• 제목/요약/키워드: Summer Power

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Radar Rainfall Estimation Using Window Probability Matching Method : 1. Establishment of Ze-R Relationship for Kwanak Mt, DWSR-88C at Summer, 1998 (WPMM 방법을 이용한 레이더 강수량 추정 : 1. 1998년 여름철 관악산 DWSR-88C를 위한 Ze-R 관계식 산출)

  • Kim, Hyo-Gyeong;Lee, Dong-In;Yu, Cheol-Hwan;Gwon, Won-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2002
  • Window Probability Matching Method(WPMM) is achieved by matching identical probability density of rain intensities and radar reflectivities taken only from small window centered about the gage. The equation of $Z_{e}-R$ relationship is obtained and compared with data between a DWSR-88C radar and high density rain gage networks within 150km from radar site in summer season, 1998. The probability density of radar effective reflectivity is distributed with high frequency near 15dBZ. The frequency distribution of rain intensities shows that rain intensity is lower than 10mm/hr in most part of radar coverage area. As the result of $Z_{e}-R$ relationship using WPMM, curved line has shown to the log scale spatially and it can be explained more flexible than any straight-line power laws at the transformation to the rainfall amount from $Z_e$ value. During 3 months, total radar cumulative rainfall amount estimated by $Z=200R^{1.6}$ and WPMM relationships are 44 and 80 percentages of total raingage amount, respectively. Therefore, $Z_{e}-R$ relationships by WPMM may be widely needed a statistical method for the computation of accumulated precipitation.

Relationship between Water Stable Aggregate and Macroporosity in Upland Soils Calculated by Fragmentation Fractal Dimension (파쇄프랙탈차원을 이용한 밭토양 내수성입단과 대공극률의 관계 평가)

  • Han, Kyung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Lee, Hyup-Sung;Hur, Seung-Oh;Ha, Sang-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2009
  • The objectives of this study were to investigate the aggregate fragmentation in wet-sieving and to evaluate the relationship between the aggregate fragmentation fractal dimension and macro-porosity of upland soils, using three different textural types of soils including Gopyeng series (Fine, Typic Hapludalfs), Gyuam series (Fine silty over coarse silty, Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts), and Jungdong series (Coarse loamy, Typic Udifluvents) located in Gyeonggi province. Undisturbed soil samples with five replicates were seasonally sampled and used for measuring water stable aggregate, macropores, and physico-chemical properties of soils. The aggregate stability in wet-sieving was digitalized as three types of fragmentation fractal dimension ($D_f$), geometric mean diameter (GMD), and mean weight diameter (MWD). $D_f$ had higher correlation with GMD than with MWD. Seasonal aggregate stability showed the highest values in summer, and decreased in the order of spring and autumn. The macroporosity had higher in topsoil, in autumn, and in ridge, than in plow pan layer, in summer, and in row, respectively. The relationship between $D_f$ and macroporosity, especially more than 99 m, showed high correlation only in soils with $D_f$ less than 3.1, which means more aggregated soils compared to soils with $D_f$ more than 3.1. Besides, in the soils with the fractal dimension less than 3.1, the power function relation between saturated hydraulic conductivity and macroporosity more than 99 m had relatively high determinant coefficient, and vice versa. Therefore, it could be thought that fragmentation fractal dimension is available for confirming macroporosity induced from aggregation.

Nuclear·Atomic Public Diplomacy: The Possibility of Expanding Toward New Issue Area (핵·원자력 공공외교: 새로운 영역으로의 확장 가능성)

  • Hanhyung Lee
    • Public Diplomacy: Theory and Practice
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.43-63
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: Nuclear security and atomic energy industry have always been the domain of political and economical diplomatic affairs. The issue of nuclear proliferation must be resolved politically or militarily given the importance of the problem, the impact it has on global security, the influence of major powers, and non-proliferation regimes. Considering scope of the budget, manpower, and scale of the project, the atomic energy issue was also viewed from an economic perspective. Therefore, the goal of this study is to depart from the conventional viewpoint and investigate if public diplomacy may be extended to a new issue domain of nuclear security and atomic energy. Methods: In order to determine whether there are any areas that overlap, the uniqueness of Korea's position in the nuclear security and atomic power domains is evaluated and compared with the traits of public diplomacy. Results: It seems plausible to broaden the scope and function of public diplomacy in that field given Korea's uniqueness in nuclear security and atomic energy issue and overlap with public diplomacy. This is especially true given that the state must take the leading role and that ongoing policy demands are made in light of Korea's security and economic structure. In reality, it is assessed that the Summer Fellows Program, run by the KAIST Nuclear Nonproliferation Education and Research Center (KAIST NEREC), has had a considerable impact on public diplomacy in the area of nuclear security and atomic energy. Conclusions: Nuclear security and atomic energy issues have traditionally been handled from the perspectives of political diplomacy, summit diplomacy, and economic diplomacy. However, this paper evaluate that the possibility of enhancing the role of public diplomacy in this issue area is high and underscore that the budget support, programs, and manpower for similar public diplomacy activities are needed. Through this, South Korea's nuclear security policy and atomic energy industry could be supported from international community and it will advance national interest.

