• Title/Summary/Keyword: Store Images

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The effect of UNIQLO's online and offline brand images on the purchase intention as a multichannel brand (유니클로의 온라인과 오프라인 이미지가 멀티채널 브랜드 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jieyurn
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.42-56
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays the advantages of multichannel retailing strategy in fashion business have been widely discussed, but empirical research on fashion retail has been limited. The purpose of this research is to provide some ideas on multichannel retailing strategy to fashion retailers through the case of UNIQLO. The online survey was conducted on each 100 female customers in their 20s, 30s, 40s living in seoul among UNIQLO customers. The survey was consisted of measurement items for UNIQLO's online store image and offline store image, customer satisfaction, purchase intention, and demographic attributes. The online survey was found that 30.3% of UNIQLO's multichannel customers bought a product from offline store using online shopping mall as a search channel, on the other hand, 20.7% of UNIQLO's multichannel customers bought a product from online store using offline store as a search channel. Factors of the online shopping mall image were consisted of shopping convenience, product information, price policy, trust. And factors of the offline store image were consisted of trust and store, product information, service. Some factors of online store and offline store image had impact on multichannel customer satisfaction. And, customer satisfaction also had impact on purchase intention of UNIQLO product. Some suggestion for the future of multichannel research in fashion retailing was given.

The Influence of Store Images of Discount Stores on Shopping Values and Shopping Satisfaction: The Roles of Perceived Retail Crowding (대형마트의 점포이미지가 쇼핑가치 및 쇼핑만족에 미치는 영향: 지각된 혼잡의 역할)

  • Bae, Byung-Ryul
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2012
  • Conceptualization of store image have been suggested in the past by many marketing scholars. The dominant perspective about store image is treated as the results of a multi-attribute model. Store image is expressed as a function of the salient attributes of a particular store that are evaluated. Though, there is a little confusions about what elements compose the store image, most scholars agree that merchandise, service, atmosphere, physical facilities, comfort, and location are generally accepted elements as store image. A considerable researches support that shopping can provide both hedonic and utilitarian value. Hedonic shopping value reflects the value received from fantasy and emotive aspects of shopping experience, while utilitarian shopping value reflects the acquisition of products. These two types of shopping value can affect shopping satisfaction. This study examines the relationships among stores images(store atmosphere, salespeople services, facilities, product assortment, and store location), shopping values(utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value), and shopping satisfaction based on discount stores (E-Mart, Home plus, and Lotte Mart). The author hypothesized that five store image components affect shopping values, and these shopping values affect shopping satisfaction. The author focused on the roles of perceived retail crowding between these relationships. Specifically, the author hypothesized that perceived retailing crowding moderated the relationship between shopping values and shopping satisfaction. The author also hypothesized the direct effect of perceived retail crowding on shopping satisfaction. Finally, the author hypothesized that five store image components affect directly shopping satisfaction. Research model is presented in

    . To test model and hypotheses, data were collected from 114 consumers located mid-size city in local area. The author employs PLS methodology (SmartPLS 2.0) to test hypotheses. Data analysis results indicate that among five store images salespeople services, and store location affect utilitarian shopping value. Store atmosphere, salespeople services, and store location affect hedonic shopping value. Two shopping values affect shopping satisfaction. Hedonic shopping value affect more shopping satisfaction than utilitarian shopping value. Data analysis results is presented in . The author examines the moderating effects of perceived retail crowding between shopping values and shopping satisfaction. Results indicate that there are no moderating effects between shopping values and shopping satisfaction. Moderating effects of perceived retail crowding between utilitarian shopping value and shopping satisfaction are presented in
    . Moderating effects of perceived retail crowding between hedonic shopping value and shopping satisfaction is presented in . The author examines the direct effect of perceived retail crowding on shopping satisfaction. Results are presented in
    . The author analyzed the relationship between perceived retail crowding and shopping satisfaction using WarpPLS 3.0 which can analyze the non-linear relationship. Result indicates that perceived retail crowding affects directly shopping satisfaction and there is a non-linear relationship between them. Among five store image components, store atmosphere and salespeople services affect directly shopping satisfaction. The author describes about the managerial implications, limitations, and future research issues.

