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Statistics of Poison Exposure in Korea (국내중독현황)

  • Hwang Jung-Yun;Ko Jae-Ook
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2003
  • Objective: This study was conducted for the nationwide statistical survey of poison exposure to provide the rationale for establishing and developing the poison control center (PCC) in Korea. Design: Study group for Korea PCC in National Medical Center reviewed the medical literature on poison exposure of Korea from death reports of National Statistical Office (NSO), the toxic exposure statistics from the report of National Health Insurance Corporation (NHIC), and poison related data from 119 ambulance services (FD) for the purpose of obtaining the poison and its related data. We also conducted questionnaire from the expert who work in emergency medicine department at the designated 320 emergency medical centers in Korea for the preparedness and acknowledgement about necessity of PCC and their need for that. Results: We reviewed the reliable data from the death report of NSO, poison exposure data from NHIC, and running report from FD. Poisoning death occured at home (36.7%) and hospital (46.3%). Poisoning are more common in rural area than the city area. Patients were seen more frequently in the local clinics than in any hospital. The drugs (45.7%) and pesticide (18.1%) are common poison. Common place to poison exposure were residential area (39.9%), industry (9%). mass residential area (7%). and farm (6%). The education level were primary school (33.2%), high school (23.7%), and middle schol (21.3%) in order. We have to provide the poison guideline for lay public to understand easily, and for medical experts. The medical facilities need to be invested and have more interest for toxicology. All medical staff who work in the designated emergency medical center want PCC to establish. They want to have poison information from hospital (91.3%), regional poison information center (45.0%), regional poison control center (52.5%), nationwide poison information center (48.8%), nationwide poison control center (46.25%), as a role of poison control center. They also want that pcc have poison epidemiologic study and statstics, training program for the experts, registration of rare case of posion on website, reflection of policies to activities for antidote production etc., speedy consultation system for poison analysis, public education, establishment of both regional and national pee, etc. Conclusion: Poison center must be established to provide poison information for all the public and medical experitise, focusing rural area and private clinic, to detoxify, to reduce the cost, time, morbity, and mortality through the whole country.

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Image Analysis Using Digital Radiographic Lumbar Spine of Patients with Osteoporosis (골다공증 환자의 Digital 방사선 요추 Image를 이용한 영상분석)

  • Park, Hyong-Hu;Lee, Jin-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to propose an accurate diagnostic method for osteoporosis by realizing a computer-aided diagnosis system with the application of the statistical analysis of texture features using digital images of lateral lumbar spine of patients with osteoporosis and providing reliable supplementary diagnostic information by model experimental research for early diagnosis of diseases. For these purposes, digital images of lateral lumbar spine of normal individuals and patients with osteoporosis were used in the experiments, and the values of statistical texture features on the set ROI were expressed in six parameters. Among the texture feature values of the six parameters of osteoporosis, the highest and lowest recognition rates of 95 and 80% were shown in average gray level and uniformity, respectively. Moreover, all the six parameters showed recognition rates of over 80% for osteoporosis: 82.5% in average contrast, 90% in smoothness, 87.5% in skewness, and 87.5% in entropy. Therefore, if a program developing into a computer-aided diagnosis system for medical images is coded based on the results of this study, it is considered possible to be applied to preliminary diagnostic data for automatic detection of lesions and disease diagnosis using medical images, to provide information for definite diagnosis of diseases, to diagnose by limited device, and to be used to shorten the time to analyze medical images.

A Study about Developing Care Delivery System of Providing Efficient Patient Care (효율적인 환자간호를 위한 간호전달체계 모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, J.J;Hwang, K.J.;Kim, S.H.;Rhee, K.S.;Lee, J.S.;Kim, I.Y.;Cho, Y.H.
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a nursing care delivery system which can provide patient focused care and increase satisfaction for both patients and nurses. This study was a quasi-experimental study to test the effectiveness of direct / indirect nursing care hours, patient satisfaction, nurse's job satisfaction, and the difference of the length of stay between model and control group. Control group data were collected from 100 patients who had lumbar disease in the neuro-surgical unit and model group data were from 66 patients who didn't have family residents from August 21, 1995 to February 29, 1996. Model unit was operated by modified PPM(Professional Practical Model) system for 3 months from December 1, 1995 to February 29, 1996. Working committee empowered nurses to make a decision to provide increased opportunities for autonomy, accountability, and control over the environment in which they deliver care. Satisfaction survey was done twice and analyzed by the SPSS program. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Mean direct nursing care hours of the model group was 90.47 minutes as it was 28.04 in the control group which shows significant statistical difference (t=-18.0, P=0.000). 2. Patient satisfaction to nursing care of in the model group was significantly higher than the control group (t=-6. 77, P=0.000) and it apples to the all subcategories, too. 3. Nurse's job satisfaction shows the significant increase in the model group than the control group(Z=-3.0405, p=0.0024). 4. There was no statistical difference between 2 groups in average length of stay except for the post-op patient which shows 5.4 days less in the model group. This study shows that patient satisfaction and nurse's job satisfaction were increased and length of stay was decreased in the model group. Even though this new developed Patient - Nurse Oriented Model can provide nursing with the opportunity to improve patient care to increase productivity and highly valued, it is very difficult to practice due to the limited nursing resources, higher acuity levels and nursing care cost. It is strongly recommended that the government needs to look at the unreasonable reimbursement system and recognize the nursing care costs to the high acuity level patients. Otherwise, make the patient responsible for the nursing care cost so that we can provide more efficient and patient focused care.

