• Title/Summary/Keyword: Temperature field measurement

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Analysis of Seawater Transport based on Field Measurements at Pier-bridge between Busan New-port and the Nakdong River Estuary (부산 신항-낙동강 하구역 연결잔교부의 물질수송 해석(I) - 현장조사를 통한 잔교부 해수소통량 평가 -)

  • Lee, Young-Bok;Tawaret, Attapon;Kim, Heon-Tae;Yoon, Han-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.189-195
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    • 2008
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of sea water transport between Busan New-port and the Nakdong River estuary. A current meter was placed on a pier bridge and the current velocity was analyzed to determine the flow direction. Water temperature, salinity, turbidity, and tide were also measured to determine the characteristics of sea water and to describe the tidal current between the two regions. The results indicated that the dominant outflow direction of the ebb tidal current was from the Nakdong River estuary to Busan New-port. Conversely, during a flood tide, the dominant direction was from Busan New-port to the Nakdong River estuary. The maximum current speed during the first and second field measurements was about 13.18 and 30.80 cm/ sec, respectively. During the first field measurement, the total volume of sea water transport was 184.71m3/sec and the residual volume transport was +59.74m3/sec. By contrast, during the second field measurement, the respective values were 331.15m3/sec and 28.88m3/sec.

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  • 이인복
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2001
  • The polymerization shrinkage of composite resins is an important drawback although the composites have many advantages-more esthetic and conservative than metallic restoratives etc. The purposes of this research were to develop a new measurement method and to manufacture an instrument that can measure the initial dynamic volumetric shrinkage of composite resins during polymerization. The instrument was basically an electromagnetic balance that constructed with a force transducer using position sensitive photo detector(PSPD) and a negative feedback servo amplifier of proportional-derivative(PD) controller. The volumetric change of composites during polymerization was detected continuously as buoyancy change in distilled water by means of Archimedes's principle. It was converted to continuous electrical voltage signal in real time. The signal was properly conditioned and filtered and then it was stored in computer by a data acquisition(DAQ) board. By using this electronic instrument. the dynamic patterns of the polymerization shrinkage of eight commercial(Z-100, DenFil, AeliteFil, Z-250, P-60, SureFil, Synergy compact, and Tetric ceram) composite resins were measured and compared. The results were as follows. 1. From this project of developing instrument, the ability has been achieved that can acquire and process data of electrical signal transformed from various physical phenomenon by using temperature, displacement. photo. and force transducer. As a consequence, the instrumentation and measurement system used to analyze the physical characteristics of various dental materials in dental research field can be designed, manufactured and implemented in lab. 2. This instrument has some advantages. It was insensible to temperature change and could measure true dynamic volumetric shrinkage in real time without complicated process. It showed accuracy and high precision results with small standard deviation. 3. The polymerization shrinkage of composites was significantly different between brands and ranged from 2.47% to 3.89%, The order of polymerization shrinkage was as follows, in order of increasing shrinkage, SureFil, P60, Z250, Z100, Synergy compact. DenFil, Tetric ceram, and AeliteFil. 4. The polymerization shrinkage rate per unit time, dVol%/dt, showed that the instrument can provide an indirect research method for polymerization reaction kinetics.

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Thermally Stimulated Current Analysis of (Ba, Sr)TiO3 Capacitor ((Ba, Sr)TiO3 커패시터의 Thermally Stimulated Current분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Ju;Cha, Seon-Yong;Lee, Hui-Cheol;Lee, Gi-Seon;Seo, Gwang-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2001
  • It has been known that the leakage current in the low field region consists of the dielectric relaxation current and intrinsic leakage current, which cause the charge loss in dynamic random access memory (DRAM) storage capacitor using (Ba,Sr)TiO3 (BST) thin film. Especially, the dielectric relaxation current should be seriously considered since its magnitude is much larger than that of the intrinsic leakage current in giga-bit DRAM operation voltage (~IY). In this study, thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurement was at first applied to investigate the activation energy of traps and relative evaluation of the density of traps according to process change. And, through comparing TSC to early methods of I-V or I-t measurement and analyzing, we identify the origin of the dielectric relaxation current and investigate the reliability of TSC measurement. First, the polarization condition such as electric field, time, temperature and heating rate was investigated for reliable TSC measurement. From the TSC measurement, the energy level of traps in the BST thin film has been investigated and evaluated to be 0.20(±0.01) eV and 0.45(±0.02) eV. Based on the TSC measurement results before and after rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process, oxygen vacancy is concluded to be the origin of the traps. TSC characteristics with thermal annealing in the MIM BST capacitor have shown the same trends with the current-voltage (I-V) and current-time (I-t) characteristics. This means that the TSC measurement is one of the effective methods to characterize the traps in the BST thin film.

