• Title/Summary/Keyword: T2 강조영상

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Quantitative Analysis of Magnetization Transfer by Phase Sensitive Method in Knee Disorder (무릎 이상에 대한 자화전이 위상감각에 의한 정량분석법)

  • Yoon, Moon-Hyun;Sung, Mi-Sook;Yin, Chang-Sik;Lee, Heung-Kyu;Choe, Bo-Young
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 2006
  • Magnetization Transfer (MT) imaging generates contrast dependent on the phenomenon of magnetization exchange between free water proton and restricted proton in macromolecules. In biological materials in knee, MT or cross-relaxation is commonly modeled using two spin pools identified by their different T2 relaxation times. Two models for cross-relaxation emphasize the role of proton chemical exchange between protons of water and exchangeable protons on macromolecules, as well as through dipole-dipole interaction between the water and macromolecule protons. The most essential tool in medical image manipulation is the ability to adjust the contrast and intensity. Thus, it is desirable to adjust the contrast and intensity of an image interactively in the real time. The proton density (PD) and T2-weighted SE MR images allow the depiction of knee structures and can demonstrate defects and gross morphologic changes. The PD- and T2-weighted images also show the cartilage internal pathology due to the more intermediate signal of the knee joint in these sequences. Suppression of fat extends the dynamic range of tissue contrast, removes chemical shift artifacts, and decreases motion-related ghost artifacts. Like fat saturation, phase sensitive methods are also based on the difference in precession frequencies of water and fat. In this study, phase sensitive methods look at the phase difference that is accumulated in time as a result of Larmor frequency differences rather than using this difference directly. Although how MT work was given with clinical evidence that leads to quantitative model for MT in tissues, the mathematical formalism used to describe the MT effect applies to explaining to evaluate knee disorder, such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear and meniscal tear. Calculation of the effect of the effect of the MT saturation is given in the magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) which is a quantitative measure of the relative decrease in signal intensity due to the MT pulse.

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A Case of Urologic Manifestation of IARS2-associated Leigh Syndrome (IARS2 유전자 연관 리 증후군(Leigh syndrome) 여아에서 방광기능장애 증례)

  • Hyunjoo Lee;Ji-Hoon Na;Young-Mock Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2023
  • Leigh syndrome is a rare progressive neurodegenerative mitochondrial disorder with clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Recently, balletic IARS2 variants have been identified in a number of patients presenting broad clinical phenotypes from Leigh and West syndrome to a rare syndrome CAGSSS characterized by cataracts, growth hormone deficiency, sensory neuropathy, sensorineural hearing loss, and skeletal dysplasia syndrome (OMIM#616007). We describe a child with Korean Leigh syndrome with urologic manifestations resulting from a compound heterozygote mutation in IARS2. A 5-year-old girl visited the emergency room with a complaint of abdominal pain accompanied by abdominal distension. Abdominal-pelvic CT showed a markedly distended urinary bladder without definite obstructive lesions. She was diagnosed with neurogenic bladder dysfunction based on a urodynamic study. She had global delayed development due to neurologic regression after 6 months of age and a history of bilateral cataract surgery at the age of 2 years. Her brain magnetic resonance imaging showed symmetrically increased signal intensities in the bilateral putamen and caudate nuclei with diffuse cerebral atrophy. No gene variants were identified through whole-mitochondrial genome analysis. Whole exome sequencing was performed for diagnosis, and compound heterozygous pathogenic variants were identified in IARS2: c.2446C>T (p. Arg816Ter) and c.2450G>A (p. Arg817His). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of bladder dysfunction manifestation in a patient with IARS2-related Leigh syndrome. Thus, it broadens the clinical and genetic spectrum of IARS2-associated diseases.

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Radiologic Findings of Renal Oncocytomas (신장 호산성과립세포종의 영상의학적 소견)

