• Title/Summary/Keyword: Structural wall

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Heavy concrete shielding properties for carbon therapy

  • Jin-Long Wang;Jiade J Lu;Da-Jun Ding;Wen-Hua Jiang;Ya-Dong Li;Rui Qiu;Hui Zhang;Xiao-Zhong Wang;Huo-Sheng Ruan;Yan-Bing Teng;Xiao-Guang Wu;Yun Zheng;Zi-Hao Zhao;Kai-Zhong Liao;Huan-Cheng Mai;Xiao-Dong Wang;Ke Peng;Wei Wang;Zhan Tang;Zhao-Yan Yu;Zhen Wu;Hong-Hu Song;Shuo-Yang Wei;Sen-Lin Mao;Jun Xu;Jing Tao;Min-Qiang Zhang;Xi-Qiang Xue;Ming Wang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.2335-2347
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    • 2023
  • As medical facilities are usually built at urban areas, special concrete aggregates and evaluation methods are needed to optimize the design of concrete walls by balancing density, thickness, material composition, cost, and other factors. Carbon treatment rooms require a high radiation shielding requirement, as the neutron yield from carbon therapy is much higher than the neutron yield of protons. In this case study, the maximum carbon energy is 430 MeV/u and the maximum current is 0.27 nA from a hybrid particle therapy system. Hospital or facility construction should consider this requirement to design a special heavy concrete. In this work, magnetite is adopted as the major aggregate. Density is determined mainly by the major aggregate content of magnetite, and a heavy concrete test block was constructed for structural tests. The compressive strength is 35.7 MPa. The density ranges from 3.65 g/cm3 to 4.14 g/cm3, and the iron mass content ranges from 53.78% to 60.38% from the 12 cored sample measurements. It was found that there is a linear relationship between density and iron content, and mixing impurities should be the major reason leading to the nonuniform element and density distribution. The effect of this nonuniformity on radiation shielding properties for a carbon treatment room is investigated by three groups of Monte Carlo simulations. Higher density dominates to reduce shielding thickness. However, a higher content of high-Z elements will weaken the shielding strength, especially at a lower dose rate threshold and vice versa. The weakened side effect of a high iron content on the shielding property is obvious at 2.5 µSv=h. Therefore, we should not blindly pursue high Z content in engineering. If the thickness is constrained to 2 m, then the density can be reduced to 3.3 g/cm3, which will save cost by reducing the magnetite composition with 50.44% iron content. If a higher density of 3.9 g/cm3 with 57.65% iron content is selected for construction, then the thickness of the wall can be reduced to 174.2 cm, which will save space for equipment installation.

Basic Study on Historical Repair Techniques for Landscape Architectural Facilities - Focusing on Government-managed Spaces in Joseon Dynasty - (전통조경 시설물의 역사적 수리기법에 관한 기초연구 - 조선시대 관영공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Min-Seon;Oh, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 2023
  • Although the landscape architectural facilities need to be repaired according to historical and authentic techniques, the repair criteria of the standard specification for repairing cultural heritages still remain at a theoretical level, and there are little research analyzing detailed techniques from specific cases. This study discussed the repair techniques based on historical facts, around terraced flower beds, ponds, waterways and pavement in the government-managed spaces in the Joseon Dynasty. It analyzed the materials and finish of stone wall elements, the structural reinforcement and backfill materials, and topsoil surface protection measures, and drew out stones for foundation reinforcement, plastering material for agglutination, and stone processing techniques for the terraced flower beds. It examined the materials and structures of the rock revetment, foundation reinforcement and waterproofing techniques and drew out the outstanding characteristics of the foundation work, the recycle of used elements and the management of water quality, for the ponds. It primarily investigated the materials, foundation reinforcement and waterproofing techniques and discovered the repair techniques such as cover stone finishing methods, foundation and backfill materials, and flow reduction methods, for the waterways. Finally, it provided actual cases of the foundation composition, auxiliary materials and tools, and the use of cyperaceae and highlighted the existence of professional craftsmen called Bangjeonjang(方磚匠), for the pavement. This study is expected to be a staring point for discovering the repair techniques for landscape architectural facilities and used as basic data for revising specifications in the future.

