• Title/Summary/Keyword: Term Mapping

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Grid-based Gaussian process models for longitudinal genetic data

  • Chung, Wonil
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.65-83
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    • 2022
  • Although various statistical methods have been developed to map time-dependent genetic factors, most identified genetic variants can explain only a small portion of the estimated genetic variation in longitudinal traits. Gene-gene and gene-time/environment interactions are known to be important putative sources of the missing heritability. However, mapping epistatic gene-gene interactions is extremely difficult due to the very large parameter spaces for models containing such interactions. In this paper, we develop a Gaussian process (GP) based nonparametric Bayesian variable selection method for longitudinal data. It maps multiple genetic markers without restricting to pairwise interactions. Rather than modeling each main and interaction term explicitly, the GP model measures the importance of each marker, regardless of whether it is mostly due to a main effect or some interaction effect(s), via an unspecified function. To improve the flexibility of the GP model, we propose a novel grid-based method for the within-subject dependence structure. The proposed method can accurately approximate complex covariance structures. The dimension of the covariance matrix depends only on the number of fixed grid points although each subject may have different numbers of measurements at different time points. The deviance information criterion (DIC) and the Bayesian predictive information criterion (BPIC) are proposed for selecting an optimal number of grid points. To efficiently draw posterior samples, we combine a hybrid Monte Carlo method with a partially collapsed Gibbs (PCG) sampler. We apply the proposed GP model to a mouse dataset on age-related body weight.

Utilization of SAR Data for Baseline Environmental Studies of Central Cebu Island, Philippines ? Phase 1

  • Lituanas, Michael B.;Salvador, Jerry Hervacio G.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.981-983
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    • 2003
  • The Remote Sensing Group of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has acquired SAR data of the Central Cebu Island for its research study area. The MGB is one of the proponent of DOST-NASA PACRIM II Project, which is composed of eleven (11) agencies and institutions in the Philippines, that focuses on the scientific application of radar data with the theme on hazard and natural resources management. The PACRIM II Project, being done on three-year term, is slated for completion in the year 2004. The main thrust of the project study of the MGB is the baseline environmental monitoring studies, on which the data are to be fused with some other available data from LandSAT and photogrammetry. The generated data is part of the information for the update of thematic mapping being done. The 12 ${\times}$ 60 km swath AirSAR data covers the Central Cebu Island. The highlights of conducting this research project are: Extent of Watershed Basin boundaries - identification of the tributaries that drain water supply to the metropolitan area; Monitoring of the mountain highways - identification of landslide risk prone sites as part of natural hazard monitoring on a national highway that cuts along the mountainous areas; and Coastline change assessment - monitoring the coastline activities relative to the rapid urbanization and exposure as part of coastal management. The Phase 1 of this report discusses the fusion with the ArcView generated data as baseline studies on the monitoring activities.

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Similarity Measurement Between Titles and Abstracts Using Bijection Mapping and Phi-Correlation Coefficient

  • John N. Mlyahilu;Jong-Nam Kim
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 2022
  • This excerpt delineates a quantitative measure of relationship between a research title and its respective abstract extracted from different journal articles documented through a Korean Citation Index (KCI) database published through various journals. In this paper, we propose a machine learning-based similarity metric that does not assume normality on dataset, realizes the imbalanced dataset problem, and zero-variance problem that affects most of the rule-based algorithms. The advantage of using this algorithm is that, it eliminates the limitations experienced by Pearson correlation coefficient (r) and additionally, it solves imbalanced dataset problem. A total of 107 journal articles collected from the database were used to develop a corpus with authors, year of publication, title, and an abstract per each. Based on the experimental results, the proposed algorithm achieved high correlation coefficient values compared to others which are cosine similarity, euclidean, and pearson correlation coefficients by scoring a maximum correlation of 1, whereas others had obtained non-a-number value to some experiments. With these results, we found that an effective title must have high correlation coefficient with the respective abstract.

