• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tall height

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Study on the Growth Characteristics, Botanical Composition and Fauna Distribution of Wildflower Pasture (야생화 도입 초지의 생육특성, 식생비율 및 동물상에 관한 연구)

  • 김득수;이인덕;이형석
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.233-246
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest the possibility of utilizing the wildflower pasture for promoting public interest. Growth characteristics, botanical composition, fauna distribution on wildflower pastures were observed. The experimental design included two treatments: native wildflower pasture(NWP, turf grasses 6 species + native wildflower 11 species) and introduced wildflower pasture(lWP, turf grasses 6 species + introduced wildflower 9 species). The field trials were carried out on the experimental pasture plots at Chungnam National University from 1997 to 2000. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The flowering of wildflower was maintained continuously from May to September, and the colors of wildflowers; varied seasonally during this period. With native flowers, however, Hemerocallis fulva, Belamcanda chinenis and Aster koraiensisi showed problems in lately germination and early establishment. Meanwhile, Introduced wildflower showed not only excellent germination and early establishment compared to native flowers species but also maintained brighter colors. But Coreopsis tinctoria, Achillea mi/lefolium and Rudbeckia bicolor had colonized at a higher height or possessed stronger rhizome. 2. The appropriate species of turf grass which maintained continuous seasonal distribution are thought to be tall fescue, perennial ryegrass. Kentucky bluegrass in NWP and IWP. 3. Botanical composition of wild flower in NWP was arranged in the order of Achillea sibirica > Lotus corniculatus var. Japonicus > Dianthus chinensis > Plantago asiatica > Taraxacum pla~ycarpum > Viola mandshurica > Aster koraiensis > Vicia tetasperma > Lespedeza stipulacea > Hemerocallis fulva, respectively. The highest seasonal distribution of native wildflower, Achillea sibirica was in spring and summer, Lotus corniculatus var. Japonicus was in autumn. Botanical composition of wild flower in IWP was arranged in the order of Achillea millefolium Coreopsis tinctoria > Silene armeria > Coreopsis lanceolata > Rudbeckia bicolor > Sanguisorba oficinalis > Centaurea cyanus > Chrysanthemum leucanthemum > Dianthus petraeus, respectively. The highest seasonal distribution of introduced wildflower, Silene armeria was in spring, Achillea millefolium was in summer, and Coreopsis tinctoria was in autumn.

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Comparative Study on the Productivity and Quality of Hilly Pasture by Management type (경영형태별 산지 초지의 생산성 및 사료가치 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Geun;Liu, Chang;Zhao, Guoqiang;Park, Hyung Soo;Jeong, Jong Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2019
  • This experiment was carried out to study the change of productivity and feed value in different types of hilly pasture. The pasture utilized in the experiment was placed on the experimental farm of Pyeongchang Campus of Seoul National University. Forage production type(FP; Orchardgrass 18 + Tall Fescue 12 + Timothy 5 + White clover 5 kg/ha) and Public farm type(PF: Orchardgrass 12 + Tall Fescue 18 + Timothy 5 + White clover 5 kg/ha) pasture were established in September 3, 2014 and utilized (cutting or grazing) four times every year. Growth characteristics, yield and forage quality were investigated for two years. Plant height of grasses was the highest in the $1^{st}$ cutting and legumes was in the $2^{nd}$ cutting. Dry matter (DM) content was highest at every the $1^{st}$ cut grasses significantly lower at the $2^{nd}$ harvest (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$ and $4^{th}$ harvest in 2016. In the botanical composition change, the portion of legume was gradually increased after pasture establishment and the ratio of weed and bare land was higher at $2^{nd}$ and $3^{rd}$ cutting, but it was decreased at $4^{th}$ harvest. There was no significant difference in 2016 of fresh yield between two farm types (p>0.05). The yield of dry matter showed similar trend of fresh yield and forage production type was higher than that of public farm type (p<0.05). The forage intake by livestock was 1,452 kg/ha in 2015 and 1,743 kg/ha in 2016. Pasture utilization ratio of public farm type pasture was highest in the $3^{rd}$ grazing time. Forage quality of pasture in relation to management type had not significant difference, but there was difference in harvest times. Crude protein (CP) was the lowest in the $1^{st}$ harvest and total digestible nutrient (TDN) was highest in the $1^{st}$ harvest and lowest in the $4^{th}$ harvest. Based on the above results, it is found that the establishment of pasture suitable for farm's situation is important for set up of Korean model of hilly pasture. Although the forage production type is superior on forage productivity, it is recommended that the results will be provided as basic data for management of public farm type in the future.

