• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technology Education Model

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How to build an AI Safety Management Chatbot Service based on IoT Construction Health Monitoring (IoT 건축시공 건전성 모니터링 기반 AI 안전관리 챗봇서비스 구축방안)

  • Hwi Jin Kang;Sung Jo Choi;Sang Jun Han;Jae Hyun Kim;Seung Ho Lee
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.106-116
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This paper conducts IoT and CCTV-based safety monitoring to analyze accidents and potential risks occurring at construction sites, and detect and analyze risks such as falls and collisions or abnormalities and to establish a system for early warning using devices like a walkie-talkie and chatbot service. Method: A safety management service model is presented through smart construction technology case studies at the construction site and review a relevant literature analysis. Result: According to 'Construction Accident Statistics,' in 2021, there were 26,888 casualties in the construction industry, accounting for 26.3% of all reported accidents. Fatalities in construction-related accidents amounted to 417 individuals, representing 50.5% of all industrial accident-related deaths. This study suggests implementing AI chatbot services for construction site safety management utilizing IoT-based health monitoring technologies in smart construction practices. Construction sites where stakeholders such as workers participate were demonstrated by implementing an artificial intelligence chatbot system by selecting major risk areas within the workplace, such as scaffolding processes, openings, and access to hazardous machinery. Conclusion: The possibility of commercialization was confirmed by receiving more than 90 points in the satisfaction survey of participating workers regarding the empirical results of the artificial intelligence chatbot service at construction sites.

