• Title/Summary/Keyword: Temporary K-wire fixation

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The Effect of Temporary K-wire Fixation in the Plate Fixation for Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture (전위된 관절내 종골 골절에 대한 금속판 내고정술에서 일시적 K-강선 고정의 효과)

  • Young, Kiwon;Kim, Jin Su;Moon, Jinseon
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.119-123
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of temporary K-wire fixation in F-plate fixation for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Materials and Methods: Two groups (group 1 with F-plate fixation only and group 2 with temporary K-wire fixation and F-plate fixation) of patients were included in this study. The temporary K-wire was removed six weeks after the operation. Each group consisted of 33 cases. Rotational axis angles were measured radiographically and the foot and ankle outcome score (FAOS) was used for clinical assessment. Results: In group 1, the mean rotational axis angle was reduced from $27^{\circ}$ preoperatively to $5.59^{\circ}$ postoperatively and the angle at last follow-up was $9.94^{\circ}$. There was an increase in angle of $4.35^{\circ}$ between postoperative and the last follow-up measurement. In group 2, the mean rotational axis angle was reduced from $21.2^{\circ}$ preoperatively to $4.39^{\circ}$ postoperatively and the angle at last follow-up was $5.91^{\circ}$. There was an increase in angle of $1.52^{\circ}$ between postoperative and the last follow-up measurement. Significant difference in the changes of rotational axis angle was observed between the two groups. However, no significant difference in FAOS was observed between the two groups. Conclusion: Temporary K-wire fixation can prevent reduction loss when treating displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures with an F-plate.

The Useful Method on Temporary Fixation with Screw-wire Technique (안면골절의 정복 및 고정을 위한 나사-강선의 사용)

  • Kim, Myung Hoon;Kwon, Yong Seok;Heo, Jung;Lee, Keun Cheol;Kim, Seok Kwun
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Until now, many kinds of treatment modalities for facial bone fractures have been proposed. Among them, the semi-rigid fixation using miniplates has become the most popular procedure due to its simplicity and good clinical results. However, achieving anatomic reduction of bone fragments with miniplates may be difficult because of inadequate instrumentation for fracture fragment stabilization. We examined the use of inter-maxillary fixation screws or titanium screws tied with stainless steel wire to assist in positioning of fractured segment. Methods: We used this method for reduction in 50 cases of facial bone fractures. Inter-maxillary fixation screws or titanium screws tied with stainless steel wire were used to assist in aligning bony segment. Postoperative radiologic and clinical follow-ups were performed.Results: Radiologic follow-up showed correct reduction and fixation in all cases. Nonnunion and malunion were not shown. Clinical follow-up showed an satisfactory results. Conclusion: By using Inter-maxillary fixation screws tied with stainless steel wire, it was shown that reducing the bony segment to their preinjury position is easy to perform and it enables us to make more accurate reduction, ensure wider visual field.

Two Stage Procedure with a Temporary Antibiotic-impregnated Cement Spacer of Infected Hallux Interphalangeal Joint (A Case Report) (항생제 혼합 시멘트 충전물을 이용한 감염된 족무지 지관절의 2단계 치료(1예 보고))

  • Chae, Soo-Uk;Kim, Yeung-Jin;Song, Ha-Heon;Kim, Jong-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2012
  • The interphalangeal joint (IPJ) of the hallux has received little attention compared with the first metatarsophalangeal joint. But, the hallucal IPJ has several disorders such intra-articular fractures, dorsal dislocation, alignment disorder, and inflammatory or degenerative arthritis. Among these disorders septic arthritis of the IPJ of the hallux is rare. We report a case of sepsis of the hallucal IPJ and adjacent underlying osteomyelitis without neuropathic problem and was performed through infected soft tissue and osseous debridement, temporary antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer, and delayed intercalary allogenic fibular bone graft with K-wire fixation.