Anatomical and Physical Properties of Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida Miller) - The Characteristics of Stem, Branch, Root and Topwood - (리기다소나무(Pinus rigida Miller)의 목재해부학적(木材解剖學的) 및 물리학적성질(物理學的性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 간(幹), 지(枝), 근(根), 초두목(梢頭木)의 특성(特性)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Phil Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.33-62
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    • 1972
  • Pitch pine (Pinus rigida Miller) in Korea has become one of the major silvicultural species for many years since it was introduced from the United States of America in 1907. To attain the more rational wood utilization basical researches on wood properties are primarily needed, since large scale of timber production from Pitch Pine trees has now been accomplishing in the forested areast hroughout the country. Under the circumustances, this experiment was carried out to study the wood anatomical, physical and mechanical properties of Pitch Pine grown in the country. Materials used in this study had been prepared by cutting the selected pitch pine trees from the Seoul National University Forests located in Suwon. To obtain and compare the anatomical and physical properties of the different parts of tree such as stem, branch, top and rootwood, this study had been divided into two categories (anatomical and physical). For the anatomical study macroscopical and microscopical features such as annual ring, intercellular cannal, ray, tracheid, ray trachid, ray parenchyma cell and pit etc. were observed and measured by the different parts (stem, branch, root and topwood) of tree. For the physical and mechanical properties the moisture content of geen wood, wood specific gravity, shrinkage, compression parallel to the grain, tension parallel and perpendicular to the grain, radial and tangential shear, bending, cleavage and hardness wree tested. According to the results this study may be concluded as follows: 1. The most important comparable features in general properties of wood among the different parts of tree were distinctness and width of annual ring, transition from spring to summerwood, wood color, odor and grain etc. In microscopical features the sizes of structural elements of wood were comparable features among the parts of tree. Among their features, length, width and thickness of tracheids, resin ducts and ray structures were most important. 2. In microscopical features among the different parts of tree stem and topwood were shown simillar reults in tissues. However in rootwood compared with other parts on the tangential surface distinctly larger ray structures were observed and measured. The maximum size of unseriate ray was attained to 27 cell ($550{\mu}$) height in length and 35 microns in width. Fusiform rays were formed occasionally the connected ray which contain one or several horizontal cannals. Branchwood was shown the same features like stemwood but the measured values were very low in comparing with other parts of tree. 3. Trachid length measured among the different parts of tree were shown largest in stem and shortest in branchwood. In comparing the tracheid length among the parts the differences were not shown only between stem and rootwood, but shown between all other parts of tree. Trachid diameters were shown widest in rootwood and narrowest in branchwood, and the differences among the different parts were not realized. Wall thickness were shown largest value in rootwood and smallest in branchwood, and the differences were shown between root and top or branchwood, and between stem and branch or top wood, but not shown between other parts of tree. 4. Moisture contents of green wood were shown highest in topwood and lowest in heartwood of stem. The differences among the different parts were recognized between top or heartwood and other parts of tree, but not between root and branchwood or root and sapwood. 5. Wood specific gravities were shown highest in stem and next order root and branchwood, but lowest in topwood. The differences were shown clearly between stemwood and other parts of tree, but not root and branchwood. However the significant difference is realized as most lowest value in topwood. 6. In compression strength parallel to the grain compared among the different parts of tree at the 14 percent of moisture content, highest strength was appeared in stem, next order branch and rootwood, but lowest in topwood. 7. In bending strength compared among the different parts of tree at the 14 percent of moisture content clearly highest strength was shown in branchwood, next order stem and root, but lowest in topwood. Though the branchwood has lower specific gravity than stemwood it was shown clearly high bending strength.

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