• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stereo-video

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The User Interface of Button Type for Stereo Video-See-Through Device (Stereo Video-See-Through 장치를 위한 버튼형 인터페이스)

  • Choi, Young-Ju;Seo, Yong-Duek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2007.06c
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a user interface, on see-through system environment which shows the images via two different cameras, that also ordinary user can control the computer systems or other various processes easily. For that, we include an AR technology to synthesize the virtual button to the image which is captured by the camera real-time. And we were looking for the hand position in the image to judge whether the figure selects the button. And the result of judgment visualizes through changing of the button color. The user can easily interact with the system by selecting the virtual button in the screen with watching the screen and moving her fingers at the air.

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A Study on Implementation for Real-time Lane Departure Warning System & Smart Night Vision Based on HDR Camera Platform (실시간 차선 이탈 경고 및 Smart Night Vision을 위한 HDR Camera Platform 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hwa-Beom;Park, Ge-O;Kim, Young-kil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.123-126
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    • 2017
  • The information and communication technology that is being developed recently has been greatly influencing the automobile market. In recent years, devices equipped with IT technology have been installed for the safety and convenience of the driver. However, it has the advantage of increased convenience as well as the disadvantage of increasing traffic accidents due to driver 's distraction. In order to prevent such accidents, it is necessary to develop safety systems of various types and ways. In this paper, we propose a method to implement a multi-function camera driving safety system that notifies a pedestrian and lane departure warning without using a radar sensor or a stereo video image, and a study on the analysis of a lane departure alarm software result.

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Three Dimensional Tracking of Road Signs based on Stereo Vision Technique (스테레오 비전 기술을 이용한 도로 표지판의 3차원 추적)

  • Choi, Chang-Won;Choi, Sung-In;Park, Soon-Yong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.1259-1266
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    • 2014
  • Road signs provide important safety information about road and traffic conditions to drivers. Road signs include not only common traffic signs but also warning information regarding unexpected obstacles and road constructions. Therefore, accurate detection and identification of road signs is one of the most important research topics related to safe driving. In this paper, we propose a 3-D vision technique to automatically detect and track road signs in a video sequence which is acquired from a stereo vision camera mounted on a vehicle. First, color information is used to initially detect the sign candidates. Second, the SVM (Support Vector Machine) is employed to determine true signs from the candidates. Once a road sign is detected in a video frame, it is continuously tracked from the next frame until it is disappeared. The 2-D position of a detected sign in the next frame is predicted by the 3-D motion of the vehicle. Here, the 3-D vehicle motion is acquired by using the 3-D pose information of the detected sign. Finally, the predicted 2-D position is corrected by template-matching of the scaled template of the detected sign within a window area around the predicted position. Experimental results show that the proposed method can detect and track many types of road signs successfully. Tracking comparisons with two different methods are shown.

Stereoscopic Video Coding for Subway Accident Monitoring System (지하철 사고 감시를 위한 스테레오 비디오 부호화 기법)

  • Oh, Seh-Chan;Kim, Gil-Dong;Park, Sung-Hyuk
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.484-486
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    • 2005
  • Passenger safety is a primary concern of railway system but, it has been urgent issue that dozens of people are killed every year when they falloff from train platforms. Recently, advancements in IT have enabled applying vision sensors to railway environments, such as CCTV and stereo camera sensors. In this paper, we propose a stereoscopic video coding scheme for subway accident monitoring system. The proposed scheme is designed for providing flexible video among various displays, such as control center, station employees and train driver. We uses MPEG-2 standard for coding the left-view sequence and IBMDC for predicting the P- and B-types of frames of the right-view sequence. IBMDC predicts matching block by interpolating both motion and disparity predicted macroblocks. To provide efficient stereoscopic video service. we define both temporally and spatially scalable layers for each eye's-view by using the concept of Spatio-Temporal scalability. According to the experimental results. we expect the proposed functionalities will play a key role in establishing highly flexible stereoscopic video codec for ubiquitous display environment where devices and network connections are heterogeneous.

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Development of Roadside Facility Management System with Video GIS Technology

  • Joo, In-Hak;Nam, Kwang-Woo;Yoo, Jae-Jun;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we suggest a new spatial information system called video GIS where video is used for spatial data construction and is integrated with map. We develop a prototype system of video GIS and apply it to roadside facility management. The main functions supported by the suggested system are data collection, coordinate calculation and conversion, data construction, analysis, searching, and browsing. The stereo images and corresponding position data are collected by a vehicle named 4S-Van that has GPS, IMU, and cameras. The 3-D coordinates of the objects in the images, such as road sign, signal lamp, and building, can be calculated and constructed from the collected data. The spatial objects are displayed on both image and map, and can be searched and browsed, which enables visual and realistic browsing and management of spatial objects. Compared to conventional field survey used in roadside facility management, the method enables faster, easier, and more efficient construction of spatial data. The suggested video GIS can be applied not only to roadside facility management but also to many similar projects of central or local governments that are related to GIS.

