• 제목/요약/키워드: Sugar-honey

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Saccharomyces bayanus를 이용한 벌꿀 발효주의 양조 특성 (Fermentation Characteristics of Honey Wine by Saccharomyces bayanus)

  • 정순택;임종환;김동한
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.1044-1049
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    • 1999
  • 벌꿀 발효주의 발효 특성을 조사하였다. 벌꿀 희석액의 알코을 발효에는 Saccharomyces bayanus가 저온에서 발효력이 우수하였고 알코올 생성도 많았다. 벌꿀 발효주의 생산 최적조건은 pH 4.0, $20^{\circ}C$이었으며, 최적 발효액의 당도는 $24{\sim}27^{\circ}Brix$이었다. 벌꿀 희석액은 발효시 pH와 산도의 변화는 적었으나 과실 삼투압 추출액에서는 산도의 저하가 심하였다. 발효중 환원당은 점진적으로 감소하고 알코올은 증가하여 발효 종료후 가용성 고형분은 $8.5{\sim}9.1^{\circ}Brix$로 저하 하였으며 잔류환원당은 $1.90{\sim}2.32%$, 발효율은 $90{\sim}92%$이었다. 21일 발효후 알코올은 잡화꿀에서 13.3%, 아카시아 꿀에서 13.7%로 아카시아 꿀이 알코올 생성이 높았으나 벌꿀 종류에 따른 차이는 적었다. 과실의 벌꿀삼투압 추출액은 13일 발효 후 pH는 $2.92{\sim}2.97$로 급격히 저하하였으나 산도는 벌꿀 감귤주에서 0.30%로 벌꿀 매실주 0.53%에 비하여 적었다. 발효 후 잔류 환원당은 $2.03{\sim}2.87%$이었고 알코올생성은 벌꿀 감귤주가 13.1%로 벌꿀 매실주의 12.5% 보다 높았으며 발효도 벌꿀주에 비하여 양호하여 벌꿀 과실추출액이 벌꿀 희석액보다 벌꿀발효주 제조에 유리하였다.

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HPLC에 의한 꿀 중의 당조성 분석과 화학계량학적 고찰 (Chemometric Aspects and Determination of Sugar Composition of Honey by HPLC)

  • 윤정현;배선영;김건;이동선
    • 분석과학
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 1997
  • HPLC를 이용하여 생산지와 밀원꽃이 알려진 5종의 꿀 중 당성분을 분석한 다음 화학계량학적 고찰을 수행하였다. 꿀의 주된 당성분은 fructose, glucose였으며, 1종의 꿀에서는 sucrose가 소량 검출되었다. 산지별, 밀원꽃별로 당 함량을 비교하였다. Fructose/glucose 함량비는 0.99~1.55 범위로서 문헌값과 잘 일치하였다. Principal components analysis(PCA) plot은 산지별, 밀원꽃별로 확연히 구분되었다. 주성분점수가 커질수록 당 함량이 증가되었고 fructose/glucose 함량비는 감소되었다. 화학계량학적 접근방법은 꿀시료의 당조성 패턴을 비교하고 품질평가 및 부정화 적발에 유용하였다.

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석이병의 재료배합비에 따른 Texture특성 (Texture Characteristics of Seokibyung as affected by ingredients)