Study on the Revesetation Technology for the Ecological Restoration of the Decomposed Granite Roadside Slopes -The Application of the Natural Topsoil Restoration Methods(NTRM)- (마사토 비탈면의 생태복원 녹화기술 개발 연구 -자연표토복원공법의 적용사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Nam-Choon;Kang, Jinhyoung;Lee, Joon-Woo;Nam, Sang-Jun;Lee, Wonhan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to suggest the ecological restoration methods for the decomposed granite roadside cutslopes by Natural Topsoil Restoration Methods(NTRM). Four woody species, 3 shrub species, 4 native grasses, 8 wild flowers and 2 cool-season grasses were used. The experiment was conducted with the purpose of developing ecological restoration techniques by achieving following objectives for restoration by using native woody plants, shrubs, native plants and wild flowers; (1) prevention or reduction of wind and water erosion, (2) provision of food and cover for variety of animal species, (3) improvement of the visual or aesthetic quality of disturbed sites. The main results were summarized as follows. 1. Restoring naturalness to human-altered landscapes are important to protecting the worlds biodiversity. In this study, to restore or create an ecological community use as full a complement of native species as possible. Ecological restoration means returning a specific sites to its predisturbance condition. 2. Some species which are introduced first may inhibit the germination and growth of slower-growing species, or they may prevent the growth of other species whose propagules arrive later. In this study, cool season grasses was used small amount than native plants and woody species, because and Indigofera pseudo-tintoria grows well. Tall fescue and perennial ryegrass shows quick germination, but they could not inhibit the other species growing relatively slow. Pinus thunbergii used at Gonam near the ocean was suppressed by the other plants, so it can be concluded that using container seedlings is effective than seeding. 4. Ailanthus altissima, Albizzia julibrissin, Rhus chinensis Lespedeza cyrtobotrya, and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria were germinated. In wild flowers, Coreopsis lanceolata, Dianthus sinensis, Coreopsis tinctoria, and Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus grew well and show enough plant height which will not suppressed by shrub and woody plants. After one year, native grasses such as Arundinella hirta, Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens and Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii cover the slopes well. 5. 25 herbaceous plants such as Trifolium repens, Arthraxon hispidus, Barbarea orthocerae, Potentilla fragarioides, Lepidium apetalum, Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum, Glycine soja, Rubus crataegifolius and 4 woody species such as Lespedeza maximowiczii, Robinia pseudoacacia, Symplocos Chinensis, Quercus acutissma were invaded. 6. Ecological restoration works by Natural Topsoil Restoration Methods for revegetation of the decomposed granite roadside cutslopes were successfully accomplished. It prevents surface water erosion and shows diverse vegetation structure. It will be successful to restore decomposed granite cutslopes.

