Kim Yoon-Jong;Lee Dong-Hoon;Ji Young-Hoon;Lee Dong-Han;Jo Chul-Ku;Kim Mi-Sook;Ru Sung-Rul;Hong Seung-Hong
Radiation Oncology Journal
Purpose : By developing on-line statistics program to record the information of radiation oncology to share the information with internet. It is possible to supply basic reference data for administrative plans to improve radiation oncology. Materials and methods : The information of radiation oncology statistics had been collected by paper forms about 52 hospitals in the past. Now, we can input the data by internet web browsers. The statistics program used windows NT 4.0 operation system, Internal Information Server 4.0 (IIS4.0) as a web server and the Microsoft Access MDB. We used Structured Query Language (SQL), Visual Basic, VBScript and JAVAScript to display the statistics according to years and hospitals. Results : This program shows present conditions about man power, research, therapy machines, technics, brachytherapy, clinic statistics, radiation safety management, institution, quality assurance and radioisotopes in radiation oncology department. The database consists of 38 inputs and 6 outputs windows. Statistical output windows can be increased continuously according to user's need. Conclusion : We have developed statistics program to process all of the data in department of radiation oncology for reference information. Users easily could input the data by internet web browsers and share the information.
For the flexible and rational distribution of limited existing health resources based on measurements of individual risk, the socalled Risk Approach is being proposed by the World Health Organization as a managerial tool in maternal and child health care program. This approach, in principle, puts us under the necessity of developing a technique by which we will be able to measure the degree of risk or to discriminate the future outcomes of pregnancy on the basis of prior information obtainable at prenatal care delivery settings. Numerous recent studies have focussed on the identification of relevant risk factors as the Prior infer mation and on defining the adverse outcomes of pregnancy to be dicriminated, and also have tried on how to develope scoring system of risk factors for the quantitative assessment of the factors as the determinant of pregnancy outcomes. Once the scoring system is established the technique of classifying the patients into with normal and with adverse outcomes will be easily de veloped. The scoring system should be developed to meet the following four basic requirements. 1) Easy to construct 2) Easy to use 3) To be theoretically sound 4) To be valid In searching for a feasible methodology which will meet these requirements, the author has attempted to apply the“Likelihood Method”, one of the well known principles in statistical analysis, to develop such scoring system according to the process as follows. Step 1. Classify the patients into four groups: Group A1: With adverse outcomes on fetal (neonatal) side only. Group A2: With adverse outcomes on maternal side only. Group A3: With adverse outcome on both maternal and fetal (neonatal) sides. Group B: With normal outcomes. Step 2. Construct the marginal tabulation on the distribution of risk factors for each group. Step 3. For the calculation of risk score, take logarithmic transformation of relative proport-ions of the distribution and round them off to integers. Step 4. Test the validity of the score chart. h total of 2, 282 maternity records registered during the period of January 1, 1982-December 31, 1982 at Ewha Womans University Hospital were used for this study and the“Questionnaire for Maternity Record for Prenatal and Intrapartum High Risk Screening”developed by the Korean Institute for Population and Health was used to rearrange the information on the records into an easy analytic form. The findings of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The risk score chart constructed on the basis of“Likelihood Method”ispresented in Table 4 in the main text. 2) From the analysis of the risk score chart it was observed that a total of 24 risk factors could be identified as having significant predicting power for the discrimination of pregnancy outcomes into four groups as defined above. They are: (1) age (2) marital status (3) age at first pregnancy (4) medical insurance (5) number of pregnancies (6) history of Cesarean sections (7). number of living child (8) history of premature infants (9) history of over weighted new born (10) history of congenital anomalies (11) history of multiple pregnancies (12) history of abnormal presentation (13) history of obstetric abnormalities (14) past illness (15) hemoglobin level (16) blood pressure (17) heart status (18) general appearance (19) edema status (20) result of abdominal examination (21) cervix status (22) pelvis status (23) chief complaints (24) Reasons for examination 3) The validity of the score chart turned out to be as follows: a) Sensitivity: Group A1: 0.75 Group A2: 0.78 Group A3: 0.92 All combined : 0.85 b) Specificity : 0.68 4) The diagnosabilities of the“score chart”for a set of hypothetical prevalence of adverse outcomes were calculated as follows (the sensitivity“for all combined”was used). Hypothetidal Prevalence : 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Diagnosability : 12% 23% 40% 53% 64% 75% 80%.