Systematic Review: The Relationship Between Brand Love and Brand Anthropomorphism In Distribution

  • Ngoc Dan Thanh NGUYEN;Trong Phuc NGO
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to consolidate research trends about the distribution of 'other customer perspective' on 'brand love' and 'brand anthropomorphism', as well as to identify prospective research topics and provide managers with suggestions. Design, data, and technique of research: The purpose of this article is to examine the distribution relationship between brand love and brand anthropomorphism using a systematic review and bibliographic mapping analysis (VOS viewer) using 23 documents from 2014 to 2023. Results: This will be a step in the correct path if brand managers can have a great interaction with their clients by using common anthropomorphism. Yet, a second challenge will be how to anthropomorphize the brand. Moreover, there is nothing simpler than discovering oneself in a brand when there are several pictures, life ethics, sentiments, and experiences that coincide. From a different perspective, the brand sometimes looks to be the ideal model for consumers to identify with, and even fall in love with since it makes them feel close to their significant other. Conclusion: The findings may help companies create a long-term brand strategy and anticipate additional consumer rewards and value. They may also enhance brand-customer theory.

Analysis of Metadata Standards of Record Management for Metadata Interoperability From the viewpoint of the Task model and 5W1H (메타데이터 상호운용성을 위한 기록관리 메타데이터 표준 분석 5W1H와 태스크 모델의 관점에서)

  • Baek, Jae-Eun;Sugimoto, Shigeo
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.32
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    • pp.127-176
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    • 2012
  • Metadata is well recognized as one of the foundational factors in archiving and long-term preservation of digital resources. There are several metadata standards for records management, archives and preservation, e.g. ISAD(G), EAD, AGRkMs, PREMIS, and OAIS. Consideration is important in selecting appropriate metadata standards in order to design metadata schema that meet the requirements of a particular archival system. Interoperability of metadata with other systems should be considered in schema design. In our previous research, we have presented a feature analysis of metadata standards by identifying the primary resource lifecycle stages where each standard is applied. We have clarified that any single metadata standard cannot cover the whole records lifecycle for archiving and preservation. Through this feature analysis, we analyzed the features of metadata in the whole records lifecycle, and we clarified the relationships between the metadata standards and the stages of the lifecycle. In the previous study, more detailed analysis was left for future study. This paper proposes to analyze the metadata schemas from the viewpoint of tasks performed in the lifecycle. Metadata schemas are primarily defined to describe properties of a resource in accordance with the purposes of description, e.g. finding aids, records management, preservation and so forth. In other words, the metadata standards are resource- and purpose-centric, and the resource lifecycle is not explicitly reflected in the standards. There are no systematic methods for mapping between different metadata standards in accordance with the lifecycle. This paper proposes a method for mapping between metadata standards based on the tasks contained in the resource lifecycle. We first propose a Task Model to clarify tasks applied to resources in each stage of the lifecycle. This model is created as a task-centric model to identify features of metadata standards and to create mappings among elements of those standards. It is important to categorize the elements in order to limit the semantic scope of mapping among elements and decrease the number of combinations of elements for mapping. This paper proposes to use 5W1H (Who, What, Why, When, Where, How) model to categorize the elements. 5W1H categories are generally used for describing events, e.g. news articles. As performing a task on a resource causes an event and metadata elements are used in the event, we consider that the 5W1H categories are adequate to categorize the elements. By using these categories, we determine the features of every element of metadata standards which are AGLS, AGRkMS, PREMIS, EAD, OAIS and an attribute set extracted from DPC decision flow. Then, we perform the element mapping between the standards, and find the relationships between the standards. In this study, we defined a set of terms for each of 5W1H categories, which typically appear in the definition of an element, and used those terms to categorize the elements. For example, if the definition of an element includes the terms such as person and organization that mean a subject which contribute to create, modify a resource the element is categorized into the Who category. A single element can be categorized into one or more 5W1H categories. Thus, we categorized every element of the metadata standards using the 5W1H model, and then, we carried out mapping among the elements in each category. We conclude that the Task Model provides a new viewpoint for metadata schemas and is useful to help us understand the features of metadata standards for records management and archives. The 5W1H model, which is defined based on the Task Model, provides us a core set of categories to semantically classify metadata elements from the viewpoint of an event caused by a task.

Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) Indicator Development for Geoscience and Mineral Resources R&D (지질자원 연구개발에 대한 기술개발단계(TRL) 지표 개발)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Kim, Seong-Yong;Lee, Jae-Wook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.421-429
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    • 2015
  • Base researches in geoscience and mineral resources, such as geological and geo-thematic mapping, geological survey and observation, have long-term, continuity and time-leasing characteristics and they are difficult to present the particular research stages or progressions in the research span. The Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), developed by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is effective for presenting research maturity levels and progression in the development of new technologies. This study suggests adjusted definitions for the Technology Readiness Levels to fit Geo-technology (Technology in Geoscience and Mineral Resources). Base geological researches, including mapping, surveys and observation, can be also presented in research levels from TRL 1 (R&D planning, literature survey) to TRL 9 (geological information construction and service in all target areas) in terms of the final product's coverage. Moreover, not only development and construction of commercial products, geological disasters and environmental researches can also be presented in field demonstrations through public pilot applications. The modified commercialization or cemonstration TRLs in Geo-technology are TRL 5 (starting pilot field application), TRL 6 (pilot field operation) and TRL 7 (pilot field operation for a larger scale, greater than ten percent of the actual environment).

Combining Bias-correction on Regional Climate Simulations and ENSO Signal for Water Management: Case Study for Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S. (ENSO 패턴에 대한 MM5 강수 모의 결과의 유역단위 성능 평가: 플로리다 템파 지역을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Syewoon;Hernandez, Jose
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2012
  • As demand of water resources and attentions to changes in climate (e.g., due to ENSO) increase, long/short term prediction of precipitation is getting necessary in water planning. This research evaluated the ability of MM5 to predict precipitation in the Tampa Bay region over 23 year period from 1986 to 2008. Additionally MM5 results were statistically bias-corrected using observation data at 33 stations over the study area using CDF-mapping approach and evaluated comparing to raw results for each ENSO phase (i.e., El Ni$\tilde{n}$o and La Ni$\tilde{n}$a). The bias-corrected model results accurately reproduced the monthly mean point precipitation values. Areal average daily/monthly precipitation predictions estimated using block-kriging algorithm showed fairly high accuracy with mean error of daily precipitation, 0.8 mm and mean error of monthly precipitation, 7.1 mm. The results evaluated according to ENSO phase showed that the accuracy in model output varies with the seasons and ENSO phases. Reasons for low predictions skills and alternatives for simulation improvement are discussed. A comprehensive evaluation including sensitivity to physics schemes, boundary conditions reanalysis products and updating land use maps is suggested to enhance model performance. We believe that the outcome of this research guides to a better implementation of regional climate modeling tools in water management at regional/seasonal scale.

A Method for Prediction of Quality Defects in Manufacturing Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning (자연어 처리 및 기계학습을 활용한 제조업 현장의 품질 불량 예측 방법론)

  • Roh, Jeong-Min;Kim, Yongsung
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2021
  • Quality control is critical at manufacturing sites and is key to predicting the risk of quality defect before manufacturing. However, the reliability of manual quality control methods is affected by human and physical limitations because manufacturing processes vary across industries. These limitations become particularly obvious in domain areas with numerous manufacturing processes, such as the manufacture of major nuclear equipment. This study proposed a novel method for predicting the risk of quality defects by using natural language processing and machine learning. In this study, production data collected over 6 years at a factory that manufactures main equipment that is installed in nuclear power plants were used. In the preprocessing stage of text data, a mapping method was applied to the word dictionary so that domain knowledge could be appropriately reflected, and a hybrid algorithm, which combined n-gram, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, and Singular Value Decomposition, was constructed for sentence vectorization. Next, in the experiment to classify the risky processes resulting in poor quality, k-fold cross-validation was applied to categorize cases from Unigram to cumulative Trigram. Furthermore, for achieving objective experimental results, Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine were used as classification algorithms and the maximum accuracy and F1-score of 0.7685 and 0.8641, respectively, were achieved. Thus, the proposed method is effective. The performance of the proposed method were compared and with votes of field engineers, and the results revealed that the proposed method outperformed field engineers. Thus, the method can be implemented for quality control at manufacturing sites.