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Nitrogen Fertilizer Management for Improving Rice Quality under Different Salinity Conditions in Tidal Reclaimed Area (미질향상을 위한 간척지 토양 염농도별 적정 질소시비량)

  • 최원영;이규성;고종철;박홍규;김상수;김보경;김정곤
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.194-198
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to identify the appropriate nitrogen fertilizer application rate for improving rice quality in tidal reclaimed area, at the Gyehwado substation of the Honam Agricultural Research Institute during 2002-2(103. The experimental fields contained 0.1% (low salinity) and 0.3-0.4% (medium salinity) Nacl in soil solution. Plant height at panicle formation stage was tall ay heavy nitrogen level and the effect of heavy nitrogen was higher in low than in high soil salinity condition. Heading date was not affected by applied nitrogen levels from 8 to 16 kg/10a in low soil salinity condition but it was one day later in 24 kg/10a nitrogen level when compared with the standard nitrogen level,20 kg/10a. In middle soil salinity condition, the heading date was one day earlier in 8 to 16 kg/10a and similar in 24 kg/10a, when compared with 20 kg/10a nitrogen level. And also it was four days later in middle than in low soil salinity condition. In low soil salinity condition, grain number $\textrm{m}^2$ increased but ripened grain ratio decreased as the nitrogen application increased and finally, milled rice yield was not different among heavy nitrogen application levels compared with 12 kg/10a. Head rice ratio was high and protein content was low in 12 kg/10a or lower nitrogen level. In middle soil salinity condition, grain number $\textrm{m}^2$ increased and ripened grain ratio was not affected as the nitrogen application increased. And finally, milled rice yield increased with increasing nitrogen application levels, Head rice ratio was high and protein content was not affected by nitrogen application levels. Therefore, on the basis of milled rice yield and rice grain quality inreclaimed land, the appropriate nitrogen application level would be 12 kg/10a in low soil salinity condition and 20 kg/10a in middle soil salinity condition.

Effect of Application of Plant Growth Regulator on Growth Characteristics in Bupleurum falcatum L. (식물생장조절물질 처리에 따른 시호의 생육특성)

  • Lee, Ho;Kim, Kil-Ung;Son, Tae-Kwon;Lee, Ji-Ean;Lee, Sang-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.344-352
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to determine the optimum planting dates and density of one year old Bupleurum falcatum L. to improve its quality. Furthermore, the effect of cultural methods and plant growth regulators$(GA_3,\;IAA,\;Kinetin)$ on the quality of B. falcatum were also investigated. In this study, Jeongseon cultivar collected in Korea and Mishima cultivar introduced from Japan were used. Some of the results obtained are as follows. Jeongseon cultivar showed less stem branches and shoot weight compared to Mishima. However, Jeongseon cultivar showed tall plant height, high root fresh and dry weight, and high levels of SSa and TSS, but low SSc content than that of Mishima. Although fresh and dried root weight of both cultivars were not affected by plant growth regulators treatment. compared with the untreated one, increasement of TSS content were made by $GA_3$ 100 ppm, IAA 50 ppm or 10 ppm and kinetin 10 ppm treatment in Jeongseon cultivar, and by $GA_3$ 10 ppm and IAA 100 ppm or 10ppm treatment in Mishima cultivar applied on June 1.

Effect of Planting Density of Sagittaria pygmaea tubers on the Root Competition with Rice Varieties (올미(Sagittaria pygmaea Miq.) 괴경(塊莖)의 재식밀도(裁植密度)가 수도(水稻)와의 근계경합(根系競合)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Chae, J.C.;Shin, J.J.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.280-288
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    • 1987
  • The experiment was carried out to clarify the root competition between rice and paddy weed. Sagittaria pygmaea, under field condition. Rice variety Joongwonbyeo(Tongil type) and Sangpoongbyeo(Japonica type) were transplanted and Sagittaria tuber was planted artificially at planting density of untreated control, 4, 8 and 16 tubers/$m^2$, respectively. The number of roots, root fresh weight and root activity of rice and Sagittaria were measured at 30, 45, 60 and 75 days after transplanting. The results obtained were as follows. The root growth of Joongwonbyeo was decreased greatly according to the increase of Sagittaria tuber density compared with Sangpoongbyeo. On the other hand, the root growth of Sagittaria competed with Joongwonbyeo was depressed at 45 days after transplanting, and the one competed with Sangpoongbyeo was depressed at 60 days after transplanting. It was concluded that the competition ability of Sangpoongbyeo against Sagittaria was greater than Joongwonbyeo mainly due to the tall height and large tillers. And also the root growth of Sagittaria competed with Joongwonbyeo was more depressed than that of Sangpoongbyeo.