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Luminance Correction for Stereo Images using Histogram Interval Calibration (히스토그램 구간 교정을 이용한 스테레오 영상의 휘도 보정)

  • Kim, Seaho;Kim, Hiseok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.12
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2013
  • In stereo-view system, variations of target camera position or lighting conditions cause discrepancies on the luminance and chrominance components of stereo views. These discrepancies lead to inaccurate frame view prediction and low quality of 3 D video coding. In this paper, an efficient histogram interval calibration method is proposed for stereo-view coding, so as to compensate for the luminance component of target view. First the proposed method is analyzed by the histogram of the target image frame. Then, it divide two sections of histogram of that frame to correct the color discrepancies. Secondly, each section of the target frame is corrected the luminance component by identify the maximum matching region between the reference frame and the target frame. We have verified our proposed histogram matching method in comparison with the other color correction ones. Experimental results show that it can correct better luminance calibration results of PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and has less computation time.

A Low Cost 3D Skin Wrinkle Reconstruction System Based on Stereo Semi-Dense Matching (반 밀집 정합에 기반한 저가형 3차원 주름 데이터 복원)

  • Zhang, Qian;WhangBo, Taeg-Keun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2009
  • In the paper, we proposed a new system to retrieve 3D wrinkle data based on stereo images. Usually, 3D reconstruction based on stereo images or video is very popular and it is the research focus, which has been applied for culture heritage, building and other scene. The target is object measurement, the scene depth calculation and 3D data obtained. There are several challenges in our research. First, it is hard to take the full information wrinkle images by cameras because of light influence, skin with non-rigid object and camera performance. We design a particular computer vision system to take winkle images with a long length camera lens. Second, it is difficult to get the dense stereo data because of the hard skin texture image segmentation and corner detection. We focus on semi-dense stereo matching algorithm for the wrinkle depth. Compared with the 3D scanner, our system is much cheaper and compared with the physical modeling based method, our system is more flexible with high performance.

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Multi-view Synthesis Algorithm for the Better Efficiency of Codec (부복호화기 효율을 고려한 다시점 영상 합성 기법)

  • Choi, In-kyu;Cheong, Won-sik;Lee, Gwangsoon;Yoo, Jisang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, when stereo image, satellite view and corresponding depth maps were used as the input data, we propose a new method that convert these data to data format suitable for compressing, and then by using these format, intermediate view is synthesized. In the transmitter depth maps are merged to a global depth map and satellite view are converted to residual image corresponding hole region as out of frame area and occlusion region. And these images subsampled to reduce a mount of data and stereo image of main view are encoded by HEVC codec and transmitted. In the receiver intermediate views between stereo image and between stereo image and bit-rate are synthesized using decoded global depth map, residual images and stereo image. Through experiments, we confirm good quality of intermediate views synthesized by proposed format subjectively and objectively in comparison to intermediate views synthesized by MVD format versus total bit-rate.

Intensity Compensation for Efficient Stereo Image Compression (효율적인 스테레오 영상 압축을 위한 밝기차 보상)

  • Jeon Youngtak;Jeon Byeungwoo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.2 s.302
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2005
  • As we perceive the world as 3-dimensional through our two eyes, we can extract 3-dimensional information from stereo images obtained from two or more cameras. Since stereo images have a large amount of data, with recent advances in digital video coding technology, efficient compression algorithms have been developed for stereo images. In order to compress stereo images and to obtain 3-D information such as depth, we find disparity vectors by using disparity estimation algorithm generally utilizing pixel differences between stereo pairs. However, it is not unusual to have stereo images having different intensity values for several reasons, such as incorrect control of the iris of each camera, disagreement of the foci of two cameras, orientation, position, and different characteristics of CCD (charge-coupled device) cameras, and so on. The intensity differences of stereo pairs often cause undesirable problems such as incorrect disparity vectors and consequent low coding efficiency. By compensating intensity differences between left and right images, we can obtain higher coding efficiency and hopefully reduce the perceptual burden of brain to combine different information incoming from two eyes. We propose several methods of intensity compensation such as local intensity compensation, global intensity compensation, and hierarchical intensity compensation as very simple and efficient preprocessing tool. Experimental results show that the proposed algerian provides significant improvement in coding efficiency.