The Variations of Stratospheric Ozone over the Korean Peninsula 1985~2009 (한반도 상공의 오존층 변화 1985~2009)

  • Park, Sang Seo;Kim, Jhoon;Cho, Nayeong;Lee, Yun Gon;Cho, Hi Ku
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.349-359
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    • 2011
  • The climatology in stratospheric ozone over the Korean Peninsula, presented in previous studies (e.g., Cho et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2005), is updated by using daily and monthly data from satellite and ground-based data through December 2009. In addition, long-term satellite data [Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), 1979~2009] have been also analyzed in order to deduce the spatial distributions and temporal variations of the global total ozone. The global average of total ozone (1979~2009) is 298 DU which shows a minimum of about 244 DU in equatorial latitudes and increases poleward in both hemispheres to a maximum of about 391 DU in Okhotsk region. The recent period, from 2006 to 2009, shows reduction in total ozone by 6% relative to the values for the pre-1980s (1979~1982). The long-term trends were estimated by using a multiple linear regression model (e.g., WMO, 1999; Cho et al., 2003) including explanatory variables for the seasonal variation, Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) and solar cycle over three different time intervals: a whole interval from 1979 to 2009, the former interval from 1979 to 1992, and the later interval from 1993 to 2009 with a turnaround point of deep minimum in 1993 is related to the effect of Mt. Pinatubo eruption. The global trend shows -0.93% $decade^{-1}$ for the whole interval, whereas the former and the later interval trends amount to -2.59% $decade^{-1}$ and +0.95% $decade^{-1}$, respectively. Therefore, the long-term total ozone variations indicate that there are positive trends showing a recovery sign of the ozone layer in both North/South hemispheres since around 1993. Annual mean total ozone (1985~2009) is distributed from 298 DU for Jeju ($33.52^{\circ}N$) to 352 DU for Unggi ($42.32^{\circ}N$) in almost zonally symmetric pattern over the Korean Peninsula, with the latitudinal gradient of 6 DU $degree^{-1}$. It is apparent that seasonal variability of total ozone increases from Jeju toward Unggi. The annual mean total ozone for Seoul shows 323 DU, with the maximum of 359 DU in March and the minimum of 291 DU in October. It is found that the day to day variability in total ozone exhibits annual mean of 5.7% in increase and -5.2% in decrease. The variability as large as 38.4% in increase and 30.3% in decrease has been observed, respectively. The long-term trend analysis (e.g., WMO, 1999) of monthly total ozone data (1985~2009) merged by satellite and ground-based measurements over the Korean Peninsula shows increase of 1.27% $decade^{-1}$ to 0.80% $decade^{-1}$ from Jeju to Unggi, respectively, showing systematic decrease of the trend magnitude with latitude. This study also presents a new analysis of ozone density and trends in the vertical distribution of ozone for Seoul with data up to the end of 2009. The mean vertical distributions of ozone show that the maximum value of the ozone density is 16.5 DU $km^{-1}$ in the middle stratospheric layer between 24 km and 28 km. About 90.0% and 71.5% of total ozone are found in the troposphere and in the stratosphere between 15 and 33 km, respectively. The trend analysis reconfirms the previous results of significant positive ozone trend, of up to 5% $decade^{-1}$, in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere (0~24 km), with negative trend, of up to -5% $decade^{-1}$, in the stratosphere (24~38 km). In addition, the Umkehr data show a positive trend of about 3% $decade^{-1}$ in the upper stratosphere (38~48 km).

A GIS Developing Strategy for Chungnam Region (충청남도 지리정보체제 구축의 기본방향)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1997
  • Geographic Information Systems(GIS) are very useful for spatial analysis and policy in local government administration. Recognizing the value of GIS, Chungnam province authorities put a spur on the introduction and development of it. But they have some difficulty in this process because of technical restraint, expertise shortage and budget limit. This study has surveyed current achievement and conditions for GIS development and presented general framework and subordinate tasks to build up GIS. First of all, there are a few prior conditions to guarantee the success of GIS: First, we should set up reasonable long-term plan and follow systematic procedures according to the plan. Second, it is essential to clarify what initiatively manage to whole business and so we should make up GIS-Board as an institutional center for this job. Third, we must research how to take advantage of already existing NGIS(National Geographic Information System), so that we may eliminate redundancy of investment. We can save a lot of finance and human resources through it. Fourth, we must focus on the importance of accurate mapping by utilizing new technology like GPS(Global Positioning System). Fifth, we should arrange efficient training program to constantly produce excellent human resources for GIS.

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