• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technology Fashion

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A User based Collaborative Filtering Recommender System with Recommendation Quantity and Repetitive Recommendation Considerations (추천 수량과 재 추천을 고려한 사용자 기반 협업 필터링 추천 시스템)

  • Jihoi Park;Kihwan Nam
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2017
  • Recommender systems reduce information overload and enhance choice quality. This technology is used in many services and industry. Previous studies did not consider recommendation quantity and the repetitive recommendations of an item. This study is the first to examine recommender systems by considering recommendation quantity and repetitive recommendations. Only a limited number of items are displayed in offline stores because of their physical limitations. Determining the type and number of items that will be displayed is an important consideration. In this study, I suggest the use of a user-based recommender system that can recommend the most appropriate items for each store. This model is evaluated by MAE, Precision, Recall, and F1 measure, and shows higher performance than the baseline model. I also suggest a new performance evaluation measure that includes Quantity Precision, Quantity Recall, and Quantity F1 measure. This measure considers the penalty for short or excess recommendation quantity. Novelty is defined as the proportion of items in a recommendation list that consumers may not experience. I evaluate the new revenue creation effect of the suggested model using this novelty measure. Previous research focused on recommendations for customer online, but I expand the recommender system to cover stores offline.

Proposal on the Creation of a New Space Organization for the Moon and Celestial Bodies' Exploitation (달과 천체 개발을 위한 새로운 우주기구의 창설에 관한 제안)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.161-198
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    • 2014
  • The idea of creating an International Space Exploitation Agency (tentative title: hereinafter referred to ISEA) is only my academic and theoretical opinion. It is necessary for us to establish ISEA as an international organization for the efficient and rapid exploitation of natural resources in the moon and other celestial bodies. The creation of ISEA as a new international organization is based on the Article 11, 5 and Article 18 of the 1979 Moon Agreement. In order to create it as a preliminary procedure, it needs to make the Draft for the Convention on the Establishment an ISEA among the space-faring countries. The main contents of this paper is composed of (1) introduction, (2) joint exploitation of the natural resources (Heliumn-3, etc.) in the moon and ISEA, (3) activities for the exploitation of moon and other celestial bodies by the space-faring powers, (4) legal problems and Solution for the exploitation and mining rights of the natural resources in the moon, mars and celestial bodies, (5) procedure of creating an ISEA, (6) the principal points that need to be included in the draft for the ISEA convention, (7) conclusion. The creation of an ISEA would lead to a strengthening of the cooperation among the States deemed essential by the global community towards joint undertakings in space and would act as a catalyst for the efforts on the exploitation of the natural resources moon, mars, Venus, Mercury and other celestial bodies and allow resources, technology, manpower and finances to be centrally managed in an independent fashion to the benefit of the space-faring countries. It is desirable and necessary for us to create ISEA in order to promote cooperation in the field of space policy, law, science technology and industry etc. among the space-faring countries. The creation of the ISEA will be promoted the international cooperation among the space-faring countries in exploration and exploitations of the natural resources in the moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury and other celestial bodies. Finally, it should be noted that the political drive will be necessary not only to set up the organization ISEA, but also study a subsequent measures. It is also necessary for us to create the ISEA in order to develop the space industry, to strengthen friendly relations and to promote research cooperation among the space-faring countries based on the new ideology and creative ideas. If the heads (president or prime minister) of the space super-powers including the UNCOPUOS will be agreed to establish ISEA at a summit conference, 1 believe that it is possible to establish an ISEA in the near future.