An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Supply Chain Management Systems Success from Vendor's Perspective (참여자관점에서 공급사슬관리 시스템의 성공에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Kang, Sung-Bae;Moon, Tae-Soo;Chung, Yoon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.139-166
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    • 2010
  • The supply chain management (SCM) systems have emerged as strong managerial tools for manufacturing firms in enhancing competitive strength. Despite of large investments in the SCM systems, many companies are not fully realizing the promised benefits from the systems. A review of literature on adoption, implementation and success factor of IOS (inter-organization systems), EDI (electronic data interchange) systems, shows that this issue has been examined from multiple theoretic perspectives. And many researchers have attempted to identify the factors which influence the success of system implementation. However, the existing studies have two drawbacks in revealing the determinants of systems implementation success. First, previous researches raise questions as to the appropriateness of research subjects selected. Most SCM systems are operating in the form of private industrial networks, where the participants of the systems consist of two distinct groups: focus companies and vendors. The focus companies are the primary actors in developing and operating the systems, while vendors are passive participants which are connected to the system in order to supply raw materials and parts to the focus companies. Under the circumstance, there are three ways in selecting the research subjects; focus companies only, vendors only, or two parties grouped together. It is hard to find researches that use the focus companies exclusively as the subjects probably due to the insufficient sample size for statistic analysis. Most researches have been conducted using the data collected from both groups. We argue that the SCM success factors cannot be correctly indentified in this case. The focus companies and the vendors are in different positions in many areas regarding the system implementation: firm size, managerial resources, bargaining power, organizational maturity, and etc. There are no obvious reasons to believe that the success factors of the two groups are identical. Grouping the two groups also raises questions on measuring the system success. The benefits from utilizing the systems may not be commonly distributed to the two groups. One group's benefits might be realized at the expenses of the other group considering the situation where vendors participating in SCM systems are under continuous pressures from the focus companies with respect to prices, quality, and delivery time. Therefore, by combining the system outcomes of both groups we cannot measure the system benefits obtained by each group correctly. Second, the measures of system success adopted in the previous researches have shortcoming in measuring the SCM success. User satisfaction, system utilization, and user attitudes toward the systems are most commonly used success measures in the existing studies. These measures have been developed as proxy variables in the studies of decision support systems (DSS) where the contribution of the systems to the organization performance is very difficult to measure. Unlike the DSS, the SCM systems have more specific goals, such as cost saving, inventory reduction, quality improvement, rapid time, and higher customer service. We maintain that more specific measures can be developed instead of proxy variables in order to measure the system benefits correctly. The purpose of this study is to find the determinants of SCM systems success in the perspective of vendor companies. In developing the research model, we have focused on selecting the success factors appropriate for the vendors through reviewing past researches and on developing more accurate success measures. The variables can be classified into following: technological, organizational, and environmental factors on the basis of TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) framework. The model consists of three independent variables (competition intensity, top management support, and information system maturity), one mediating variable (collaboration), one moderating variable (government support), and a dependent variable (system success). The systems success measures have been developed to reflect the operational benefits of the SCM systems; improvement in planning and analysis capabilities, faster throughput, cost reduction, task integration, and improved product and customer service. The model has been validated using the survey data collected from 122 vendors participating in the SCM systems in Korea. To test for mediation, one should estimate the hierarchical regression analysis on the collaboration. And moderating effect analysis should estimate the moderated multiple regression, examines the effect of the government support. The result shows that information system maturity and top management support are the most important determinants of SCM system success. Supply chain technologies that standardize data formats and enhance information sharing may be adopted by supply chain leader organization because of the influence of focal company in the private industrial networks in order to streamline transactions and improve inter-organization communication. Specially, the need to develop and sustain an information system maturity will provide the focus and purpose to successfully overcome information system obstacles and resistance to innovation diffusion within the supply chain network organization. The support of top management will help focus efforts toward the realization of inter-organizational benefits and lend credibility to functional managers responsible for its implementation. The active involvement, vision, and direction of high level executives provide the impetus needed to sustain the implementation of SCM. The quality of collaboration relationships also is positively related to outcome variable. Collaboration variable is found to have a mediation effect between on influencing factors and implementation success. Higher levels of inter-organizational collaboration behaviors such as shared planning and flexibility in coordinating activities were found to be strongly linked to the vendors trust in the supply chain network. Government support moderates the effect of the IS maturity, competitive intensity, top management support on collaboration and implementation success of SCM. In general, the vendor companies face substantially greater risks in SCM implementation than the larger companies do because of severe constraints on financial and human resources and limited education on SCM systems. Besides resources, Vendors generally lack computer experience and do not have sufficient internal SCM expertise. For these reasons, government supports may establish requirements for firms doing business with the government or provide incentives to adopt, implementation SCM or practices. Government support provides significant improvements in implementation success of SCM when IS maturity, competitive intensity, top management support and collaboration are low. The environmental characteristic of competition intensity has no direct effect on vendor perspective of SCM system success. But, vendors facing above average competition intensity will have a greater need for changing technology. This suggests that companies trying to implement SCM systems should set up compatible supply chain networks and a high-quality collaboration relationship for implementation and performance.

Development and Application of the Teaching·Learning Process Plan of Senior Cohousing for Independent later Life - Focusing on high school Technology·Home Economics - (자립적인 노후생활을 위한 노인용 코하우징 교수·학습 과정안 개발 및 적용 - 고등학교 기술·가정을 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Jimyeong;Cho, Jaesoon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the teaching-learning process plan of senior cohousing to improve understanding of active and independent living in later life through Home Economics subject. The plan consisting of 5 lessons has been developed and implemented according to the ADDIE model. Various activity materials (28 individual activity sheets, 2 working sheets, and 26 teacher's reading texts) and visual materials (4 sets of pictures & photos and 10 moving pictures) as well as questionnaire were developed for the 5-session lessons. The plans were implemented to 6 classes 150 freshmen of P high school in Jeju-do during August 17th to 3rd of September, 2015. Students were highly satisfied regardless of gender with the whole 5-lessons in the aspects such as the level of participation in the lesson, understanding of the contents, adequacy of materials and activities, and usage in their future life. Students also reported that they highly accomplished the goal of each lesson to reinforce the understanding on necessity of preparing later life, senior cohousing, and senior friendly business. It can be concluded that the teaching learning process plan for senior cohousing would improve understanding and practical competency of active and independent living in later life with senior neighbors through the home economics subject.

