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A Study on the Coast Topography using Real-Time Kinematics GPS and Echo Sounder

  • Park, Woon-Yong;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Cheon-Yeong
    • International Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology Speciallssue:Selected Papers
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2003
  • This research aims at investigation of accuracy potential of RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS in combination with Echo Sounder(E/S) for the coastal mapping. Apart from this purpose, the accuracy of ambiguity resolution with the OTF(On The Fly) method was tested with respect to the initialization time. The result shows that the accuracy is better than 1cm with 5-minute initialization in the distance of 10km baseline. The seaside topography was measured by the RTK GPS only, on the other hand the seafloor topography was surveyed in combination of RTK GPS and E/S. Comparing to the volume of seaside measured by RTK GPS and digital topographical map, the difference of only 2% was achieved. This indicates that the coastal mapping. As a result, it has been revealed that every possible noise in surveying could be corrected and the accuracy could be improved. The accuracy of GPS data acquired in real time was as good as that acquired by post processing. It is expected that it will be useful for the analysis of coastal geographic characteristics because DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can be also constructed for the harbor reclamation, the dredging, and the variation of soil movement in a river.

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A Study on the Relationship Between the Color and Plasticity of Korean Traditional Architecture (한국 전통건축의 색채와 조형과의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Park Hyo-Chul
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.158-166
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to analyze how the color of Korean traditional architecture affects its plasticity. The researcher took (our distant and near photographs of each representative building of each use, measured the colors, and analyzed these using the color perception theory. The results are summarized as follows: 1. When perceiving the entire plasticity of a building, the color of Korean traditional architecture reduces the heavy feeling that may be brought about by the roof's weight, but stresses the solidity of the pillars. This color perception effect displays the visual stability and balanced plastic beauty of the building's facade. 2. When looking at a building up close, the building's color emphasizes the solidity of the major materials used to construct it through a contrast effect, and highlights the characteristics of each building, such as the dignity of its seal engraving, its magnificence, its simplicity, etc. 3. The color of Korean traditional architecture is a major factor that expresses plastic language as it displays topographical level differences and intercepts or opens view through the artificial division of space, etc., according to the building's use.

Study on the Terrestrial LiDAR Topographic Data Construction for Mountainous Disaster Hazard Analysis (산지재해 위험성 분석을 위한 지상 LiDAR 지형자료 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Kye Won;Oh, Chae Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2016
  • Mountainous disasters such as landslides and debris flow are difficult to forecast. Debris flow in particular often flows along the valley until it reaches the road or residential area, causing casualties and huge damages. In this study, the researchers selected Seoraksan National Park area located at Inje County (Inje-gun), Gangwon Province-where many mountainous disasters occur due to localized torrential downpours-for the damage reduction and cause analysis of the area experiencing frequent mountainous disasters every year. Then, the researchers conducted the field study and constructed geospatial information data by GIS method to analyze the characteristics of the disaster-occurring area. Also, to extract more precise geographic parameters, the researchers scanned debris flow triggering area through terrestrial LiDAR and constructed 3D geographical data. LiDAR geographical data was then compared with the existing numerical map to evaluate its precision and made the comparative analysis with the geographic data before and after the disaster occurrence. In the future, it will be utilized as basic data for risk analysis of mountainous disaster or disaster reduction measures through a fine-grid topographical map.

Analysis of Anisotropic Characteristic in Fiber Reinforced Polymer for the Knee Brace Using the Eddy Current Inspection (와전류 탐상기법을 이용한 무릎보조기용 섬유강화 폴리머의 이방특성 분석)

  • Kim, Cheol-Woong;Park, Cheon-Woong;Shin, Yong-Hoon;Seo, Hae-Young;Lee, Ho-Sang
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1533-1538
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    • 2008
  • The development of new material systems like Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) places ever higher demands on the techniques for non-destructive material characterisation. Image-producing eddy current methods also need to satisfy these demands. Eddy-current imaging of FRP is based on the anisotropic electrical properties of the material investigated. Significant differences in conductivity between carbon fibres, polymer matrix and integrated functional components can be found. The availability of high-resolution sensors enables access to the local distribution of the electromagnetic properties. The static and dynamic procedures for isolating influential characteristics, already in use in eddy-current technology, can now be supplemented by topographical images. The precondition for a successful implementation of the eddy-current procedure is a deeper understanding of the image-generating process which allows correct interpretation of the images obtained.

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Characteristics of Efficient Radius of Meteorological Observation Data to Estimate Regional Wind Energy (국지규모 풍력에너지 평가를 위한 기상 관측 자료의 영향 반경 특성)

  • Lee, Soon-Hwan;Kim, Min-Jung;Lee, Hwa-Woon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.585-595
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    • 2007
  • Representative impacts and effectiveness of surface meteorological observation data assimilation were examined in order to use wind resources estimation around southern coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. The data used in study are observational wind and temperature data at 5 and 41 sites of Regional Meteorological Offices and Automatical Weather Systems, respectively. Observation wind speed data tends to show small effective radius with limited area. Especially assimilation impacts of data observed at peninsula type sites like Yeosu play only around the inside of the peninsula. This limited effective radius for wind speed is caused by the strong correlation between topography and wind speed. And the efficient radius for surface air temperature is larger than that of wind. Data assimilation for observational air temperature is useful to increase the accuracy of wind energy estimation. However assimilation of wind data requires special care in its application due to high sensitivity of topographical complexity.