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Comparative Analyses for Aroma and Agronomic Traits of Native Rice Cultivars from Central Asia

  • Sarhadi, Wakil Ahmad;Hien, Nguyen Loc;Zanjani, Mehran;Yosofzai, Wahida;Yoshihashi, Tadashi;Hirata, Yutaka
    • Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2008
  • Aromatic rice has become popular owing to its aroma. Growing demand for aromatic rice has spurred interest in the development of domestic cultivars that offer similar combinations of grain attributes such as texture, cooking characteristics, aroma, and taste. In this study, the most important agronomic attributes and aroma of 26 cultivars from Afghanistan, Iran, and Uzbekistan, and controls from Japan, Thailand, and India were characterized. Also $F_2$ populations derived from the cross between(Jasmine 85 aromatic$\times$Nipponbare non-aromatic) and(Jasmine 85$\times$Basmati 370 aromatic) were obtained. Tasting individual grains, cooking test, 1.7% KOH sensory test, and molecular marker analysis have been applied to distinguish between aromatic and non-aromatic rice. Diversity for some traits of agronomic importance, such as plant height was detected among countries, e.g. Afghan cultivars classified as tall, and Iranian and Uzbek intermediate and short, respectively. Differentiations of panicle, grain, leaf, basal internode, and culm dimension among rice cultivars, indicating the source of rice diversity in Central Asia. According to the results, 6 of 10, 2 of 7, and 0 of 6 of Afghan, Iranian, and Uzbek rice cultivars were scored as aromatic, respectively. Therefore, Afghan cultivars are a good source of aromatic rice germplasm for Central Asia. The expression between aromatic and non-aromatic, and aromatic and aromatic combinations has been evaluated. The observed segregation ratio of these crosses in the $F_2$ populations was tested by $x^2$ analysis against the expected ratio for a single gene. A segregation ratio of 3:1 between non-aromatic and aromatic combination has been detected, while segregation has not been detected between the aromatic and aromatic combinations. Also, parallel results were obtained from the tested aromatic rice cultivars. Thus, our results suggest that a single recessive gene controls aroma in all aromatic rice cultivars.

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Segregation Mode of Plant Height in Crosses of Rice Cultivars ⅩIV. Segregation of Culm Length and $GA_3$ Response in Crosses of Dwarf Cultivars (수도 품종간 교잡에 있어서 간장의 유전분리 ⅩIV. 단간 품종간 조합에 있어서 간장과 $GA_3$ 반응성의 분리)

  • ;Mun-Hue Heu
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 1990
  • In order to determine the relationship between dwarf gene and GA$_3$ response, three dwarf cultivars, Fukei 71, Seolak, and Tanginbozu, which were known to have d 50, d 47 and d 35 gene, respectively, were used as parents in this study. Three parents and their F$_1$ and F$_2$ generations were grown. Tillers of each plant were devided into two parts at 15 days after transplanting and was transplanted. One part of them was sprayed with GA$_3$ 50 ppm at booting stage. The internode length were measured at ripening stage in terms of GA$_3$ response. The internode was significantly elongated in Seolak and Tanginbozu, but not in Fukei 71. All F$_1$ plants of the crosses were tall, and their internode and culm were significantly elongated with the spraying of GA$_3$. Dwarf plants which are not responded to GA$_3$ were selected in the F$_2$'s of Seolak/Fukei 71 and Fukei 71/Tanginbozu crosses, and backcrossed to Fukei 71. All of these BC$_1$F$_1$ plants were uniform in the culm length and not responded to GA$_3$ treatment. The dwarf gene, d 50 of Fukei 71 seems to be closely associated with the facter of non-response to GA$_3$.

