• Title/Summary/Keyword: Suburban Architecture

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Analysis of Cloudiness and Radiation Characteristics during Summer in the Greater Daegu Area (대구지역의 하절기 운량과 장·단파 복사 특성 분석)

  • Baek, Chang-Hyeon;Choi, Dong-Ho;Lee, Bu-Yong;Lee, In-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2017
  • In this study, long and short-wave radiations were observed in urban and suburban areas during the summer season, and frequency analysis was performed for each radiation intensity by a new analysis method. The following results were obtained. (1) Long-wave radiation values were found to be larger in the afternoon than in the morning, in both urban and suburban areas, unlike short-wave radiation values. (2) Short-wave radiation showed a right-skewed frequency distribution. In the high energy area greater than $900W/m^2$, the frequency was significantly higher in the suburbs than in the urban areas. (3) Long-wave radiation was in the range of $290{\sim}479W/m^2$, its frequency distribution resembled a normal distribution, and the frequency of 410, $420W/m^2$ was the highest.

Influence of spacing between buildings on wind characteristics above rural and suburban areas

  • Kozmar, Hrvoje
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.413-426
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    • 2008
  • A wind tunnel study has been carried out to determine the influence of spacing between buildings on wind characteristics above rural and suburban type of terrain. Experiments were performed for two types of buildings, three-floor family houses and five-floor apartment buildings. The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) models were generated by means of the Counihan method using a castellated barrier wall, vortex generators and a fetch of roughness elements. A hot wire anemometry system was applied for measurement of mean velocity and velocity fluctuations. The mean velocity profiles are in good agreement with the power law for exponent values from ${\alpha}=0.15$ to ${\alpha}=0.24$, which is acceptable for the representation of the rural and suburban ABL, respectively. Effects of the spacing density among buildings on wind characteristics range from the ground up to $0.6{\delta}$. As the spacing becomes smaller, the mean flow is slowed down, whilst, simultaneously, the turbulence intensity and absolute values of the Reynolds stress increase due to the increased friction between the surface and the air flow. This results in a higher ventilation efficiency as the increased retardation of horizontal flow simultaneously accompanies an intensified vertical transfer of momentum.

A Comparative Study on Current Use and Satisfaction of Skiers between 'Suburban type' and 'Resort type' Ski Resort (스키장 이용실태 및 이용자 만족도에 관한 연구 -도시근교형과 리 조트형의 비교-)

  • 김지현;노정실;김한도;김유일
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 1994
  • This is a comparative study on the use pattern and satisfaction of skiers between the suburban skiing ground and the resort one. The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the planning and the management of skiing ground. The sites of case study are Yong Pyung Ski Resort (Resort type) and Bears Town(Suburban type). Data were collected from questionaire. A total of 420 questionaires were completed. And data were subjected to following analysis: First, the descriptive statistics(mean, chi-square analysis etc.) were used to compare the characteristics of the users and the use pattern of two sites. Second, factor analysis was utilized to reduce 22 satisfaction items into the smaller number of factors. Third, regression analysis was used to find the factors affecting users' overall satisfaction in each skiing ground. The findings of this study are as follows: First, it was proved that the characteristics of users between tow sites were different in terms of age, income, and skill level. Second, it was proved that the use pattern between two sites were different in terms of travel distance from home, traffic mode, length of stay, accommodation type, and the money spent per day. Third, By a principal component factor analysis several factors of satisfaction are found: In physical terms, they are 'slope and life facilities', 'recreation and lodge facilities', 'accessibility', 'crowding', and 'landscape'. In psychological terms, they are 'skiing skills and thrills', and 'relaxation and freedom'. Forth, As the result of the stepwise regression analysis, it was yielded that 'relaxation/and freedom' was most important factor to predict the overall satisfaction in both skiing ground. And it was proved that not only physical factors but also phychological(need gratifying) factors were important sources of the satisfaction.