An Efficient Method for Transmission of Contour Information in Mobile GIS Environments (모바일 GIS 환경에서 등고선 정보의 효율적인 전송 기법)

  • Choi, Jin-Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.1111-1116
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    • 2009
  • For expression of contour lines in mobile GIS environments, the client needs to receive the numerical data with the topographical map from a server. At this point, a client can't get the entire raw data because of the mobile characteristics. The approach to get representative points and to make isogram by interpolation methods, has some problems. The approach requires huge computing overhead at the client and doesn't guarantee the correctness of the isogram. In this paper, a data structure, algorithm and implementation results for efficient transmission of contour information to a client which is constructed from elevation information at a server, are proposed.

Design and Implementation of Efficient Transmission Method of Elevation Information in Mobile GIS Environments (모바일 GIS 환경에서 효율적인 고도 정보의 전송 기법 설계 및 구현)

  • Choi, Jin-Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.151-154
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    • 2008
  • For expression of isogram in mobile GIS environments, the client needs to receive the value data with the topographical map from a server. At this point, a client can't get the entire raw data because of the mobile characteristics. The approach to get representative points and to make isogram by interpolation methods, has some problems. The approach requires huge computing overhead at the client and doesn't guarantee the correctness of the isogram. In this paper, a data structure, algorithm and implementation results for efficient transmission of contour information to a client which is constructed from a elevation information at a server, are proposed.

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Effects of Microtopography on the Development of Riparian Vegetation in Stream Corridors (하천통로에서 미세 지형 발달이 하천 식생에 미치는 영향)

  • 정경진;김동엽
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 1999
  • Urban streams have, recently, been straightened and widened to alleviate flooding problem. As a result, the stream have been modified inadvertently for ecological functions and microtopography. In this study, we investigated riparian vegetation and microtopography of the tributaries of Han River before and after the monsoon rain in summer. The purpose of this study was to relate the stream microtopography to the distribution of riparian vegetation. The stream microtopography was investigated for its scale and pattern. Vegetation was investigated from 131 plots by Braun-Blanquet method. The distribution of riparian vegetation was significantly correlated with the stream microtopography. Various herbaceous species occurred at stream bank slop, high terrace and channel side. However, at channel side and concave part of terrace where soils were in high moisture level, only a few wetland species were dominated. The complexity of the microtopography in the stream corridors led to heterogeneous riparian vegetation. The vegetation showed more stability against flooding at the stream corridors with natural and complex microtopography than at the urban-type stream corridors with simple topographical features. The results showed that the development of riparian vegetation was influenced by the changes in microtopography, which was primarily determined by the shape and characteristics of channel. It seemed that a close-to-nature river system would be restored more readily with an understanding of microtopographical features affecting the distribution of riparian vegetation.

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Producing Wind Speed Maps Using Gangwon Weather Data (강원도 기상데이터를 이용한 풍속 지도 제작)

  • Kim, Gi-Hong;Youn, Jun-Hee;Kim, Baek-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2010
  • After oil shock, the importance of renewable energy has emerged and it came to the fore again as Korean government declared the policy on low-carbon green growth. Among various renewable energies, it is generally accepted that wind power is the most practical alternative. In this paper we showed the process of producing wind speed map from Gangwon Regional Meteorological Administration's 2008 data. We mapped monthly average and maximum wind speed and compared several interpolation methods applied to the weather data. This wind speed map, which reflects Gangwon's topographical and climatic regional characteristics, is expected to be a good tool for wind farm location analysis.

Effect of Micro Casting and Plasma-etching on Polycaprolactone Film for Bone (뼈 재생을위한 폴리카프로락톤 필름에 대한 마이크로 캐스팅 및 플라즈마 에칭)

  • Lee, Jae-Yun;Yang, Ji-Hun;Kim, Geun-Hyeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2018.06a
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    • pp.24-24
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    • 2018
  • One of the challenges in tissue engineering is the design of optimal biomedical scaffolds, which can be governed by topographical surface characteristics, such as size, shape, and direction. Of these properties, we focus on the effects of nano - to micro - sized hierarchical surface. To fabricate the hierarchical surface structure on poly(${\varepsilon}$-caprolactone) (PCL) film, we employed a nano/micro-casting technique (NCT) and modified plasma process. The micro size topography of PCL film was controlled by sizes of the micro structures on lotus leaf. Also, the nano-size topography and hydrophilicity of PCL film were controlled by modified plasma process. After the plasma treatment, the hydrophobic property of the PCL film was significantly changed into hydrophilic property, and the nano-sized structure was well developed, as increasing the plasma exposure time and applied power. The surface properties of the modified PCL film were investigated in terms of initial cell morphology, attachment, and proliferation using osteoblast-like-cells (MG63). In particular, initial cell attachment, proliferation and osteogenic differentiation in the hierarchical structure were enhanced dramatically compared to those of the smooth surface.

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