social attributes and economic attributes. Consumers who have higher interest in apparel product but not in trends considered intrinsic attributes more importantly, whereas consumers who care trends considered social attribute more.

Study on factors affecting the intention of knowledge sharing in the electronic network of practice for job examination (온라인 채용시험정보 커뮤니티 내에서 지식공유의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Hyeon-Gyu;Kim, Min-Yong
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.71-88
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to investigate why people voluntarily contribute knowledge to others, primarily strangers, in the electronic network of practice for job examination expected potential competing. This paper is organized as follows. First, we introduce the electronic network of practice which is the knowledge sharing community for job examination, and discuss the key issues for understanding knowledge sharing in these networks on the basis of individual motivations, relational capital, sense of community, and sense of rivalry to develop a research model for this study. To test the proposed research model, we adopted the survey method for data collection, and examined our hypotheses by applying the multiple regression analysis method to the collected data. Our unit of analysis was the individual. The findings of this study show that the intention of knowledge sharing is influenced by the reputation and the enjoy helping as the factors of individual motivations, by the reciprocity as the factor of relational capital, and by a sense of rivalry as a psychological factor. Lastly, contributions of this study and future research opportunities are also discussed.

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Analysis on Shopmaster's Knowledge of Apparel Merchandise and Textile Recognition (샵마스터의 의류 상품 이해도 및 소재 지식도 평가)

  • Lee, Sun-Young;Kim, Jeong-Hwa;Lee, Jung-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.783-790
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study are to analyze shopmasters' knowledge of apparel merchandise and textile recognition and to investigate the effects of demographic variables on them. Shopmasters' knowledge of apparel merchandise was analyzed on a factor basis. Four factors of apparel merchandise were fashion property, material property, function property and management property. The textile knowledge level of shopmasters was 72.44%. Considering each part of textile knowledge, basic property was 74.69%, comfort 72.17%, management 68.36% and finishing 77.33%. The level of recognition in finishing area was the highest and the level of recognition in management area was the lowest. There were significant differences in the textile knowledge by gender and working period. Female's textile knowledge level was higher. The longer the working period is, the higher the level of textile knowledge is. Shopmasters recognized the finishing area better than university students did. But both of the groups didn't recognize the management area well.

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A Study on Personal Temperament, Dental Knowledge and Dental Fear of High School Students (일부 고등학생의 개인의 기질적 특성과 치과 관련 지식에 따른 치과공포감에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Hee;Jeong, Hyun-Ja;Kim, Hye-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2013
  • This study is to analyze the personality trait and dental fear of high school students. This study is conducted with a total of 603 first grader at high school in DaeGu city from 1st September to 30th October, 2009. In prevention and dental treatment knowledge category, the average score of female are higher than male. The concern of oral health, the experience of oral health education and the number of toothbrush are significantly different in the knowledge category. In dental fear category, the number of dental pain, the visiting is treatment, the recognize of dental state, the number of toothbrush and the change of dental visiting date are significantly different. In the prevention knowledge according to dental fear state, low fear group 7.03 is higher than high fear group. In the dental treatment knowledge according to dental fear state, high fear group 7.15 is higher than low fear group. In personal temperament, there are not significantly relationship between prevention knowledge, dental treatment knowledge and dental fear. These findings are basis to development of education programs which were included prevention and dental treatment knowledge before visiting dental clinics for reducing dental fear.

A Framework for Developing interoperable Knowledge Discovery System

  • Li, Sheng-Tun;Shue, Li-Yen
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2001.01a
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    • pp.435-440
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    • 2001
  • The development of web-aware knowledge discovery system has received a great deal of attention in recent years. It plays a key-enabling role for competitive businesses in the E-commerce era. One of the challenges in developing web-aware knowledge discovery systems is to integrate and coordinate and coordinate existing standalone or legacy knowledge discovery applications in a seamless manner, so that cost-effective systems can be developed without the need of costly proprietary products. In this paper, we present an approach for developing a framework of web-aware interoperable knowledge discovery system to achieve this purpose. This approach applies RMI and high-level code wrapper of Java distributed object computing to address the issues of interoperability in heterogeneous environments, which includes programming language, platform, and visual object model. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through the integration and extension of the two well-known standalone knowledge discovery tools, SOM_PAK and Nenet. It confirms that a variety of interoperable knowledge discovery systems can be constructed efficiently on the basis of the framework to meet various requirements of knowledge discovery tasks.

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Modelling Civic Problem-Solving in Smart City Using Knowledge-Based Crowdsourcing

  • Syed M. Ali Kamal;Nadeem Kafi;Fahad Samad;Hassan Jamil Syed;Muhammad Nauman Durrani
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.146-158
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    • 2023
  • Smart City is gaining attention with the advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT provides the basis for smart city foundation; enables us to interconnect all the actors of a smart city by supporting the provision of seamless ubiquitous services and Internet of Things. On the other hand, Crowdsourcing has the ability to enable citizens to participate in social and economic development of the city and share their contribution and knowledge while increasing their socio-economic welfare. This paper proposed a hybrid model which is a compound of human computation, machine computation and citizen crowds. This proposed hybrid model uses knowledge-based crowdsourcing that captures collaborative and collective intelligence from the citizen crowds to form democratic knowledge space, which provision solutions in areas of civic innovations. This paper also proposed knowledge-based crowdsourcing framework which manages knowledge activities in the form of human computation tasks and eliminates the complexity of human computation task creation, execution, refinement, quality control and manage knowledge space. The knowledge activities in the form of human computation tasks provide support to existing crowdsourcing system to align their task execution order optimally.

A Function-Based Knowledge Base for Technology Intelligence

  • Yoon, Janghyeok;Ko, Namuk;Kim, Jonghwa;Lee, Jae-Min;Coh, Byoung-Youl;Song, Inseok
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2015
  • The development of a practical technology intelligence system requires a knowledge base that structures the core information and its relationship distilled from large volumes of technical data. Previous studies have mainly focused on the methodological approaches for technology opportunities, while little attention has been paid to constructing a practical knowledge base. Therefore, this study proposes a procedure to construct a function-based knowledge base for technology intelligence. We define the product-function-technology relationship and subsequently present the detailed steps for the knowledge base construction. The knowledge base, which is constructed analyzing 1110582 patents between 2009 and 2013 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office database, contains the functional knowledge of products and technologies and the relationship between products and technologies. This study is the first attempt to develop a large-scale knowledge base using the concept of function and has the ability to serve as a basis not only for furthering technology opportunity analysis methods but also for developing practical technology intelligence systems.

Path Analysis and SERVQUAL for Knowledge Quality Improvement (지식정보 품질향상을 위한 경로 분석 및 SERVQUAL)

  • 박정훈;손소영
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2000
  • Effective management of knowledge is essential to keep up with demands of this challenging information age. The first step for this kind of management would be to define indicators to evaluate the quality of knowledge. In this paper, we use five latent variables (intrinsic quality, representational quality, ease of use of quality, maintainable quality, usage of quality) as basis for a preliminary path analysis for knowledge management. Preliminary study results showed that high intrinsic quality does not necessarily guarantee high frequency of use. A modified questionnaire is made and is used for SERVQUAL. The result of SERVQUAL shows that customers are not relatively happy about both intrinsic quality and its ease of use. Additional path analyses are done for both expected and observed quality indicators. The path model based on the expectation indicated that the presentation method of knowledge would induce its easy maintenance while that based on observation did not back up the same phenomenon.

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