• Title/Summary/Keyword: Surface activation

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Effect of mixtures of gibberellic acid and several herbicides on the herbicidal activity against wild oat (Avena fatua L.) (Gibberellic acid와 여러 가지 제초제와의 혼합처리가 메귀리에 대한 제초활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Seog;Choi, Jung-Sup;Hong, Kyung-Sik;Cho, Kwang-Yun
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 1998
  • Based on the differential growth response to exogenous gibberellic acid ($GA_{3}$) between semi-dwarf wheat(Triticum aestivum) and wild oat(Avena fatua), we examined the possibility of improving the selective performance of several herbicides by $GA_{3}$ application and the physiological background of $GA_{3}$-induced increase in herbicidal activity. Growth of wild oat was 4 to 5 times higher than that of wheat by $GA_{3}$ treatment. Pretreatment of wild oat seed with 300 ppm $GA_{3}$ increased the herbicidal activities of trifluralin and isoproturon by soil-surface application, but not of alachor and metsulfuron-methyl. $GA_{3}$ applied simultaneously with post-emergence herbicides resulted in a significant or moderate improvement of the efficacy of such herbicides as tralkoxydim, fenoxaprop-ethyl, metsulfuron-methyl, metribuzine and isoproturon, but not in the mixtures of oxyfluorfen or paraquat with $GA_{3}$. In the sequencial treatment of tralkoxydim and $GA_{3}$ at interval of one-day, $GA_{3}$ applied prior to tralkoxydim significantly increased a chlorosis and desiccation of leaf without affecting the growth inhibition by tralkoxydim. Tralkoxydim followed by $GA_{3}$ application had lower herbicidal activity than that of $GA_{3}$ followed by tralkoxydim treatment. Electrolyte leakage response of $GA_{3}$-pretreated or $GA_{3}$-untreated wild oat leaf against several compounds inducing membrane. peroxidation was compared. Differencial responses were observed in oxyfluorfen and isoproturon treatments with an increased electrolyte leakage in $GA_{3}$-pretreated tissue, but not in paraquat and rose bengal treatments. These results suggest that $GA_{3}$-induced increase in herbicidal activity is likely to be dependent on a herbicide type and may be due to activation of a metabolic ability related with herbicidal reponse as well as an increase in the herbicide absorbtion and translocation, rather than due to membrane and cell wall extention induced by $GA_{3}$, which in turn makes the herbicides easily enter.

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A Short-Term Study of the Effects of UDCA on Gingival Inflammation in the Beagle Dog (우로수데옥시콜릭산이 치주질환 억제에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sang-Hyun;Han, Seoung-Min;Choi, Sang-Mook;Ku, Young;Rhyu, In-Chul;Han, Soo-Boo;Lee, Hak-Mo;Kim, Moon-Moo;Kim, Sang-Nyun;Chung, Chong-Pyoung
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1999
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid(UDCA) is a hydrophilic gall bladder acid and has been used as a effective drug for liver disease related to in1munity. This drug inhibits secretions of IL-2, IL-4, and $IFN-{\gamma}$ from T-cells and production of immunoglobulin from B-cells. Also it has been reported that UDCA inhibits production of IL-1 related to the progression of periodontal disease and activation of collagenases. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the effects of UDCA on inhibition of periodontal disease progression using clinical, microbiological and histometrical parameters. Twelve pure bred, 16 month-old-beagle dogs were used in the study. After ligature-induced periodontal diseases were formed, experimental drugs were applied twice a day and then the results of clinical, microbiological, and histometrical parameters were measured at baselie(initiation of experiment) , 4weeks and 8weeks. The gel with UDCA(concentration 0.5%, 5% 3 dogs in each) was applied to experimental group, chlorhexidine to positive control group(3dogs) and the gel without UDCA(base) to negative control group. After induction of general anesthesia, the maxillary 2nd, 3rd premolars and 1st molar and the mandibular 2nd, 3rd, 4th premolars and 1st molar were ligated in one side selected randomly and were not ligated in the opposite side. The plaque index(PI), gingival index(GI), pocket depth(PD) and gingival crevicular fluid(GCF) volum were measured clinically. The PI and GI were measured at 3 buccal points of all experimental teeth and the GCF was measured only at the 3rd premolar in the maxilla and the 4th premolar in the mandible. In the microbiological study, the samples extracted from the 3rd premolar of the maxilla and the 4th premolar of the mandible at the center of buccal surface were analyzed aerobics, anaerobics and Streptococcus colony forming units, After clinical and microbiological examination at 8weeks, the dogs were sacrificed by carotid artery perfusion. The samples were fixed and sectioned including interproximal area, and the distance from cementoenamel junction(CEJ) to alveolar crest was measured. The results were that PI, GI and PD increased until 4 weeks and decreased at 8 weeks in three groups but the differences between all the groups were not significant. The 0.5% UDCA in non-ligated group showed remarkable decrease of GCF. The experimental group applied 5% UDCA decreased the number of aerobics and anaerobics. The distance from CEJ to alveolar crest was greater in the negative control group on both ligated and non-ligated sides, but the differences were not significant stastically.