  • Cho, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : To radiologically differentiate renal oncocytoma from other renal solid tumors, we analyzed and characterized, retrogradely, radiologic findings of renal oncocytomas. Materials and Methods : Radiologic findings of pathologically proven renal oncocytoma were analyzed in 9 patients. CT was performed in all patients, ultrasonography in 4 patients and MRI in 3 patients.(51) Results : On ultrasonography, the echogenicity of the mass was slightly more hyperechoic than normal renal parenchyma in all 4 cases. Two cases were homogeneous and the remaining two cases were relatively homogeneous. On CT, all 8 cases showed iso-density to slightly low density compared to normal renal parenchyma and 5 cases were homogeneous but the central portion of the mass was of a slightly lower density than the peripheral portion in 3 cases. All six cases had an arterial phase scan and were heterogeneously enhanced. An irregular, lower-enhancing portion was found in the central portion of the mass. Segmental inversion of contrast enhancement was found in 5 of 6 cases that had a dynamic enhancement study. On MR T1-weighted imaging, the mass was of iso-signal intensity to normal renal parenchyma and the central portion of the mass had a slightly hypo-signal intensity than the peripheral portion. On T2-weighted imaging, 2 cases were heterogeneous; the peripheral portion was of low signal intensity and central portion was of higher signal intensity than normal renal parenchyma. One case was relatively homogeneous and showed a slightly lower signal intensity than that of normal parenchyma, except for a central small portion showing high signal intensity. For 2 cases that had a dynamic study, a segmental inversion of contrast enhancement was noted. Conclusion : Renal oncocytoma is seen as a well-marginated solid mass lesion. On enhanced scans it is heterogeneously enhanced and segmental inversion of contrast enhancement may be seen. The possibility of oncocytoma can be suggested in cases showing these radiologic findings.

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Radiographic, MRI and Histopathologic Assessment to Standardize Canine Spinal Cord Injury Model (척수손상 모델 견 표준화를 위한 방사선, 자기공명영상 및 조직 병리 평가)

  • Seong, Yun-Sang;Yun, Sung-Ho;Park, Jai-Soon;Kim, Hee-Kyung;Chang, Yong-Min;Ku, Sae-Kwang;Park, Hyun-Jeong;Jang, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.546-552
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    • 2010
  • Previous studies could not offer available guideline to decide size of balloon and grade of injury before induction of spinal cord injury (SCI) because grade of SCI was assessed after inserting a catheter and each experimental animal were different in body size and weight as well as in species. This study was performed to provide guideline for standardized SCI model. Eight healthy adult beagle dogs that had 8 mm of spinal canal height were assigned to four groups according to the diameter of balloon and compression time: 4 mm/3hrs, 4 mm/6hrs, 4 mm/12hrs and 6 mm/3hrs group. Radiography was performed to standardize between experimental animal and balloon before selecting balloon diameter to induce SCI. Behaviors outcomes, somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathological examination were evaluated. Behaviors outcomes and SEPs were not available to assess grade of SCI and those only indicate SCI. The damaged area was revealed clear hyperintensity on STIR image and T2WI after induction of SCI. The hyperintense area on MRI was cranially and caudally expanded with increasing of the diameter of balloon or the compression time. Well corresponded to expanding of hyperintense area on MRI, the damaged region and the numbers of caspase-3 and PARP immunoreactive cells were increased on histopathological findings. Therefore, these results will be considered fundamental data to induce standardized SCI model in experimental animal that has various weight and size.

Implementation of the Classification using Neural Network in Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis (간 경변 진단시 신경망을 이용한 분류기 구현)

  • Park, Byung-Rae
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the proposed a classifier of liver cirrhotic step using MR(magnetic resonance) imaging and hierarchical neural network. The data sets for classification of each stage, which were normal, 1type, 2type and 3type, were analysis in the number of data was 231. We extracted liver region and nodule region from T1-weight MR liver image. Then objective interpretation classifier of liver cirrhotic steps. Liver cirrhosis classifier implemented using hierarchical neural network which gray-level analysis and texture feature descriptors to distinguish normal liver and 3 types of liver cirrhosis. Then proposed Neural network classifier learned through error back-propagation algorithm. A classifying result shows that recognition rate of normal is $100\%$, 1type is $82.8\%$, 2type is $87.1\%$, 3type is $84.2\%$. The recognition ratio very high, when compared between the result of obtained quantified data to that of doctors decision data and neural network classifier value. If enough data is offered and other parameter is considered this paper according to we expected that neural network as well as human experts and could be useful as clinical decision support tool for liver cirrhosis patients.