Why A Multimedia Approach to English Education\ulcorner

  • Keem, Sung-uk
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1997.07a
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    • pp.176-178
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    • 1997
  • To make a long story short I made up my mind to experiment with a multimedia approach to my classroom presentations two years ago because my ways of giving instructions bored the pants off me as well as my students. My favorite ways used to be sometimes referred to as classical or traditional ones, heavily dependent on the three elements: teacher's mouth, books, and chalk. Some call it the 'MBC method'. To top it off, I tried audio-visuals such as tape recorders, cassette players, VTR, pictures, and you name it, that could help improve my teaching method. And yet I have been unhappy about the results by a trial and error approach. I was determined to look for a better way that would ensure my satisfaction in the first place. What really turned me on was a multimedia CD ROM title, ELLIS (English Language Learning Instructional Systems) developed by Dr. Frank Otto. This is an integrated system of learning English based on advanced computer technology. Inspired by the utility and potential of such a multimedia system for regular classroom or lab instructions, I designed a simple but practical multimedia language learning laboratory in 1994 for the first time in Korea(perhaps for the first time in the world). It was high time that the conventional type of language laboratory(audio-passive) at Hahnnam be replaced because of wear and tear. Prior to this development, in 1991, I put a first CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning) laboratory equipped with 35 personal computers(286), where students were encouraged to practise English typing, word processing and study English grammar, English vocabulary, and English composition. The first multimedia language learning laboratory was composed of 1) a multimedia personal computer(486DX2 then, now 586), 2) VGA multipliers that enable simultaneous viewing of the screen at control of the instructor, 3) an amplifIer, 4) loud speakers, 5)student monitors, 6) student tables to seat three students(a monitor for two students is more realistic, though), 7) student chairs, 8) an instructor table, and 9) cables. It was augmented later with an Internet hookup. The beauty of this type of multimedia language learning laboratory is the economy of furnishing and maintaining it. There is no need of darkening the facilities, which is a must when an LCD/beam projector is preferred in the laboratory. It is headset free, which proved to make students exasperated when worn more than- twenty minutes. In the previous semester I taught three different subjects: Freshman English Lab, English Phonetics, and Listening Comprehension Intermediate. I used CD ROM titles like ELLIS, Master Pronunciation, English Tripple Play Plus, English Arcade, Living Books, Q-Steps, English Discoveries, Compton's Encyclopedia. On the other hand, I managed to put all teaching materials into PowerPoint, where letters, photo, graphic, animation, audio, and video files are orderly stored in terms of slides. It takes time for me to prepare my teaching materials via PowerPoint, but it is a wonderful tool for the sake of presentations. And it is worth trying as long as I can entertain my students in such a way. Once everything is put into the computer, I feel relaxed and a bit excited watching my students enjoy my presentations. It appears to be great fun for students because they have never experienced this type of instruction. This is how I freed myself from having to manipulate a cassette tape player, VTR, and write on the board. The student monitors in front of them seem to help them concentrate on what they see, combined with what they hear. All I have to do is to simply click a mouse to give presentations and explanations, when necessary. I use a remote mouse, which prevents me from sitting at the instructor table. Instead, I can walk around in the room and enjoy freer interactions with students. Using this instrument, I can also have my students participate in the presentation. In particular, I invite my students to manipulate the computer using the remote mouse from the student's seat not from the instructor's seat. Every student appears to be fascinated with my multimedia approach to English teaching because of its unique nature as a new teaching tool as we face the 21st century. They all agree that the multimedia way is an interesting and fascinating way of learning to satisfy their needs. Above all, it helps lighten their drudgery in the classroom. They feel other subjects taught by other teachers should be treated in the same fashion. A multimedia approach to education is impossible without the advent of hi-tech computers, of which multi functions are integrated into a unified system, i.e., a personal computer. If you have computer-phobia, make quick friends with it; the sooner, the better. It can be a wonderful assistant to you. It is the Internet that I pay close attention to in conjunction with the multimedia approach to English education. Via e-mail system, I encourage my students to write to me in English. I encourage them to enjoy chatting with people all over the world. I also encourage them to visit the sites where they offer study courses in English conversation, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, reading, and writing. I help them search any subject they want to via World Wide Web. Some day in the near future it will be the hub of learning for everybody. It will eventually free students from books, teachers, libraries, classrooms, and boredom. I will keep exploring better ways to give satisfying instructions to my students who deserve my entertainment.

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Proliferation Assay of Splenocyte and PBMC by the Evaluation of Alamar Blue Dye Reduction Value in Broiler Chicks (Alamar Blue 색소의 환원량 평가에 의한 급성기 반응중 육계병아리의 비장세포와 PBMC 증식도 측정)

  • Im, J.T.;Park, I.K.;Koh, T.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.213-224
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    • 2007
  • In this study, hatched male broiler chicks(Ross) were fed on a basal diet and LPS was administered via intraperitoneal injection three times every other day, on the 9th, 11th and 13th days of the experiment, and then PBMC and splenocytes were isolated on day 14. The degree of alama blue reduction was evaluated at 4, 24, 48, 96 and 120 h in the splenocytes, and at 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h for PBMC of incubation after the addition of alama blue solution to the media. The cell numbers used in this experiment were 103, 104 and 105 cells per well, and the con A levels were 0.0, 1.0, 5.0, and 10.0 ㎍ per ml of medium. 1. The degree of alama blue reduction was found to increase in a linear fashion with increasing incubation time and cell numbers, for both splenocytes and PBMC. 2. During acute phase response, the degree to which alama blue was reduced was significantly elevated (p<0.05) at an incubation time of 24 hr for the splenocytes, 4 hr for PBMC, and a cell number of 105 cells per well, respectively. 3. The raised reduction of alama blue to control was linear with Con A levels in medium, and higher reduction in Con A 10.0 ㎍ relative to 1.0 or 5.0 ㎍ in ml medium was shown 4. The medium with autologous serum evidenced a significantly (p<0.05) higher reduction of alama blue relative to FBS. 5. Splenocytes and PBMC from the LPS-injected birds evidenced significantly higher levels of alama blue reduction regardless of incubation time, number of cells, level of Con A added, or serum type, as compared with what was observed in normal birds. The results indicated that the assay conditions for proliferative activity using the alama blue method in birds in which the acute phase response had been activated via intraperitoneal LPS injection requires 4 hrs of incubation for PBMC, 24 hrs of incubation for splenocytes, and 10㎍ of Con A per ml of medium.

