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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Temperature field measurement

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Research for Installation and Operation of High Temperature Superconducting Cable System (고온 초전도 케이블 시스템 설치 밀 운전을 위한 연구)

  • Choi, Hyung-Sik;Sohn, Song-Ho;Hwang, Si-Dole
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.653-657
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    • 2005
  • The commercial contract was made firstly in the world for one set of high temperature superconducting(HTS) cable system between buyer, Korea Electric Power Research Institute and seller, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. in August 2004. After fabrication, test and examination, the HTS cable system will be installed at the KEPRI's test field in Gochang, Jeonbuk province from the time of July 2005. KEPRI is preparing measurement and test facilities for field test of the HTS cable system and carrying out researches into the design and construction of superconducting cable test building, evaluation of cooling performance, measurement of AC loss, analysis of the quench phenomena due to excess current and means of linking the HTS cable system to the existing electric power supplying system. The constitution of, the method to install and the plan of test operation of the HTS cable system will be presented in this paper.

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  • Berckmans, D.;Ni, J.Q.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 1993
  • Two field test installations are discussed. In the first one a new ammonia sensor and an accurate ventilation rate sensor are combined. They are installed in the exhaust chimney in a ventilated pig house. The relative humidity and the room temperature are measured as well. In the second one, an in situ NH3longrightarrowNO converter with subsequent NOx analyser is also being added for accurate ammonia measurement . In this way , the continuous measurement of the total NH3emission can be obtained , the performance of the NH3 sensor can be evaluated, and the ammonia reduction techniques can be tested. The outputs of measurement are fed into a data acquisition system then to a PC in the laboratory. There has been realised the first test installation with which research on the new ammonia sensor is carried out. The primary research results are presented.

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Temperature distribution analysis of steel box-girder based on long-term monitoring data

  • Wang, Hao;Zhu, Qingxin;Zou, Zhongqin;Xing, Chenxi;Feng, Dongming;Tao, Tianyou
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.593-604
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    • 2020
  • Temperature may have more significant influences on structural responses than operational loads or structural damage. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of temperature distributions has great significance for proper design and maintenance of bridges. In this study, the temperature distribution of the steel box girder is systematically investigated based on the structural health monitoring system (SHMS) of the Sutong Cable-stayed Bridge. Specifically, the characteristics of the temperature and temperature difference between different measurement points are studied based on field temperature measurements. Accordingly, the probability density distributions of the temperature and temperature difference are calculated statistically, which are further described by the general formulas. The results indicate that: (1) the temperature and temperature difference exhibit distinct seasonal characteristics and strong periodicity, and the temperature and temperature difference among different measurement points are strongly correlated, respectively; (2) the probability density of the temperature difference distribution presents strong non-Gaussian characteristics; (3) the probability density function of temperature can be described by the weighted sum of four Normal distributions. Meanwhile, the temperature difference can be described by the weighted sum of Weibull distribution and Normal distribution.

Magnetoresistance changes of sputtered NiFe thin films with deposition temperatures (NiFe 박막의 증착온도에 따른 MR 특성)

  • 이원재;백성관;민복기;송재성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.355-358
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    • 2000
  • Magnetoresistance changes of NiFe thin films were investigated as a function of deposition temperature. DC magnetron sputtering was employed to fabricate Ta/NiFe(t)/Ta thin films on Si(001) substrates with in-situ field or with no-field. The thickness(t) of NiFe films was a range of 4 to 15nm. Substrate temperature was a range of 30 to 400C. MR measurement was carried out as a function of angle θ, between external field and current direction. MR ratio increased with increasing substrate temperature, also, max. MR ratio was observed in samples deposited at 300C. With increasing upto 400C, MR ratio was rapidly decreased in the case of thinner NiFe films. In non-field deposited NiFe films, both angle θ=0, 90。, there was no significant change in MR curves. However, MR curves of in-situ field deposited NiFe films were different in both angles θ=0 and 90。

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A Study on Temperature Properties Analysis for Tension Measurement of Steel Cables Using Magnetic Sensor (자기센서에 의한 강재 케이블 장력측정에서 온도특성에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Hae-won;Ahn, Bong-young;Lee, Seung-seok;Park, Jeong-hak
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.13 no.2 s.54
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2009
  • Measuring the tensile strength of steel cables used to support bridges is a critical inspection item in terms of the safety of a bridge. Today, cable tension is measured with the vibration method and loadcell. Recently, some advanced countries have conducted studies on measuring tension with magnetic method and are suggesting prospective results. Since there were no such studies ongoing in Korea, we began a study on measuring tension with magnetic method as we are undergoing researches to improve the precision of measurements. It is necessary to consider the influence for the magnetic field and the temperature of steel cables in tension measurement of magnetic method. In this paper, we tested an output characteristic of tension sensor according to temperature and deduced temperature compensation coefficient in the given magnetic field and applied the compensation coefficient to the tension measurement system in the lab. We analyzed and evaluated testing results for the output voltages of the tension sensor according to cable tensions.