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Heat Treatment Effects of Fe73.0Cu1.0Nb3.5Si14.0B7.6Alloy with Imbedded Nanocrystalline Phase under Magnetic Field (초미세결정립과 비정질이 공존하는 Fe73.9Cu1.0Nb3.5Si14.0B7.6 합금의 자기장 중 열처리)

  • Yang, J.S.;Son, D.;Cho, Y.
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 1998
  • The crystallographic and high frequency characteristics of Fe73.9Cu1.0Nb3.5Si14.0B7.6 soft magnetic alloys were investigated under the magnetic field annealing. As-cast ribbon with which already imbedded nanocrystalline Fe-Si phase on the surface have a preferred orientation with (400) plane to surface and also with the [011] direction parallel to the ribbon length. The extra nanocrystalline Fe-Si phase appeared throughout at 450C in samples with or without the longitudinal magnetic field. However the formation of nanocrystalline phase does not appear on the suface layer until 500C annealing temperature under the transverse field. The cryststallization fraction of annealed samples with longitudinal magnetic field is higher than that of samples without magnetic field. When the transverse magnetic field is applied, the crystallization fraction does not increases but decreases until 500C. However the crystallization of internal regions can be confirmed by X-ray diffraction measurement via tilting the sample. It was found that for all samples, the saturation induction were all same with 1.3 T. The coercive field of as-cast sample was 1.06 A/cm, but in annealed samples it decrease from 0.56 to 0.1 A/cm with increasing annealing temperature from 400 and 550C, respectively. The squareness of annealed samples under transverse magnetic field has a small value than that of both without field and with longitudinal field annealing.

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SHM benchmark for high-rise structures: a reduced-order finite element model and field measurement data

  • Ni, Y.Q.;Xia, Y.;Lin, W.;Chen, W.H.;Ko, J.M.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.10 no.4_5
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    • pp.411-426
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    • 2012
  • The Canton Tower (formerly named Guangzhou New TV Tower) of 610 m high has been instrumented with a long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) system consisting of over 700 sensors of sixteen types. Under the auspices of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), an SHM benchmark problem for high-rise structures has been developed by taking the instrumented Canton Tower as a host structure. This benchmark problem aims to provide an international platform for direct comparison of various SHM-related methodologies and algorithms with the use of real-world monitoring data from a large-scale structure, and to narrow the gap that currently exists between the research and the practice of SHM. This paper first briefs the SHM system deployed on the Canton Tower, and the development of an elaborate three-dimensional (3D) full-scale finite element model (FEM) and the validation of the model using the measured modal data of the structure. In succession comes the formulation of an equivalent reduced-order FEM which is developed specifically for the benchmark study. The reduced-order FEM, which comprises 37 beam elements and a total of 185 degrees-of-freedom (DOFs), has been elaborately tuned to coincide well with the full-scale FEM in terms of both modal frequencies and mode shapes. The field measurement data (including those obtained from 20 accelerometers, one anemometer and one temperature sensor) from the Canton Tower, which are available for the benchmark study, are subsequently presented together with a description of the sensor deployment locations and the sensor specifications.

Optical imaging methods for qualification of superconducting wires

  • Kim, Gracia;Jin, Hye-Jin;Jo, William
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 2014
  • In order to develop 2nd generation (2G) high-temperature superconducting (HTS) wires as commercial products, it is necessary to perform a high speed investigation of their superconducting performance. Room-temperature and non-contact optical scanning tools are necessary to verify the microstructure of the superconducting materials, the current flow below the critical temperature, and the critical current density. In this paper, we report our results of an inspection of the electrical transport properties of coated conductors. The samples that we used in our study were highly qualified rare-earth based coated conductors produced via co-evaporation, and SmBa2Cu3O7y (SmBCO) was the superconducting materials used in our studies. A film grown on IBAD-MgO templates shows larger than 400 A/cm at 77 K and a self-field. The local transport properties of the films were investigated by room-temperature imaging by thermal heating. The room-temperature images show structural inhomogeneities on the surface of the films. Bolometric response imaging via low-temperature bolometric microscopy was used to construct the local current mapping at the surface. These results indicate that the non-uniform regions on the surface disturb the current flow, and laser scanning images at room-temperature and at a low-temperature suggest a correlation between the structural properties and transport properties. Thus this method can be effective to evaluate the quality of the coated conductors.

