• Title/Summary/Keyword: Survey Finding

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The Association between Types of Usual Source of Care and Medication Adherence among the Elderly (고령자의 상용치료원 유형이 복약순응에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Serah
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.609-621
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    • 2021
  • This study investigates the effect of types of usual source of care on medication adherence among the elderly. Using the Korea Health Panel Survey in 2017, this study includes 3,623 elderly people 65 years of age or older taking prescription drugs for treatment of chronic diseases. The type of usual source of care was considered in three aspects: whether having a usual source of care or not, whether having a regular site only or having a regular site and doctor, size of the regular site. The types of usual source of care are heavily associated with medication adherence. Compared to those who have no usual source of care, those who have a regular site only are 1.4 times, and have both regular site and doctor are 1.8 times more likely to comply with the medication guidelines, respectively. The finding shows usual source of care has a positive effect in improving medication adherence of the elderly. The results can provide an evidence for policies for effective management of chronic diseases and efficient use of medical resources.

Survival Analysis on Employment Rate and Employment Retention Rate of Unemployed Vocational Trainees (실업자 직업훈련생의 취업률과 고용유지율에 관한 생존분석)

  • Jeong, Sun Jeong
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.39-63
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the actual employment rate and job retention rate after completion of the training program the unemployed. Survival analysis was conducted by utilizing employment insurance status and subscription data over two years of 840 patients who finally completed a training course from 889 patients in response to survey about the training service quality in 2012. The finding of the study were as follows. First, the highest employment rate (36.8%) after the completion time was within three months, a period more than 50% of the trainees were employed within six months. While employment continued to occur even with the lapse of one year and two years after the completion point, the employment rate over time was found to decrease gradually. Second, the factors affecting employment rate after completing training, appeared teaching competency(-) among training service quality and potential employability(+), which low awareness of teaching capacity and high awareness potential employability increased the possibility of their employment. Third, the highest periods (each 22.0%, 22.3%) of employment loss rate were within three months and within three to six months, and more than 50% of the trainees have lost their unemployment insurance were less than 8.8 months. Fourth, the factors affecting job retention rates after employment, appeared relationship between teachers and students(+), a fellow student relationships(+) among training service quality and training satisfaction(+), which high awareness of teacher-student relationships, fellow student relationships and training satisfaction increased the possibility of their maintaining employment.

Study on Estimating Economic Risk Cost of Aids to Navigation Accident in Busan Port, Korea using Contingent Valuation Method (조건부가치측정법을 이용한 부산항 항로표지사고에 대한 항행 위험비용의 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Goun;Moon, Beom-Sik
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.478-485
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    • 2018
  • Aids to Navigation (AtoN) is one of the marine traffic safety facilities that promotes the safety of maritime traffic and enhance ship's operational efficiency. However, functional failure of AtoN due to ship's collision or bad weather conditions leads to inconvenience or navigational risk to various users such as the ship operators. For insstance, the largest container port in Korea, Busan Port has experienced a total of 400 AtoN accidents in the past 12 years (2006-2017).Therefore, an average of 20.6 days of recovery time is required, which increases the maritime safety anxiety for AtoN users. is the objective of this study was to present the quantitative support of the users for the prevention of AtoN accidents and the improvement of the feasibility of implementing more efficient management in Korea. A survey was conducted on the users of Busan port areas to investigate general perception of AtoN in general and the accidents that have happened, and to estimate the economic value of navigational risk reduction by implementing effective AtoN management measure. Using the representative non-market valuation method for environmental or public goods known as contingent valuation method (CVM), the economic value granted to users for the AtoN services in Busan port was estimated to at least 16 billion won. Therefore, these finding could be used by AtoN managers and/or policy makers as a valuable data to identify the users' need of various AtoN services including Busan Port and to establish and implement more efficient management plan.