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Sensitization of TNFα and Agonistic FAS/CD95 Antibody-Induced Apoptosis by INFγ on Neuroblastoma Cells (신경모세포종에서 IFNγ에 의한 TNFα와 길항적 FAS/CD95항체 유도성 세포고사의 감작화)

  • Bang, Ho Il;Kim, Jong Duck;Choi, Du Young
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.7
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    • pp.702-709
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : $IFN{\gamma}$ sentitizes many tumor cells to $TNF{\alpha}$ and FASL-mediated apoptosis by enhancing the expression of TNF or FAS/CD95 receptor and modulating the activation of caspase and Bcl-2 family. It has been reported that $IFN{\gamma}$ and $TNF{\alpha}$ synergistically caused differentiation and growth inhibition of neuroblastoma cells. Even though some neuroblastoma cell express FASR/FASL on the cell surface, they could not induce apoptosis by ligation of the FAS/CD95 receptor. But the treatment of $IFN{\gamma}$ is reported to induce apoptosis in some neuroblastoma cell lines through the CD95/CD95L autocrine circuit. In this study, we examined whether $IFN{\gamma}$ could affect $TNF{\alpha}$ and agonistic FAS/CD95 antibody(CH-11)-induced apoptosis against neuroblastoma cell lines that had shown diverse drug sensitivity and resistance. Methods : CHLA-15, CHLA-90 and LA-N-2 neuroblastoma cells were cultured in IMDM and treated with recombinant $IFN{\gamma}$, $TNF{\alpha}$ and CH-11 antibody. Cell viability was measured by DIMSCAN with a fluorescent calcein-AM. Apoptosis was analyzed through flow cytometry using Annexin V-PE and 7-ADD staining and confirmed by pancaspase and caspase-8 blocking experiments. The expression of TNF RI and FAS/CD95 receptor was evaluated by flow cytometry using the corresponding antibody and PE-conjugated secondary antibody. Results : $IFN{\gamma}$ or $TNF{\alpha}$ alone had no demonstrable cytotoxic effects, whereas both cytokines in combination induced apoptosis synergistically in CHLA-15 and CHLA-90 cells. Although there was no cytotoxicity with the ligation of CH-11 alone in CHLA-90 cells, pretreatment of $IFN{\gamma}$ increased the sensitivity of CH-11-mediated apoptosis. The expression of TNFRI and FAS/CD95R were non-specifically enhanced after treatment of $IFN{\gamma}$ without relation to sensitivity to $TNF{\alpha}$ and CH-11. This finding suggest up-regulation of both receptors may contribute to sensitization of $TNF{\alpha}$ and CH-11-mediated apoptosis by $IFN{\gamma}$ in only sensitive cell lines. Conclusion : $IFN{\gamma}$ induced sensitization of $TNF{\alpha}$ and agonistic FAS/CD95 antibody-mediated apoptosis on some neuroblastoma cells through up-regulation of TNFRI and FAS/CD95 receptor.