Improving Work Adjustment Skills in Students with Mental Retardation Using Hydroponics Program (수경재배 프로그램을 통한 지적 장애학생의 직업적응력 증진)

  • Joo, Byung-Sik;Park, Sin-Ae;Son, Ki-Cheol
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.586-595
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of horticultural therapy (HT) program using hydroponics on work adjustment skills of students with mental retardation. Based on the critical role transitional model and special education curriculum for agriculture, especially hydroponics, HT program (total 22 sessions) using hydroponics procedure for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. 'Asia Heuk Romaine') was developed. Fourteen (10 males, 4 females) graded $1^{st}$ to $2^{nd}$ with intellectual disabilities were recruited from a special education class in a high school located in Inchon, Korea and then a special farm for hydroponics in Inchon, Korea was offered for the HT program. The students with intellectual disabilities participated in the HT program for 4-month (from September to December of 2011, twice a week, approximately 60 minutes per session). Before and after the HT program, the McCarron assessment neuromuscular development, emotional behavioral checklist, interpersonal negotiation strategies, and KEPAD picture vocational interest test were performed by the teachers and horticultural therapists. As the results, the students significantly improved motor performance (p = 0.002), emotional behavioral strategies (p = 0.00), and interpersonal negotiation strategies (p = 0.05). However, no significant difference between before and after the HT program for vocational interest was observed. In conclusion, the HT program using hydroponics, consists of simple and easy tasks so that it would be applicable for the students with intellectual disabilities positively affected to work adjustment skills by improving the motor performance, emotional behavioral strategies, and interpersonal negotiation strategies. Additionally, HT programs using hydroponics with various kinds of vegetables are required to develop and to apply in practical settings for improving work adjustment skills.

Recovery Support Service for Neglected Children and Their Families of Origin: Status and Suggestions (방임 및 보호 아동·청소년 원가정 회복지원 시범사업의 현황과 과제)

  • Jeong, Jeeyoung;Anh, Jinkyung;Kim, Eunhye
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2021
  • Child abuse and neglect are recently increasing in Korea, and although the government has actively improved the child protection system, the number of abused children and the rate of cases judged as abuse have continuously risen. Given that 75% of child abusers are parents, child abuse and neglect are expected to recur. To prevent such a recurrence, various intervention programs for abused children and their parents are required. The purpose of this study were to design a recovery support service process and investigate the effectiveness of pilot program for families of origin, including neglected(protected) children, to improve the system by which these programs are operated, and formulate policy alternatives that reinforce "family preservation" principles. The pilot program was implemented from June to November 2020 in 4-local healthy family support center. The number of program participants and the frequency of participation in each other differed, because of the difference in number of confirmed coronavirus cases in each region and the requirement for social distancing. Through the program, a community-based service process was developed for neglected(protected) children and their parents, and cooperative networks between related facilities and institutions were established. The study formulated the following recommendations: First, a cooperation system among government departments mandated to provide different services to neglected(protected) children is needed. Second, wider and various channels through which abused children can avail of protective services should be developed within communities. Third, more stable environments for program operation should be cultivated, and cooperative partnerships should be sought for knowledge sharing among relevant government departments. Another necessary measure is for a center to develop its own business model, in which the duplication of services provided by involved organizations is avoided. Finally, clear guidelines, administrative standards, and specific plans for program operation should be arranged. Also regional characteristics are maintained, but services should be standardized.