A thermal-flow analysis of deaerator floor of power plant for reducing the radiative heat transfer effect (발전소 Deaerator floor의 복사효과 저감을 위한 열유동 해석)

  • Kim, Tae-Kwon;Ha, Ji-Soo;Choi, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.476-481
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    • 2016
  • Steam power generation is used to produce electricity through a generator that is connected to a steam turbine. As a result, the surface temperature of the deaerator is $70^{\circ}C$during the summer season, the surface temperature of the storage tank is $67^{\circ}C$, and the air temperature is $50^{\circ}C$. This environment is inappropriate for workers and instruments. Workers adjacent to the deaerator and storage tank in particular feel higher temperatures because of the radiative heat transfer effect. Therefore, we optimized the cooling conditions by computational analysis. Case 1 is the current shape of the power plant, Case 2 has additional insulation, and Case 3 has a radiation shield. Flow is caused by a temperature difference between the heat sources in the wall, and hot air is trapped in the right upper end. Based on the temperature contours and the maximum temperature of the surfaces, Case 2 was found to be the most efficient for reducing radiative heat transfer effects.

Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Zooplankton Appeared on Early Construction of Pumped Storage Power Plant Dam (양수발전댐의 건설 초기에 발생한 동물플랑크톤군집의 시.공간적인 분포특성)

  • Lee, Jaeyong;Jung, Sungmin;Chang, Kun;Kim, Bomchul
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.spc
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2014
  • Spatial and temporal distributions of zooplankton were measured in an oligotrophic pumped storage-type hydroelectric reservoir which was composed of two reservoirs exchanging water daily, with water going up at night and going down during the day. Repetitive diel disturbance of the water column can be a unique feature of this reservoir system. Chl-${\alpha}$ concentration was highest in the early winter season. Phytoplankton density was lower in summer monsoon due to high flushing rate on rainy days. The zooplankton density was higher in the smaller upper reservoir possibly due to lower fish density in the upper reservoir. In the seasonal variation a time gap was observed between the phytoplankton bloom and the zooplankton bloom (particularly a rotifer, Keratella cochlearis). It is likely to that Keratella production is partially supported by heterotrophic food sources than phytoplankton. The dominance of a mixotrophic dinoflagellate (Peridinium bipes f. ocultatum) might have complicated the trophic relationship between phytoplankton and zooplankton. Our results provide some ecological information of zooplankton community in a highly disturbed alpine reservoir ecosystem relying on mostly allochthonous organic matter.

Design and Development of Intelligent Cattle Shed for the Prevention of Livestock Waste (가축 폐사 방지를 위한 지능형 축사의 설계 및 개발)

  • Jang, Junewoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.32-35
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    • 2019
  • One of the major problems with the livestock industry is that in the summer, livestock will die from heat waves or infectious diseases. Under these circumstances, what livestock need is a proper indoor temperature and a regular sterilization system. Therefore, in this study, we developed a system that automatically controls the power of the fan according to the temperature inside the shaft, and a function that provides feed and sterilization on a regular basis, so that we could manage the toast efficiently. It also proposed the ability to automatically control the power of the fan, to display the temperature inside the shaft to mobile applications, and to provide food and sterilization. First, the function of controlling the power of the fan automatically turns the fan on when the temperature inside the shaft rises above a certain level. Conversely, if the temperature inside the shaft falls below a certain level, turn off the fan. Second, the function of the mobile application is to check the temperature inside the shaft. The third feeding function is periodically fed using a servo motor, and the feeding provided is delivered to livestock through a conveyor belt. Finally, the sterilization function is a function to sterilize livestock periodically using DC motor pump. The intelligent congratulatory functions proposed in this study may contribute to the health of livestock.

