• Title/Summary/Keyword: Texture Depth

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Fast Digital Hologram Generation Using True 3D Object (실물에 대한 디지털 홀로그램 고속 생성)

  • Kang, Hoon-Jong;Lee, Gang-Sung;Lee, Seung-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.11B
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    • pp.1283-1288
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    • 2009
  • In general, a 3D computer graphic model is being used to generate a digital hologram as theinput information because the 3D information of an object can be extracted from a 3D model, easily. The 3D information of a real scene can be extracted by using a depth camera. The 3D information, point cloud, corresponding to real scene is extracted from a taken image pair, a gray texture and a depth map, by a depth camera. The extracted point cloud is used to generate a digital hologram as input information. The digital hologram is generated by using the coherent holographic stereogram, which is a fast digital hologram generation algorithm based on segmentation. The generated digital hologram using the taken image pair by a depth camera is reconstructed by the Fresnel approximation. By this method, the digital hologram corresponding to a real scene or a real object could be generated by using the fast digital hologram generation algorithm. Furthermore, experimental results are satisfactory.

Depth Estimation and Intermediate View Synthesis for Three-dimensional Video Generation (3차원 영상 생성을 위한 깊이맵 추정 및 중간시점 영상합성 방법)

  • Lee, Sang-Beom;Lee, Cheon;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.10B
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    • pp.1070-1075
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose new depth estimation and intermediate view synthesis algorithms for three-dimensional video generation. In order to improve temporal consistency of the depth map sequence, we add a temporal weighting function to the conventional matching function when we compute the matching cost for estimating the depth information. In addition, we propose a boundary noise removal method in the view synthesis operation. after finding boundary noise areas using the depth map, we replace them with corresponding texture information from the other reference image. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm improved temporal consistency of the depth sequence and reduced flickering artifacts in the virtual view. It also improved visual quality of the synthesized virtual views by removing the boundary noise.

The Optimal Environmental Ranges for Wetland Plants: II. Scirpus tabernaemontani and Typha latifolia

  • Lee, Bo-Ah;Kwon, Gi-Jin;Kim, Jae-Geun
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2007
  • We studied the optimal ranges of water and soil characteristics for wetland plants, particularly Scirpus tabernaemontani (softstem bulrush) and Typha latifolia (broadleaf cattail), which are dominant species with potential for restoration of Korean wetlands. We observed vegetation in S. tabernaemontani and T. latifolia communities from the mid to late June, 2005, and measured characteristics of water environments such as water depth (WD), temperature (WT), conductivity (WC), and concentration of several ions $(NO_3{^-}-N,\;Ca^{2+},\;Na^+,\;Mg^{2+},\;and\;K^+)$, and characteristics of soil environments such as soil texture, organic matter (loss on ignition, LOI), conductivity, and pH. The S. tabernaemontani community was accompanied by Zizania latifolia (Manchurian wildrice), Persicaria thunbergii (Korean persicary), Actinostemma lobatum (lobed actinostemma), and Beckmannia syzigachne (American slough grass), while the T. latifolia community was accompanied by P. thunbergii, T. angustifolia (narrowleaf cattail), and Glycine soja (wild soybean). We defined the optimal range for distribution (ORD) as the range that each plant was crowded. The optimal range of water characteristics for the S. tabernaemontani community was a $WD\;10{\sim}50cm,\;WT\;24.0{\sim}32.0^{\circ}C,\;WC\;100{\sim}500{\mu}S/cm,\;{NO_3}{^-}-N\;0{\sim}60ppb,\;K^+\;0.00{\sim}1.50ppm,\;Ca^{2+}\;7.50{\sim}17.50ppm,\; Na^+\;2.50{\sim}12.50ppm,\;and\;Mg^{2+}\;3.00{\sim}7.00ppm$. In addition, the optimal range of soil characteristics for the S. tabernaemontani community was a soil texture of loam, silty loam, and loamy sand, $LOI\;8.0{\sim}16.0%,\;pH\;5.25{\sim}6.25$, and conductivity $10{\sim}70{\mu}S/cm$. The optimal range of water characteristics for the T. latifolia community was a $WD\;10{\sim}30cm,\;WT\;22.5{\sim}27.5^{\circ}C,\;WC\;100{\sim}400{\mu}S/cm,\;{NO_3}{^-}-N\;0{\sim}60ppb,\;K^+\;0.00{\sim}1.50ppm,\;Ca^{2+}\;0.00{\sim}17.50ppm,\;Na^+\;0.00{\sim}12.50ppm,\;and\;Mg^{2+}\;0.00{\sim}5.00ppm$, and the optimal range of soil characteristics for the T. fatifolia community was a soil texture of loam, sandy loam, and silty loam, LOI $3.0{\sim}9.0%,\;pH\;5.25{\sim}7.25$, and conductivity $0{\sim}70{\mu}S/cm$.