Types of Neighborhood Environments and Life Satisfaction of Older Adults (노년기 근린환경 유형과 삶의 만족에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Eun Na
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.669-686
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate types of neighborhood environments and to verify whether the types of neighborhood environments are directly related to life satisfaction of older adults. To achieve this goal, I used'2014 National Survey on Older Koreans' data which surveyed the older adults aged 65 and over living in the community and a total of 10,281 respondents were analyzed. To determine the types of neighborhood environment, the time taken by walking from community organizations or places such as grocery stores, medical centers, administrative agencies, welfare centers, public transportation was used as an neighborhood environment indicators. As a results, there were six types of neighborhood environment: a leisure-welfare walk-limited type(20.3%), a leisure-welfare long-distance type(15.5%), a balanced proximity type(7.8%), a store-traffic type(35.8%), a traffic proximity type(10.1%), and a marginalized area type(11.3%). Compared to the balanced proximity type, older adults living in a store-traffic type and a marginalized area type were more likely to have negative life satisfaction. older adults who have higher life satisfaction were more likely to be female, more educated, get higher household income, and have a spouses or partner. Moreover, the better the health conditions, the higher the frequency of contact with children, siblings, friends and neighbors, the higher the satisfaction of life. Finding from the study highlight the importance of neighborhood environment in late life and provide implications for building age-friendly community.

Care-giving Related Time-Demand, Stresses and Depression among Older Parents, who take care of Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Focusing on Moderators of Family Relationships (지적장애자녀를 돌보는 노년기 부모의 돌봄시간, 돌봄스트레스, 그리고 우울: 가족관계만족도의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Changmin;Kahng, Sang Kyoung
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • Although not many older Korean parents who take care of children with intellectual disabilities have been reported depression due to care-giving related stresses, little is known about how they could be protected from this. This study examines whether satisfaction with family relationships moderate the relationships between time demands, caregiving stress, and depression of older parents who take care of children with intellectual disabilities. The analyses were conducted based on data from the Korean National Survey on Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and their Families of 2011, and only a total of 276 parents, aged over 60 were examined. Multiple regression analysis shows that older parents with higher level of satisfaction with family relationships were less likely to be influenced by time demands of care-giving. This indicates that satisfaction with family relationships could buffer the relationships between time demands of care-giving, and depression. This finding suggests that satisfaction with family relationships is a protective factor, buffering the negative effects of time demands of care-giving and depression. This supports 'socio-emotional selectivity theory' which family relationships are important to older people. Therefore, it is highly recommended to develop practical intervention that can improve the level of satisfaction of family relationship of the older parents, and to make policy and institutional supplementation.

The Effect of the Public Pension and the Old-Age Preparation on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly with Disabilities who have Paid Jobs: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Self-esteem (임금근로 고령 장애인의 공적 연금과 노후준비가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Gi Tae;Kim, Hae Seong;Song, Jin Yeong;Jeong, Jong Hwa
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the public pension and the old-age preparation on the life satisfaction of the elderly with disabilities who have paid jobs, focusing on mediation effects of self-esteem. The data of "the 8th year Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled" of 2016 surveyed by the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled was used. Among the 5,092 people with disabilities, who are 60 or older and who are employed for paid jobs, only 296 cases were finally selected and analyzed by using SPSS 20.0 Version. The results of this study are as follows: First, public pension is a factor that increases the life satisfaction of the population. The elderly with disabilities who have paid jobs and well prepared for the old-age are more likely to have higher life satisfaction. Second, self-esteem did not seem to mediate between public pension and life satisfaction. Third, self-esteem have proven to mediate between old-age preparation and life satisfaction. This study is meaningful in terms of finding mediating factors such as public pension, revitalization of old-age preparation and self-esteem as part of raising life satisfaction of the elderly with disabilities.

Effects of Discrimination Experience and Social Support on Physical and Mental Health among the Disabled - Mediation Effect of Disability Identity and Multiple Group Comparison by Degree of Disability - (고령장애인의 차별경험과 사회적 지지가 신체적 건강 및 정신적 건강에 미치는 영향 - 장애정체감의 매개효과와 장애정도에 따른 다중집단 분석 -)

  • Roh, Seunghyun;Shin, YuRi;Kim, Cheong-Seok
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.113-137
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we explore whether and how the experience of discrimination and social support affects physical health and mental health through disability identity among the disabled aged 50 and over. We also examine such relationship differs by the degree of disability. For the empirical test, we utilized the data from the Panel Survey for the Disabled conducted by our research team in 2016. According to structural equation model analysis, social support has a direct effect on disability identity. It also has a direct effect on physical health. As for the mental health, there are found direct effects of discrimination experience, social support, disability identity, and physical health, Furthermore, social support influences the mental health through disability identity. This finding suggests that social support for the disabled in old age increases disability identity and, in turn, it contributes their mental health. In the meanwhile, multiple group comparison analysis reveals the effect of discrimination experience on disability identity is found for those with lower level of disability but not for their counterparts. This seems to result from that the level of common ground which constitutes disability identity is low for the severely disabled. Thus, it requires our efforts to enhance disability identity focusing on common ground for the severe disabled.

