• Title/Summary/Keyword: System modelling

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A Study on the Methodology modelling of Risk Assessment in Road Tunnels (도로터널시설 위험평가 모델링을 위한 방법론 연구)

  • Cho, Inuh;Han, Dae-yong;Kim, Seung-jin;Yoon, Jong-ku
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2016
  • The demand for subsurface transport is increasing. The users and the operators of road tunnels are exposed to risks with different causes. One main cause, however, is the traffic situation in the event of accidents. The importance of a Quantified Risk Assessment is increasing to quantify the safety of road tunnels and to balance the requirements (capacity, reliability, availability, maintainability and safety) of various stakeholders. Although there are classical methods for risk assessments, such as ETA and FTA. These methods are used for relatively simple cases because it could not relevantly reflect the diversity and relationship of the parameters. Therefore, a quantitative risk assessment based on Bayesian Probabilistic Networks considering interdependence between the parameters of a complex underground system as a double deck tunnel is provided.

Realistic and Efficient Radio Propagation Model for V2X Communications

  • Khokhar, Rashid Hafeez;Zia, Tanveer;Ghafoor, Kayhan Zrar;Lloret, Jaime;Shiraz, Muhammad
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1933-1954
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    • 2013
  • Multiple wireless devices are being widely deployed in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services on the road to establish end-to-end connection between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) networks. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) play an important role in supporting V2V and V2I communications (also called V2X communications) in a variety of urban environments with distinct topological characteristics. In fact, obstacles such as big buildings, moving vehicles, trees, advertisement boards, traffic lights, etc. may block the radio signals in V2X communications. Their impact has been neglected in VANET research. In this paper, we present a realistic and efficient radio propagation model to handle different sizes of static and moving obstacles for V2X communications. In the proposed model, buildings and large moving vehicles are modeled as static and moving obstacles, and taken into account their impact on the packet reception rate, Line-of-sight (LOS) obstruction, and received signal power. We use unsymmetrical city map which has many dead-end roads and open faces. Each dead-end road and open faces are joined to the nearest edge making a polygon to model realistic obstacles. The simulation results of proposed model demonstrates better performance compared to some existing models, that shows proposed model can reflect more realistic simulation environments.

Kinetics of Kojic Acid Fermentation by Aspergillus flavus Link S44-1 Using Sucrose as a Carbon Source under Different pH Conditions

  • Rosfarizan M.;Ariff A.B.
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2006
  • Kojic acid production by Aspergillus flavus strain S44-1 using sucrose as a carbon source was carried out in a 250-mL shake flask and a 2-L stirred tank fermenter. For comparison, production of kojic acid using glucose, fructose and its mixture was also carried out. Kojic acid production in shake flask fermentation was 25.8 g/L using glucose as the sole carbon source, 23.6 g/L with sucrose, and 6.4 g/L from fructose. Reduced kojic acid production (13.5 g/L) was observed when a combination of glucose and fructose was used as a carbon source. The highest production of kojic acid (40.2 g/L) was obtained from 150 g/L sucrose in a 2 L fermenter, while the lowest kojic acid production (10.3 g/L) was seen in fermentation using fructose as the sole carbon source. The experimental data from batch fermentation and resuspended cell system was analysed in order to form the basis for a kinetic model of the process. An unstructured model based on logistic and Luedeking-Piret equations was found suitable to describe the growth, substrate consumption, and efficiency of kojic acid production by A. flavus in batch fermentation using sucrose. From this model, it was found that kojic acid production by A. flavus was not a growth-associated process. Fermentation without pH control (from an initial culture pH of 3.0) showed higher kojic acid production than single-phase pH-controlled fermentation (pH 2.5, 2.75, and 3.0).

A Study on Network Hierarchy Model which uses a Dynamic Segmentation Technique (동적 분할 기법을 이용한 네트워크 계층 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Yong-Jin;Lee, Yong-Ik;Moon, Kyung-Ky;Park, Soo-Hong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.2 s.37
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    • pp.245-260
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    • 2006
  • A practical use of the location information and user requirement are increased in a mobile environment which supports the portability. And Various service which GIS is related with a Spatial DB have been processed. Generally, logical relation of a traffic network which organizes the Road DB uses a basic node-link structure. In this way, Designed structure can not be flexible at various model apply and are not efficient with a database retrieval in a maintenance management side. In this research, We supplement with the problem of a existing network model and the limitation of the building through the design of a network model which uses dynamic segmentation. And we tried to implement efficient hierarchy model at the retrieval of the network and presentation. Designed model supports a stage presentation of various level and a hierarchy entity relation and We are expected to supplement a network spatial modelling function which the GIS has.