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A Study on the Vegetation Structure of Abies koreana Forest in Yeongsil Area of Hallasan Mountain (한라산 영실지역 구상나무림의 식생구조 연구)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kang, Young-Je
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2016
  • This study's purpose was to provide basic data for the monitoring of ecological changes caused by change of vegetation structure of Abies koreana forest in a study site susceptible to climatic change in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, Jeju Island. Surveys revealed this: in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, per 1 ha of A. koreana forests, total number 1,781, and A. koreana number 989, accounting for 55.5% of the total number of trees. 190 A. koreana or 19.2% were found to be dead. For the number of individual trees by DBH, trees standing 5 cm - 10 cm tall formed the largest portion at 39.9%, and in the case of other trees except A. koreana, the number of individual trees below 5 cm accounted for 23.5% of the total number of trees. The survey of importance by height revealed this: at the top level, the importance of A. koreana was the highest at 106.23, but the sum of importance of temperate deciduous broad-leaved trees (Prunus maximowiczii, Quercus mongolica, and Taxus cuspidata) was higher at 142.84 than that of A. koreana. The analysis of species diversity revealed 0.645 species diversity for the tree layer and 0.817 for the shrub layer; for evenness, 0.549 for the tree layer and 0.664 for the shrub layer; for dominance value; 0.451 for the tree layer and 0.336 for the shrub layer. The analysis of tree vitality revealed that for the A. koreana forests in Yeongsil, the composition ratio of A. koreana by type is AS type>AL type>DS type>DB type, and that of the other trees is AL type>AS type>AF type>AB type. Compared with the forests in other areas, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area have a very high occurrence rate of dead trees, and a high importance of trees is shown in the deciduous broad-leaved tree forests. Compared with the A. koreana forests in the Jindallaebat area, with the same level above sea, the vegetation structures are fast changing. Also, due to dryness and other non-physical environmental changes caused by a lack of rainwater and dry winds in winter, dead trees are fast increasing in number. Environmental changes such as climate change diversely affect the maintenance of A. koreana in individual areas, and if environmental changes are fast and continue long, of the A. koreana forest areas in the Hallasan Mountain, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area will decrease fastest in number and will experience changes in the vegetation structure. Thus, it is necessary to survey the vegetation changes in A. koreana forests, which are distributed in all directions but are centered on Hallasan Mountain, and to thus conduct long-term monitoring and research.

Member Sizing Method in IsoTruss® Grid High-rise Building Structures Based on Stiffness Criteria (강성도 기준에 따른 IsoTruss® 그리드 고층건물의 부재선정 방법)

  • Kim, Tae-Heon;Kim, Young-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2017
  • The perimeter structure in high-rise buildings, which plays a major role in resisting lateral forces, is generally formed by the orthogonal placement of the beam and column, but currently various grid patterns are implemented. In a previous study, the adaptability of the $IsoTruss^{(R)}$ grid (ITG) as a perimeter structure was examined. In this study, a method of estimating the required cross sectional area of a member in a preliminary design is proposed. The members of the perimeter structure are placed in three planes, perpendicular (PPR), parallel (PPL) and oblique (POQ) to the lateral loading, and the stiffness of the members in the POQ was taken into account by projecting them onto the PPL or PPR. Three models are established for member size zoning through the height of the building, in order to investigate the effect of the shear and moment in the calculation of the required cross sectional area. To examine the effectiveness of this study, a 64-story building is designed and analyzed. The effect of the member size zoning was examined by comparing the maximum lateral displacement, required steel amount, and axial strength ratio of the columns. Judging from the maximum lateral displacement, which was 97.3% of the allowable limit, the proposed formula seems to be implemental in sizing the members of an ITG structure at the initial stage of member selection.