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  • A Case Study of Correlation Analysis Between Fashion Brand Image and Store Space Image - Focusing on Luxury Fashion Flagship Store - (패션 브랜드 이미지와 매장 공간 이미지의 상관관계 사례 연구 - 럭셔리 패션 플래그쉽 스토어를 중심으로 -)

    • Kim, Na-yeon;Lee, Hyun-soo
      • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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      • v.25 no.4
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      • pp.135-146
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      • 2016
    • The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between fashion brand image and store space image. To investigate this study further, one of the luxury fashion brands was selected for a case study and surveys were conducted to 200 participants. This study evaluates the factors of fashion brand images that customers associate with a brand before stepping inside the flagship store. Also it analyzes the factors of store space image after the experience of the flagship store. As a result of the correlation analysis based on quantitative statistic measures, the fashion brand image and store space image coincided highest with extraordinary, young and strong characteristics. According to the space elements of the flagship store, the relationship of the brand image with the store image was investigated. As a result of analysis, customers felt the high correlation with the facade among the architectural elements of flagship store. This resulted in that customers consider that the black box of the facade represents originality of this fashion brand as a concept of spatial elements. As a practical implication, companies should understand that the architectural design is a very crucial component in designing the flagship store, as it gives customers their first impression about a brand. The brand image is required to be integrated through the exterior design of the store. The final conclusion of this study shows that the flagship store provides a space where you can experience the corporate value and brand through the space of brand experience and share an emotional image created by the brand as well.

    Three-Dimensional Image Display System using Stereogram and Holographic Optical Memory Techniques (스테레오그램과 홀로그래픽 광 메모리 기술을 이용한 3차원 영상 표현 시스템)

    • 김철수;김수중
      • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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      • v.27 no.6B
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      • pp.638-644
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      • 2002
    • In this paper, we implemented a three dimensional image display system using stereogram and holographic optical memory techniques which can store many images and reconstruct them automatically. In this system, to store and reconstruct stereo images, incident angle of reference beam must be controlled in real time, so we used BPH(binary phase hologram) and LCD(liquid crystal display) for controlling reference beam. The reference beams are acquired by Fourier transform of BPHs which designed with SA(simulated annealing)algorithm, and the BPHs are represented on the LCD with the 0.05 seconds time interval using application software for reconstructing the stereo images. And input images are represented on the LCD without polarizer/analyzer for maintaining uniform beam intensities regardless of the brightness of input images. The input images and BPHs are edited using application software(Photoshop) with having the same recording scheduled time interval in storing. The reconstructed stereo images are acquired by capturing the output images with CCD camera at the behind of the analyzer which transforms phase information into brightness information of images. In output plane, we used a LCD shutter that is synchronized to a monitor that display alternate left and right eye images for depth perception. We demonstrated optical experiment which store and reconstruct four stereo images in BaTiO$_3$ repeatedly using the proposed holographic optical memory techniques.

    Qualitative Research on Cultural Center Customers' Shopping Behaviors and Image Building of the Department Store

    • Park, Hyo-Eun;Yoh, Eun-Ah
      • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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      • v.12 no.1
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      • pp.52-70
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      • 2009
    • Department store has actively expanded cultural center services by providing a series of educational courses in order to increase customer visits, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately increase sales. In this study, cultural center members' shopping behaviors and image building of the department store were explored through focus group interviews. Results generated from a total of 7 focus group interviews with female cultural center members in their 30's through 60's are as follows. First, the consumer group who attends courses for their own purpose is 45 to 55 year-old female customers who are actively involved in consumption at the department store for their own clothing, food and restaurant. They are not often engaged in impulsive either group shopping for clothing. They are satisfied with class quality compared to low tuition whereas dissatisfied with busy schedule of a lecture room and lack of special discount benefits for members. Second, the other consumer group who attends courses for their children is consumers in their 30's. They are charged in shopping for clothing for their husbands, children, and themselves. They are suffering time poverty due to nurturing their children, therefore, they want to shop more in the department store on the day of class. However, expensive kids-care facilities are barriers to do it. Convenience, familiarity and center of culture are important images of the department store, developed through frequent visits of these customers. Eight implications for marketing strategies were generated based on study results.