A study of the Medical System in the Early Chosun-Dynasty (조선시대(朝鮮時代) 전기(前期)의 의료제도(醫療制度)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Han, Dae-Hee;Kang, Hyo-Shin
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.9
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    • pp.555-652
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    • 1996
  • Up to the present the scholastic achievements in the history of the medical system have been rather scare despite its importance in the Korean History. Hence, this dissertation attempts to examine the significance of the institute in the Korean History, covering the period from the ancient times through the early Chosun-Dynasty. In the ancient times, the medical practice relied primarily upon human instincts and experiences at the same time, shaman's incantations were widely believed to cure diseases, the workings of evil spirits supposedly. For the period from the Old Chosun through Samhan(巫堂), Chinese refugees brought a long medical knowledge and skills of the continent. New Chinese medicine, traditional practices and incantations were generally used at this time. Medicine and the medical system were arranged by the period of the Three Countries(三國時代). No definite record concerning Koguryo remains now. As for Paekje, however, history shows that they set up the system under the Chinese influence, assigning medical posts such as Euibaksa(medical doctor), Chaeyaksa(pharmacist), and Jukeumsa(medicine man) within Yakbu(department of medicine). Scientifically advanced, they sent experts to Japan, giving a tremendous influence on the development of the science on ancient Japan. After the unification of the three countries, Shilla had their own system after the model of Dang(唐). This system of the Unified Shilla was continued down to Koryo and became the backbone of the future ones. In the ancient time religion and medicine were closely related. The curative function of the shaman was absolute. Buddhism played a notable part in medical practice, too, producing numerous medical monks. The medical system of Koryo followed the model of Dang with some borrowings from Song(宋). Sangyakkuk(尙藥局) was to deal exclusively with the diseases of the monarch whereas Taeeuigam(太醫監) was the central office to handle the national medical administration and the qualification test and education for doctors. In addition, Dongsodaebiwon(東西大悲院), Jewibo(濟危寶), and Hyeminkuk(惠民局) were public hospitals for the people, and a few aristocrats practiced medicine privately. In 987, the 6th year of Songjong(成宗), local medical operations were installed for curing the sick and educating medical students. Later Hyonjong(顯宗), established Yakjom(clinics, 藥店) throughout the country and officials were sent there to see patients. Foreign experts, mainly from Song, were invited frequently to deliver their advanced technology, and contributed to the great progress of the science in Korea. Medical officials were equipped with better land and salary than others, enjoying appropriate social respect. Koryo exchanged doctors, medicine and books mainly with Song, but also had substantial interrelations with Yuan(元), Ming(明), Kitan(契丹), Yojin(女眞), and Japan. Among them, however, Song was most influential to the development of medicine in Koryo. During Koryo Dynasty Buddhism, the national religion at the time, exercised bigger effect on medicine than in any other period. By conducting national ceremonies and public rituals to cure diseases, Taoism also affected the way people regarded illness. Curative shamanism was still in practice as well. These religious practices, however, were now engaged only when medication was already in use or when medicine could not held not help any more. The advanced medical system of Koryo were handed down to Chosun and served the basis for further progress. Hence, then played well the role to connect the ancient medicine and the modern one. The early Chosun followed and systemized the scientific and technical achievement in medicine during the Koryo Dynasty, and furthermore, founded the basis of the future developments. Especially the 70 years approximately from the reign of Sejong(世宗) to that of Songjong(成宗) withnessed a termendous progress in the field with the reestablishment of the medical system. The functions of the three medical institute Naeeuiwon(內醫院), Joneuigam(典醫監), Hyeminkuk(惠民局) were expanded. The second, particualy, not only systemized all the medical practices of the whole nation, but also grew and distributed domestic medicaments which had been continually developed since the late Koryo period. In addition, Hyeminso(惠民局, Hwarinwon(活人院)) and Jesaenwon(濟生院)(later merged to the first) played certain parts in the curing illness. Despite the active medical education in the capital and the country, the results were not substantial, for the aristocracy avoided the profession due to the social prejudice against technicians including medical docotors. During the early Chosun-Dynasty, the science was divided into Chimgueui (acupuncturist), Naryogeui(specialist in scrofula) and Chijongeui (specialist in boil). For the textbooks, those for the qualification exam were used, including several written by the natives. With the introduction on Neoconfucianism(性理學) which reinforced sexual segregation, female doctors appeared for the female patients who refused to be seen by male doctors. This system first appeared in 1406, the sixth year of Taejong(太宗), but finally set up during the reign of Sejong. As slaves to the offices, the lowest class, female doctors drew no respect. However, this is still significant in the aspect of women's participation in society. They were precedents of midwives. Medical officials were selected through the civil exam and a special test. Those who passed exams were given temporary jobs and took permanent posts later. At that time the test score, the work experience and the performance record of the prospective doctor were all taken into consideration, for it was a specialized office. Most doctors were given posts that changed every six months, and therefore had fewer chances for a goverment office than the aristocracy. At the beginning the social status of those in medicine was not that low, but with the prejudice gradully rising among the aristocracy, it became generally agreed to belong to the upper-middle technician class. Dealing with life, however, they received social respect and courtesy from the public. Sometimes they collected wealth with their skills. They kept improving techniques and finally came to take an important share in modernization process during the late Chosun-Dynasty.

