• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tall height

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Member Sizing Method in IsoTruss® Grid High-rise Building Structures Based on Stiffness Criteria (강성도 기준에 따른 IsoTruss® 그리드 고층건물의 부재선정 방법)

  • Kim, Tae-Heon;Kim, Young-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2017
  • The perimeter structure in high-rise buildings, which plays a major role in resisting lateral forces, is generally formed by the orthogonal placement of the beam and column, but currently various grid patterns are implemented. In a previous study, the adaptability of the $IsoTruss^{(R)}$ grid (ITG) as a perimeter structure was examined. In this study, a method of estimating the required cross sectional area of a member in a preliminary design is proposed. The members of the perimeter structure are placed in three planes, perpendicular (PPR), parallel (PPL) and oblique (POQ) to the lateral loading, and the stiffness of the members in the POQ was taken into account by projecting them onto the PPL or PPR. Three models are established for member size zoning through the height of the building, in order to investigate the effect of the shear and moment in the calculation of the required cross sectional area. To examine the effectiveness of this study, a 64-story building is designed and analyzed. The effect of the member size zoning was examined by comparing the maximum lateral displacement, required steel amount, and axial strength ratio of the columns. Judging from the maximum lateral displacement, which was 97.3% of the allowable limit, the proposed formula seems to be implemental in sizing the members of an ITG structure at the initial stage of member selection.

Type Analysis of Lower Trunk Body for the Slacks Pattern Design of Chinese Middle-Aged Men - Focused on Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province - (중국 중년 남성의 슬랙스 패턴설계를 위한 하반신 체간부 유형분석 - 절강성 영파 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Boo-Ja;Suh, Chu-Yeon;Lee, So-Young
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to classify lower trunk body types of Chinese men in their middle age (30s and 40s) and suggest the standard for them to design slacks pattern. Mollison's relation deviations were used to analyze the direct measurement items in this research compared to those of Size Korea 2004. Though Korean middle-aged men were higher in most items than Chinese counterparts, all items except mid-thigh circumference and side hip length were merely within the range of ${\pm}1\sigma$. According to the results of size classification by absolute values, factor analysis extracted to 2 factors(horizontal size of lower body and vertical size of lower body), and cluster analysis brought about 3 types(type1: tall and thin trunk (36.9%), type 2 : normal height and thick trunk(45.5%), and type 3 : short and normal trunk(17.6%) with some significant differences among them. Also, the results of shape classification by index values, they were extracted 4 factors (waist-hip flatness, waist-hip cross section, vertical waist-groin and hip-surface length) by factor analysis and revealed 3 types(type 1: different waist-hip width, thick, long waist, long upper hip, and short hip-surface length(27.8%), type 2 : different waist-hip width, flat, short upper hip, high hip and groin, and average hip-surface length(29.4%), and type 3: small waist-hip width, thick, average upper hip, and short hip-surface length (42.8%)) with significant differences among them by cluster analysis. The results of standard body types by shape-size combination, 19subjects(10.16%) under these values are regarded as standard body types. Significance was not seen in all items in the t-test results between the total group and the standard group. The latter had lower variation coefficients and smaller individual differences than the former. However, in-depth research is required for generalization since this research is limited to a small number of subjects in Ningbo of Zhejiang.

A Study on Obesity Index and Attributes of Selecting Places to Eat Out by Food-Related Lifestyle Types - Focusing on Pusan University Students - (식생활 라이프스타일에 따른 비만도와 외식선택속성에 관한 연구 - 부산지역 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2012
  • This study, targeting the students of "K" university in Busan City area, was performed to draw the groups by food-related lifestyle types and to identify the correlation between each group's attributes of selecting places to eat out and obesity index. The purpose of the study was achieved by means of the PASW Statistic 18.0(Predictive Analytics Software) which conducted frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, ${\chi}^2$-test, non-hierarchical cluster analysis and ANOVA. It turned out that the male university students were 175.59 cm tall and weigh 69.53 kg on average. And the female university students showed their average height of 162.81 cm and weight of 53.42 kg. When examined by the body mass index(BMI), male students were composed of 1.7% of underweight, 64.6% of normal weight, 19.7% of overweight and 14.0% of obese. As for the female students, 22.9% were classified as underweight, 62.7% as normal weight, 8.5% as overweight and 5.9% as obese. The food-related lifestyle categories were divided into five factors; health seeking type, safety seeking type, mood seeking type, taste seeking type, and western food seeking type. The four attributes of selecting places to eat out included quality of food and service, price reasonableness, accessibility and atmosphere, and experience to have eaten. With regard to food-related lifestyle, the groups were named by cluster 1 [careless diet group], Cluster 2 [health oriented group], and cluster3 [careless healthcare group]. In terms of the correlation between the clusters by food-related lifestyle and their attributes of selecting places to eat out, Cluster 1 had a high mean value in experience to have eaten, Cluster 2 quality of food and service, Cluster 3 accessibility and atmosphere.

