• Title/Summary/Keyword: Students Management System

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Development and Validation of the 'Food Safety and Health' Workbook for High School (고등학교 「식품안전과 건강」 워크북 개발 및 타당도 검증)

  • Park, Mi Jeong;Jung, Lan-Hee;Yu, Nan Sook;Choi, Seong-Youn
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.59-80
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a workbook that can support the class and evaluation of the subject, 「Food safety and health」 and to verify its validity. The development direction of the workbook was set by analyzing the 「Food safety and health」 curriculum, dietary education materials, and previous studies related to the workbook, and the overall structure was designed by deriving the activity ideas for each area. Based on this, the draft was developed, and the draft went through several rounds of cross-review by the authors and the examination and revision by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, before the final edited version was developed. The workbook was finalized with corrections and enhancements based on the advice of 9 experts and 44 home economics teachers. The workbook consists of 4 areas: the 'food selection' area, with 10 learning topics and 36 lessons, the 'food poisoning and food management' area, with 10 learning topics and 36 lessons, the 'cooking' area, with 11 learning topics and 43 lessons, and the 'healthy eating' area, with 11 learning topics and 55 lessons, resulting in a total of 42 learning topics, 170 lessons. The workbook was designed to evenly cultivate practical problem-solving competency, self-reliance capacity, creative thinking capacity, and community capacity. In-depth inquiry-learning is conducted on the content, and the context is structured so that self-diagnosis can be made through evaluation. According to the validity test of the workbook, it was evaluated to be very appropriate for encouraging student-participatory classes and evaluations, and to create a class atmosphere that promotes inquiry by strengthening experiments and practices. In the current situation where the high school credit system is implemented and individual students' learning options are emphasized, the results of this study is expected to help expand the scope of home economics-based elective courses and contribute to realizing student-led classrooms with a focus on inquiry.

An Exploratory study on the demand for training programs to improve Real Estate Agents job performance -Focused on Cheonan, Chungnam- (부동산중개인의 직무능력 향상을 위한 교육프로그램 욕구에 관한 탐색적 연구 -충청남도 천안지역을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jae-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.3856-3868
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    • 2011
  • Until recently, research trend in real estate has been focused on real estate market and the market analysis. But the studies on real estate training program development for real estate agents to improve their job performance are relatively short in numbers. Thus, this study shows empirical analysis of the needs for the training programs for real estate agents in Cheonan to improve their job performance. The results are as follows. First, in the survey of asking what educational contents they need in order to improve real estate agents' job performance, most of the respondents show their needs for the analysis of house's value, legal knowledge, real estate management, accounting, real estate marketing, and understanding of the real estate policy. This is because they are well aware that the best way of responding to the changing clients' needs comes from training programs. Secondly, asked about real estate marketing strategies, most of respondents showed their awareness of new strategies to meet the needs of clients. This is because new forms of marketing strategies including internet ads are needed in the field as the paradigm including Information Technology changes. Thirdly, asked about the need for real estate-related training programs, 92% of the respondents answered they need real estate education programs run by the continuing education centers of the universities. In addition, the survey showed their needs for retraining programs that utilize the resources in the local universities. Other than this, to have effective and efficient training programs, they demanded running a training system by utilizing the human resources of the universities under the name of the department of 'Real Estate Contract' for real estate agents' job performance. Fourthly, the survey revealed real estate management(44.2%) and real estate marketing(42.3%) is the most chosen contents they want to take in the regular course for improving real estate agents' job performance. This shows their will to understand clients' needs through the mind of real estate management and real estate marketing. The survey showed they prefer the training programs as an irregular course to those in the regular one. Despite the above results, this study chose subjects only in Cheanan and thus it needs to research more diverse areas. The needs of programs to improve real estate agents job performance should be analyzed empirically targeting the real estate agents not just in Cheonan but also cities like Pyeongchon, Ilsan and Bundang in which real estate business is booming, as well as undergraduate and graduate students whose major is real estate studies. These studies will be able to provide information to help develop the customized training programs by evaluating elements that real estate agents need in order to meet clients satisfaction and improve their job performance. Many variables of the program development learned through these studies can be incorporated in the curriculum of the real estate studies and used very practically as information for the development of the real estate studies in this fast changing era.