Comparision of Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography (SAECG) Determined by Flank Lead System (FLS) and Pyramidal Lead System (PLS) in Healthy Young Adults (정상 성인의 직교유도체제와 피라미드유도체제에 의한 신호 가산 평균심전도의 비교)

  • Jang, Byeong-Ik;Kang, Seung-Ho;Kim, Hyeung-Il;Shin, Dong-Gu;Kim, Young-Jo;Shim, Bong-Sup;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 1993
  • It has recently become possible to record electrical activity originating from abnormally conducting myocardium from the body surface with high - gain amplification and averaging technique. These signals, which result from delayed ventricular activation(late potentials), have been recorded in patients with documented ventricular tachyarrythmia. Several electrode lead system for detecting ventricular late potential were introduced. Pyramidal electrode lead system(PLS) is useful. Also interpretation of SAECG in the young could be of value in detecting those at risk for episodic ventricular tachycardia, but suffer from a lack of data in normal young people. Selection of subjects : For this study, normal healthy young adult volunteers (age: mean 24 years) were recruited from the medical students at Yeungnam University Hospital, Internal Medicine. Twenty fourths male and seventeenths female subjects were selected. All subjects had normal resting ECGs as judged from both the standard 12 channel lead and echocardiography, and none had a history of cardiovascular disease. All subjects were considered to be in good general physical condition. Signal-averaged electrocardiography : In order to obtain low noise recordings with a small number of averaging cycles, all subject ware asked to relax completely in the supine position. Silver/silver chloride electrodes were attached after the skin was cleaned with alcohol, to constitute classic flank lead system(FLS) and pyramidal lead system(PLS). Signals were recorded and processed using a commercially available microprocessor-augmented ECG cart(Marquette Electronics, USA) suitable for portable bedside recording. There was no difference between normal values, determined by FLS and PLS at high pass filtering of 25 Hz and 80 Hz, but significant, difference was found in HFLAD and RMS-40 of 40 Hz(p<0.05). These results will provide a basis for interpretations of SAECG, determined by FLS and PLS in healthy young adults with normal QRS duration.

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Characterization and annealing effect of tantalum oxide thin film by thermal chemical (열CVD방법으로 증착시킨 탄탈륨 산화박막의 특성평가와 열처리 효과)

  • Nam, Gap-Jin;Park, Sang-Gyu;Lee, Yeong-Baek;Hong, Jae-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.42-54
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    • 1995
  • $Ta_2O_5$ thin film IS a promising material for the high dielectrics of ULSI DRAM. In this study, $Ta_2O_5$ thin film was grown on p-type( 100) Si wafer by thermal metal organic chemical vapo deposition ( MCCVD) method and the effect of operating varialbles including substrate temperature( $T_s$), bubbler temperature( $T_ \sigma$), reactor pressure( P ) was investigated in detail. $Ta_2O_5$ thin film were analyzed by SEM, XRD, XPS, FT-IR, AES, TEM and AFM. In addition, the effect of various anneal methods was examined and compared. Anneal methods were furnace annealing( FA) and rapid thermal annealing( RTA) in $N_{2}$ or $O_{2}$ ambients. Growth rate was evidently classified into two different regimes. : (1) surface reaction rate-limited reglme in the range of $T_s$=300 ~ $400 ^{\circ}C$ and (2: mass transport-limited regime in the range of $T_s$=400 ~ $450^{\circ}C$.It was found that the effective activation energies were 18.46kcal/mol and 1.9kcal/mol, respectively. As the bubbler temperature increases, the growth rate became maximum at $T_ \sigma$=$140^{\circ}C$. With increasing pressure, the growth rate became maximum at P=3torr but the refractive index which is close to the bulk value of 2.1 was obtained in the range of 0.1 ~ 1 torr. Good step coverage of 85. 71% was obtained at $T_s$=$400 ^{\circ}C$ and sticking coefficient was 0.06 by comparison with Monte Carlo simulation result. From the results of AES, FT-IR and E M , the degree of SiO, formation at the interface between Si and TazO, was larger in the order of FA-$O_{2}$ > RTA-$O_{2}$, FA-$N_{2}$ > RTA-$N_{2}$. However, the $N_{2}$ ambient annealing resulted in more severe Weficiency in the $Ta_2O_5$ thin film than the TEX>$O_{2}$ ambient.