  • 황미경;이효지
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 1993
  • 석이병을 만들때 멥쌀가루에 섞는 찹쌀가루의 양과 석이가루의 양과 처리방법, 당의 종류와 양 등 재료의 변화가 석이병의 texture에 미치는 영향을 실험한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 관능검사 결과 $\circled1$ 찹쌀가루 양이 증가할 수록 Color는 진해졌고 Grain은 고와졌으며 Softness는 부드러워 졌고, Moistness는 촉촉해 졌으며 Chewiness는 쫄깃해 졌으며 Stweetness는 낮아졌으며 Flavor는 차이가 없었다. 전반적인 바람직한 정도는 20%가 가장 좋았다. $\circled2$ 석이가루의 양이 증가할 수록 Color는 진해졌고, Flavor는 짙었으며 Grain은 거칠고, Moistness는 건조했으며 Chewiness는 푸석해지고 지검 지검한 느낌이었으며 Stweetness는 감소하였다. 전반적인 바람직한 정도는 3%였다. $\circled3$ 석이가루를 섞는 방법은 쌀가루에 섞는 것보다 석이가루를 끓인 물에 개어서 섞는 것이 Color는 흐렸으나 쫄깃하고 촉촉하였다. $\circled4$ 당의 종류를 달리한 석이병은 Color는 설탕, 꿀, 시럽을 넣은 석이병 순으로 좋았다. 꿀을 첨가한 석이병은 설탕, 시럽을 첨가한 군보다 거무스럼한 색을 띠었으며 시럽을 첨가한 석이병은 설탕, 꿀을 첨가한 군보다 약간 흐렸다. Flavor는 설탕, 꿀, 시럽을 넣은 석이병 순으로 좋았다. Grain은 설탕, 꿀, 시럽을 넣은 석이병 순으로 좋았다. Softness는 설탕, 꿀, 시럽을 넣은 석이병 순으로 좋았다. Moistness는 설탕, 꿀, 시럽을 넣은 석이병 순으로 좋았다. Chewiness는 설탕, 꿀, 시럽을 넣은 석이병 순으로 좋았다. Overall quality는 멥 쌀가루 280g과 찹쌀가루 70g에 $\circled1$설탕 60g, 끓인 물 90$m\ell$에 갠 석이가루 10.5g넣은 것, $\circled7$ 꿀 80$m\ell$, 끓인 물 60$m\ell$에 갠 석이가루 10.5g, $\circled3$ 시럽 80$m\ell$, 끓인 물 60$m\ell$에 갠 석이가루 10.5g넣은 것이 좋았다. 2. 기계적 검사 결과 Hardness는 시럽, 꿀, 설탕을 넣은 석이병, Cohesiveness은 꿀, 시럽, 설탕을 넣은 석이병, Adhesiveness는 시럽 꿀, 설탕을 넣은 석이병, Gummi-ness는 꿀, 시럽, 설탕을 넣은 석이병, Springiness는 꿀,설탕, 시 럽을 넣은 석 이병, Chewiness는 꿀, 시럽, 설탕을 넣은 석이병의 순이었으며 모든 항목이 각 군간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 3. 석이병의 수분함량은 꿀을 넣은 석이병이 42.49%, 설탕을 넣은 석 이병이 41.45%, 시럽을 넣은 석이병이 36.73%이었다. 4. 석이병의 색도 측정 결과 Lightness는 시럽(53.0), 설탕(50.9), 꿀(46.8)을 넣은 석이병의 순이었다. a값은 설탕(0.6), 시럽(1.0), 꿀(1.1)을 넣은 석이병의 순이었다. b값은 꿀(2.7), 설탕(3.0), 시럽(4.2)을 넣은 석이병의 순이었다. $\Delta$E는 꿀(47), 설탕(50), 시럽(53)의 순이었다.

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서속병의 재료배합비에 따른 관능적, 텍스쳐 특성 (Sensory and mechanical characteristics of Seosokbyung by Different ratio of Ingredient)

  • 백구슬;이효지
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.255-268
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    • 2001
  • This study aimed for exploring the best recipe of Seosokbyung with different ingredient ratios of glutinous millet flour, sugar, and water added to rice flour. The most desirable recipe was determined by sensory evaluation and mechanical test for measuring texture, moisture content and colorimetry. The best score for each sensory item was obtained in the following condition: Color-245g(70%) of glutinous millet flour, 50g of sugar with 10$m\ell$ of water in 105g of rice flour. Flavor-l75g(50%) of glutinous millet flour with a 80$m\ell$of honey in 175g of rice flour. Graininess and Moistness-245g(70%) of glutinous millet flour with 70$m\ell$ of honey in 105g of rice flour. Chewiness-2I0g(60%) of glutinous millet flour, 60g of sugar with 20$m\ell$ of water in 140g of rice flour. Sweetness-l75g (50%) of glutinous millet flour 7g of sugar with 25$m\ell$ of water in 175g of rice flour. As a result of mechanical examination, the best score for springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, gumminess, adhesiveness was obtained in the recipe of 175g (50%) of glutinous millet flour with 80$m\ell$ of sugar in 175g of rice flour, and that for hardness in the one of 245g (70%) of glutinous millet flour with 70$m\ell$ of honey in rice flour As the less amount of glutinous millet flour was added, the scores for springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, gumminess and adhesiveness were increased, and the addition of honey gave higher scores than sugar or oligosaccharide(P<0.05) The best recipe of Seosokbyung was 140g of rice flour, 2 l0g of glutinous millet flour, 60g of sugar, 20$m\ell$ of water and 3.5g of salt. The moisture contents of rice flour and glutinous millet flour were 31.6% and 13.3%, respectively. The content of moisture in the best recipe of the Seosokbyung is approximately 36.101%. The moisture content higher than 36% gave better sensory scores in chewiness and moistness. As a result of colorimetry, the most bright ‘L’value(Lightness) was obtained from 175g of rice flour mixed with 175g (50%) of glutinous millet flour, 70g of sugar and 25$m\ell$ of water. The highest ‘a’ value(Redness) was gained from 175g of rice flour mixed with 175g (50%) of glutinous millet flour and 80$m\ell$ of honey. The best ‘b’ value(Yellowness) was obtained from 140g of rice flour, 210g (60% of rice flour) of glutinous millet flour, 60g of sugar and 20$m\ell$ of water.