Interpreting Bounded Rationality in Business and Industrial Marketing Contexts: Executive Training Case Studies (집행관배훈안례연구(阐述工商业背景下的有限合理性):집행관배훈안례연구(执行官培训案例研究))

  • Woodside, Arch G.;Lai, Wen-Hsiang;Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Jung, Deuk-Keyo
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2009
  • This article provides training exercises for executives into interpreting subroutine maps of executives' thinking in processing business and industrial marketing problems and opportunities. This study builds on premises that Schank proposes about learning and teaching including (1) learning occurs by experiencing and the best instruction offers learners opportunities to distill their knowledge and skills from interactive stories in the form of goal.based scenarios, team projects, and understanding stories from experts. Also, (2) telling does not lead to learning because learning requires action-training environments should emphasize active engagement with stories, cases, and projects. Each training case study includes executive exposure to decision system analysis (DSA). The training case requires the executive to write a "Briefing Report" of a DSA map. Instructions to the executive trainee in writing the briefing report include coverage in the briefing report of (1) details of the essence of the DSA map and (2) a statement of warnings and opportunities that the executive map reader interprets within the DSA map. The length maximum for a briefing report is 500 words-an arbitrary rule that works well in executive training programs. Following this introduction, section two of the article briefly summarizes relevant literature on how humans think within contexts in response to problems and opportunities. Section three illustrates the creation and interpreting of DSA maps using a training exercise in pricing a chemical product to different OEM (original equipment manufacturer) customers. Section four presents a training exercise in pricing decisions by a petroleum manufacturing firm. Section five presents a training exercise in marketing strategies by an office furniture distributer along with buying strategies by business customers. Each of the three training exercises is based on research into information processing and decision making of executives operating in marketing contexts. Section six concludes the article with suggestions for use of this training case and for developing additional training cases for honing executives' decision-making skills. Todd and Gigerenzer propose that humans use simple heuristics because they enable adaptive behavior by exploiting the structure of information in natural decision environments. "Simplicity is a virtue, rather than a curse". Bounded rationality theorists emphasize the centrality of Simon's proposition, "Human rational behavior is shaped by a scissors whose blades are the structure of the task environments and the computational capabilities of the actor". Gigerenzer's view is relevant to Simon's environmental blade and to the environmental structures in the three cases in this article, "The term environment, here, does not refer to a description of the total physical and biological environment, but only to that part important to an organism, given its needs and goals." The present article directs attention to research that combines reports on the structure of task environments with the use of adaptive toolbox heuristics of actors. The DSA mapping approach here concerns the match between strategy and an environment-the development and understanding of ecological rationality theory. Aspiration adaptation theory is central to this approach. Aspiration adaptation theory models decision making as a multi-goal problem without aggregation of the goals into a complete preference order over all decision alternatives. The three case studies in this article permit the learner to apply propositions in aspiration level rules in reaching a decision. Aspiration adaptation takes the form of a sequence of adjustment steps. An adjustment step shifts the current aspiration level to a neighboring point on an aspiration grid by a change in only one goal variable. An upward adjustment step is an increase and a downward adjustment step is a decrease of a goal variable. Creating and using aspiration adaptation levels is integral to bounded rationality theory. The present article increases understanding and expertise of both aspiration adaptation and bounded rationality theories by providing learner experiences and practice in using propositions in both theories. Practice in ranking CTSs and writing TOP gists from DSA maps serves to clarify and deepen Selten's view, "Clearly, aspiration adaptation must enter the picture as an integrated part of the search for a solution." The body of "direct research" by Mintzberg, Gladwin's ethnographic decision tree modeling, and Huff's work on mapping strategic thought are suggestions on where to look for research that considers both the structure of the environment and the computational capabilities of the actors making decisions in these environments. Such research on bounded rationality permits both further development of theory in how and why decisions are made in real life and the development of learning exercises in the use of heuristics occurring in natural environments. The exercises in the present article encourage learning skills and principles of using fast and frugal heuristics in contexts of their intended use. The exercises respond to Schank's wisdom, "In a deep sense, education isn't about knowledge or getting students to know what has happened. It is about getting them to feel what has happened. This is not easy to do. Education, as it is in schools today, is emotionless. This is a huge problem." The three cases and accompanying set of exercise questions adhere to Schank's view, "Processes are best taught by actually engaging in them, which can often mean, for mental processing, active discussion."