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    Perceptions of Visual Merchandising in the Department Stores: The Employee versus Consumer Perspectives (백화점 브랜드매장의 비주얼 머천다이징 평가: 판매원 대 소비자 관점)

    • Park, Kyung-Ae;Jun, Bo-Mi-Na
      • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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      • v.14 no.2
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      • pp.222-229
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      • 2012
    • This study examined and compared the two perspectives of consumers and employees on the perceptions toward visual merchandising (VMD) of fashion brands in a department store. Importance of VMD elements, roles of VMD, evaluations of VMD elements, and brand and store images were measured and compared. The two types of questionnaires were used to collect data from consumers and employees. A total of 327 consumer samples and 317 employee samples were analyzed. The results showed that there was no difference between the two groups in what VMD elements were the most important. While employees perceived of the role of VMD higher than consumers, consumers evaluated two VMD element factors higher than employees and showed higher store image. Such results were not different by brand types. The study implies that the higher VMD perceptions of consumers are desirable to manage VMD from the employees' perspective.

    Development of Digital Endoscopic Image Processing System (디지탈 내시경 영상처리 시스템의 개발)

    • 송철규;이영묵
      • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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      • v.18 no.2
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      • pp.121-126
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      • 1997
    • Endoscopy has become a crucial diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in clinical areas. Over the past three years, we have developed a computerized system to record and store clinical data pertaining to endoscopic surgery of laparascopic cholecystectomy, pelviscopic endometriosis, and surgical arthroscopy. In this study, we developed a computer system, which is composed of a frame yabber, a sound board, a VCR control board, a LAN card and EDMS(endoscopic data management software. Also, computer system has controled peripheral instruments such as a color video printer, a video cassette recorder, and endoscopic input/output signals(image and doctor's comment). Digital endoscopic data management system is based on open architecture and a set of widely available industry standards, namely: windows 3.1 as a operating system, TCP/IP as a network protocol and a time sequence based database that handles both images and doctor's cotnments. For the purpose of data storage, we used MOD and CD-R. Digital endoscopic system was designed to be able to store, recreate, change, and compress signals and medical images.

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    The Effects of Store Image on Private Brand Image and Purchase Intentions - Comparison of National Distributors with Local Distributors in Pusan - (점포이미지가 유통업체상표이미지 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향 - 부산지역 전국유통업체와 지역유통업체를 중심으로 -)

    • Shin, Jong-Kuk;Kong, Hye-Kyung
      • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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      • v.15 no.2
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      • pp.49-69
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      • 2005
    • This study is to investigate causal relationship among store image, private brand image and purchase intentions through comparing national distributors with local distributors in Pusan city. More specifically, the objective of this study can be explained as follows; First, what store image have an effect on private brand image. Second, individual store image and their private brand image have different effects. Last, store image and private brand image influence purchase intention of private brands. The results of this study suggests a positive relationship between consumers' perceptions of individual private brands and their associated store image dimensions and purchase intentions toward private brands. A key implication of this research suggests it is desirable for retailers to build up a positive consumer's perceptions of private brand by improving store image. Especially, it is suggested that through the development of specific features of store images, retailers are to manage private brands.

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    A Study on the Interior finishing materials for Visual Marketing of Department Stores (백화점의 비주얼마케팅을 위한 실내마감재연구)

    • Kim Yeon-Ah
      • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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      • v.14 no.6 s.53
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      • pp.132-139
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      • 2005
    • Selling Environment is very important space in this era of sensitive consumption, which facilitates direct contacts with consumers. Interests of consumers in the 21st centuries, lie in the higher quality of life, and they wart to create their own lifestyle through purchasing of goods in the marketing environment. A company can hold dominant position in the changing marketing environment, in case it differentiate with other competing companies and keep consistencies of identity. Finishing materials of interior design elements, play an important role in making a visual images of department stores, and the usage of finishing materials transfers the images of department store to consumers This study aims to introduce theoretical backgrounds of interior materials composition, which provides important tools for decision of images of department stores, and also aims to propose design guidelines for interior finishing materials as an elements of visual marketing, through the case studies of major department stores. Depending on these intentions, present conditions of interior finishing materials are analyzed, and a fundamental planning directions of interior materials are proposed, as the strategic elements of a department visual marketing.

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