Effect of Dietary Krill Meal Levels on Performance and Immune Response of Broiler Chicks Injected with Salmonella typhimurium Lipopolysaccharide (살모넬라 LPS를 주입한 육계병아리에 있어서 사료 중 크릴 밀 수준이 생산성과 면역반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Im, J.T.;Park, I.K.;Koh, T.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.225-238
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the effects of dietary krill meal levels on cellular immunity in LPS-injected broiler chicks was evaluated. One day-old male broiler chicks(Ross) were fed on the experimental basal meal(0.0% krill meal), or diets containing 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% krill for 3 weeks, and the acute phase response was activated by intraperitoneally injection of Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharide(LPS) 3 times at 9, 11, and 13 days of age. 1. Acute phase response induced a significant reduction in(p<0.05) daily weight gain and feed intake, and increases in liver and spleen weight. However, it was not affected by dietary krill meal levels. 2. The krill meal diets reduced TNF-α activity as compared to the basal diet after 24 hours (acute phase response) and 1 week(recovery from the acute phase response) following LPS injection (p<0.05). The acute phase response induced a significant increase(p<0.05) in TNF-α activity relative to the control in chicks fed on a basal diet, but this was also unaffected by dietary krill meal levels. 3. Acute phase response-mediated ovotransferrin levels(relative to what was measured in the control bird) were increased in birds fed on the basal, 1.0% and 2.0% krill diets, and were reduced in birds fed on the 0.5 % krill diet. 4. In LPS-injected chicks, 1.0% and 2.0% krill meal diets induced a significant reduction in(p<0.05) the Con A-induced proliferation of PBMC and splenocytes relative to what was observed in the chicks fed on a 0.5% krill diet, whereas the splenocytes proliferated in a linear fashion with the krill levels in the diets of the control birds. The results showed that the dietary levels of krill meal reduced TNF-α activity in the blood and also influenced blood ovotransferrin levels and the proliferation of PBMC and splenocytes, and krill meal is considered to be associated with both innate and cellular immunity in broiler chicks.

Exploring Sport Consumption Style of Generation Z that the 4th Industrial revolution paid attention to: Applying Decision Tree Analysis based on Data Mining (4차 산업혁명이 주목한 Z세대의 스포츠 소비 스타일 탐색: 데이터마이닝 기반 의사결정 나무 분석 적용)

  • Shin, Jin-Ho;Lim, Young-Sam;Kim, Ji-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.1208-1221
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for predicting the sports consumption market that Generation Z will lead by applying data mining based decision tree analysis to explore Generation Z sports consumption style. Therefore, the survey was conducted by selecting males and females aged 19 or older as a sample among Generation Z, and data of 429 people were used for the final analysis. For data processing, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, retest and reliability analysis, and decision tree analysis were performed using the SPSS statistics (ver. 21.0) program. The main results of this study are as follows. First, if the rational efficiency index is high and the aesthetic consumption index is low, the probability of being classified as a group of female was 96.8%. On the other hand, if the rational efficiency and perception of price index were low, the probability of being classified as a male group was 100%. Second, if the brand orientation, perception of price, and rational efficiency index were high, the probability of being classified as a capital area group was 97.3%. Contrary to the results presented above, the probability of being classified as a other area group was 82.1% when the brand orientation, commemoration rites, and status symbol index were low. Third, the status symbol and trend oriented index were high, and if the functionality index was low, the probability of being classified into daily life and fashion groups was 77.6%. On the contrary, if the status symbol index is low, the retention of membership and enjoy consumption index is high, the probability of being classified into exercise and competition groups was 81.0%.