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Innovative approaches to the health problems of rural Korea (한국농촌보건(韓國農村保健)의 문제점(問題點)과 개선방안(改善方案))

  • Loh, In-Kyu
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 1976
  • The categories of national health problems may be mainly divided into health promotion, problems of diseases, and population-economic problems which are indirectly related to health. Of them, the problems of diseases will be exclusively dealt with this speech. Rurality and Disease Problems There are many differences between rural and urban areas. In general, indicators of rurality are small size of towns, dispersion of the population, remoteness from urban centers, inadequacy of public transportation, poor communication, inadequate sanitation, poor housing, poverty, little education lack of health personnels and facilities, and in-accessibility to health services. The influence of such conditions creates, directly or indirectly, many problems of diseases in the rural areas. Those art the occurrence of preventable diseases, deterioration and prolongation of illness due to loss of chance to get early treatment, decreased or prolonged labour force loss, unnecessary death, doubling of medical cost, and economic loss. Some Considerations of Innovative Approach The followings art some considerations of innovative approaches to the problems of diseases in the rural Korea. 1. It would be essential goal of the innovative approaches that the damage and economic loss due to diseases will be maintained to minimum level by minimizing the absolute amount of the diseases, and by moderating the fee for medical cares. The goal of the minimization of the disease amount may be achieved by preventive services and early treatment, and the goal of moderating the medical fee may be achieved by lowering the prime cost and by adjusting the medical fees to reasonable level. 2. Community health service or community medicine will be adopted as a innovative means to disease problems. In this case, a community is defined as an unit area where supply and utilization of primary service activities can be accomplished within a day. The essential nature o the community health service should be such activities as health promotion, preventive measures, medical care, and rehabilitation performing efficiently through the organized efforts of the residents in a community. Each service activity should cover all members of the residents in a community in its plan and performance. The cooperation of the community peoples in one of the essential elements for success of the service program, The motivations of their cooperative mood may be activated through several ways: when the participation of the residents in service program of especially the direct participation of organized cooperation of the area leaders art achieved through a means of health education: when the residents get actual experience of having received the benefit of good quality services; and when the health personnels being armed with an idealism that they art working in the areas to help health problems of the residents, maintain good human relationships with them. For the success of a community health service program, a personnel who is in charge of leadership and has an able, a sincere and a steady characters seems to be required in a community. The government should lead and support the community health service programs of the nation under the basis of results appeared in the demonstrative programs so as to be carried out the programs efficiently. Moss of the health problems may be treated properly in the community levels through suitable community health service programs but there might be some problems which art beyond their abilities to be dealt with. To solve such problems each community health service program should be under the referral systems which are connected with health centers, hospitals, and so forth. 3. An approach should be intensively groped to have a physician in each community. The shortage of physicians in rural areas is world-wide problem and so is the Korean situation. In the past the government has initiated a system of area-limited physician, coercion, and a small scale of scholarship program with unsatisfactory results. But there might be ways of achieving the goal by intervice, broadened, and continuous approaches. There will be several ways of approach to motivate the physicians to be settled in a rural community. They are, for examples, to expos the students to the community health service programs during training, to be run community health service programs by every health or medical schools and other main medical facilities, communication activities and advertisement, desire of community peoples to invite a physician, scholarship program, payment of satisfactory level, fulfilment of military obligation in case of a future draft, economic growth and development of rural communities, sufficiency of health and medical facilities, provision of proper medical care system, coercion, and so forth. And, hopefully, more useful reference data on the motivations may be available when a survey be conducted to the physicians who are presently engaging in the rural community levels. 4. In communities where the availability of a physician is difficult, a trial to use physician extenders, under certain conditions, may be considered. The reason is that it would be beneficial for the health of the residents to give them the remedies of primary medical care through the extenders rather than to leave their medical problems out of management. The followings are the conditions to be considered when the physician extenders are used: their positions will be prescribed as a temporary one instead of permanent one so as to allow easy replacement of the position with a physician applicant; the extender will be under periodic direction and supervision of a physician, and also referral channel will be provided: legal constraints will be placed upon the extenders primary care practice, and the physician extenders will used only under the public medical care system. 5. For the balanced health care delivery, a greater investment to the rural areas is needed to compensate weak points of a rurality. The characteristics of a rurality has been already mentioned. The objective of balanced service for rural communities to level up that of urban areas will be hard to achieve without greater efforts and supports. For example, rural communities need mobile powers more than urban areas, communication network is extremely necessary at health delivery facilities in rural areas as well as the need of urban areas, health and medical facilities in rural areas should be provided more substantially than those of urban areas to minimize, in a sense, the amount of patient consultation and request of laboratory specimens through referral system of which procedures are more troublesome in rural areas, and more intensive control measures against communicable diseases are needed in rural areas where greater numbers of cases are occurred under the poor sanitary conditions.