Kim, Chun-Bae;Choe, Heon;Shin, Kye-Chul;Park, Jong-Ku;Ham, Soo-Keun;Kim, Eun-Mi
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Backgrounds : Today, tuberculosis cannot only be cured medically, but also controlled by public health. Despite the overall worldwide decline in tuberculosis, the disease continues to be a significant problem among developing countries and in the slums of large cities in some industrialized countries. Particularly, this communicable disease has come into the public health spotlight because of its resurgence in the 1990's. our country has been operating the Korean National Tuberculosis Control Program since 1962, focusing around public health centers. Therefore, this study aims to compare the effectiveness of tuberculosis control activities, one of the major public health activities in Korea, by producing indexes, such as the yearly registration rate per 100,000 population and treatment compliance of tuberculosis on in small areas (communities). Methods : This work was accomplished by constructing a time-series analytic model using data from "1980~2000: the Yearly Statistical Report" with patient registry data of 234 City. County. District public health centers and by identifying the factors influencing the tuberculosis indexes. Results : The trends of pulmonary tuberculosis positive point prevalence and pulmonary tuberculosis negative point prevalence on X-ray screening have declined steadily, beginning in 1981 and continuing to 1998 by region (city, county, district). Although the tuberculosis mortality rate steadily shows a declining trend by year and region, but Korea still ranks first among 29 OECD countries in 1998, with a tuberculosis mortality rate of 7.1 per 100,000 persons, according to the time-series analysis for fatal diseases. Conclusion : The results of the study will form the fundamental basis of future regional health care planning and the Korean Tuberculosis Surveillance System on 2000. Since the implementation of local autonomy through the Local Health Act of 1995, it has now become vita1 for each city, county, district public health centers to determine its own priorities for relevant health care management, including budget allocation and program goals.
Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
The urban is possessing of various landuses such as commercial, industrial, residential and official areas. All of these landuses is including the paved areas that are roads and parking lots. The NPS (nonpoint sources) pollutants are generally originated from pavement areas in urban by human activities. Especially the roads are stormwater intensive landuses because of high vehicle activities and high imperviousness. The main NPS pollutants from roads are particulates and metals from vehicles and pavements. The Korea MOE (Ministry of Environment) is developing the NPS control program to reduce the NPS pollutants from the basins. However, it is not easy to control the NPS because it has high uncertainty by characteristics of rainfalls and watersheds. Therefore, this research was conducted on characterizing the runoff and providing mean EMC from roads. The monitoring were performed for total 16 rainfall events from a road in Youngin City since 2006. The results show that the TSS is highly correlated with other pollutant parameters. The statistical regression models using TSS EMC have been developed to easily determine the EMC of other pollutant parameters.
Many tourists in the world are expected to visit Mongolia that has impression such as country of nature with no damage, broad prairie of Mongolia, unique world natural heritage of 13th century designated by UNESCO, and nomad's life in self-sufficiency. Mongol tourism industry, which has been newly recognized since collapse in the socialism system in 1990, is abundant in historical and cultural resources In tourism. Nevertheless, a research is insufficient on tourism business, developmental sphere in tourism industry, tourism policy and tourism resource development. Accordingly, it is important to conduct tourism promotional survey and implementation of new ideas to develop and to attach more foreign tourists to Mongolia. The purpose of this study is to grasp factors to gain an interest of foreign tourists to select Mongolia as a destination. The aim was also to confirm differences in awareness and performance before and after a visit for foreign tourists to select a trip to Mongolia. Also, the level of factors is compared between expectation before the trip to Mongolia, and the actual satisfaction in tourists through IP analysis(IPA). Finally, to study the present situation of Mongolian tourism to improve its present situation by taking immediate concrete decision for the betterment of Mongolian tourism industry. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the exploratory factors analysis, reliability test, and One-way ANOVA were carried out by using SPSS 12.0 statistical program.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
This study adopted two instruments, i.e. Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14: index of patient's subjective oral health impact) and Todai Health Index (THI: index of patient's subjective systemic health) The Purpose of this study was to determine potential effects of oral health upon systemic health and quality of life (QOL) and provide required basic reference data for developing oral diseases prevention program and public oral health improvement As a result, it may contribute to improving health and quality of life in local community. Analysis on OHIP for subjective oral health conditions revealed that there were significant differences among all categories of self-aware oral health conditions on statistic basis and good oral health group showed significantly higher total OHIP points (4.33) than any other group. Analysis on THI for subjective oral health conditions showed that there were significant differences among all categories of self-aware oral health conditions on statistical basis and very good oral health group got higher total THI points (3.83) than any other group. Analysis on QOL for subjective oral health conditions suggested that there were significant differences among all categories of self-aware oral health conditions but social category and good oral health group got highest total QOL points (3.39) of all groups.