A Depth-based Disocclusion Filling Method for Virtual Viewpoint Image Synthesis (가상 시점 영상 합성을 위한 깊이 기반 가려짐 영역 메움법)

  • Ahn, Il-Koo;Kim, Chang-Ick
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.48-60
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    • 2011
  • Nowadays, the 3D community is actively researching on 3D imaging and free-viewpoint video (FVV). The free-viewpoint rendering in multi-view video, virtually move through the scenes in order to create different viewpoints, has become a popular topic in 3D research that can lead to various applications. However, there are restrictions of cost-effectiveness and occupying large bandwidth in video transmission. An alternative to solve this problem is to generate virtual views using a single texture image and a corresponding depth image. A critical issue on generating virtual views is that the regions occluded by the foreground (FG) objects in the original views may become visible in the synthesized views. Filling this disocclusions (holes) in a visually plausible manner determines the quality of synthesis results. In this paper, a new approach for handling disocclusions using depth based inpainting algorithm in synthesized views is presented. Patch based non-parametric texture synthesis which shows excellent performance has two critical elements: determining where to fill first and determining what patch to be copied. In this work, a noise-robust filling priority using the structure tensor of Hessian matrix is proposed. Moreover, a patch matching algorithm excluding foreground region using depth map and considering epipolar line is proposed. Superiority of the proposed method over the existing methods is proved by comparing the experimental results.

Experimental Investigation of Concave and Convex Micro-Textures for Improving Anti-Adhesion Property of Cutting Tool in Dry Finish Cutting

  • Kang, Zhengyang;Fu, Yonghong;Chen, Yun;Ji, Jinghu;Fu, Hao;Wang, Shulin;Li, Rui
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.583-591
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    • 2018
  • Tool-chip adhesion impacts on cutting performance significantly, especially in finish cutting process. To promote cutting tools' anti-adhesion property, the concave micro-grooves texture (MGT) and convex volcano-like texture (VLT) were fabricated separately on lathe tools' rake faces by laser surface texturing (LST). Various orientations of MGT and different area densities (9% and 48%) and regions (partial and full) of VLT were considered in textured patterns designing. The following orthogonal cutting experiments, machining of aluminum alloy 5038, analyzed tools' performances including cutting force, cutting stability, chip shape, rake face adhesion and abrasion. It indicated that under dry finish cutting conditions, MGT contributed to cutting stability and low cutting forces, meanwhile friction and normal force reduced by around 15% and 10%, respectively with a weak correlation to the grooves' orientation. High density VLT tools, on the other hand, presented an obvious anti-adhesion property. A $5{\mu}m$ reduction of crater wear's depth can be observed on textured rake faces after long length cutting and textured rake faces presented half size of BUE regions comparing to the flat tool, however, once the texture morphologies were filled or worn, the anti-adhesion effect could be invalid. The bearing ratio curve was employed to analysis tool-chip contact and durability of textured surfaces contributing to a better understanding of anti-adhesion and enhanced durability of the textured tools.

Studies on the Relationship between Standing Crop of Miscanthus sinensis Grassland and Soil Morphological Characteristics (억새초지의 현존량과 토양의 형태적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 박봉규
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.21 no.1_4
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 1978
  • The results of the relationship between standing crop of Miscanthus sinensis grassland and soil morphological characteristics are as follows. The Miscanthus sinensis grassland seems to grow well in volcainc ash soil. The depth of A layer was closely related to the standing crop of the Miscanthus sinensis grassland. The root systems of Miscanthus sinensis reached to its maximum in A layer. The root systems of Miscanthus sinensis showed its maximum at 20mm and below(soil hardness). The soil texture of A layer showed SL-SiL. The soil structure of A layer contained Massive-Small Granular. The soil colors of A layer expressed Dark Yellowish Orange-Brownish Black.

