• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technological innovation system

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Towards Effective Regional Innovation Systems in Korea (효율적인 지역혁신체제 구축전략)

  • 정선양
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.31-48
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    • 2000
  • Nowadays the role of region has been increased, as knowledge, science and technology become important in economic development. This paper argues that a system approach is needed to enhance regional S&T capabilities. Under the this approach, we can identify a concept of regional innovation systems as sub-systems of a national innovation system. This paper investigates Korean regional innovation systems based on R&D budget of regional governments. According to this paper, Korean regional governments' R&D investment is very insufficient. There were no co-relationship between regional governments' fiscal autonomy from the central government and their R&D investment. This paper argues that such a poor investment will restrict the future development of Korean regional innovation systems. Therefore, this paper suggests some strategic options for the development of regional innovation systems as follows. First, regional governments should increase their R&D budget. Second, their R&D efforts should be related with their specific industrial sectors. Third, they should target not only to create new promising industrial sectors but also to enhance technological capabilities of existing sectors. Fourth, their target group should be small and medium-sized enterprises. Finally, regional governments should adopt small and incremental approach to improve their innovation systems.

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Sectoral Innovation Studies: A Review of the Literature and Its Implications (한국 산업혁신연구의 현황과 과제)

  • Choung, Jae-Yong;Hwang, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.115-154
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    • 2017
  • This article offers a review of the major literature about sectoral innovation studies of Korea and its implications over the past 30 years. The literature on the sectoral innovation studies in Korea has focused on analysing successful technological catch-up from an evolutionary perspective and most of research has centered on the issues about entry strategies, learning mechanisms. Recently "Emerging economies" like Korea in the 2000s face major challenges as they make a transition from (a) a phase of economic development characterised by 'catching up' with the global technological frontier, involving technological "imitation", to (b) a phase of continuing development based on the development of new knowledge for globally leading (post catch-up) product and process innovation. This paper reviews those bodies of literature of patterns of sectoral innovation, technological capability accumulation and catch-up process, catch-up innovation and institutions, and patterns of growth dynamics. Finally, given the importance of sectoral innovation studies, we suggest that industrial upgrading, transition towards leadership, dark side of catch-up issues are needed for future research directions.

Technological Standardization in Mobile Telecommunication Industry: A Comparative Study (이동통신산업의 기술표준화에 관한 연구: 국가간 비교를 중심으로)

  • Ko, Yong-Su
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.83-108
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    • 2008
  • A analytical framework is suggested to explain how different standardization each country makes with incorporation of institutional elements such as the state's intervention and inter-firm relations which are considered to have a significant effect on it. Application to mobile telecommunication industry of the framework shows that different innovation system has its own technological standardization. In isolated inter-firm relation system, standardization is achieved through market but in cooperative one, through coordinating activities between participant firms. The state, however, intervenes more deeply in standardization and inter-firm relations are shorter in state-led and isolated firm relation system than in state-led and cooperative firm relation system.

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A Study on the Regional Policy for Promoting the Creation of Technology Based Innovation Firms (기술혁신형 중소기업의 창업환경 조성방안)

  • Lee, J.H.;Bae, B.Y.
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2008
  • Since the late 20th century, due to the globalization of markets and the rapid developments of information and communication technologies, the world has entered into the age of fierce competition. With their abundant low-cost labor, former communist countries such as China, Russia and East Europe and low-developed countries such as India and Brazil have received investments from major industrial companies. There are no other alternatives for Korea and OECD countries to move the industrial economy to the knowledge based innovation system. In knowledge based innovation system, economic development and employment of a region and nation depend solely on the number of its companies and their competitiveness. In this research, after reviewing the current state of technological innovation small companies in korea, we provide a theoretical framework to promote the level of technological innovative entrepreneurship. The framework is based on a value system model that consist of supply factors, demand factors, and supporting institutions. In order to create more innovative small businesses, we insist on the followings. First, more R&D activities related with promising new technologies should be performed. Second, more R&D funds for technological innovation small companies should be provided from governments. Third, more M&A transactions and technology transactions should be marketed freely and competitively. Fourth, more business incubating services and venture capital services should be provided. Fifth, entrepreneurship and innovation culture should be popular and institutionized among people.