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A Study on the Historical Development of Research Community in Korea: Focused on the Government Supported Institutes (연구자 집단의 성장과 변천: 정부 출연 연구 기관을 중심으로)

  • Park Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.119-152
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    • 2006
  • This paper deals with the historical development of research community in Korea. As the former studies of the korean scientific community show, the government supported institutes played an important role in the formation of research community. Therefore the theme of this study is concerned with the historical development of the government supported institutes and the features of their researcher group. In this paper following questions will be answered: How the social status of these researcher group is changed, what kind of response on social problems or national politics they had, and which characteristic they showed with regards to the identity problem. After the korean liberation the government institutes, such as the Chungang Kongop Yonguso(industrial research center)and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, contributed to the development of the first generation of research group. However this research group could hardly identify themselves as researcher, because they spent much time on testing, evaluation or education. The identity problem is also resulted from the deficiency of authority as research institute. The status of researcher had no difference from that of civil servant. With the establishment of KIST the korean research community came into blossom. The government supported institutes, which were founded after the model of KIST, allowed quantitative and qualitative growth of research community. Thanks to the guarantee of institutional authority and the new reward system, the researcher could get respect and improve its social status. During this period the researcher volunteered to help the government policies. We can find often the nationalistic statements in the research community. During 1990s the research group demonstrated different behaviors and attitude toward the government. The nationalistic ideology disappeared. Instead of that, the research group criticized the government policies and took actions against the government. Those changes are related with the lowered position of government supported institutes.

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Effects of Nutritional Status, Activities Daily Living, Instruments Activities Daily Living, and Social Network on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly in Home (재가노인의 영양상태, 일상생활 수행능력, 도구적 일상생활 수행능력 및 사회적 연결망이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Kyoung Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1472-1484
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to verify the effects of nutritional status, K-ADL, K-IADL, and social network on the life satisfaction of the elderly in home. Total 213 research subjects participated in this study, and their average age was 71.38±5.59. As the methods of analysis, using the SPSS 21.0, this study examined the differences between variables in accordance with the general characteristics, and then verified the correlations between independent variables of nutritional status, K-ADL, K-IADL, social network(family networks, friends networks), and life satisfaction. In order to verify the factors having effects on the life satisfaction of the elderly in home, the stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted. In the results of this study, in the general characteristics, the life satisfaction showed statistically significant differences in accordance with education(F=5.280, p=.002), economic condition(F=22.407, p<.001), monthly income(F=3.181, p=.015), and subjective health status(F=14.933, p<.001). In the results of verifying the correlation between independent variables, the life satisfaction showed positive correlations with family networks(r=268, p<.001) and friends networks(r=.286, p<.001) while the nutritional status(r=-.222, p=.001), K-IADL(r=-.235, p=.001), and interdependent social support(r=-.283, p<.001) showed negative correlations. The predictive factors on the life satisfaction of the elderly in home included the economic condition(β=.358, p<.001), subjective health status(β=.245, p<.001), interdependent social support(β=-.158, p=.009), and K-IADL(β=-.153, p=.012), and the explanatory power was 30.1%. The regression model was statistically significant(F=23.778, p<.001). Based on such results of this study, it would be necessary to develop programs that could maintain and improve the health of the elderly, and also provide financial support to the elderly suffering from economic hardship, in order to improve the life satisfaction of the elderly in home. Moreover, there should be the concrete measures for vitalizing the community-connected activities for interdependent social support.