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Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Lodging in Rice (식물(植物) 생장(生長) 조절제(調節劑)가 벼 도복(倒伏)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Sang-Chul;DeDatta, S.K.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 1991
  • The experimental growth regulators Hoe78784 and PP-333 significantly reduced lodging in all rices. However, they did not significantly affect the crop vegetative characteristics and yield components, except by decreasing plant height when both growth regulators were applied at booting stage. Grain yield of IR21820-154-3-2-2-3 increased due to reduced lodging when Hoe78784 and PP-333 were applied at booting. These growth regulators increased the thickness and diameter of the culm. Applying CCC did not affect lodging in all test varieties. CCC-treated varieties and the control showed lower number of vascular bundles and culm thickness and diameter of the third and fourth internodes. Hoe78784 and PP-333 significantly reduced internode length from the second to the third internode in short-statured varieties. In tall varieties. reduction extended up to the fourth internode. Culm N content of the varieties did not significantly differ among treatments, except in IR8. Culm P content also did not differ significantly among treatments. although K and Si content was the highest than control when Hoe78784 was applied.

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Effects of Soil Moisture Condition and Shading on Growth of Invasive Plant Burcucumber (Sicyos angulatus L.) (토양 수분과 차광이 외래식물 가시박의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Dagyeom;Shim, Doobo;Song, Sonhwa;Oh, Jihyun;Hong, Sunhee;Shim, Sangin
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 2015
  • Burcucumber (Sicyos angulatus) is an annual invasive plant species originated from North America. This species grows by twining around tree trunks, and blocks other plants from photosynthesis. Thus, it has caused the destruction of the ecosystem and biological diversity by threatening native plants. This study was performed to find out the effect of different soil water content (20%, 13%, 10%, 3%) and various shading degrees (0%, 60%, 80%) on the growth and photosynthesis-related activity of burcucumber. In the responses of burcucumber to soil water content, plant height (PH), leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW) and photosynthetic efficiency (PE) were lower at 20% water content than 10% reflecting that burcucumber plant grow well in the less dry soil and shows poor growth under wet soil condition. In shading experiment, PH, LL, LW and PE were lower at 80% than 60% shading and in general, the growth characteristics were lowered as the shading intensity increased. The improved growth of burcucumber under highly or moderately shaded condition implies that the plant can grow well without growth retardation and can be adapted to shading condition with other tall plant species including tree. Further study on the combination effects of above factors should be conducted in future for effective ecological control of burcucumber.

The Effect of Partitioning Porous Plate on Bubble Behavior and Gas Hold-up in a Bench Scale (0.36 m × 22 m) Trayed Bubble Column (벤치스케일(0.36 m × 22 m) 다단형 기포탑에서 다공판이 기포의 거동 및 기체 체류량에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Jung Hoon;Hur, Young Gul;Lee, Ho-Tae;Yang, Jung-Il;Kim, Hak-Joo;Chun, Dong Hyun;Park, Ji Chan;Jung, Heon
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.505-510
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    • 2012
  • The gas hold-up has a strong relationship with the size distribution and rising velocities of bubbles in a bubble column. Therefore, many previous researchers have studied on the hydrodynamics focusing on the bubble size variation in bubble column. In this study, the bubble behavior was influenced by partitioning porous plates installed at a certain height in a trayed bubble column. The gas hold-up was increased in non-sparging region (H/D > 5) as well as sparging region. We identified the effect of the partitioning porous plate using three trayed bubble columns with different reactor geometries. Furthermore, the bubble break-up frequency and size distribution were observed before and after individual bubbles penetrated through the plate. The arrangement of the plates was also investigated using a 0.15-m-in-diameter bubble column. Based on the result, we applied this design concept to a 0.36-m-in-diameter, 22 m tall trayed bubble column and identified the effect of the partitioning porous plate on the gas hold-up increase.

A New Perilla Variety 'Bomnaeyeop 1 ho' with Laborsaving Plant Type (노력절약형 엽채소용 잎들깨 신품종 '봄내엽1호')

  • Seong, Eun Soo;Goh, Eun Jeong;Yoo, Ji Hye;Lee, Jae Geun;Kwon, Soon Sung;Lee, Ju Kyung;Lim, Jung Dae;Kim, Myong Jo;Chung, Ill Min;Yu, Chang Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.707-710
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    • 2010
  • A new perilla cultivar, 'Bomnaeyeop 1 ho' was developed by, Kangwon National University in 2008. Its characteristics were investigated three times from 2006 to 2008 under optimal condition of cultivation. 'Bomnaeyeop 1 ho' can be characterized by dark green leaf color and tall plant height. This cultivar has more number of flower cluster and ear per cluster compare to 'Saeyeupsil' control. From result of GC/MS analysis, main compounds consist of perilla ketone, beta-caryophyllene and myristicin in 'Bomnaeyeop 1 ho' cultivar.