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Analysis of the Utilization Characteristics of Electrical Power and Equipments on the Farms (농촌의 전력및 전기기기의 이용특성분석)

  • 박승우;류한열
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.3943-3955
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    • 1975
  • The purposes of this study are to evaluate the utilization characteristics of electrical power consumption, to grasp the present trends in the use of electrical equipments, to estimate the demand factor and load factor being held, and to evaluate the efficiency of electical uses for the recently electrified farms cultivating paddy rice. For the purposes, 109 sample farms located in eleven villiages electrified in six different years from 1968 to 1973, were chosen at random and investigated on 35 items concerning to electrical uses and wiring systems. The survey was carried out in 1975, in the vinicity of Suweon city. The results are summarized as follows: i) The average annual power consumption on sample farms is considered to be low, being 242.9 Kwh. in 1974, and varied according to the different electrified year and size of cultivated land, respectively. It has significant positive correlation to the area of farm, too. ii) Between the number of year of electrical uses and the power consumption, there is very significant positive correlation, which could be expressed as Y=43.041+16.108 X, where X represents the number of years of electrical uses. The annual increment of power consumption is much greater at the beginning of the electrification than that at the later years, its average being approximately 20 percent. However, it is recommended that any estimation of long-term increments should be carefully investigated. iii) The monthly power consumption varies considerably throughout a year, in which the heaviest farm load occurs in November. Observing the seasonal variation of consumption, the winter-time is the heaviest season while the summer is the lowest. The result implies house lighting is chief contribution to the present electrical consumption on the farms. Comparing the variation of monthly consumption ratios between the sample farms and industries, the electrical uses on the farms are independant of the industrial uses, and further, the agricultural uses are of inverse pattern to the farms from the results that there is negative correlationship between them, iv) The number of electrical equipments used on the farms are occupied chiefly by lighting sources. Next to the lighting sources, household appliances of small quantity and some motors are used. The mean electrical quantity is about 1, 127.4 watt, which corresponds to about 37.6 per cent to the contracted quantity. The composition of quantity is chiefly occupied by the electrical motor of about 1.5 hp., single-phased. The number of the annual utilization hours of each equipment is tabulated in Table IV-5. In contradiction to the high utilization of lighting sources and small household appliances, the motor is poorly used for approximately 22 hours in a year. v) More than 55 per cent of farms want to purchase new electrical equipments such as small household appliances and electrical motors in their number. The impulse of purchasing such items is stimulated by the contacts to the mass media and their knowledge on such equipments. Consequently, the increase of electrical uses could be prompted by such trials as education and demonstration. vi) The demand and load factors on the farms vary considerably according to the greater variation of the power consumption, daily or monthly. The daily demand factor is 22.4 per cent and load factor 18.6 per cent, while the annual demand factor is 1.3 per cent and load factor 70 per cent approximately. Therefore, the low efficiency of construction cost requires re-evaluation of the present contracted quantity of 3 Kw. or increase of electrical uses. vii) The electrical energy on the farms devoted chiefly to lighten the farm residences does not contribute to the farm incomes. Consequently, the cost of electrical consumption presses considerably upon the farm economy. Therefore, there is great need to build up the electrical uses on the farms through the development of new works and techinques to utilize any electrical equipments on the production of farm products. Further more, such the development should be related to increase the actual income of the farm consumers.

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Ecological Characteristics of Phytoplankton Communities in the Coastal Waters of Gori, Wolseong, Uljin and Younggwang II. Distributions of Standing Crops and Environmental Variables (1992~1996) (고리, 월성, 울진 및 영광 연안해역에서 식물플랑크톤 군집의 생태학적 특성 II. 현존량 분포 및 환경요인들(1992~1996))

  • 강연식;최중기
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.108-128
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    • 2002
  • In order to investigate the ecological characteristics of phytoplankton communities around a nuclear power plant in Gori coastal waters of the South East Sea, Wolseong and Uljin coastal waters of the East Sea and Younggwang coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, the standing crops and chlorophyll-$\alpha$ concentrations of phytoplankton were studied during 1992~1996 and the relationships between standing crops and environmental variables were analyzed. The concentrations of nitrogenous nutrients were on average 0.101, 0.094, 0.072 and 0.108mg/$\ell$ and those of phosphorus were on average 0.007, 0.008, 0.006 and 0.009mg/$\ell$ in Gori, Wolseong, Uljin and Younggwang, respectively. The N:P ratios were highly variable, ranging from 3.2 to 57.3, from 3.1 to 109.0, from 2.6 to 102.0 and from 1.0 to 165.0 in Gori, Wolseong, Uljin and Younggwang, respectively. The concentrations of suspended solids were on average 18.7, 16.7, 11.6 and 52.7mg/$\ell$ and transparencies were on average 3.8, 5.4, 7.9 and 0.7 m in Gori, Wolseong, Uljin and Younggwang, respectively. Total standing crops of phytoplankton averaged 710,659, 687,508, 656,245 and 1,278,173cells/$\ell$ in Gori, Wolseong, Uljin and Yaunggwang, respectively. The standing crops of microplankton(>20${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) averaged 357,546, 333,638, 276,407 and 592,975cells/$\ell$ those of nanoplankton(<20${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) averaged 353,113, 353,870, 379,838 and 574,563cells/$\ell$ in Gori, Wolseong, Uljin and Younggwang, respectively. While standing crops of diatoms were averaged 282,009, 284,710, 238,758 and 574,563 cells/$\ell$, those of dinoflagellates were averaged 46,079, 35,401, 32,906 and 16,749 cells/$\ell$ in Gori, Wolseong, Uljin and Younggwang, respectively. The seasonal standing crops of diatoms in Gori, Wolseong and Uljin were higher in Spring than other seasons, but were lower in Summer than other seasons in Younggwang. The seasonal standing crops of dinoflagellates in Gori and Younggwang were higher in Summer than other seasons, but were higher in Autumn than other seasons in U]jin. Average of chlorophyll-$\alpha$ concentrations ranged from 2.16 to 4.28$\mu\textrm{g}$/$\ell$ in 4 study areas with the highest concentration occurred in Younggwang. Indices of species diversity ranged from 2.11 to 2.24 in 4 study areas. While community structures of phytoplankton were unstable during winter and stable during summer in Gori, Wolseong and Uljln coastal waters, those of phytoplankton were stable during winter and summer than during spring and autumn in Yaunggwang. The analysis results of Pearson product moment correlation coefficient between standing crops and environmental variables showed that distributions of standing crops were affected by transparencies, suspended solids, and some nutrient(N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ -N, P $O_4$$^{3-}$-P), even though the degree of influences were a little different according to the season and the surveyed zone.