A Pursuit of Innovation in the Korean Genetics-Genomics Research System through a Culturalist Strategy (문화적 전략을 통한 한국 유전학-유전체학 연구체계의 혁신 모색)

  • Lee, Cheong-Ho
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.6 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.131-183
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    • 2006
  • The Korean genetics and genomics reveal a firm willingness to participate in and contribute to the production of creative scientific knowledge at a world level at present, though they have short past histories of introduction from the Western counterparts and those of education for the next generations. But the Korean genetics and genomics have been developed in a fragmented and biased manner. By reconfiguring the various research projects of genomics into the Genome Project of Korea, which reflect a worldly trend in life science, but have been established in a scattered fashion in Korea, and incorporating some neglected areas of genetics, such as human genetics and theoretical and population genetics which can be reconstructed in a new way, a genetics-genomics research system can be formulated on the multi-tiered perspective of concept, knowledge, and institution, while the system being a subsystem of the national research system of life science in Korea. Innovation can be pursued in the systematic practice through a culturalist strategy. The culturalist strategy with the practice based on the research system consists of 1) intensification of fundamentalness of genetics and genomics, 2) advancement of communitarianism in geneticist-genomicist community, 3) research on the cultural bio-species along with the promotion of scientific arts and culture, and 4)formation of the Korean science studies of genetics-genomics and the diffusion of the knowledge produced. The first two strategy components are the ones that intends to bring out changes in the structural aspect of the scientist community in Korea. The third is the one that attempts to magnify the interface between the scientist community and the Korean society at large and increase its connectivity between both, while the fourth is the one that has an intentionality toward the Korean society outside of the scientist community. This culturalist strategy is intended to increase the cultural constructivity of the genetics-genomics research system in Korea.

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Preference, Perception, Need to Study, Practice of Learned Content and Learning Needs with Respect to the Clothing and Textiles Section of the Technology and Home Economics Curriculum (기술.가정 교과내의 의생활영역에 대한 선호도, 인식, 필요도, 실천도, 학습요구도)

  • Son Jin-Sook;Shin Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.3 s.41
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2006
  • This study examined preferences for the clothing and textiles section of 'Technology and Home Economics' course, comparing males to females, and subdividing three groups based on the preference of the clothing and textiles section: a high-preference group, a medium-preference group, and a low-preference group. Their perceptions of the section. need to study, level of practice of teamed content, and learning needs were compared between males and females and among the three sub-groups. The subjects of this study were 176 male and 176 female high school students in Seoul. Data were collected using questionnaires with a 5-plint scale in September, 2004. Finally, 352 questionnaires were analyzed by the SPSS program. The results showed that all preferences for the clothing and textiles section were average and girls' preferences were higher than boys' preferences. General perceptions of the clothing and textiles section were positive, and there were no significant differences by gender. The perceptions of the high-preference group were more positive than those of the other two groups. The perceived importance of studying was high. especially with respect to clothing care and storage. Girls reported a greater need to study than boys did. Among both boys and girls, the high-preference group reported a greater need to study than the middle and low-preference groups did. The level of practice of learned content was leo, except for contents related to attire and the purchase of clothing. Girls practiced contents learned about attire more than boys did. Among boys, the high-preference group practiced contents teamed in all areas more than boys in the other two groups. However, among girls. only content related to attire was preferentially practiced by the high-preference group. Both boys and girls exhibited tile greatest learning need for fashion coordination. Girls had more learning needs than boys in all contents, except for clothing and environment. Among all students, the higher the level of preference, the higher their learning needs.

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Venture Capital Investment and the Performance of Newly Listed Firms on KOSDAQ (벤처캐피탈 투자에 따른 코스닥 상장기업의 상장실적 및 경영성과 분석)

