• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tall height

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Investigations of elastic vibration periods of tall reinforced concrete office buildings

  • Al-Balhawi, Ali;Zhang, Binsheng
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2019
  • The assessment of wind-induced vibration for tall reinforced concrete (RC) buildings requires the accurate estimation of their dynamic properties, e.g., the fundamental vibration periods and damping ratios. In this study, RC frame-shear wall systems designed under gravity and wind loadings have been evaluated by utilising 3D FE modelling incorporating eigen-analysis to obtain the elastic periods of vibration. The conducted parameters consist of the number of storeys, the plan aspect ratio (AR) of buildings, the core dimensions, the space efficiency (SE), and the leasing depth (LD) between the internal central core and outer frames. This analysis provides a reliable basis for further investigating the effects of these parameters and establishing new formulas for predicting the fundamental vibration periods by using regression analyses on the obtained results. The proposed constrained numerically based formula for vibration periods of tall RC frame-shear wall office buildings in terms of the height of buildings reasonably agrees with some cited formulas for vibration period from design codes and standards. However, the same proposed formula has a high discrepancy with other cited formulas from the rest of design codes and standards. Also, the proposed formula agrees well with some cited experimentally based formulas.

Multi-objective Optimization of Pedestrian Wind Comfort and Natural Ventilation in a Residential Area

  • H.Y. Peng;S.F. Dai;D. Hu;H.J. Liu
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 2022
  • With the rapid development of urbanization the problems of pedestrian-level wind comfort and natural ventilation of tall buildings are becoming increasingly prominent. The velocity at the pedestrian level ($\overline{MVR}$) and variation of wind pressure coefficients $\overline{{\Delta}C_p}$ between windward and leeward surfaces of tall buildings were investigated systematically through numerical simulations. The examined parameters included building density ρ, height ratio of building αH, width ratio of building αB, and wind direction θ. The linear and quadratic regression analyses of $\overline{MVR}$ and $\overline{{\Delta}C_p}$ were conducted. The quadratic regression had better performance in predicting $\overline{MVR}$ and $\overline{{\Delta}C_p}$ than the linear regression. $\overline{MVR}$ and $\overline{{\Delta}C_p}$ were optimized by the NSGA-II algorithm. The LINMAP and TOPSIS decision-making methods demonstrated better capability than the Shannon's entropy approach. The final optimal design parameters of buildings were ρ = 20%, αH = 4.5, and αB = 1, and the wind direction was θ = 10°. The proposed method could be used for the optimization of pedestrian-level wind comfort and natural ventilation in a residential area.

Estimating the maximum pounding force for steel tall buildings in proximity subjected to wind

  • Tristen Brown;Ahmed Elshaer;Anas Issa
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.47-69
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    • 2024
  • Pounding of structures may result in considerable damages, to the extent of total failure during severe lateral loading events (e.g., earthquakes and wind). With the new generation of tall buildings in densely occupied locations, wind-induced pounding becomes of higher risk due to such structures' large deflections. This paper aims to develop mathematical formulations to determine the maximum pounding force when two adjacent structures come into contact. The study will first investigate wind-induced pounding forces of two equal-height structures with similar dynamic properties. The wind loads will be extracted from the Large Eddy Simulation models and applied to a Finite Element Method model to determine deflections and pounding forces. A Genetic Algorithm is lastly utilized to optimize fitting parameters used to correlate the maximum pounding force to the governing structural parameters. The results of the wind-induced pounding show that structures with a higher natural frequency will produce lower maximum pounding forces than those of the same structure with a lower natural frequency. In addition, taller structures are more susceptible to stronger pounding forces at closer separation distances. It was also found that the complexity of the mathematical formula from optimization depends on achieving a more accurate mapping for the trained database.

Studies on the Cutting Managemente of Pasture during the Mid Summer Season I. Effect of cutting management on tall fescue dominated pasture (고온기 초지의 예취관리에 관한 연구 I. 고온기 예취방법이 tall fescue 우점초지의 재생 , 잡초발생 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, S.;Han, Y.C.;Park, M.S.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 1985
  • Optimum pasture management during the summer season is an important factor to maintain good regrowth and persistence of pasture in Korea. This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of the cutting management on the dead plant, weed appearance, regrowth and carbohydrate reserves in stubble, and dry matter yield of tall fescue dominated pasture during the mid summer season. For the test, a split plot design with 4 replications was treated with 2 different the third cutting times (July 12 and Aug. 4) as the mainplots, and 3 different cutting heights (3, 6 and 9 cm) at the third cut as the subplots, and the experiment was done at the experimental field of the Livestock Experiment Station, in Suweon, 1984. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Considering the meteorological conditions during the experimental period, the temperature was a little higher by $2^{\circ}C$ than that of average year, especially the first and second decade of August were high. And the precipitation of 1984 tended to be low when compared with the average year. 2. Temperature of soil surface and underground tended to increase by $1-3^{\circ}C$ as the stubble height was low during the summer season. 3. Regrowth leaf length and leaf area after the third cut increased significantly with the high cutting height at the third cut. 4. A significant higher total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) content in stubble after the third cut was observed in the high stubble cut on July 12. The results indicate that the high stubble height reserves more carbohydrates for early regrowth stage after the third cut when compared with the low stubble. On Aug. 4, however, the recovery of TNC contents after the third cut was not effective due to high temperature and rainfall. 5. The percentage of dead plant after the third cut was found to be high with the low cutting height during the mid summer season (p<0.05). 6. With the low stubble height on July 12 cut, it was appeared that the percentage of weed was significantly increased (p<0.05), and main weeds appeared after the third cut were Echinochloa crusgalli>Digitaria sanguinalis>Cyperus iria>Rumex crispus, and so on. In case of cut on Aug. 4, weed appearance was no difference at three cutting heights. 7. Dry matter yield at the third cut was increased in the plot of cutting on Aug. 4 and stubble height (p<0.05). However, yields at the fourth and fifth cut were increased with high stubble height (p<0.05), regardless of harvest time. 8. In total dry matter yield after the third cut, there was no significant difference between the cutting time and forage yield. However, total yield on July 12 was increased with the high stubble height (p<0.05). 9. From the above results, it is suggested that the 9 cm cutting height during the mid summer season is the most effective for good regrowth, weed control and forage yield of tall fescue dominated pasture.