Measurement of the Anticlinic Coupling Coefficient of an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal

  • Kang, Dae-Seung;Kimura, Munehiro
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.08a
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    • pp.487-490
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we report a novel way to evaluate the anticlinic interlayer coupling coefficient U between smectic layers of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal, by utilizing a small field-induced perturbation of the molecular orientation. U was found to exhibit an unusual "S-shaped" dependence on temperature, with values ranging between 0.4×104 and 0.4×101 erg cm3 over a 10C temperature range below smectic A-smectic CA phase transition temperature. The results are good agreement with estimates for U based upon the threshold field for the onset of solitary waves, and provide strong supporting the low-field regime for the single Fourier component model.

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Geomagnetic Field Monitoring at King Sejong Station, Antarctica (남극 세종기지에서의 지자기 모니터링)

  • Kim, DonIl;Jin, YoungKeun;Nam, SangHeon;Lee, JooHan
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2004
  • The variation of geomagnetic field and absolute magnetic field at the geomagnetic observatory of King Sejong Station has been measured with 3-component ring core fluxgate magnetometer, proton magnetometer and D-I magnetometer. With data obtained from King Sejong Station during 2003, thediurnal and annual variations of geomagnetic field were researched and compared with those at other observatories. The deviation of daily variation of magnetic field in antarctica decreased gradually during winter season due to sun effect. The rates of componental annual variation of magnetic field at King Sejong Station were calculated using the least-square method under the assumption that the annual variation of magnetic field is linear. The rates are -55.93 nT/year in horizontal intensity, -0.87 min./year in declination, 58.30 nT/year in vertical intensity, and -69.85 nT/year in total intensity of magnetic field. A remarkable variation was caused by the magnetic storms occurred on 29~30 October, which were so powerful that the variation was observed in mid latitudes as well as high latitudes. The values of variation are generally 1500 2000 nT in Antarctica including King Sejong Station, 350 500 nT in East Asia. The measurement of absolute magnetic field shows that ring core fluxgate magnetometer has relatively large error range under cold temperature.

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Measurement of Irrigation Water Temperature and Preventive Measure against Cold Watter Damage to Paddy Rice (벼의 냉수피해 감소를 위한 관개수온 조사와 대책수립)

  • 정상옥
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 1999
  • Paddy rice is semi-tropical crop and requires warmirrigation water. If mean water temperature at the water source during the growing period is below 18C, sime kinds of water warming mechanism should be taken. In this study irrigation water temperature is measured and preventive measures to cold water damage on paddy rice are suggested. Field observations were performed at 100ha field area downtream of the Unmoon reservoir during the growing season of 1997. Land use, canal system, water temperature at irrigation canals. reservoir, and paddy fields were observed. In addition, growth and yield of the rice at selected plots were observed. Accordingly to the record, cold water damage occurred in this area due to the cold irrigation water supply in 1996. It did not occur because of the effective irrigation water management practice in 1997. However, several preventive measures such as pontoon intake system, using existing weir and construting a new warming pond, are suggested to prevent cold water damage in the future. If a new warming pond is construted to raise irrigation water temperature by 2 C, a pond area of 2.94 ha is required.

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Improvements of Temperature Field Measurement Technique using Neural Network (신경망을 이용한 온도장 측정법 개선 방안)

  • Hwang Tae Gyu;Moon Ji Seob;Chang Tae Hyun;Doh Deog Hee
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.52-55
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    • 2004
  • Thermo-chromic Liquid Crystal(TLC) particles were used as temperature sensor for thermal fluid flow. 1K×1K CCD color camera and Xenon Lamp(500W) were used for the visualization of a Hele-Shaw cell. The characteristic between the reflected colors from the TLC and their corresponding temperature shows strong non-linearity. A neural network known as having strong mapping capability for non-linearity is adopted to quantify the temperature field using the image of the flow. Improvements of color-to-temperature mapping was attained by using the local color luminance (Y) and hue (H) information as the inputs for the constructed neural network.

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Improvements of Temperature Field Measurement Technique using Neural Network (신경망 적용의 온도장 측정법 개선 방안)

  • Doh Deog Hee;Kim Dong Hyuk;Bang Kwang Hyun;Moon Ji Seob;Hong Seong Dae;Chang Tae Hyun;Hwang Tae Gyu
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2005
  • Thermo-chromic Liquid Crystal(TLC) particles were used as temperature sensor for thermal fluid flow. 1K × 1K CCD color camera and Xenon Lamp(500w) were used for the visualization of a Hele-Shaw cell The characteristic between the reflected colors from the TLC and their corresponding temperature shows strong non-linearity A neural network known as having strong mapping capability for non-linearity is adopted to quantify the temperature field using the image of the flow. Improvements of color-to-temperature mapping was attained by using the local color luminance (Y) and hue (H) information as the inputs for the constructed neural network.