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A study on the current status and encouragement of tourist farms around Taegu area (관광농원의 실태 및 활성화에 관한 조사연구 - 대구인근지역 관광농원을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Kee-Cheol;Kim, Jae-Kwang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.8 no.2 s.16
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2002
  • This research is written for offering an approach to activate the stagnated industry of the tourist farm through analysis of the current operational problems and situation on some existing tourist farm nominated as such by the authority. There will be some considerations from three different categories : local autonomous groups, tourist farm associations and farm owners. On the other hand, it is assumed that this research can also be utilized as a basic material for activating the tourist farms in the suburban area of Taegu City. The operational problems in the suburban area of Taegu City are as follows : lack of a specialized Product development, the farm operation fund, lack of operational or management ability, lack of public information, etc. There are other Problems regarding law, institution and supporting : complexity of the current system involving all kinds of permission, shortage of financial and taxation supporting, lack of training an expert manpower, lack of ability and cooperation of a deskclerk in charge, etc. Here are some suggestions taking into consideration a respective sector of local autonomous group, tourist farm associations and farm owners for activating the tourist farms in the suburban area of Taegu City. First, a mental turnabout toward a tourist farm is needed from local autonomous groups. The law and institutional base should be arranged while the financial and taxation support is materialized. Second, tourist farm associations should amend or reinforce the existing institution to refresh the current recognition toward the tourist farm through many publicity activities. On the other hand, they should develop the overall tourist farm industry into a better service industry of the rural community by keeping an active system of cooperation with other related groups. Finally, It is advised that they should conceive farms and facilities which can symbolize the tourist farm from the stage of the first construction. In addition to a four-season souvenir development, an effective publicity activity and rational investment management. Above all, they should train themselves in terms of a service spirit before they see the prosperity of the tourist farm community.

Observation and Analysis of the Long and Short Wave Radiation According to Different Altitudes and Locations in Daegu During Summer (대구지역의 고도와 위치에 따른 하절기 장·단파복사 관측과 해석)

  • Choi, Dong-Ho;Lee, Bu-Yong;Oh, Ho-Yeop
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2012
  • This study for the understanding of the radiation environment according to the altitude in urban area in the summer observes the long and short wave radiation environment at the 4 urban areas with different height and the 1 suburban area. The results of this study are as follows. (1) When the altitude was high, the more short wave radiation was observed. (2) As the altitude was high, the temperature of atmosphere got lower. And because of that the downward long wave radiation was also lower. This general trend was confirmed through the study. (3) Through the observation of long wave radiation, the upper atmosphere of suburban area had the atmosphere characteristic which the temperature was rising and decreasing faster. Therefore, the difference radiation characteristics between the urban and suburban area were confirmed. (4) The result of the ratio of short wave radiation to long wave radiation(short wave radiation/long wave radiation) according to the altitude and location, the value was increased when the distance was far from the artificiality structure or a heat source, and the urban effect became smaller. Thus, it is expected that the ratio will be an evaluation index for evaluating urbanization effect.

Study on Change in Landscape Structure over Time in Suburban Area by Using GIS -Case Study of Kawachinagano City, Osaka-

  • Kaga, Horoyuki;Izaki, Noriaki;Shimomura, Yasuhiko;Masuda, Noboru
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2001
  • Now that importance of landscape planning unique to each area is emphasized, it is necessary to conduct landscape planning by taking advantage of natural environments unique to each ares, because its natural environments are regarded as one of the assets the area possesses. This study targets at Kawachinagano City, Osaka, one of the residential areas that I not only rich in natural and historical elements, but also has been rapidly growing. The purposes of this study are to evaluate change in landscape structure over time by analyzing relation between landform and pattern of expanding the built-up area at three time points of 1932, 1967, and 1994 with GIS (ARC/INFO 7.0.3, ARC/View 3.0 (ESRI)), as well as to make some suggestions for planning landscape unique to the area. Data on main ridges, sub ridges, main rivers, and other landform were read from the elevation map, and data on woodland, and parks and open spaces (having more than 3 ha area) were read from the existing land use map. The data were used to understand the natural structure of the city from topographic viewpoint. Next, the existing land use map prepared with data on the built-up area and urban axes consisting of roads and streets were overlaid on the elevation map in order to understand relation between pattern of expanding the built-up area and the natural structure.

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The Relationship between the observation distance, scale of buildings and the landscape preference by the landscape types in a suburban rural area (근교농촌의 경관유형에 따른 고층건물의 관찰거리 및 규모와 경관선호도와의 관계)

  • 심준영;김유일
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 1997
  • This study investigated the effect of high-rise buildings on the preference for rural landscapes. The study site was a Seoul suburban, Yong-in, which showed typical scenes of rural development. Slides used in the study were taken in Young-in along the national road 45(north-south) and national road 42(east-west). Forty slides reflecting typical characters of Young-in were selected. Among them, ten slides which were selected through factor analysis based on “ruralits”score were used as original slides. They represent ten landscape types. The simulation of original slides was based on the following aspects: a observation distance. number of buildings and landscape types. The preferences for the landscapes were tested by 200 respondents on 40 slides: Distance(2) ${\times}$ Landscape type(10) = 20 slides, Number of buildings(2) ${\times}$ Landscape type(10) = 20 slides. The following results are found: 1) When high-rise buildings are introduced into rural scenes, there are some vulnerable landscape types: the landscape with high “rurality”, the landscape with background skyline and the focal landscape. 2) The observation distance affects landscape preference. The hypothesis that the nearer the distance the lower the preferences, is accepted. However, there are some exceptions in 3 landscape types. 3) The hypothesis that the more the number of buildings, the lower the preferences, is rejected. The result is quite unexpected one. When a single building is introduced in natural scene, it draws more attention as a focal point than a group of buildings, and subsequently the visual impact is stronger.