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Perfusion MR Imaging of the Brain Tumor: Preliminary Report (뇌종야의 관류 자기공명영상: 예비보고)

  • 김홍대;장기현;성수옥;한문희;한만청
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 1997
  • Purpose: To assess the utility of magnetic resonance(MR) cerebral blood volume (CBV) map in the evaluation of brain tumors. Materials and Methods: We performed perfusion MR imaing preoperatively in the consecutive IS patients with intracranial masses(3 meningiomas, 2 glioblastoma multiformes, 3 low grade gliomas, 1 lymphoma, 1 germinoma, 1 neurocytoma, 1 metastasis, 2 abscesses, 1 radionecrosis). The average age of the patients was 42 years (22yr -68yr), composed of 10 males and S females. All MR images were obtained at l.ST imager(Signa, CE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). The regional CBV map was obtained on the theoretical basis of susceptibility difference induced by first pass circulation of contrast media. (contrast media: IScc of gadopentate dimeglumine, about 2ml/sec by hand, starting at 10 second after first baseline scan). For each patient, a total of 480 images (6 slices, 80 images/slice in 160 sec) were obtained by using gradient echo(CE) single shot echo-planar image(EPI) sequence (TR 2000ms, TE SOms, flip angle $90^{\circ}$, FOV $240{\times}240mm,{\;}matrix{\;}128{\times}128$, slice-thick/gap S/2.S). After data collection, the raw data were transferred to CE workstation and rCBV maps were generated from the numerical integration of ${\Delta}R2^{*} on a voxel by voxel basis, with home made software (${\Delta}R2^{*}=-ln (S/SO)/TE). For easy visual interpretation, relative RCB color coding with reference to the normal white matter was applied and color rCBV maps were obtained. The findings of perfusion MR image were retrospectively correlated with Cd-enhanced images with focus on the degree and extent of perfusion and contrast enhancement. Results: Two cases of glioblastoma multiforme with rim enhancement on Cd-enhanced Tl weighted image showed increased perfusion in the peripheral rim and decreased perfusion in the central necrosis portion. The low grade gliomas appeared as a low perfusion area with poorly defined margin. In 2 cases of brain abscess, the degree of perfusion was similar to that of the normal white matter in the peripheral enhancing rim and was low in the central portion. All meningiomas showed diffuse homogeneous increased perfusion of moderate or high degree. One each of lymphoma and germinoma showed homogenously decreased perfusion with well defined margin. The central neurocytoma showed multifocal increased perfusion areas of moderate or high degree. A few nodules of the multiple metastasis showed increased perfusion of moderate degree. One radionecrosis revealed multiple foci of increased perfusion within the area of decreased perfusion. Conclusion: The rCBV map appears to correlate well with the perfusion state of brain tumor, and may be helpful in discrimination between low grade and high grade gliomas. The further study is needed to clarify the role of perfusion MR image in the evaluation of brain tumor.

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A Study on Terrestrial UHDTV Broadcasting and Construction of Direct Reception Environment by DVB-T2 (DVB-T2기반으로 지상파 UHDTV방송과 직접수신환경 구축 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Kyu;Jo, Young-Joon;Kim, Dong-Woo;Park, Goo-Man
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.572-588
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, 4K-UHDTV or 8K-UHDTV and UHD-3DTV that the next generation broadcasting implementation and the possibility of direct receiving environment construction is analyzed on the terrestrial broadcasting. Particularly, we investigated the possibility by analyzing the previous and related works with regard to UHDTV transmission by DVB-T2 that is one of the best commercialized transmission mode. In order that the UHDTV broadcasting succeeds once again after completion of digital terrestrial switch over at the end of 2012, the ultra high resolution image transfer is important. However, the direct, the indoor and ubiquitous receiving environment is important in not only TV but also the personal type multimedia terminal in the sense of UHDTV service penetration. Therefore, in this paper, by using SFN and high error-correcting mode in DVB-T2 standard, the efficient frequency utilization and effective reception environment construction is illustrated. Particularly, SFN network constitution by 2 mutually different frequencies including the VHF bandwidth and UHF band, and etc. is shown. And the method that builds the free wireless receive environment by using SFN low power radio repeater and for home use gap filler is proposed. And the effect and frequency amount required are presented, when UHDTV broadcasting use 10MHz bandwidth.