Impact of Youth Entrepreneurial Competency on the Success and Satisfaction of Start-ups through Entrepreneurial Self-Efficiency (청년창업가역량이 창업자기효능감을 매개로 창업성공과 창업만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Su Heyong;Kang, Hee kyung;Lee, Dae Shik
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.245-259
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    • 2020
  • The development of technology and the advent of a non-face-to-face society are expected to have a direct impact on job problems. In line with this phenomenon, the government and education and training institutions are coping with job problems through the start-up support policy while at the same time inducing the creation of innovative companies. In particular, youth start-up support can be expected not only to compensate for market failures, but also to promote high-growth start-ups. Based on this background of research, this study examined the competency of young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, their entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and their impact on success and satisfaction of start-ups. Based on the theoretical research, the research theory and research model were derived by setting entrepreneurial self-efficacy as a mediating variable after reviewing the relation between the main elements of start-up competency of young start-up entrepreneurs and start-up performance. The Youth Entrepreneurship Competency was divided into four categories: Entrepreneurial Competencies, Technical Competencies, Management Competencies, and Creative Competencies, and the hypothesis was that each had a significant impact on the start-up performance through the mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. A survey was conducted on young entrepreneurs in their 20s and 30s in Korea for empirical research, and the analysis results were as follows. First of all, the competency of young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses affects the success of start-ups and the satisfaction of start-ups. There are differences in the competencies, and both technical and management competencies can be seen through the entrepreneurial self-efficacy to enhance the success of start-ups and the satisfaction of start-ups. Entrepreneurial competency was fully mediated to start-up success and partially mediated to start-up satisfaction. In the case of creative competency, there were only direct effects on successful start-ups, and the satisfaction of start-ups showed partial mediating effects. Thus, seven of the eight detailed hypotheses were supported and one was rejected. Based on the above findings, the implications were presented.

On decrease program of Radioactive Wastewater and Sewages in High Dose Radioiodine Therapy Ward (고용량 방사성옥소 치료병실의 오.폐수 저감화를 위한 연구)

  • Ryu, Jae-Kwang;Jung, Woo-Young;Shin, Sang-Ki;Cho, Shee-Man
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: In general, We discharged radioactive wastewater and sewages less than $8.1{\times}10^{-13}$ Ci/ml in a exclusive water-purifier tank. Our hospital operating three exclusive water-purifier tank for radioactive wastewater and sewages of 60 tons capacity respectively. In order to meet the criteria it need a enough decay more than 125 days per each exclusive tank. However, recently we fell into the serious situation that decay period was decreased remarkably, owing to the wastewater amount increased rapidly by enlarge the therapy ward. For that reason, in this article, I'd like to say the way that reducing of radioactive wastewater and sewages rationally. Materials and Methods: From January, 2006 to October, four hundred and two cases were analyzed. They were all hospitalized during 3 days and 2 nights. We calculated the average amount of water used (include toilet water used, shower water used, washstand water used, $\cdots$), each exclusive water-purifier tank's decay period, as well as try to search the increased factors about water-purifier tank inflow flux by re-analysis of the procedure of radioisotope therapy step by step. Results: We could increase each exclusive water-purifier tank's decay period from 84 days to 130 days through the improvement about following cause: (1) Improvement of conventional toilet stool for excessive water waste $\rightarrow$ Replacement of water saving style toilet stool (2) Prevention of unnecessary shower and wash (3) Stop the diuretics taking during hospitalization (4) Analysis of relationship between water intakes and residual dose of body (5) Education about outside toilet utilization before the administration (6) Changed each water-purifier tank's maximum level from85% to 90% Conclusion: The originality of our efforts are not only software but hardware performance improvements. Incidentally the side of software's are change of therapy procedures and protocols, the side of hardware's are replacement of water saving style toilet stool and change of each water-purifier tank's maximum level. Thus even if a long lapse of time, problem such as return to the former conditions may not happen. Besides, We expect that our trials become a new reasonable model in similar situation.

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