• Title/Summary/Keyword: T-test analysis

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A study of variation level for each region changed in trunk at sagittal plane after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise (체간 굴곡-신전운동 후 체간 각 부위 별 시상면 높이변화에 대한 조사)

  • Kim, Keun-Jo;Lee, Cu-Rie;Jung, Byeong-Ok
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This survey was to investigate on the effect of each region changed in trunk through sagittal plane after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise. Methods : 18 students of Gimcheon College participated in this study for the period of July 9-30, 2007. Analyzed factor were 1) degree of pain 2) presence of Gillet test and 3) difference of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk applying I.B.S.-2000 after Trunk Flexion - Extension Exercise. We used the SPSS $PC^+$ program for classifying into analysis of frequency, $x^2$-test, t-test and Simple Linear Regression analysis test. Results: Followings are concluded For degree of pain, 13(72.2%) of students answered "No pain" after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise and in the result 4 more students decreased the pain. In the Gillet test, 14(77.8%) of students answered "positive" after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise and in the result 4 more students increased mobility of Sacroiliac joint. In the differences of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk by B.M.I. scale, Slim type was decreased both Acromion(0.45mm), both Iliac crest(0.44mm), and both ASIS(0.31mm) to anterior plane, Normal type was decreased both inferior angle of Scapular(0.02mm), both L4-5(0.07mm), and both PSIS(0.09mm) to posterior plane Fatness type was decrease both Acromion(0.05mm), both ASIS(0.05mm) to anterior plane. In the differences of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk for degree of pain No pain group was decreased both Acromion(0.17mm), both Nipple(0.25mm) to anterior plane and both PSIS(0.13mm) to posterior plane Pain group was decreased both Acromion(0.04mm), both Iliac creast(0.03mm) to anterior plane and both inferior angle of Scapular(0.18mm) both PSIS(0.13mm) to posterior plane. In the difference of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk for each of the exercises, Both iliac crest(0.1mm), both ASIS(0.12mm) to anterior plane were decreased after Flexion Trunk Exercise. Both acromion(0.27mm) to anterior plane, both inferior angle of scapular(0.14mm) and both PSIS(0.12mm) to posterior plane were decreased after Extension Trunk Exercise. Each of the exercises, The both inferior angle of Scapular showed high scores($0.65{\pm}0.23$) at Trunk Extension Exercise group and there was statistical significance between Trunk Flexion Exercise group and Extension exercise group(t :-2.502, p < 0.05). 7. At Pre-exercise group, Both inferior angle of Scapular showed low scores($0.23{\pm}8.27$) at Trunk Extension Exercise group and there was statistical significance between Pre- Exercise group and Trunk Extension Exercise group(t :-2.5430, p<0.05). Conclusion : The simple linear regression analysis was presented at Acromion(-0.243), L4-5(-0.753), PSIS(0.576) and there was statistical significance in BMI scale(p<0.01).

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  • Onda, Masahiko
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1989.10a
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    • pp.1047-1052
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    • 1989
  • A novel multi-purpose monitoring platform-LTA vehicle is presented with much improved kinetic performances together with its structural analysis and its scale model test data. This provides a useful mean of monitoring, exploring and remote sensing platform that flies over the wide range of atmosphere and can be used as a safe economic device.

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A Study on the Accelerated Life Evaluation of Drive Shaft for Independent Suspension type AWD Vehicle (독립현가형 AWD 차량의 구동축 가속 수명 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Sik
    • Journal of Applied Reliability
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.343-356
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes an accelerated life evaluation of drive shaft. The life test of drive shaft for independent suspension type AWD vehicle should be performed by use of the least test sample because many number of samples can't be used for the test because of its mass capacity and high price. We calculated the no failure test time by application of no failure test concept, and the already performed test data for drive shaft are applied for some kinds of reliability coefficients which are needed for calculation of life test time. And, for analysis of real driving condition of vehicle, the load spectrum is prepared using the needed road condition and vehicle data. The inverse power model is used for accelerated life test. The equivalent torque of load spectrum is achieved by use of Miner's Rule, and then the final accelerating condition is determined by decision of the accelerated test torque. This paper shows that the accelerated life test results corresponds with the target life and the proposed life test method can be very well applied to no failure life test for mass capacity machinery components.