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Pounding between adjacent buildings of varying height coupled through soil

  • Naserkhaki, Sadegh;El-Rich, Marwan;Aziz, Farah N.A. Abdul;Pourmohammad, Hassan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.573-593
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    • 2014
  • Pounding between adjacent buildings is a significant challenge in metropolitan areas because buildings of different heights collide during earthquake excitations due to varying dynamic properties and narrow separation gaps. The seismic responses of adjacent buildings of varying height, coupled through soil subjected to earthquake-induced pounding, are evaluated in this paper. The lumped mass model is used to simulate the buildings and soil, while the linear visco-elastic contact force model is used to simulate pounding forces. The results indicate while the taller building is almost unaffected when the shorter building is very short, it suffers more from pounding with increasing height of the shorter building. The shorter building suffers more from the pounding with decreasing height and when its height differs substantially from that of the taller building. The minimum required separation gap to prevent pounding is increased with increasing height of the shorter building until the buildings become almost in-phase. Considering the soil effect; pounding forces are reduced, displacements and story shears are increased after pounding, and also, minimum separation gap required to prevent pounding is increased.

A Study of Middle Aged Men′s Body Shapes - Analysis of direct Anthropometric Measurement - (중년 남성의 체형연구 - 직접측정치 분석-)

  • 성옥진;김애린
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to measure middle-aged men's bodies around the ages of thirty-five through fifty-five, whose age-group undergoes drastic changes on their body shapes, and to reveal their physical characteristics by comparing the measurements. Sixty Body measurements were taken on 168 subjects. Statistics analysis of data used Oneway Anova, Correlation, Fator Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Crosstabs. Body shapes are grouped based on the measurements, and TypeI is characterized by small and middle-sized body shapes. Tall and obese body shapes belong to TypeII. Lastly, TypeIII is characterized by body shapes with very tall height and obesity, especially around the abdomen area.

Design of Seismic Isolated Tall Building with High Aspect-Ratio

  • Kikuchi, Takeshi;Takeuchi, Toru;Fujimori, Satoru;Wada, Akira
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2014
  • When seismic isolation system is applied to high aspect-ratio (height/wide-ratio) steel structures, there are several problems to be taken into consideration. One is lifting up tensile force on the isolation bearing by overturning moment caused by earthquake. Another is securing building stiffness to produce seismic isolation effects. Under these conditions, this paper reports the structural design of high-rise research building in the campus of Tokyo Institute of Technology. With the stepping-up system for the corner bearings, the narrow sides of single span framework are designed to concentrate the dead load as counter-weight for the tensile reaction under earthquake. Also we adopted concrete in-filled steel column and Mega-Bracing system covering four layers on north & south framework to secure the horizontal stiffness of the building.

Transparency in Urban Environment

  • Leung, Luke;Zhu, Yue;Ray, Stephen D.;Jevtic, Adri
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2017
  • A generation of tall buildings has been dominated by International Style with full height glazing that is often vision glass. Large glass was intended to bring the outside in, to allow a connection to the natural environment, and to promote daylighting. Yet the glass box model of architecture is now under criticism due to expense to build, thermal and visual comfort issues for occupants, large carbon footprints, danger for birds, and aesthetic concerns with lack of transparency. This paper will take a fresh look at glass, transparency, energy consumption, and human health before offering alternative paths forward.

Citic Tower Construction Key Technology

  • Xu, Lishan
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2019
  • Citic Tower is the first over-500 m-tall super highrise building in the world, located in the high seismic intensity area with paek ground acceleration over 0.2g in 475 years. This project is unique in its complexity, large volume, and challenging site conditions (zero site for construction). The traditional techniques can hardly meet safty, quality and schedule requirements of the construction. This article introduces the key construction technologies that are innovatively developed and applied in Citic Tower project construction, including intelligent super-high-rise building integrated construction platform system, independently developed by the CCTEB; Jump-Lift Elevator, which is the first of the kind with service height over 500 meters; combined temporary-and-permanent fire protection systems. The BIM technology is also applied in this project. Through technical innovation, and utilization of technologies, construction speed and safety had been greatly improved.

Proposal for Optimal Outrigger Location Considering Stiffness of Frame (프레임의 강성을 고려한 최적 아웃리거 위치의 제안)

  • Kim, Hyong-Kee
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2019
  • This paper intended to propose the optimal outrigger position in tall building. For this purpose, a schematic structure design of 70 stories building was accomplished by using MIDAS-Gen. In this analysis research, the key variables were the stiffness of outrigger, the stiffness of frame, the stiffness of shear wall, the stiffness of exterior column connected in outrigger and the outrigger location in height. With the intention of looking for the optimum location of outrigger system in high-rise building, we investigated the lateral displacement in top floor. The study proposed the new method to predict the optimal location of outrigger system considering the frame stiffness. And it is verified that the paper results can be helpful in providing the important engineering materials for finding out the optimum outrigger position in tall building.