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Strategies for Building up Capabilities in the Korean Aircraft Sub-systems Industry (우리나라 항공기 부품산업의 현황과 발전전략)

  • 황진영;최수미;정성훈
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.551-568
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    • 2003
  • The aircraft industry is a typical complex product system (CoPS) and one of the system integration industries. In this particular sector, industrial competitiveness is decided by technological capabilities in system level as well as subsystem level. Korea has been involved in the aircraft industry since early 1970s. Technological capability in the system level has been developed based on military aircraft production program. However, subsystem and component level capabilities have been remained less developed. In this paper, the capability building process as well as current problem; of the Korean aircraft industry have been examined. In conclusion, capability building up strategies in the Korean aircraft industry has been suggested.

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Policy Directions for Boosting Fusion of PC in the Mechatronics Industry: (메카트로닉스산업의 PC 융합 촉진을 위한 기술정책 방향)

  • 이공래
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.154-173
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    • 2000
  • Since computerized numerical controller (CNC) emerged as a result of the fusion of the electronics technology and the mechanical technology, there has been continuous evolution of CNC technology in the mechatronics industry. The industry is recently developing a new control system based on the fusion of personal computer (PC) and CNC. Upgraded PC has now integrated into CNC, making various machines possible to exchange data, software and hardware, and to greatly improve man-machine interface. The fusion of PC and CNC can form a new paradigm in technological innovation of not only control system but also whole machinery industry in near the future. Korea lagged behind the developed countries in the development of open control system with the fusion of PC. Turbo-tek, Hyundai Motor and Daewoo are leading companies, but their commercial possibility seems to be low because domestic market is too small to reap a commercial benefit. Nevertheless, the development of the system is an essential step for Korea to embark on a future technological paradigm of the machinery industry. The government needs to play some role for the development, for instance, government R&D projects, institutional building and training of related technicians.

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Enhancing Technology Learning Capabilities for Catch-up and Post Catch-up Innovations (기술학습역량 강화를 통한 추격 및 탈추격 혁신 촉진)

  • Bae, Zong-Tae;Lee, Jong-Seon;Koo, Bonjin
    • The Journal of Small Business Innovation
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2016
  • Motivation and activities for technological learning, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity are driving forces of economic development in Asian countries. In the early stages of technological development, technological learning and entrepreneurship are efficient ways in which to catch up with advanced countries because firms can accumulate skills and knowledge quickly at relatively low risk. In the later stages of technological development, however, innovation and creativity become more important. This study aims to identify a) the factors (learning capabilities) that influence technological learning performance and b) barriers to enhancing innovation capabilities for the creative economy and organizations. The major part of this study is related to learning capabilities in the post-catch-up era. Based on a literature review and observations from Korean experiences, this study proposes a technological learning model composed of various influencing factors on technological learning. Three hypotheses are derived, and data are collected from Korean machine tool manufacturers. Intense interviews with CEOs and R&D directors are conducted using structured questionnaires. Statistical analysis, such as correlation and ANOVA are then carried out. Furthermore, this study addresses how to enhance innovation capabilities to move forward. Innovation enablers and barriers are identified by case studies and policy analysis. The results of the empirical study identify several levels of firms' learning capabilities and activities such as a) stock of technology, b) potential of technical labor, c) explicit technological efforts, d) readiness to learn, e) top management support, f) a formal technological learning system, g) high learning motivation, h) appropriate technology choice, and i) specific goal setting. These learning capabilities determine firms' learning performance, especially in the early stages of development. Furthermore, it is found that the critical factors for successful technological learning vary along the stages of technology development. Throughout the statistical and policy analyses, this study confirms that technological learning can be understood as an intrinsic principle of the technology development process. Firms perform proactive and creative learning in the late stages, while reactive and imitative learning prevails in the early stages. In addition, this study identifies the driving forces or facilitating factors enhancing innovation performance in the post catch-up era. The results of the preliminary case studies and policy analysis show some facilitating factors such as a) the strategic intent of the CEO and corporate culture, b) leadership and change agents, c) design principles and routines, d) ecosystem and collaboration with partners, and e) intensive R&D investment.