Performance of HFC32/HFC152a Mixture for Water-source Heat Pumps (수열원 히트펌프 용 HFC32/HFC152a 혼합냉매의 성능평가)

  • Kang, Dong-Gyu;Kim, Wook-Jin;Jung, Dong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2012
  • In this study, performance of HFC32/HFC152a mixture is measured in the composition range of 20 to 50% R32 with an interval of 10% for the comparison with the conventional HCFC22 in water-source heat pumps. Tests are carried out under the same capacity in a heat pump bench tester equipped with a variable speed compressor at the evaporation and condensation temperatures of 7/$45^{\circ}C$ and -7/$41^{\circ}C$ for summer and winter conditions, respectively. Test results show that the compressor power of the HFC32/HFC152a mixture is 13.7% lower than that of HCFC22 while the coefficient of performance(COP) the HFC32/HFC152a mixture is 15.8% higher than that of HCFC22. Hence, from the view point of energy efficiency, the HFC32/HFC152a mixture is excellent as compared to HCFC22. Compressor discharge temperatures of HFC32/HFC152a mixture are increased up to $15.4^{\circ}C$ as compared to that of HCFC22. The amount of charge for HFC32/HFC152 mixture decrease up to 27% as compared to that of HCFC22. Overall, HFC32/ HFC152a mixture is an excellent long term candidate to replace HCFC22 in water-source heat pumps.

Analysis and probabilistic modeling of wind characteristics of an arch bridge using structural health monitoring data during typhoons

  • Ye, X.W.;Xi, P.S.;Su, Y.H.;Chen, B.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.63 no.6
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    • pp.809-824
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    • 2017
  • The accurate evaluation of wind characteristics and wind-induced structural responses during a typhoon is of significant importance for bridge design and safety assessment. This paper presents an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm-based angular-linear approach for probabilistic modeling of field-measured wind characteristics. The proposed method has been applied to model the wind speed and direction data during typhoons recorded by the structural health monitoring (SHM) system instrumented on the arch Jiubao Bridge located in Hangzhou, China. In the summer of 2015, three typhoons, i.e., Typhoon Chan-hom, Typhoon Soudelor and Typhoon Goni, made landfall in the east of China and then struck the Jiubao Bridge. By analyzing the wind monitoring data such as the wind speed and direction measured by three anemometers during typhoons, the wind characteristics during typhoons are derived, including the average wind speed and direction, turbulence intensity, gust factor, turbulence integral scale, and power spectral density (PSD). An EM algorithm-based angular-linear modeling approach is proposed for modeling the joint distribution of the wind speed and direction. For the marginal distribution of the wind speed, the finite mixture of two-parameter Weibull distribution is employed, and the finite mixture of von Mises distribution is used to represent the wind direction. The parameters of each distribution model are estimated by use of the EM algorithm, and the optimal model is determined by the values of $R^2$ statistic and the Akaike's information criterion (AIC). The results indicate that the stochastic properties of the wind field around the bridge site during typhoons are effectively characterized by the proposed EM algorithm-based angular-linear modeling approach. The formulated joint distribution of the wind speed and direction can serve as a solid foundation for the purpose of accurately evaluating the typhoon-induced fatigue damage of long-span bridges.