The purpose of this study was to perform the fetal education effectively for the delivered woman and her husband. This study was conducted by the questionnaire survey on 199 delivered women and their 171 husbands at several hospitals located in Seoul and Kyonggi Province from February 28 to March 26, 2002. The contents of questionnaire included the purposes, the cognition and the practice of fetal education. The SAS program was used for the statistical analysis of the data. The character of subject was analyzed by the percentage. The difference between the cognition and practice of fetal education was analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Wilcoxon rank sum test. The factor analysis affected on the practice of fetal education was adopted by Multiple regression. The results were as follows; 1. In the purpose of fetal education, the well- balanced emotion showed the highest mark. The cognition of fetal education(woman:4.39±0.52, husband:3.88±0.70) and the practice (woman:3.88±0.60, husband:3.83±0.70) showed the relatively high mark, but the score of cognition showed higher than that of practice. 2. In the comparison of the cognition between the delivered woman and the husband for the fetal education the item of the mental or health state would affect unborn baby, which occupied the highest mark in both woman and the husband(woman:4.81±0.44, husband:4.81±0.50). But they were prohibited to eat the deformed food, which showed the lowest mark(woman:3.19±1.12, husband:3.21±1.29). 3. In the comparison of the practice for the fetal education between the delivered woman and the husband, the practice for the healthy baby showed the highest mark in woman (4.51±0.71), which had a statistically significant difference(P=0.025), compared with that of the husband(4.13±0.99). 4. In the comparison of cognition and practice for the fetal education, the general character was associated with the duration of marriage, the satisfaction with marriage and the support of husband on pregnancy. The mark was associated with the age of woman, the level of education and the first birth. 5. The significant factors influencing on the practice for the fetal education were connected with the cognition of fetal education, age, satisfaction with marriage, the support of husband on pregnancy, the type of family, the experience of delivery and the state of health during the period of pregnancy. etc. In conclusion, it is indicated to make effort for transforming and developing the traditional fetal education in accordance with the modern fetal education. And it is suggested that the fetal education might be recognized by all members of family, and the importance of husband's role for the fetal education should be informed as well as that of woman's.
Little is known about sexual autonomy in the light of human sexual health or sexual behavior. The purpose of this study was to increase understanding of sexual autonomy by developing a scale to measure sexual autonomy in college students. The measure was based on the perspective of human beings as having autonomy. A methodological developmental design was used. The study was done in three steps and included concept development through content analysis of relevant literature individual interviews using open-ended questions with 19 college students, item analysis of data from self report questionnaires for item to total correlation, content validity index by professionals and college students, and factor analysis with principal component analysis. Three groups participated in testing the measurement scale; Group A in 1998, a nationwide convenience sample of college students (n=1,163), Group B, college students in 1999 (n=233), and Group C, college students in 2000 who responded to the measurement scale before and after a sex education program (n=216). A series of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to test validity. For analysis of the questionnaires, statistical methods including reliability (test-retest), item to total analysis, content validity, factor analysis for construct validity and t-test for mean difference according to gender, sexual coitus, previous sex education, and pre-post experiment sex education were used with SPSS 10.0. Results: 1. Two stable factors were extracted and these contributed 48.05% of the variance in the total score. All 13 items loaded above .40 on each factor. 2. Factor I with 10 items was named 'control' and factor II with 3 items and was named 'coping'. 3. Differences in sexual autonomy scores for college students according to their experience showed that there were significantly higher scores for sexual autonomy in the post sex education group(t=-10.841, p=.000), but there were no differences according to whether or not they had previous sex education. Female college students had higher sexual autonomy scores than male college students in A or B group (t=-5.933, p=.000/ t=-1.992, p=.048). 4. Cronbach's α was .8603 for the total 13 items with 1,632 college students, .8739 with 232 students, .8333∼.7647 with pre-post sex education with 216 students. This measurement was found to have a high validity and reliability for measuring sexual autonomy in college students. Therefore, the author recommends that it be used to measure the effects of sex education. It is suggested that further study is needed to analyze the relationship between sexual autonomy and sexual behavior.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
The purpose of this study was to examine violence response, burnout, and job satisfaction according to violent episodes of emergency room workers. Methods : This Study was a descriptive survey design using convenience sampling. This study was exempt from needing an IRB approval. There were 167 emergency room workers, who agreed to participate in this study, and took a self-report questionnaire between July and August 2015. SPSS 21.0 version was used for descriptive analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1) 84.4% of participant experienced violent episodes. The frequency of verbal violence was highest. Violent attackers were patients and guardians with drunken state. The time of violence episodes was usually during the night. Violent experience of doctors and nurses was very high. 2) There were significant differences in the emotional response according to violent episodes (t=2.528, p=0.12) 3) The correlation between \response and burnout was statistically significant, and indicates a high positive correlation (r=.616, p=<.001). The correlation between violence response and job satisfaction was statistically significant, indicating a negative correlation (r=-.512, p=<.001). There was a negative correlation between burnout and job satisfaction with statistical significance (r=-.568, p=<.001). 4) Significant factors influencing job satisfaction were emotional response to violence and burnout. Conclusion: The findings of this study provide basic information for the strategies of preventing violence, decreasing burnout, and improving job satisfaction by developing a violence management program.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
This study was performed to provide data for developing a more effective and practical pilates exercise program for young women. To meet this purpose, 20 young women were assigned to both groups. The experiment was conducted according to the experimental procedure. Ten subjects in the pilates exercise group performed exercise for 60 minutes everyday at a frequency of 3 days per week for 8 weeks. The subjects in both groups were measured for their physical composition, isokinetic muscular strength in legs, and body balance before and after the experiment. After 8 weeks, the pilates exercise group's body composition showed significantly increased muscular amount (p <.01). There was a statistical increase in knee joint muscle function. For the right knee joint and left knee joint, right knee joint extensor muscle's maximum muscular strength and total work significantly increased under conditions of 60∘/sec (p<.05). Under conditions of 180∘/sec, there were statistically significant increases in left knee joint flexor muscle's maximum muscular strength (p<.05). For balance, balance of both legs and right leg showed statistically increases (p<.05).
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④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.