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A Comparative Analysis on the Efficiency of Monitoring between EWMA and Shewhart Chart in Instrumental Process with Autocorrelation (자기상관이 있는 장치 공정에서 EWMA와 Shewhart 관리도와의 모니터링 효율성 비교 분석)

  • Cho, Jin-Hyung;Oh, Hyun-Seung;Lee, Sae-Jae;Jung, Su-Il;Lim, Taek;Baek, Seong-Seon;Kim, Byung-Keug
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2012
  • When monitoring an instrumental process, one often collects a host of data such as characteristic signals sent by a sensor in short time intervals. Characteristic data of short time intervals tend to be autocorrelated. In the instrumental processes often the practice of adjusting the setting value simply based on the previous one, so-called 'adjacent point operation', becomes more critical, since in the short run the deviations are harder to detect and in the long run they have amplified consequences. Stochastic modelling using ARIMA or AR models are not readily usable here. Due to the difficulty of dealing with autocorrelated data conventional practice is resorting to choosing the time interval where autocorrelation is weak enough then to using I-MR control chart to judge the process stability. In the autocorrelated instrumental processes it appears that using the Shewhart chart and the time interval data where autocorrelation is relatively not existent turns out to be a rather convenient and very useful practice to determine the process stability. However in the autocorrelated instrumental processes we intend to show that one would presumably do better using the EWMA control chart rather than just using the Shewhart chart along with some arbitrarily intervalled data, since the former is more sensitive to shifts given appropriate weights.

Improvements in the Simulation of Sea Surface Wind Over the Complex Coastal Area-II: Data Assimilation Using LAPS (복잡 해안지역 해상풍 모의의 정확도 개선-II: LAPS를 사용한 자료동화)

  • Bae, Joo-Hyun;Kim, Yoo-Keun;Jeong, Ju-Hee;Kweon, Ji-Hye;Seo, Jang-Won;Kim, Yong-Sang
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.745-757
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    • 2006
  • We focus on the improvement of accuracy of sea surface wind over complex coastal area doling the warm season. Local Analysis Prediction System (LAPS) was used to improve the initial values in Mesoscale Meteorological model (MM5). During the clear summer days with weak wind speed, sea surface wind simulated with LAPS was compared with the case without LAPS. The results of modeling with LAPS has a good agreement mesoscale circulation such as mountain and valley winds on land and in case of modeling without LAPS, wind speed overestimated over the sea in the daytime. And the results of simulation with LAPS indicated similar wind speed values to observational data over the sea under influence of data assimilation using BUOY, QuikSCAT, and AMEBAS. The present study suggests that MM5 modelling with LAPS showed more improved results than that of without LAPS to simulate sea surface wind over the complex coastal area.

Dynamic Analysis of Structure-Fluid-Soil Interaction Problem of a Bridge Subjected to Seismic-Load Using Finite Element Method (유한요소법을 이용한 지진하중을 받는 교량의 구조물-유체-지반 동적 상호작용해석)

  • You, Hee-Yong;Park, Young-Tack;Lee, Jae-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2008
  • In construction facilities such as bridges, the fluid boundary layer(or water film) is formed at the structure-soil interface by the inflow into the system due to rainfall or/and rising ground-water. As a result, the structure-soil interaction(SSI) state changes into the structure-fluid-soil interaction(SFSI) state. In general, construction facilities may be endangered by the inflow of water into the soil foundation. Thus, it is important to predict the dynamic SFSI responses accurately so that the facilities may be properly designed against such dangers. It is desired to have the robust tools of attaining such a purpose. However, there has not been any report of a method for the SFSI analyses. The objective of this study is to propose an efficient method of finite element modelling using the new interface element named hybrid interface element capable of giving reasonable predictions of the dynamic SFSI response. This element enables the simulation of the limited normal tensile resistance and the tangential hydro-plane behaviour, which has not been preceded in the previous studies. The hybrid interface element was tested numerically for its validity and employed in the analysis of SFSI responses of the continuous bridge subjected to seismic load under rainfall or/and rising ground-water condition. It showed that dynamic responses of the continuous bridge resting on direct foundation may be amplified under rainfall condition and consequently lead to significant variation of stresses.