Using and Evaluative Criteria for Purchasing of Sleepwear in Winter (겨울철 잠옷이용실태와 구매시 평가기준)

  • Kweon, Soo-Ae;Choi, Jong-Myoung;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate using and evaluative criteria for purchasing of sleepwear in winter. Subjects were 523 males and females aged from twenties to fifties, living in Chongju and Taejon. For data analysis, frequency, descriptive analysis, t-test, and F-test were used. The results are as follows. First, the ownership of sleepwear was sweat suits with zippered top, pajamas, T-shirts/pants, underwear, and nightgown in order. The mean of using sweat suits was used the highest, and subjects used more home wear than sleepwear in winter. Second, the using or sleepwear had a significant difference in cold-sensitiveness and body types. Cold-sensitive group used sweat suit and T-shirts/pants more than cold-insensitive group. Also, groups who are thin wore sweat suit the most while groups who are corpulent, used underwear the most when they slept. Third, subjects, who are married women and use bed, used nightgown, but pajamas were used by groups who are older, married, and professional. Sweat suits and T-shirts/pants were used the most by single aged twenties. Forth, consumers considered the wearing comfort when they purchased sleepwear for winter, and they evaluated washing/management, fabric, design/style, economic, service, brand, and others' response in order, for judging the quality of sleepwear. Also, the evaluative criteria had a significant difference in demographic variables such as sex, occupation, and marital state. These results implied that sleepwear would be needed for winter in terms of behavioral temperature regulation. Especially, cold-sensitive and thin group would wear knitted and two-piece sleepwear for thermal comfort when they sleep in winter. Also, Using and evaluative criteria of sleepwear would be different in demographic characteristics. For winter, sleepwear should be develop based on physiologic as well as demographic variables.

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Bioequivalence of Taepyungyang Baclofen Tablet to BaclanTM Tablet (Baclofen 10 mg) (바클란 정(바클로펜 10 mg)에 대한 태평양바클로펜 정의 생물학적동등성)

  • Kang, Il-Mo;Ryu, Ju-Hee;Lee, Heon-Woo;Seo, Ji-Hyung;Lee, Hyun-Soo;Lee, Myung-Jae;Choi, Sang-Jun;Kang, Jin-Yang;Lee, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two baclofen tablets, $Baclan^{TM}$ tablet (Yooyoung Pharm. Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea, reference drug) and Taepyungyang Baclofen tablet (Pacificpharma Corporation, Seoul, Korea, test drug), according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Twenty-four healthy male Korean volunteers received three tablets containing baclofen 10 mg in a $2{\times}2$ crossover study. There was a one-week washout period between the doses. Plasma concentrations of baclofen were monitored for over a period of 24 hr after the administration by using an LC-MS/MS. $AUC_t,\;C_{max}\;and\;T_{max}$ were compiled from the plasma concentration-time data. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was utilized for the statistical analysis of the parameters using logarithmically transformed $AUC_t\;and\;C_{max}$. The 90% confidence intervals of the $AUC_t$ and the $C_{max}$ for Taepyungyang $Baclofen/Baclan^{TM}$ were $log0.92{\sim}log1.06\;and\;log1.03{\sim}log1.22$, respectively. These values were within the acceptable bioequivalence intervals of $log0.80{\sim}log1.25$. It was concluded that Taepyungyang Baclofen tablet was bioequivalent to $Baclan^{TM}$ tablet, in terms of both rate and extent of absorption.

Bioequivalence Assessment of Acephyll® Capsule to Surfolase® Capsule (Acebrophylline HCl 100 mg) by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  • Nam, Kyung-Don;Seo, Ji-Hyung;Yim, Sung-Vin;Lee, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2011
  • A sensitive and specific liquid chromatographic method coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was developed for the analysis of ambroxol (active moiety of acebrophylline). After acetonitrile precipitation of proteins from plasma samples, ambroxol and the domperidone (internal standard, IS) were eluted on a C18 column. The isocratic mobile phase was consisted of 10 mM ammonium acetate and methanol (10 : 90, v/v), with flow rate at 0.2 mL/min. A tandem mass spectrometer, as detector, was used for quantitative analysis in positive mode by a multiple reaction monitoring mode to monitor the m/z 379.2${\rightarrow}$264.0 and the m/z 426.2${\rightarrow}$175.1 transitions for ambroxol and the IS, respectively. Twenty four healthy Korean male subjects received two capsules (100 mg ${\times}$ 2) of either the test or the reference formulation of acebrophylline HCl in a 2 ${\times}$ 2 crossover study, this was followed by a 1week washout period between either formulation. $AUC_{0-t}$ (the area under the plasma concentration-time curve) was calculated by the linear trapezoidal rule. $C_{max}$ (maximum plasma drug concentration) and $T_{max}$ (time to reach $C_{max}$) were compiled from the plasma concentration-time data. The 90% confidence intervals for the log transformed data were acceptable range of log 0.8 to log 1.25 (e.g., log 0.8964 - log 0.9910 for $AUC_{0-t}$ log 0.8690 - log 1.0750 for $C_{max}$). The major parameters, $AUC_{0-t}$ and $C_{max}$ met the criteria of Korea Food and Drug Administration for bioequivalence indicating that Acephyll$^{(R)}$ capsule (test) is bioequivalent to Surfolase$^{(R)}$ capsule (reference).