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An Approach to the Analysis of Landscape Heterogeneity in Seoul Metropolitan Suburbs (서울시 주변지역의 경관이질성 변화 분석기법 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • 안동만;박은관;김인호;김명수;박소영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.288-296
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    • 1998
  • Natural or human disturbances cause landscape changes, which may be measured by the degree of heterogeneity. In a 16km$\times$19km area, divided into 100m$\times$100m cells, of Seoul city and its suburb, land covers are classified into 6 groups in aerial photos and land use maps. The degree of heterogeneity is defined as the number of cells that surround a central cell but have different land cover from the central cell divided by 8. The value of the degree of heterogeneity is between 0 and 1. Major findings are 1) Both urban and natural areas have low degree of heterogeneity, about 0.15~0.17. 2) Suburban area under heavy pressure of development and urbanization has highest degree of heterogeneity, about 0.25. 3) The peak of the degree of heterogeneity moved about 4.5km outward in 22 years. 4) Outer suburban area has lower degree of heterogeneity as the area is a greenbelt or forest. 5) The results show the areas with higher degree of heterogeneity which may need landscape management plans, and natural areas with lower degree of heterogeneity which may need landscape conservation plans. A landscape change model may be built for a specific city when this technique is applied to multiple sectors of the city, and the model may predict future landscape changes of the city.

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Comparison Study on Thermal Environment Characteristics in Each Region and the Seasons of Summer and Winter Through Air Temperature Analysis in Urban Areas (도시의 기온 분석을 통한 지역별 열 환경 특성 해석과 동·하절기 계절 간 비교연구)

  • Choi, Dong-Ho;Lee, Bu-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2012
  • This study is to perform the effect of urbanization in urban and suburban districts, and to identify regional characters of climate according to the analysis of slope at rise, and descent of temperature and globe temperature, correlation between seasonal temperature analysis, and calculation of degree hour. According to this study, the result is summarized as follows. (1) The average temperature, rated from high to low, consists of residential area, Daegu weather station, intracity, green belt, water-front green belt, and suburban. (2) At the rise and descent of temperature, the result of the slope change of in each point may be one of the useful indexes to be able to perform the regional unique thermal characteristic, including the seasonal urbanization. (3) Although there is a difference between the surface of the earth and ambient environment. The result of the correlation of temperature between summer and winter is that temperature slope in urban districts was higher than in suburban districts, and the difference of slope was unvaried among the four observations in the same city region. (4) To show objectively, regional thermal characteristics in urban and suburban districts, the exponentiation of winter degree hour and summer degree hours were checked. The result of the exponentiation is that the more artificial a region, the lower index.

Analysis of Peak Wind Pressure Coefficients of Penetration Type and End Type Pilotis (관통형과 단부형 필로티 천장부의 피크풍압계수 특성 분석)

  • You, Jang-Youl;Kim, Geun-Ho;Chae, Myung-Jin;Kim, Young-Moon;You, Ki-Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2018
  • Various pilotis are installed in the lower part of high rise buildings. Strong winds can generate sudden airflow around the pilotis, which can cause unexpected internal airflow changes and may cause damage to the exterior of the piloti ceiling. The present study investigates the characteristics of peak wind pressure coefficient for the design of piloti ceiling exteriors by conducting wind pressure tests on high rise buildings equipped with penetration-type and end-type pilotis in urban and suburban areas. The minimum peak wind pressure coefficient for penetration-type piloti ceilings ranges from -2.0 to -3.3. Minimum peak wind pressure coefficient in urban areas was 30% larger than in suburban areas. In end-type piloti ceilings, maximum peak wind-pressure coefficient ranges from 0.5 to 1.9, and minimum peak wind-pressure coefficient ranges from -1.3 to -3.6. With changes in building height, peak wind pressure coefficient decreases as the aspect ratio increases. Peak wind-pressure coefficient increases with taller pilotis. On the other hand, when piloti height decreases, the absolute value of the minimum peak wind pressure coefficient increases.