• Title/Summary/Keyword: Students Management System

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The Operational Strategy for Ongoing Gifted Students Management System (지속적인 영재 학생 관리를 위한 시스템 운영 방안)

  • Choi, Jeong-Won;Lee, Young-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2012.07a
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    • pp.183-185
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구의 목적은 지속적인 영재학생 관리를 위해 학생 관리 시스템의 구축 방향을 제시함으로써 영재교육 수혜 경험에 대한 정보들의 누적이 학생들의 진로 진학이나 자아실현을 하기까지 도움을 제공할 수 있도록 하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 학생 관리시스템 구축에 대한 선행 연구를 분석하였으며 분석 결과 효율적인 교육과정 운영을 중심으로 학생의 인적 사항을 관리하거나 그 기관 내에서 학생을 재 선발하고, 학부모와 상담, 영재교육에 대한 연구 자료로 활용하는 데 그치고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 학생 관리 시스템의 구축 방향으로 전국 영재교육기관에 공통적으로 적용 관리할 수 있는 중앙 센터의 마련, 영재교육기관 간의 시스템 연계, 학생 중심의 시스템 구축을 통한 자아실현 및 진로 진학에 도움 제공, 인성 측면을 반영할 수 있는 시스템 구축, 구체적인 진로 상담 작성이 가능한 항목 마련, 교육과정 반영, 영재교육 보조교사나 전담교사 파견을 통한 철저한 학생 관리를 제시하였다.

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The Analysis of the Real Condition of School Health and the Establishment of a Management System (학교보건(學校保健)의 실태분석(實態分析)과 운영체계(運營體系) 정립(定立))

  • Chang, Kwan-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.24-55
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    • 1993
  • School health aims to guide and manage growing students from elementary schools to high schools in order to grow healthily through the formation of healthy life habits, the self-control health management guide and the making of pleasant school health environments. Even though this school health plays an important role in guiding the students who are in the period of growing to have a perfect personality as a democratic people of our country in the school education, there are many lacks, such as they still don't know the word itself, "school health" or recognize its importance. Also it's a real condition to practice items concerned with the health under the condition of unestablished structure. 1. The results of analyzing school health real conditions. Based on treatises concerned with school health and various statistical materials which are announced by concerned people. We divided and analyzed school health into the items concerned with health education, the items with health management, and the items with school health environments, and investigated the level of the present school health and its necessity. As the items concerned with health education, we investigated the necessary range of school health education, the effect of health education on children's daily life, family's health and the interesting contents of school health. And as the items with health management, I investigated children's obesity, dental caries, eyesight, clinics, a health examination, drug abuse, spirit health, providing meals for school children, and school health manpower. And as the items conerned with school health environments, we investigated the recognition of the problem of natural environments, the management of purification district around the school, the problem of environments within the school and classroom lighting. As the results of analyzing these, I realized that the present level of school health is still in unsatisfactory situation and school health is needed necessary. 2. The establishment of school health. In order to set the school health, above all, the management system of School health should be set. I classified and systemized the contents of each item which had been promoted till now according to the function. They are classified as followings Based on classifying school health into (1) health education, (2) health management and (3) health environments, I divided school health education into the health education of health subjects, the health education of concerned subjects and the education of health life. And I divided health management into the health managements for a prevention and a cure. And I divided health environments into the environment around the school and within the school. Each system set like these is not fixed invariably and I should keep the relationship of mutual supplement between health education and health management, between health management and health environments, and between health environments management and health education. When we run these systemetic school health, students' health could be maintained and improved to more proper directions.

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The Effect of Learning Management System on Intention of Continuous Use in Universities (대학에서 학습관리시스템의 지속적 사용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Youngae;Park, Hyejin
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to understand the effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease, and expected matching on user satisfaction and continuous use intention for the learning management system (LMS). To this end, an online survey was conducted on K University students located in Chungcheongbuk-do, and 488 data were analyzed and utilized. First, it was found that the expected match of the learning management system had an effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease. Second, it was found that perceived usefulness, perceived ease, and expected matching had an effect on user satisfaction. Perceived usefulness, user satisfaction and perceived ease of use were found to have an effect on the intention to continue using. It can be seen that the improvement of the quality of the university education system has an effect on the improvement of learners' learning effects and satisfaction. Accordingly, it is necessary to seek various ways to continuously manage the quality of the learning management system.

A Dynamic Analysis on the Relation between the amount of Review Time and the Effectiveness of the College Admission Officer System (입학사정관 심사시간과 전형효과에 대한 동태적 분석)

  • Juhn, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, it is examined how the amount of review time per applicant to a college admission officer system is connected with the performance of the selected students after they enter the college. About five years ago, college admission officers system has been introduced to Korea as a government policy. Thus, for most Korean college, there is not enough number of admission officers, while it takes substantial time to find out whether an applicant has potential ability or not. Thus, it is required to find out some policy alternatives to solve this discrepancy. In this paper, a simulation model is built using System Dynamics theory and simulated to understand the relation between the amount of review time and the performance of the selected students. Finally, some implications and policy suggestions are derived from the simulation results.

A Class Management System on Mobile Platform (모바일 기반 학급관리 시스템)

  • Kim, Sung Jun;Park, Dong Gyu
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.780-788
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    • 2016
  • Development of information and communication technologies has given a lot of changes in the business processing methods including the school and class managements. However, many business processing systems are still based on desktop computer. In particular, most of the class management system only supports desktop computers; hence school teachers have difficulty in using their class managements systems on mobile environment. In this paper, we proposed and developed a mobile classroom management system for teachers, which will easily handle information such as personal records of students, student counseling records, student life record and so on. The implementation of the application of mobile-based class management can be managed by many school elements including student register information, student evaluation records and transcripts, counseling report, and so on.