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Lessons from the Design of Innovation Systems for Rural Industrial Clusters in India

  • Abrol, Dinesh
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.67-97
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    • 2004
  • Practical experience with technology implementation of the upgrading of very small village industries in India suggests that innovation failures are not merely a result of the lack of proper interaction between the users and suppliers of technologies under implementation, but also a result of adoption of the primitive conception of competitiveness in their practice of technology development. The approach of promoting the small producers to become individually competitive by using labour intensive, small-scale intermediate technologies is proving to be totally inadequate for the achievement of technological efficiency in a dynamic sense. Guided by a primitive notion of competitiveness, the suppliers of intermediated technologies are thus being led into limiting their technological efforts in the sectors of direct interest to the rural industrial clusters to the transitional objectives of mainly poverty alleviation. Consequently they have not been able to target the small producers of these village industries for the objectives of business growth. This paper posits that under competitive conditions the self-employed small producer has not only to come together for access to resources, but also has to emerge as a multi-sectoral collective of producers, co-operating in production. With the aim to draw lessons that are generic and have policy implications for the development of innovation systems for local economy based rural industrial clusters and value chains, the author analyses in this paper the experience of innovation in technological systems for the sectors of leather, fruits and vegetable processing and agro processing by the People's Science Movement with the help of the Ministry of Science and Technology and other sectoral ministries in India where rural poor were required to pool the resources and capabilities for raising the scale and scope of their collective production organization.

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A Study on the Effect of Network Activity Characteristics on the Technological Innovation Performance: Focused on Relational Capital, Industry-University Linkage and Informal Exchange (네트워크 활동 특성이 R&D 수행기업의 기술혁신 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 : 관계자본, 산학연 연계, 비공식교류를 중심으로)

  • Sim, Seong-Hag;Seo, Hwan-Joo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2019
  • The export regulation of semiconductor core materials, which began with the recent revision of the export management regulations of Japan, raises the need for a new cooperation network. A hierarchical management network that was effective in the fast-follower system requires organic cooperation between the public sector and industry through a multilateral network that emphasizes horizontal co-operation among innovation actors. This study focused on the relational capital that exists among members of a business association such as an association that has been relatively marginalized from previous studies. In addition, this study aimed to analyze the effect of network activity characteristics such as industry-university linkage and informal exchange on technological innovation. Through this, I would like to draw implications for enhancing the effectiveness of the government's R & D support and innovation performance of R & D companies. Based on the results of the SMEs R & D survey, this study found that relational capital, informal exchange had a positive effect on technological innovation performance. However, if the relational capital exceeds a certain level, it is analyzed that there is a negative effect due to group think and lock-in effect. This means that informal exchange channels should be expanded for innovation and enhancement, and relational capital should be managed in consideration of the negative effects that may occur when certain levels are exceeded.

기술혁신 지향적 정부구매제도의 정책방향

  • 김태황;송종국
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.123-151
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    • 2000
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate how the public procurement policy exerts an effect upon the technology innovation of the firm and to make alternative proposals how to reinforce the effect. Although the pubic procurement process based on its monopsonic idiosyncrasy implies the means to lead the firms' supply function, the present system has contributed a little to accelerate the technology innovation. In fact, the system is lacking of the evaluation capability referring to the technological computer among the bidding films. So as to reinforce the function of technology innovation of the public procurement policy, it is necessary to improve the procurement institutions, in particular bidding and contract system. Finally, the paper propose, on the on hand, to enlarge the application range of the total bidding system in order to apply more strictly the technology evaluation standards on bidding, and on the other hand, to multiply the competitive proposal and the incentive contract type.

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