Destruction and Improper Restoration of Cheomseongdae (경주첨성대의 파손과 잘못된 복구)

  • Chang, Hwal Sik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.72-99
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    • 2012
  • Cheomseongdae, Korea's so-called "star-gazing tower" located in the former Silla Dynasty capital of Gyeongju, is generally believed to have maintained its original shape since its construction in 647. The stone structure was closely examined and measured by Gyeongju National Museum in 1962 and reexamined by Korean National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage in 2009. This research noted the following structural anomalies of Cheomseongdae. A corner of the top rectangle layer was broken diagonally in a form that can never be attributed to a natural cause. The four metal clamps under the top rectangle layer had been missing. Four grooves, with unknown usage, exist on the sides of the long rectangular stones projected out of the circular body at the second and third circular layers from the top. On the second circular layer from the top, there are three flat stones, less than a half as tall as their surrounding stones. The average height of the third circular layer from the top is only 23.5 cm, while the overall average of the entire 27 circular layers is 29.9cm. This research postulates that all these anomalies are due to prior destructions and improper restorations of the structure. The first destruction and restoration of Cheomsengdae was likely to have occurred before the mid 15th century. The damages might include a pavilion on the top of the structure and a stone with the name of the structure carved in. The Mongolian invasion in the 13th century was a most likely cause. After the restoration, the structure suffered at least another attack. The damages on the top layer and the missing iron clamps were due to the later attack. The grooves and flat stones were to house holding device that affixed certain objects to the outer surface of the circular body. The metal or stone objects might have faced upward at the four corners of Chemseongdae, bridging the gaps between the rectangle layers and circular layers. The current Chemseongdae lost at least the four affixed objects, four holding devices, and one flat stone.

Analysis of Cold Air Flow Characteristics according to Urban Spatial Types to Construct a Wind Road - Focused on Urban Area of Changwon - (바람길 조성을 위한 도시공간유형별 찬공기 유동 특성 분석 - 창원시 도시지역을 중심으로 -)

  • LEE, Su-Ah;SONG, Bong-Geun;PARK, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.30-47
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of cold air flow according to spatial types in urban areas of Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. The spatial types were classified by cluster analysis considering the land use map, building information, and topographic characteristics produced on the Changwon biotope map. The amount of cold air and wind speed were derived by KLAM_21 modeling. As a result, spatial types were classified into a total of 14 types considering the density and height of buildings, land use types, and topographic characteristics. Cold air flow was found to generate cold air in the valley of the forest area outside urban area, move through roads and open spaces, and accumulate in the low-lying national industrial complex, and then spread cold air throughout the urban areas. There was a lot of cold air flow in the tall building area, and the cold air accumulation was less in the slope and ridge areas. The results of this study were able to understand the characteristics of cold air flow according to building density, land use type, and topography, which will be usefully used as basic data for urban wind road construction to mitigate climate and improve air quality in urban areas.

Segregation Mode of Plant Height in Crosses of Rice Cultivars Ⅸ. Crosses between Semi-dwarf Japonicas and Semi-dwarf(d-t) gene Testers (수도 품종간 교잡에 있어서 간장의 유전분리 Ⅸ. 단간 Japonica 품종과 Semi-dwarf (d-t) gene 검정친과의 조합)

  • Kim, Yong-Kwon;Kim, Hong-Yeol;Nam, Yeong-Woo;Park, Sun-Zik;Heu, Mun-Hue
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 1985
  • In order to search for the semi-dwarf japonica varieties allelic to the semi-dwarf rice cultivar which is controlled by d-t gene, seven dwarf japonica varieties. Reimei, Hoyoku. Shiranui, Kokumasari, M 7. S.224 and S.295 were crossed to the semi-dwarf cultivar, wx 817. wx 817 is known to have semi-dwarf gene d-t. Their F$_1$, F$_2$ and F$_3$ were grown in 1984 and 1985 and culm lengths were measured at harvest. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The F$_2$s of all 7 cross combinations showed normal distribution and no segregation. 2. The range of culm length variation in the F$_3$ was variable depending on the cross combination, but the general pattern was similar in the all 7 crosses. 3. The mean of F$_3$ and parental F$_2$ mean which were selected into short, medium and tall groups were similar and showed no segregation, implying the selection efficiency in F$_2$. 4. From the results of F$_2$ and F$_3$ segregations, it is concluded that the culm length of the 7 semi-dwarf japonicas tested here are controlled by the same major gene d-t although they are modified by different minor genes.

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