A Study on the Relation between Degree and Physical & Mental Health of Old People in Interpersonal Relationship Network (대인관계 네트워크에서 연결정도와 노인의 신체적 건강 및 정신적 건강과의 관련성 연구)

  • Chae, In-Hwa;Choi, Sung-Won
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.329-347
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to see if we can predict the health of seniors of community by analyzing the connection between social network degree and mental and physical health of old people who live in the areas of Gangwha Island. The subjects of the study were men and women aged 65 or over, a total of 643 that resided in Ganghwa A-county. The survey was conducted on Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project from the year 2011 to 2012. Regression analysis was carried out using the data. The analysis results were as follows. First, it showed the relationships between income, gender, age out of demographic variables used as control variable and old persons'physical health. The research results showed that physical health was better in case of the higher incomes, men, and lower age. Second, out of demographic variables, educational background, income, age was shown to correlate with mental health. The research results showed that mental health was better in case of the higher incomes, higher educational background, and lower age. Third, in social network including direction, both out-degree and in-degree were shown to predict old people's physical and mental health. The results of this study suggest that not only out-degree but also in-degree should be considered in predicting the health of elderly persons by a person's human relationship. Also, two indicators of degree are meaningful in the dimension of health promotion and welfare of the old in that they can be used for finding isolated individuals that can be physically and mentally vulnerable.

Needs Analysis on Secondary School Principals for Building Trust in Teachers (중등학교 교장의 교사신뢰 형성을 위한 요구도 분석)

  • Kwon, DaNam;Park, HwaChoon;Kim, DaeHyun;Lee, SangSoo;Byeon, YongCheol
    • Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.3155-3167
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate factor of principals' trust in teachers which principals of secondary school recognized and to explore their needs on building trust in teachers. For this purpose, this study used survey question of which investigated conception of principals' trust in teachers and performed with 296 secondary school principals. First, gap of two statuses was proven by t-test. Second, the order of priority was presented by Borich model. Third, the result of the locus for focus model was presented in the form of coordinate plane. Lastly, top priority and the second priority were determined. The result of this study was as following. 'Class management, instruction, and caring for students' category is highest in needs of secondary school principals on trust in teachers. Next, second priority category is 'partnership with parents'. It means secondary school principals recognize that students and parents are most important on education and their trust in teachers. Based on the review, finding and implications are discussed.

Structural Relationship among Self Leadership, Social Support and School Adjustment Impacting on Academic Achievement of University Students - Focusing on the Case of S University (학업성취에 영향을 미치는 셀프리더십 및 사회적지지와 대학생활적응과의 구조적 관계 - S대학교 대학생 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eun-jung;Song, Young-soo
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.63-83
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors helping university students sucessfully adapt to campus life and achieve academic accomplishment through a critical period in personal development. For this purpose, the analysis verifying influence of self leadership as an individual trait variable and social support as a socio environmental trait variable on academic achievement of university students and the mediating effect of school adjustment among them was conducted. Total 271 responses collected by implementing a questionnaire survey in "S", a four-year private university located in Seoul, were used for the analysis. The validity of the measurement was verified through confirmatory factor analysis and the relationship among the variables was examined through structural model equation, bootstrap and sobel test. The major finding of this study are as follows. First, this study confirmed the causal relationship of self leadership and social support impacting on academic achievement of university students. This result suggests that an integrated approach taking into account both individual and socio environmental factors is necessary to support academic achievement of university students. Second, it was proved that self leadership and social support indirectly influences academic achievement through school adjustment. This demonstrates that school adjustment is an important predictor of academic achievement as well as plays a major role in mediating among self leadership, social support and academic achievement. In conclusion, the results of this study conveys its significance in suggesting the necessity to provide insititutional support on individual trait and socio environmental factor enabling university students sucessfully to adapt to campus life and achieve academic achievement.