Salty-taste Activation of Human Brain Disclosed by Gustatory fMRI Study (뇌기능 자기공명영상 장치를 이용한 짠맛 자극에 따른 인간 뇌의 반응에 대한 기초 연구)

  • Kim S.H.;Choi K.S.;Lee H.Y.;Shin W.J.;Eun C.K.;Mun C.W.
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to observe the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast changes due to the reaction of human brain at a gustatory sense in response to a salty-taste stimulation. Materials and Methods : Twelve healthy, non-smoking, right-handed male subjects (mean age: 25.6, range: 23-28 years) participated in this salty-taste stimulus functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) study. MRI scans were performed with 1.57 GE Signa, using a multi-slice GE-EPI sequence according to a blood-oxy-gen-level dependent (BOLD) experiment paradigm. Scan parameters included matrix size $128\times128$, FOV 250 mm, TR 5000 msec, TE 60 msec, TH/GAP 5/2 mm. Sequential data acquisitions were carried out for 42 measurements with a repetition time of 5 sec for each taste-stimulus experiments. Analysis of fMRI data was carried out using SPM99 implemented in Matlab. NaCl solution $(3\%)$ was used as a salty stimulus. The task paradigm consisted of alternating rest-stimulus cycles (30-second rest, 15-second stimulus) for 210 seconds. During the stimulus period, NaCl-solution was presented to the subject's mouth through plastic tubes as a bolus of delivered every 5 sec using -processor controlled auto-syringe pump. Results : Insula, frontal opercular taste cortex, amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) were activated by a salty-taste stimulation $(NaCl,\;3\%)$ in the fMRI experiments. And dosolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was also significantly responded to salty-taste stimuli. Activation areas of the right side hemisphere were more superior to the left side hemisphere. Conclusion : The results of this study well correspond to the fact that both insula, amygdala, OFC, DLPFC areas are established as taste cortical areas by neuronal recordings in primates. Authors found that laboratory-developed auto-syringe pump is suitable for gustatory fMRI study. Further research in this field will accelerate to inquire into the mechanism of higher order gustatory process.

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Development of a Korean Standard Structural Brain Template in Cognitive Normals and Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease (정상노인 및 경도인지장애 및 알츠하이머성 치매 환자에서의 한국인 뇌 구조영상 표준판 개발)

  • Kim, Min-Ji;Jahng, Geon-Ho;Lee, Hack-Young;Kim, Sun-Mi;Ryu, Chang-Woo;Shin, Won-Chul;Lee, Soo-Yeol
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : To generate a Korean specific brain template, especially in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) by optimizing the voxel-based analysis. Materials and Methods : Three-dimensional T1-weighted images were obtained from 123 subjects who were 43 cognitively normal subjects and patients with 44 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 36 AD. The template and the corresponding aprior maps were created by using the matched pairs approach with considering differences of age, gender and differential diagnosis (DDX). We measured several characteristics in both our and the MNI templates, including in the ventricle size. Also, the fractions of gray matter and white matter voxels normalized by the total intracranial were evaluated. Results : The high resolution template and the corresponding aprior maps of gray matter, white matter (WM) and CSF were created with the voxel-size of $1{\times}1{\times}1\;mm$. Mean distance measures and the ventricle sizes differed between two templates. Our brain template had less gray matter and white matter areas than the MNI template. There were volume differences more in gray matter than in white matter. Conclusion : Gray matter and/or white matter integrity studies in populations of Korean elderly and patients with AD are needed to investigate with this template.

Marrow Conversion Pattern of the Femora and Acetabulum Around Hip Joints According to Age Group : MR Evaluation (연령에 따른 고관절주위 대퇴골 및 절구뼈 골수전환 양상 : MR 평가)

  • Lee, In-Sook;Choi, Hyun-Wook;Seo, Im-Jeong;Woo, Sung-Ku;Moon, Tae-Yong
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Marrow edema and fatty degeneration of the hip joint bones could be initial and late signs in hip joint and its bone diseases respectively, which might be differentiated from age-related marrow conversion pattern. So authors have investigated normal marrow conversion pattern of the femur and acetabulum around the hip joints. Materials and methods : Three coronal MR images of 288 hip joint bones in 144 subjects, aged 2 days to 76 years divided to 8 groups every 10 years, were retrospectively analysed for the location and appearance of the converted yellow marrow. The converted yellow marrow were divided to head, neck, and trochanter in the proximal femur and below and above 50% in acetabulum of the hip. Results : The most common type of marrow conversion is the converted yellow marrow in the entire proximal femur and below 50% of acetabulum of the hip. We observed the start of marrow conversion in just before and after 2 years old and stopped at just before and after 20 years old. Conclusion : The understanding of age-related marrow conversion pattern of the hip joint bones would provide some information for differentiation from pathologic condition of them such as edema, fatty degeneration, metastasis, or leukemia.

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