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Evaluation of Oven Utilization Effects at School Foodservice Facilities in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province (대구·경북지역 학교급식소 오븐 사용 효과 평가)

  • Lee, Jung-A;Lee, Jin-Hyang;Bae, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.7
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    • pp.1064-1072
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    • 2010
  • The objectives of this study were to gain an overview of practices and effect evaluation of oven utilization at school foodservice facilities in Daegu and Gyeongbuk province. Out of 147 dieticians, who responded for questionnaires, 44 dieticians used the oven and 103 dieticians did not use the oven. All statistical analyses were conducted with the SPSS 14.0 statistical software program. With regard to the style of foodservice system, 74.4% were urban, 23.3% were rural, and 2.3% were remote country. Also, 23.3% of school foodservices produced meals by batch cooking. According to the results of the expected effect and using effect analysis for 27 items, the average of evaluation score about expected effect was 1.64 points and that of using effect was 1.61 points. Both expected effect and using effect had higher scores than average points in 13 items out of 27 items. Using effect had higher scores than expected effect in 4 items. In conclusion, using ovens could help to increase foodservice satisfaction of students at school foodservice, because it can improve the various cooking methods and the food safety management. Therefore, it is important to modernize and automate cooking equipment for quality improvement of school foodservice operations.

Analysis of Safety Education Contents of 『Field of home life』 in Technology·Home Economics Textbook developed by the revised curriculum in 2009 (2009 개정 기술·가정 교과서 『가정생활영역』의 안전교육 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Nam Eun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2017
  • The Purpose of this study is to present the basic data for selecting and improving the safety education contents which help practically middle school students through analysis of contents of safety education in 'field of home life' of 2009 revised middle school textbooks. The subjects of analysis are 12 types of middle school textbooks: in total 24 books written by 12 publishers in terms of the revised curriculum in 2009. The analysis criteria is developed by the researcher referring to preceding studies regarding safety education based on the seventh safety education standard presented by the Ministry of Education (2015). With such analysis criteria, all words related to the contents of the safety education of analysis criteria were extracted from each textbook, such as words directly mentioned as 'safety', words mean as 'psychological safety' and 'happy life', words related to 'attention', 'note', 'stability' etc. Under the analytic frame of safety education contents according to a home economics textbook, content analysis method was used for producing the frequency and percent of those words. The textbook analysis shows that the number of pages regarding safety education is 336.3 pages, as 9.8% in total 3,412 pages of 12 types of technology and home economics textbooks. As following the analysis of each textbook volume of the proportion in the contents related to safety education, 224.9 pages are on the first volume and 111.9 pages are on the second volume. As grades increase from year one to year three, the proportion of safety education in home economics textbooks is decreased. The highest number of safety education contents unit is 'Self-management of youth' which includes three parts of safety education. In the case of a unit for emphasizing practice, experience and practical exercise such as 'Life of youth' and 'Practice of eco-living', safety education content in the area of 'life safety' are mostly contained. Safety accidents related to the most student experienced, Household accidents (1.4%) and experiment or practice accidents (0.3%) are presented in a low figure. The contents of universal housing and school violence are duplicated on first and second volume of text. The most presented safety education content in the 12 types of textbooks are proper sexual attitude, dietary problems, family conflict and food choice. The least common contents are dangerous drugs, family welfare, internet addiction and industrial accident compensation insurance. As this study is to analyze 12 textbooks developed in 2009 revision curriculum, it is necessary to compare it with the textbook written by the revised curriculum in 2015 and to clarify the contents system of safety education and to avoid duplication of contents. In addition, it is necessary to develop and distribute a safety education program that can support textbooks.