Multi-alternative Retrofit Modelling and its Application to Korean Generation Capacity Expansion Planning (발전설비확장계획에서 다중대안 리트로핏 모형화 방안 및 사례연구)

  • Chung, Yong Joo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2020
  • Purpose Retrofit, defined to be addition of new technologies or features to the old system to increase efficiency or to abate GHG emissions, is considered as an important alternative for the old coal-fired power plant. The purpose of this study is to propose mathematical method to model multiple alternative retrofit in Generation Capacity Expansion Planning(GCEP) problem, and to get insight to the retrofit patterns from realistic case studies. Design/methodology/approach This study made a multi-alternative retrofit GECP model by adopting some new variables and equations to the existing GECP model. Added variables and equations are to ensure the retrofit feature that the life time of retrofitted plant is the remaining life time of the old power plant. We formulated such that multiple retrofit alternatives are simultaneously compared and the best retrofit alternative can be selected. And we found that old approach to model retrofit has a problem that old plant with long remaining life time is retrofitted earlier than the one with short remaining life time, fixed the problem by some constraints with some binary variables. Therefore, the proposed model is formulated into a mixed binary programming problem, and coded and run using the GAMS/cplex. Findings According to the empirical analysis result, we found that approach to model the multiple alternative retrofit proposed in this study is comparing simultaneously multiple retrofit alternatives and select the best retrofit satisfying the retrofit features related to the life time. And we found that retrofit order problem is cleared. In addition, the model is expected to be very useful in evaluating and developing the national policies concerning coal-fired power plant retrofit.

An Investigation into the Hull-Girder Vibration Analysis of RO/RO Car/Truck Carriers (자동차운반선(自動車運搬船) 선체저차진동(船體低次振動)의 해석(解析))

  • K.C.,Kim;D.S.,Cho;J.H.,Chung;J.W.,Kang;S.J.,Moon;J.H.,Woo
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 1990
  • Most of the medium-size ships are powered by large-bore, long-stroke, slow-speed and two-stroke diesel engines in order to improve the fuel efficiency. Such a propulsion plant develops low-frequency excitation forces/moments of significant magnitude. A RO/RO car/truck carrier is also one of the cases. In this paper, the rational methods for analysis of vertical and coupled horizontal-torsional vibrations are presented. Taking account of unusual characteristics of the hull form and structural systems, the emphasis is put on modelling methods based on beam analogy, calculation of system parameters such as added mass and its center, polar added-mass moment of inertia, shear coefficient of hull sections and coupling degree in antisymmetric modes, and modal analysis of forced vibrations.

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Finite element model updating of long-span cable-stayed bridge by Kriging surrogate model

  • Zhang, Jing;Au, Francis T.K.;Yang, Dong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.74 no.2
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2020
  • In the finite element modelling of long-span cable-stayed bridges, there are a lot of uncertainties brought about by the complex structural configuration, material behaviour, boundary conditions, structural connections, etc. In order to reduce the discrepancies between the theoretical finite element model and the actual static and dynamic behaviour, updating is indispensable after establishment of the finite element model to provide a reliable baseline version for further analysis. Traditional sensitivity-based updating methods cannot support updating based on static and dynamic measurement data at the same time. The finite element model is required in every optimization iteration which limits the efficiency greatly. A convenient but accurate Kriging surrogate model for updating of the finite element model of cable-stayed bridge is proposed. First, a simple cable-stayed bridge is used to verify the method and the updating results of Kriging model are compared with those using the response surface model. Results show that Kriging model has higher accuracy than the response surface model. Then the method is utilized to update the model of a long-span cable-stayed bridge in Hong Kong. The natural frequencies are extracted using various methods from the ambient data collected by the Wind and Structural Health Monitoring System installed on the bridge. The maximum deflection records at two specific locations in the load test form the updating objective function. Finally, the fatigue lives of the structure at two cross sections are calculated with the finite element models before and after updating considering the mean stress effect. Results are compared with those calculated from the strain gauge data for verification.