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Effects of Mn- and K-addition on Catalytic Activity of Calcium Oxide for Methane Activation (메탄 활성화반응에서 산화칼슘 촉매의 활성에 대한 망간과 칼륨의 첨가효과)

  • Park, Jong Sik;Kong, Jang Il;Jun, Jong Ho;Lee, Sung Han
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.618-628
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    • 1998
  • Pure CaO, Mn-doped CaO, Mn/CaO, and K/CaO catalysts were prepared and tested as catalysts for the oxidative coupling of methane in the temperature range of 600 to 800$^{\circ}C$ to investigate the effects of Mn- and K-addition on the catalytic activity of calcium oxide. To characterize the catalysts, X-ray powder diffraction(XRD), XPS, SEM, DSC, and TG analyses were performed. The catalytic reaction was carried out in a single-pass flow reactor using on-line gas chromatography system. Normalized reaction conditions were generally $p(CH_4)/p(O_2)=250$ Torr/50 Torr, total feed flow rate=30 mL/min, and 1 atm of total pressure with He being used as diluent gas. Among the catalysts tested, 6.3 mol% Mn-doped CaO catalyst showed the best $C_2$ yield of 8.0% with a selectivity of 43.2% at 775$^{\circ}C$. The $C_2$ selectivity increased on lightly doped CaO catalysts, while decreased on heavily doped CaO([Mn] > 6.3 mol%) catalysts. 6 wt.% Mn/CaO and 6 wt.% K/CaO catalysts showed the $C_2$ selectivities of 13.2% and 30.9%, respectively, for the reaction. Electrical conductivities of CaO and Mn-doped CaO were measured in the temperature range of 500 to 1000$^{\circ}C$ at Po2's of $10^{-3}\; to\;10^{-1}\;atm.$ The electrical conductivity was decreased with Mn-doping and increased with increasing $P0_2$in the range of $10^{-3}\;to\;10^{-1}\;atm,$ indicating the specimens to be p-type semiconductors. It was suggested that the interstitial oxygen ions formed near the surface can activate methane and the formation of interstitial oxygen ions was discussed on the basis of solid-state chemistry.

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The Distribution of ${\gamma}{\delta}$ T Cells in Tuberculous Lymphadenopathy (결핵성 림프절에서 ${\gamma}{\delta}$ T 림프구의 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Tae-Sun;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo;Kim, Keun-Youl;Han, Yong-Chol
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.484-488
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    • 1994
  • Background : The antigen-specific receptor on the surface of most peripheral T lymphocytes is a disulfide-linked heterodimer composed of $\alpha$ and $\gamma$ subunits, noncovalently associated with CD3 polypeptides. Recently, a novel type of CD3-associated heterodimer was described on a T cell subset that does not express CD4 or CD8 molecules. This second type of TCR dimer is composed of chains encoded for by the $\gamma$- and $\delta$-TCR genes. These cells may exert both cytotoxic and lymphokine producing functions. Although it was reported that some ${\gamma}{\delta}$-TCR might recognize an MHC-linked determinant, the funεtion or physiologic ligand for this new receptor is not yet clear. It was found that ${\gamma}{\delta}$-TCR can react with 65 kD heat shock protein of M. tuberculosis, which suggests the possible protective role of ${\gamma}{\delta}$ T lymphocytes against tuberculosis. In our previous study, there was neither the increase in number nor the functional activation of ${\gamma}{\delta}$ T cells in the peripheral blood from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Now we report the distribution of ${\gamma}{\delta}$ T cells in the regional sites of M. tuberculosis infection, especial1y tuberculous lymphadenitis. Methods : Lymph nodes from patients with pathologically-proven tuberculous lymphadenopathy (n=5) and reactive hyperplasia (n=3) were used. Tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after removal and stored below $-70^{\circ}C$. The cryostat sections of these frozen specimens were stained with anti-Leu-4 Ab, Identi-T TCR ${\delta}1$, and Identi-T ${\beta}F1$. The number of positively stained cells were counted at high power field. Results : The infiltration of ${\gamma}{\delta}$ T cells was significantly higher in the lymph nodes from patients with tuberculous lymphadenopathy than that with reactive hyperplasia ($16.3{\pm}10.3%$ vs. $1.7{\pm}1.5%$). Conclusion : These results suggest that ${\gamma}{\delta}$) T cells may play a role in the defense against M. tuberculosis infection, especially in the regional sites of infection.