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Character Segmentation Using Depth Information (거리 정보를 활용한 문자 분할)

  • Jang, Seok-Woo;Park, Young-Jae;Kim, Gye-Young;Choi, Hyun-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.229-230
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 입체영상을 분석하여 3차원의 영상 내에 나타나는 문자 영역을 효과적으로 분리하는 알고리즘을 제안한다. 제안된 알고리즘은 먼저 입력된 영상에서 질감 특징을 이용해 문자영역이 존재하는 후보 영역을 분할하고, 후보 문자영역 중에서 문자열만을 형성하는 영역을 추출한다. 그런 다음, 지역화된 문자영역을 문자와 배경으로 분리하며, 거리 특징을 활용하여 추출된 문자영역이 비 문자영역을 포함하지 않고 문자영역만을 포함하고 있는지를 최종적으로 검증한다. 실험에서는 제안된 방법을 여러 가지 영상에 적용하여 테스트 해 보았으며, 제안된 방법이 기존의 방법에 비해 보다 정확하게 문자영역을 추출함을 확인하였다.

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A Study on the Properties of Noise Reduction on the Exposed Aggregate Concrete (골재노출 콘크리트의 소음 저감 특성에 대한 연구)

  • 문한영;하상욱;양은철
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2002
  • Generally, Portland cement concrete(PCC) pavements have the advantage of durability and superior surface friction when compared to most dense-graded asphalt. However, It is known that PCC pavements create more noise than asphaltic surfaces due to the noise from interaction of tire and pavement surface. Recently exposed aggregate concrete(EAC) pavement was sugested to reduce traffic noise. So in this paper, we considered several materials and mixture proportions for proper depth of exposed aggregate which was measured by the sand patching test, and then according to those relationships, we tried to find out dosage of retarding agents and optimum mixture proportions for expecting good effects to noise reduction. It were also evaluated sound level at every conditions of surface texture as like depth of aggregate exposed, profile peak, distance of aggregate and types of aggregate.

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Precise Stereo Matching Technique Based on White Auxiliary Stripe (백색 보조 띠 기반의 정밀 스테레오 정합 기법)

  • Kang, Han-Sol;Ko, Yun-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.1356-1367
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes a novel active stereo matching technique using white auxiliary stripe pattern. The conventional active stereo matching techniques that uses two cameras and an active source such as projector can accurately estimate disparity information even in the areas with low texture compared to the passive ones. However, it is difficult that the conventional active stereo matching techniques using color code patterns acquire these patterns robustly if the object is composed of various colors or is exposed to complex lighting condition. To overcome this problem, the proposed method uses an additional white auxiliary stripe pattern to get and localize the color code patterns robustly. This paper proposes a process based on adaptive thresholding and thinning to obtain the auxiliary pattern accurately. Experimental results show that the proposed method more precisely measures the stepped sample whose depth is known in advance than the conventional method.

Fusing texture and depth edge information for face recognition (조명에 강인한 얼굴인식을 위한 텍스쳐 정보와 깊이 에지 기반의 퓨전 벡터 생성기법)

  • Ahn Byung-Woo;Sung Won-Je;Yi June-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institutes of Information Security and Cryptology Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.246-250
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    • 2006
  • 얼굴의 중요한 특징부분을 잘 나타내는 깊이 에지 정보를 사용하면 표정과 조명변화로 인한 얼굴 픽셀의 밝기 값 변화에 대해 강인한 특징벡터를 생성할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 깊이 에지(depth edge)를 이용한 새로운 특징벡터를 제안하고 그 유용성에 대하여 실험하였다. 새롭게 제안한 특징벡터는 얼굴의 깊이 에지 영상을 수평과 수직 방향으로 투영하여 얻어지는 에지 강도 히스토그램을 이용하기 때문에 얼굴의 움직임으로 인한 변형에 영향을 받지 않는다. 또한, 실시간 검출과 인식이 매우 용이하다. 제안한 깊이 에지 기반 특징벡터와 백색광 영상의 픽셀 값 기반 특징벡터에 대해 부공간 투영기반의 얼굴인식 알고리즘을 적용하여 성능을 비교 평가하였다. 실험 결과, 얼굴의 깊이 에지에 기반한 얼굴인식이 기존의 백색광만을 이용한 방법에 비해 높은 인식성능을 보였다

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