Learners' Attitude toward E-Learning: The Effects of Perceived System Quality and E-Learning Usefulness, Self-Management of Learning, and Self-Efficacy

  • Um, Namhyun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2021
  • The coronavirus pandemic has brought about dramatic changes in education, evidenced most clearly by the increase in e-learning. Thus, to identify how learners' attitudes toward e-learning are affected by diverse factors, this study examined the effects of perceived system quality and usefulness, the self-management of learning, and self-efficacy. A total of 236 college students participated in the survey. Multiple regression analysis was performed to test the study's proposed hypotheses. The study findings suggested that learners' attitudes toward e-learning are positively influenced by perceived e-learning usefulness, self-management of learning, and self-efficacy. However, the perceived system quality had no influence and no statistical significance.

A Study on the Improvement of Physical Examination for Students (학생체질검사제도에 대한 인식과 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Kui-Suk;Moon, Jeong-Suk;Kim, Yoon-Shin;Lee, Soo-Jin;Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2003
  • Recent domestic findings indicate steep increase of geriatric diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure among children and adolescents. It is, therefore, necessary to establish a new system for constitution inspection that reflects domestic adolescents' health conditions by the introduction of feasible items and systematic methods in the inspect ion. The objective of this study is to grasp the problems and to present proper ways of improving the system. As the method of the research during the period from September 2001 to March 2002 we refer to the domestic and foreign literature, and ask the advice of the specialists in pediatrics, family medicine, endocrine, cardiology. As on-site research we us e survey of nationwide elementary, middle, and high schools, visit representative local schools and have an interview with school nurses. Through the interview we try to find practical problems of school heath care and find proper method of students physic al examination. The abstract of the problems of student examination system is as following. To the question about the extent of the result of physical examination 46. 46.4%(school doctor) and 42.6%(parents and students) of the respondents answered "don't know". It means neglectfulness about examination itself. 62% of the school nurses responded "unsatisfactory" people who take charge of practical affairs have complaint about pre sent examination method. Because of the short time of the examination, and numerous students, the examination was incomplete. Several questions, method of physical examination, content of physical examination and list of physical examination, were raised. Reform measures for physical examination system of students were presented by physician, school nurses, students and parents of student.

Evaluating Conversational AI Systems for Responsible Integration in Education: A Comprehensive Framework

  • Utkarch Mittal;Namjae Cho;Giseob Yu
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2024
  • As conversational AI systems such as ChatGPT have become more advanced, researchers are exploring ways to use them in education. However, we need effective ways to evaluate these systems before allowing them to help teach students. This study proposes a detailed framework for testing conversational AI across three important criteria as follow. First, specialized benchmarks that measure skills include giving clear explanations, adapting to context during long dialogues, and maintaining a consistent teaching personality. Second, adaptive standards check whether the systems meet the ethical requirements of privacy, fairness, and transparency. These standards are regularly updated to match societal expectations. Lastly, evaluations were conducted from three perspectives: technical accuracy on test datasets, performance during simulations with groups of virtual students, and feedback from real students and teachers using the system. This framework provides a robust methodology for identifying strengths and weaknesses of conversational AI before its deployment in schools. It emphasizes assessments tailored to the critical qualities of dialogic intelligence, user-centric metrics capturing real-world impact, and ethical alignment through participatory design. Responsible innovation by AI assistants requires evidence that they can enhance accessible, engaging, and personalized education without disrupting teaching effectiveness or student agency.

The Mediating Effect of Online Student's LMS Literacy Between Motivation and Online Teaching Effectiveness: Focusing on the Importance of Technology Literacy After COVID-19

  • JeongChul HEO;Jongwook OH;Eunchang NA;Sumi HAN
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.369-392
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    • 2024
  • This study was to confirm whether students' evaluation of online teaching effectiveness (SEOTE) was significantly predicted by Instructional Material Motivation Survey (IMMS) and Literacy of Learning Management System (LLMS). It was also to examine whether LLMS had a significant mediating effect between IMMS and SEOTE. Pearson correlation, multiple-regression, and mediated regression analysis were used. Participants were online college students in South Korea. A total of 210 students meaningfully responded to the Google Drive web-survey via the internet of three scales: IMMS, LLMS, and SEOTE. This study revealed that motivation had a significant effect on SEOTE (r=.78, p<.01). There was a significant positive correlation between LLMS and SEOTE (r=.64, p<.01). In addition, motivation and LLMS were significant predictors that influenced the prediction of SEOTE. The overall model of IMMS and LLMS significantly predicted SEOTE, explaining 31.4% variance in SEOTE. This study used mediated regression analysis to determine whether there was a significant mediating effect of LLMS between IMMS and SEOTE. As LLMS was added between IMMS and SEOTE, the β coefficient of motivation was decreased. Models of IMMS and LLMS significantly influenced the prediction of SEOTE. LLMS showed a significant mediating effect by influencing the prediction of SEOTE by IMMS according to the method of Baron and Kenny (1986). Consequently, meaningful parameter of LLMS showed a significant indirect or mediating effect with IMMS in predicting SEOTE.

A Study on the Satisfaction of User Groups of the Digital Library System (디지털자료실지원센터(DLS)의 이용자 집단간 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byeong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.22 no.3 s.57
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    • pp.129-145
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    • 2005
  • DLS(Digital Library System) have been established by Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development for providing the application services to each school library managers(teacher librarian) and front end users such as students and teachers. DLS's are separately operated by 15 major metropolitan or provincial office of education to cover all elementary, middle and high schools in Korea. There is a necessity which it will analyze the current status of DLS because it's system after starting a service 2 years passed. This study suggested to improvements strategies of DLS by survey from teacher librarian, subject teacher, students of 308 schools.