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강원도산 잡화 벌꿀의 아미노산, 당류 및 효소활성 (Free Amino Acid, SUgar and Enzyme Activity of Honey Harvested in Kangwon Area)

  • 김복남;김택제;최홍식
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.680-685
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    • 1994
  • Total nitrogen content, proline, free amino acids, sugars, invertase and diastase activities in native bee-honey (NBH) and foregin bee-honey (FBH) harvested from our different areas of Kangwon , Korea were determined. The total nitrogen contents of NBH and FBH were 0.077$\pm$0.033mg% and 0.055$\pm$0.022mg%, respectively. Proline content in NBH was 42$\pm$10mg% and waqs found to be much lower than that in FHB. Phenylalanine and proline were major free amino acids both in NBH and FBH . The content of total free amino acid in FBH were twice as much as that in NBH , however isomaltose content in NBH were almost two times more than that in FBH. Other sugars including fructose, glucos , sucrose and maltose were also analyzed. No differences were found between NBH and FBH in invertase activities, but comparing to these of FBH ,lower values of diastase activity in NBH were observed.

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시판(市販)꿀의 효소력(酵素力) 화분수(花粉數) 및 당(糖)의 조사비교(調査比較) (The Comparative Studies of Enzyme Activity, Pollen Number and Sugars in Honey)

  • 주현규;권우건
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1982
  • 직접채취(直接採取)한 3종(種)의 벌꿀을 표준으로 하여 시판(市販)꿀의 당조성(糖組成), 효소력(酵素力) 및 화분수(花粉數)를 조사비교(調査比較)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 시판(市販)꿀의 전당함양(全糖含量)은 표준꿀보다 약간 많았다. 2. 표준꿀의 화분수(花粉數)는 시판(市販)꿀보다 약 5배(倍)나 많았다. 3. 표준꿀은 시판(市販)꿀보다 ${\alpha}-amylase$는 5배(倍), ${\beta}-amylase$는 2배(倍), protease activity는 평균 2배(倍)나 높았다. 4. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로 보아 시판(市販를)꿀은 sugar honey이거나 synthetic honey가 일부 들어 있는지 의심스럽다. 그래서 표준꿀에 대한 조사(調査)를 충분(充分)히 해서 판정기준(判定基準)을 설정(設定)하여 불량시판(不良市販)꿀이 없도록 해야겠다.

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꿀벌부채명나방[Galleria mellonella (L.)] 사육을 위한 경제적 인공사료 개발 (Development of Economical Artificial Diets for Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella (L.))

  • 이승욱;이동운;추호렬
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구는 꿀벌부채명나방의 경제적 사육을 위한 인공사료 개발을 위하여 수행하였다. 가격이 비싼 벌꿀을 대체하여 물엿과 설탕을 이용한 사료별 꿀벌부채명나방의 발육과 발육기간 및 산란수, 성충 수명 등을 조사하였다. 당 종류별 유충의 두폭과 체장은 비슷하였으나 체중은 1/2벌꿀 + 1/2물엿 처리가 255.5 mg으로 가장 무거웠고, 설탕은 144.3 mg으로 가장 가벼웠다. 꿀벌부채명나방 번데기의 체중도 1/2벌꿀+1/2물엿이 196.7 mg으로 가장 무거웠다. 당 종류별 꿀벌부채명나방의 유충 발육기간은 벌꿀이 포함된 사료가 30.9일로 가장 짧았으며 설탕은 36.5일로 가장 길었다. 꿀벌부채명나방의 용화율과 우화율은 79.3% 이상이었다. 모든 사료에서 꿀벌부채명나방의 교미 성충의 수명은 암컷이 $6.3{\sim}8.0$일이었고, 수컷은 $7.9{\sim}11.2$일이었다. 사료별 꿀벌부채명나방 암컷 성충의 산란수는 설탕물 첨가 사료에서 1,269개로 가장 많았다. 당 종류별 인공사료 조성에 대한 비용은 밀기울이 쌀겨보다 10배 정도 많았으며, 벌꿀은 물엿과 설탕의 6배와 13배였다.