A Geographical Study of Therapeutic Spaces after the Disaster of the MV Sewol in a Local Community (세월호 참사 이후 지역 커뮤니티에 형성된 치유의 공간에 대한 지리적 고찰)

  • Park, Sookyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2017
  • The ultimate goal of this research is to examine the geographical characteristics of therapeutic spaces where have been appeared in Wa-dong and Gojan-dong, Ansan-si after the disaster of the MV Sewol. As looking into the inside, the aim of the therapeutic spaces, which cover each target group (victims) individually, is various and different because the disaster of the MV Sewol generated various direct and indirect victims requiring healing. The therapeutic spaces are estimated at about 10 organizations and are leaded by private agents predominantly. Furthermore, the therapeutic spaces are located near, but are aside from Danwon high school where many students are reported killed and injured in the incident. And the therapeutic spaces provide simple and repetitive diversions, for example, having a meal, knitting and studying, rather than special programs to restore a broken daily life to the original state. On the basis of such a background, the geographical characteristics of the therapeutic spaces related to the disaster of the MV Sewol can be summarized as follows; first, it seems that target groups accept the therapeutic spaces as the concept of place gradually. Even though most of the therapeutic spaces were suggested by third parties at first, target groups are involved in the management and recollection of their own therapeutic spaces as well as the plan for a future direction now; and consider the therapeutic spaces as exclusive properties. Second, the disaster of the MV Sewol have embedded collective trauma to not only direct victims, but extensive groups such as parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, friends and neighbors as noted earlier. Therefore, the therapeutic spaces support comprehensive target groups; but each therapeutic space is not overlapped each other. However, to solve collective trauma in a local community effectively, the therapeutic spaces are networked closely and build a regular cooperative system. Third, a continuous memory is mentioned as an important point to overcome collective trauma, but some phenomena such as fatigue and conflict with neighbors, out-migrants and a faded atmosphere as time passes act as risk factors in Ansan-si. To keep a continuous memory, the therapeutic spaces attempt the recovery of local communities and devise various events, for example, cultural performances; furthermore, are closely connected with external organizations.

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The Effect of the Context Awareness Value on the Smartphone Adopter' Advertising Attitude (스마트폰광고 이용자의 광고태도에 영향을 미치는 상황인지가치에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Chang-Gyu;Lee, Eui-Bang;Huang, Yunchu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2013
  • Advertising market has been facing new challenges due to dramatic change in advertising channels and the advent of innovative media such as mobile devices. Recent research related to mobile devices is mainly focused on the fact that mobile devices could identify users'physical location in real-time, and this sheds light on how location-based technology is utilized to achieve competitive advantage in advertising market. With the introduction of smartphone, the functionality of smartphone has become much more diverse and context awareness is one of the areas that require further study. This work analyses the influence of context awareness value resulted from the transformation of advertising channel in mobile communication market, and our research result reflects recent trend in advertising market environment which is not considered in previous studies. Many constructs has intensively been studied in the context of advertising channel in traditional marketing environment, and entertainment, irritation and information are considered to be the most widely accepted variables that has positive relationship with advertising value. Also, in smartphone advertisement, four main dimensions of context awareness value are recognized: identification, activity, timing and location. In this study, we assume that these four constructs has positive relationship with context awareness value. Finally, we propose that advertising value and context awareness value positively influence smartphone advertising attitude. Partial Least Squares (PLS) structural model is used in our theoretical research model to test proposed hypotheses. A well designed survey is conducted for college students in Korea, and reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity of constructs and measurement indicators are carefully evaluated and the results show that reliability and validity are confirmed according to predefined statistical criteria. Goodness-of-fit of our research model is also supported. In summary, the results collectively suggest good measurement properties for the proposed research model. The research outcomes are as follows. First, information has positive impact on advertising value while entertainment and irritation have no significant impact. Information, entertainment and irritation together account for 38.8% of advertising value. Second, along with the change in advertising market due to the advent of smartphone, activity, timing and location have positive impact on context awareness value while identification has no significant impact. In addition, identification, activity, location and time together account for 46.3% of context awareness value. Third, advertising value and context awareness value both positively influence smartphone advertising attitude, and these two constructs explain 31.7% of the variability of smartphone advertising attitude. The theoretical implication of our research is as follows. First, the influence of entertainment and irritation is reduced which are known to be crucial factors according to previous studies related to advertising value, while the influence of information is increased. It indicates that smartphone users are not likely interested in entertaining effect of smartphone advertisement, and are insensitive to the inconvenience due to smartphone advertisement. Second, in today' ubiquitous computing environment, it is effective to provide differentiated advertising service by utilizing smartphone users'context awareness values such as identification, activity, timing and location in order to achieve competitive business advantage in advertising market. For practical implications, enterprises should provide valuable and useful information that might attract smartphone users by adopting differentiation strategy as smartphone users are sensitive to the information provided via smartphone. Also enterprises not only provide useful information but also recognize and utilize smarphone users' unique characteristics and behaviors by increasing context awareness values. In summary, our result implies that smartphone advertisement should be optimized by considering the needed information of smartphone users in order to maximize advertisement effect.

Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Reconstructing 3D Images of Fault Trench Sites and Web-based Visualization Platform for Large Point Clouds (지상 라이다를 활용한 트렌치 단층 단면 3차원 영상 생성과 웹 기반 대용량 점군 자료 가시화 플랫폼 활용 사례)

  • Lee, Byung Woo;Kim, Seung-Sep
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2021
  • For disaster management and mitigation of earthquakes in Korea Peninsula, active fault investigation has been conducted for the past 5 years. In particular, investigation of sediment-covered active faults integrates geomorphological analysis on airborne LiDAR data, surface geological survey, and geophysical exploration, and unearths subsurface active faults by trench survey. However, the fault traces revealed by trench surveys are only available for investigation during a limited time and restored to the previous condition. Thus, the geological data describing the fault trench sites remain as the qualitative data in terms of research articles and reports. To extend the limitations due to temporal nature of geological studies, we utilized a terrestrial LiDAR to produce 3D point clouds for the fault trench sites and restored them in a digital space. The terrestrial LiDAR scanning was conducted at two trench sites located near the Yangsan Fault and acquired amplitude and reflectance from the surveyed area as well as color information by combining photogrammetry with the LiDAR system. The scanned data were merged to form the 3D point clouds having the average geometric error of 0.003 m, which exhibited the sufficient accuracy to restore the details of the surveyed trench sites. However, we found more post-processing on the scanned data would be necessary because the amplitudes and reflectances of the point clouds varied depending on the scan positions and the colors of the trench surfaces were captured differently depending on the light exposures available at the time. Such point clouds are pretty large in size and visualized through a limited set of softwares, which limits data sharing among researchers. As an alternative, we suggested Potree, an open-source web-based platform, to visualize the point clouds of the trench sites. In this study, as a result, we identified that terrestrial LiDAR data can be practical to increase reproducibility of geological field studies and easily accessible by researchers and students in Earth Sciences.

A Study on the Directions of Sewol Ferry Tragedy Memorial Park Based on the Analysis on Social Discourse and Recognition Evaluation (도심형 메모리얼파크의 사회적 담론 및 인식분석을 통한 4·16 세월호 참사 추모공원 방향성 제안 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2020
  • The objective of this study is to propose a direction for creating a memorial park for the 250 students victims of the Sewol ferry disaster. To this end, this study first attempted to understand the matters discussed at various levels to create a memorial park and find a way that the park can be built by gathering opinions from the bereaved families and the victims themselves, as well as local residents, and experts. Workshops, competitions, special lectures, and websites, etc, were analyzed. A social discourse analysis methodology was used for systematic analysis, and the analyzed discourse was categorized into 4 types for assessment, and the functions and roles were subdivided into 15 types. To assess the priorities and the adequacy of the discourse, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used among 30 activists, public servants, and experts. Then, a survey was conducted to analyze the perception of the residents (467 participants including the bereaved families) about the memorial park. Based on the results of the analysis, two directions were set for the memorial park. First, is a memorial park to remember the victims in everyday life. It must be a park with various cultural contents instead of a conventional memorial park that is solemn and grave sharing anguish and sorrow. The memorial park for the Sewol ferry disaster must become a space where visitors can naturally encounter and remember the victims. Second, is a park that serves as a catalyst that brings change and innovation to the community. It must be able to bring change to the community with direct and indirect influence. It must serve as an impetus to bring change and innovation to the community in the mid-to-long-term. Having many visitors may also lead to an economic effect. These visitors may not just stay in the park, but even contribute to revitalizing the local businesses. The purpose of this study is to apply the research findings to guide the International Design Competition scheduled for 2020 and serve to establish guidelines for a continuous park management system.