  • Shin, Hyeran;Han, Ingoo;Joo, Jihwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.33-51
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzes newly listed companies on KOSDAQ from 2011 to 2020 for both firms having experience in attracting venture investment before listing (VI) and those without having experience in attracting venture investment (NVI) by examining differences between two groups (VI and NVI) with respect to both the level of listing performance and that of firm performance (growth) after the listing. This paper conducts descriptive statistics, mean difference, and multiple regression analysis. Independent variables for regression models include VC investment, firm age at the time of listing, firm type, firm location, firm size, the age of VC, the level of expertise of VC, and the level of fitness of VC with investment company. Throughout this paper, results suggest that listing performance and post-listed growth are better for VI than NVI. VC investment shows a negative effect on the listing period and a positive effect on the sales growth rate. Also, the amount of VC investment has negative effects on the listing period and positive effects on the market capitalization at the time of IPO and on sales growth among growth indicators. Our evidence also implies a significantly positive effect on growth after listing for firms which belong to R&D specialized industries. In addition, it is statistically significant for several years that the firm age has a positive effect on the market capitalization growth rate. This shows that market seems to put the utmost importance on a long-term stability of management capability. Finally, among the VC characteristics such as the age of VC, the level of expertise of VC, and the level of fitness of VC with investment company, we point out that a higher market capitalization tends to be observed at the time of IPO when the level of expertise of anchor VC is high. Our paper differs from prior research in that we reexamine the venture ecosystem under the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 which stimulates the degradation of the business environment. In addition, we introduce more effective variables such as VC investment amount when examining the effect of firm type. It enables us to indirectly evaluate the validity of technology exception policy. Although our findings suggest that related policies such as the technology special listing system or the injection of funds into the venture ecosystem are still helpful, those related systems should be updated in a more timely fashion in order to support growth power of firms due to the rapid technological development. Furthermore, industry specialization is essential to achieve regional development, and the growth of the recovery market is also urgent.

Design Evaluation Model Based on Consumer Values: Three-step Approach from Product Attributes, Perceived Attributes, to Consumer Values (소비자 가치기반 디자인 평가 모형: 제품 속성, 인지 속성, 소비자 가치의 3단계 접근)

  • Kim, Keon-Woo;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.57-76
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    • 2017
  • Recently, consumer needs are diversifying as information technologies are evolving rapidly. A lot of IT devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs are launching following the trend of information technology. While IT devices focused on the technical advance and improvement a few years ago, the situation is changed now. There is no difference in functional aspects, so companies are trying to differentiate IT devices in terms of appearance design. Consumers also consider design as being a more important factor in the decision-making of smart phones. Smart phones have become a fashion items, revealing consumers' own characteristics and personality. As the design and appearance of the smartphone become important things, it is necessary to examine consumer values from the design and appearance of IT devices. Furthermore, it is crucial to clarify the mechanisms of consumers' design evaluation and develop the design evaluation model based on the mechanism. Since the influence of design gets continuously strong, various and many studies related to design were carried out. These studies can classify three main streams. The first stream focuses on the role of design from the perspective of marketing and communication. The second one is the studies to find out an effective and appealing design from the perspective of industrial design. The last one is to examine the consumer values created by a product design, which means consumers' perception or feeling when they look and feel it. These numerous studies somewhat have dealt with consumer values, but they do not include product attributes, or do not cover the whole process and mechanism from product attributes to consumer values. In this study, we try to develop the holistic design evaluation model based on consumer values based on three-step approach from product attributes, perceived attributes, to consumer values. Product attributes means the real and physical characteristics each smart phone has. They consist of bezel, length, width, thickness, weight and curvature. Perceived attributes are derived from consumers' perception on product attributes. We consider perceived size of device, perceived size of display, perceived thickness, perceived weight, perceived bezel (top - bottom / left - right side), perceived curvature of edge, perceived curvature of back side, gap of each part, perceived gloss and perceived screen ratio. They are factorized into six clusters named as 'Size,' 'Slimness,' 'No-Frame,' 'Roundness,' 'Screen Ratio,' and 'Looseness.' We conducted qualitative research to find out consumer values, which are categorized into two: look and feel values. We identified the values named as 'Silhouette,' 'Neatness,' 'Attractiveness,' 'Polishing,' 'Innovativeness,' 'Professionalism,' 'Intellectualness,' 'Individuality,' and 'Distinctiveness' in terms of look values. Also, we identifies 'Stability,' 'Comfortableness,' 'Grip,' 'Solidity,' 'Non-fragility,' and 'Smoothness' in terms of feel values. They are factorized into five key values: 'Sleek Value,' 'Professional Value,' 'Unique Value,' 'Comfortable Value,' and 'Solid Value.' Finally, we developed the holistic design evaluation model by analyzing each relationship from product attributes, perceived attributes, to consumer values. This study has several theoretical and practical contributions. First, we found consumer values in terms of design evaluation and implicit chain relationship from the objective and physical characteristics to the subjective and mental evaluation. That is, the model explains the mechanism of design evaluation in consumer minds. Second, we suggest a general design evaluation process from product attributes, perceived attributes to consumer values. It is an adaptable methodology not only smart phone but also other IT products. Practically, this model can support the decision-making when companies initiative new product development. It can help product designers focus on their capacities with limited resources. Moreover, if its model combined with machine learning collecting consumers' purchasing data, most preferred values, sales data, etc., it will be able to evolve intelligent design decision support system.