Atomisation and vacuum drying studies on Malaysian honey encapsulation

  • Nurul Aisyah Rosli;Boon-Beng Lee;Khairul Farihan Kasim;Che Wan Sharifah Robiah Mohamad
    • 한국식품저장유통학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.589-601
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    • 2023
  • Malaysian honey is rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds, which can be a healthy alternative to refined sugar in food production. However, liquid honey's viscous and sticky nature makes it unpreferable in industrial handling. This study, an atomization system coupled with vacuum drying to produce honey powders to overcome the problem. Three types of Malaysian honey, namely Acacia, Gelam, and Tualang, were encapsulated in Ca-alginate gel beads using the atomization system. The density viscosity, and surface tension of the honey-alginate solutions were measured, and the concentration of honey and alginate influenced the physical properties of the solutions. Honey-encapsulated gel beads in the size range of 2.16-2.92 mm were produced using the atomization system with the air-liquid mass flow rate ratios of 0.22-0.31, Weber number (We) of 112-545, and Ohnersorges number (Oh) of 0.35-10.46. Gel bead diameter can be predicted using a simple mathematical model. After vacuum drying, the honey gel powder produced was in the size range of 1.50-1.79 mm. Results showed that honey gel powders with good encapsulation efficiency and high honey loading could be produced using the atomization system and vacuum drying.

석탄병의 재료배합비에 따른 Texture 특성 (Texture Chracteristics of Seoktanbyung as Affected by Ingredients)

  • 차경희;이효지
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 1992
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the Seoktanbyung, when the ingredients were changed in a variety aspects; the amount of sweetpersimon flour to rice flour, and the amont of water and several kinds of sweeteners as sugar, syrup and honey. The evaluation of these resul were as followings: 1. The standard recipes of Segktanbyung were that the ratio of 30% of sweetpersimon flour was added to ingredients for it. In case of group of sugar added, 30 g of sugar and 90 ml of water were added, in case of group of syrup added, 40 ml of syrup and 60 ml of water, and in cage of group of honey added, 40 ml of honey and 60 ml of water were added. 2. According to the sensory evaluation, the color, flavor, softness, overall quality of Seoktanbyung were the most excellent the ratio of sweetpersimon flour 30%. The grain was gradually coarsen accrording to incremont of sweetpersimon flour added, but chewiness was gradually diminished. The moistness increase according to increment of sweeteners, sweetness was felt heavily according to gradual increment of sweetpersimon flour and sweeteners. 3. According to Instron evaluation, the hardness, gumminess, adhesiveness and chewiness of Seoktanbyung were shown to significant differences, however, the cohesiveness and springiness of it were not shown to significant differences. 4. The evaluation of colors which were shown that as more sweetpersimon flour was added, lightness was diminished, and ${\Delta}E$ which represents total difference in colors was incresed. 5. The content of moisture in Seoktanbyung is such as; 42.96% in sugar added, 38.73% in syrup added, 37.43% in honey added.

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복분자 추출액 급이 사양꿀과 일부 시판꿀의 항산화활성 비교 (Comparison of Some Antioxidative Activities of Feeding Honey from the Mixture of Extract of Rubus Coreanus Miquel and Sugar with Three Types of Honeys on the Market)

  • 오혜숙
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.641-649
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    • 2010
  • To make sure of the usefulness of extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel for producing functional feeding honey, we compared some antioxidative indicators of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel with acacia honey, SueBee Clover honey(USA), feeding honey on the market. The water content of four honeys were 16.6~26.5%, pH were 3.18~3.70, and titratable acidity ranged 0.018~0.022%. The phenolic compound contents of SueBee Clover honey and feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel were 8.3 mg/100 g and 7.3 mg/100 g, respectively, and were significaltly higher thgheacacia honey and feeding honey on the market. The flavonoid contents per 100 g of honey ranged from 2.3 mg(acacia honey) to 15.0 mg(SueBee Clover honey). DPPH anion scavenging activity of four honeys were not high. 0.5~2.0 g/ml of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel was 16~36% and showed a concentration-reliant figure. At the concentration of 0.25~0.75 mg/ml, the reducing power of four honeys increased concentration-dependently, and the power of 0.25 mg/ml of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel was corresponding to thgt of $150{\mu}g$/ml of a vitamin C solution. ABTS radical scavenging activity of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel was 43.3~68.4%; the highest activity amongst all samples. When plotting the dose-response curve, ABTS radical scavenging activity also increased as their concentration increased from 62.5 mg/ml to 500 mg/ml. The heat treatment reduced the phenolic compound contents of acacia honey and feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus DPPH anion scavenging activity of feeding honey on the market and feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel did not changed significaltly after heating for 20 min, and the three honey except SueBee Clover honey maintained the reducing power with the same treatment.