Derivation of Geostationary Satellite Based Background Temperature and Its Validation with Ground Observation and Geographic Information (정지궤도 기상위성 기반의 지표면 배경온도장 구축 및 지상관측과 지리정보를 활용한 정확도 분석)

  • Choi, Dae Sung;Kim, Jae Hwan;Park, Hyungmin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.583-598
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents derivation of background temperature from geostationary satellite and its validation based on ground measurements and Geographic Information System (GIS) for future use in weather and surface heat variability. This study only focuses on daily and monthly brightness temperature in 2012. From the analysis of COMS Meteorological Data Processing System (CMDPS) data, we have found an error in cloud distribution of model, which used as a background temperature field, and in examining the spatial homogeneity. Excessive cloudy pixels were reconstructed by statistical reanalysis based on consistency of temperature measurement. The derived Brightness temperature has correlation of 0.95, bias of 0.66 K and RMSE of 4.88 K with ground station measurements. The relation between brightness temperature and both elevation and vegetated land cover were highly anti-correlated during warm season and daytime, but marginally correlated during cold season and nighttime. This result suggests that time varying emissivity data is required to derive land surface temperature.

A Study on The Frost Penetration Depth of Pavement with Field Temperature Data (도로포장 현장계측 온도데이터를 이용한 도로포장체의 동결깊이 연구)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Lee, Jae-Sik;Cho, Gyu-Tae
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2011
  • The frost penetration depth of pavement is usually estimated from the freezing index that made temperature data analysis of 30 years and decided the thickness of anti-frost layer. The field monitoring region in study was divided into five regions by freezing index 550~650Cday, 450~550Cday and 350~450Cday. Each region has three-section of road pavement such as cutting area, boundary area of cutting and banking, and lower area of banking. The field monitoring system was established both in the section of anti-frost layer and in the section without anti-frost layer. The data analysis was conducted for determination of frost penetration depth within the paved road by the field monitoring system. The result showed that The temperature of subgrade without anti-frost layer shows below zero in centigrade for the region of freezing index 550~650Cday, up and down around zero degree in subgrade for the region of freezing index 450~550Cday, and there is no place existed below zero degree in subgrade for the region of freezing index below 450Cday. With comparison of field frost penetration depth for the cross-sections of pavement, the cutting area shows the greatest frost penetration depth, and less influence of frost penetration depth for the boundary area of cutting and banking, and the least influenced for the lower area of banking.

GaAs-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite: Synthesis and Field-Emission Property (갈륨비소-탄소나노튜브 복합체 제작과 전계방출특성)

  • Lim, Hyun-Chul;Chandrasekar, P.V.;Chang, Dong-Mi;Ahn, Se-Yong;Jung, Hyuk;Kim, Do-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.199-203
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    • 2010
  • Hybridization of semiconductor materials with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is a recent field of interest in which new nanodevice fabrication and applications are expected. In this work, nanowire type GaAs structures are synthesized on porous single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) as templates using the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique. The field emission properties of the as-synthesized products were investigated to suggest their potential applications as cold electron sources, as well. The SWCNT template was synthesized by the arc-discharge method. SWCNT samples were heat-treated at 400C under an N2/O2 atmosphere to remove amorphous carbon. After heat treatment, GaAs was grown on the SWCNT template. The growth conditions of the GaAs in the MBE system were set by changing the growth temperatures from 400C to 600C. The morphology of the GaAs synthesized on the SWCNTs strongly depends on the substrate temperature. Namely, nano-crystalline beads of GaAs are formed on the CNTs under 500C, while nanowire structures begin to form on the beads above 600C. The crystal qualities of GaAs and SWCNT were examined by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectra. The field emission properties of the synthesized GaAs nanowires were also investigated and a low turn-on field of 2.0V/μm was achieved. But, the turn-on field was increased in the second and third measurements. It is thought that arsenic atoms were evaporated during the measurement of the field emission.

Evaluation of Condensation Prevention for Centralized Hybrid Ventilation System Using TDR (TDR을 이용한 중앙집중형 하이브리드 환기시스템의 결로방지 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Yu-Min;Lee, Jong-Eun;Choi, Gyeong-Seok;Lee, Yong-Jun;Kang, Jae-Sik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Condensation in the apartment housing is one of the most significant defects and complaints for condensation are rapidly increasing according to the growing interest in residential environment. Korea government established a regulation for reducing condensation in the apartment housing and TDR is adapted as a standard. However prevention of condensation depend on improving the performance of building envelop has limitation because of the increase of the cost. Centralized Hybrid ventilation system is suggested to prevent condensation. Method: Field measurement was conducted to verify the ventilation rate of the ventilation system. Based on the measurement, air network and CFD simulation was conducted to analyze ventilation rate for each room. Surface temperature was calculated by regulated TDR according to the regions and surfaces. The performance of condensation prevention was evaluated by the ventilation rate and surface temperature. Result: In the results, it was found that condensation was prevented in more than 90% of households by the centralized hybrid ventilation system which provided 0.19 ~ 0.81ACH for each room.