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Ni/Au Electroless Plating for Solder Bump Formation in Flip Chip (Flip Chip의 Solder Bump 형성을 위한 Ni/Au 무전해 도금 공정 연구)

  • Jo, Min-Gyo;O, Mu-Hyeong;Lee, Won-Hae;Park, Jong-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.700-708
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    • 1996
  • Electroless plating technique was utilized to flip chip bonding to improve surface mount characteristics. Each step of plating procedure was studied in terms pf pH, plating temperature and plating time. Al patterned 4 inch Si wafers were used as substrstes and zincate was used as an activation solution. Heat treatment was carried out for all the specimens in the temperature range from room temperature to $400^{\circ}C$ for $30^{\circ}C$ minutes in a vacuum furnace. Homogeneous distribution of Zn particles of size was obtained by the zincate treatment with pH 13 ~ 13.5, solution concentration of 15 ~ 25% at room temperature. The plating rates for both Ni-P and Au electroless plating steps increased with increasing the plating temperature and pH. The main crystallization planes of the plated Au were found to be (111) a pH 7 and (200) and (111) at pH 9 independent of the annealing temperature.

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Effects of Red-ginseng Extracts on the Activation of Dendritic Cells (고려홍삼의 수지상세포 활성화 효과)

  • Kim, Do-Soon;Park, Jueng-Eun;Seo, Kwon-Il;Ko, Sung-Ryong;Lee, Jong-Won;Do, Jae-Ho;Yee, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2006
  • Ginseng is a medicinal herb widely used in Asian countries. Dendritic cells(DCs) play a pivotal role in the initiation of T cell-mediated immune responses, making them an attractive cellular adjuvant for use in cancer vaccines. In this study, we examined the effects of Red-ginseng(water extract, edible and fermented ethyl alcohol extract, crude saponin) on the DCs phenotypic and functional maturation. Immature DCs were cultured in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4, and the generated immature DCs were stimulated by water extract, edible and fermented ethyl alcohol extract, crude saponin and LPS, respectively, for 24hours. The expression of surface co-stimulatory molecules, including MHC(major histocompatibility complex) class II, CD40, CD80 and CD86, was increased on DCs that were stimulated with crude saponin, but antigen-uptake capacity was decreased. The antigen-presenting capacity of Red-ginseng extracts-treated DCs as analyzed by allogeneic T cells proliferation and IL-2, $IFN-{\gamma}$ production was increased. Furthermore, $CD4^+$ and $CD8^+$ syngeneic T cell(OVA-specific) proliferation and $IFN-{\gamma}$ production was significantly increased. However, $CD4^+$ syngeneic T cell secreted higher levels of IL-2 in responding but not $CD8^+$ syngeneic T cell. These results indicate the immunomodulatory properties of Red-ginseng extracts, which might be therapeutically useful in the control of cancers and immunodeficient diseases through the up-regulation of DCs maturation.

Quality Characteristics of Frozen Doraji (Platycodon grandiflorum) according to Various Blanching Treatment Conditions (블랜칭 처리 조건에 따른 동결 도라지의 품질 특성)

  • Lee, Young-Joo;Lee, Hye-Ok;Kim, Ji-Young;Kwon, Ki-Hyun;Cha, Hwan-Soo;Kim, Byeong-Sam
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.661-668
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to devise appropriate blanching-process conditions as a means to convert Doraji, which is widely used in Korean food due to its unique fragrance and flavor, into frozen food materials for various uses. For the Hunter L values representing the brightness transformation among the surface color and gloss changes that were observed in Doraji before and after freezing, and after Doraji went through a blanching process, the specimen that went through a blanching process at $80^{\circ}C$ showed a significantly higher value compared to another specimen processed at a higher temperature, and the first specimen's value also rose after freezing. Meanwhile, for the hardness values, they declined more as the blanching temperature became higher and as the processing time became longer. For the number of total counts and the number of coliform groups, the number of total counts at $3.75{\times}10^5$ and $1.25{\times}10^5$ cfu/g before the blanching process was reduced into the approximately 2-3 log scale, and no coliform group was detected after the blanching process. As for the peroxidase activity, its activation was decreased by the blanching process, and more than 89% of the peroxidase became inactivated in all the specimens that went through the blanching process. The sensory characteristics of the frozen-thawed Doraji by test group showed the radish leaves blanched at $90^{\circ}C$ for 1 min to be the most highly evaluated in terms of the overall preference level (p<0.05).