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Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of the Elderly under Visiting Health Care (방문건강관리사업 대상 노인의 구강건강 관련 삶의 질과 관련 요인)

  • Lee, Keun-Yoo;Cho, Young-Sik;Lim, Soon-Ryun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the oral health status of elderly under visiting health care and their oral health-related quality of life. The subjects were 300 elderly under visiting health care program over 65 years old in Asan city and they were interviewed. The result showed that average Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) score was 37.36 and the lowest scored question was 'never satisfied with the oral condition'. In GOHAI related to oral health behaviors, unmet dental treatment experience was statistically significant (p<0.001). In overall GOHAI, number of remaining teeth (p<0.001) and the age had statistical significance and men had higher score in pain and discomfort (p<0.05), under age of 74 limited function factors score was high (p<0.01). The number of remaining teeth had statistical significances in most factors except pain and discomfort (p<0.001). The factors affecting GOHAI were age (p<0.05), number of remaining teeth (p<0.001) and perceived health state (p<0.001). In order to improve oral health-related quality of life of elderly receiving visiting oral health care services, it is necessary to increase denture support by securing budgets and developing oral health promotion programs at the local government level.

A Study on the Oral Health and Status in Diabetic Patients - Based on Data of 2006 National Oral Health Survey - (일부 당뇨병환자의 구강건강 및 관련실태 - 2006국민구강실태조사 자료를 바탕으로 -)

  • Jung, Mee-Hee;Gwon, Mi-Young;Kim, Yoon-Shin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.571-577
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    • 2009
  • This research basically work on oral health condition of the diabetes patients with data from 2006 National oral Health Survey. Based on this data, this research will provide basic materials about developing program with necessity of Recognition and education of the oral health condition. Analysis with using SPSSWIN 12.0 makes some results on the below. First, Existence and nonexistence based on age division shows result that over 70 years old gets 39.8%, which is highest percentage(p<0.05). Second, In existence and nonexistence based on sex distinction and age division, Women gets higher percentage (60.8%) than percentage of the men (39.2%). Third. Both diabetes patient and control group answered 'unhealthy' about subjective recognition of the oral health condition. Forth, percentage of caries on permanent tooth 12 92.0% for diabetes patient (p<0.05). Fifth, Answer about periodontal structure of diabetes patient is 88.9% of blooding periodontal structure(p<0.05). Sixth, Result of the demand of caries and periodontal structure treatment from diabetes patients show that diabetes patient does not feel necessity about treatment although they gets hardship of chewing. Also, it does not show any statistical difference. Seventh, Results of the oral health practice based on demographic characteristics are eating snack(highest answer). Latest visiting dental hospital before 1 year ago, or long before this. Frequencies of brushing tooth are less than 3 times. Also, il does not show any statistical difference.

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The study on the maternal burden of caretaking, the support and educational need for the caretaking activities of the infants′ mother (영아어머니의 자녀돌봄의 부담감과 지지, 교육 및 상담요구에 관한 조사연구)

  • Han Kyung Ja
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.228-240
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    • 1997
  • It is important to asess the risk factors of parenting and provide early intervention for promotion of the maternal caretaking ability. The purpose of the study was to identify the maternal burden of caretaking, the supporting and the educational need for the caretaking activities of the mother of infant. Sixty three mothers of infants who visited the wellbaby clinic of S university hospital and one health center during the period of November 1st, to 30th in 1996 comprised the subjects of this study, Data were gathered through the instruments that were developed by researcher. Statistical analysis of this study was used ANOVA and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows : 1) The mean score of the maternal burden of caretaking was 22.06. The maternal burden of caretaking was significantly high in the mothers who had vaginal delivery compare with the mothers who had caeserean section and in the muthers who gave artificial feeding compare with the group of breast or mixed feeding. 2) The mean score of the support need for the caretaking activities was 30.69. The support need for the caretaking activities was significantly high in the mothers who had the second child, compare with the mothers who had first or third child. And the support need for the caretaking activities was significantly high in the mothers who had caretaking help compare with the mothers who had no caretaking help. The specific subjects of 'mother-infant interaction', 'immunization' and 'prevention of accident' on the support need for the caretaking activities were relatively high. 3) The mean score of the educational need of caretaking activities was 29.3. The educational need of caretaking activities was significantly high in the mother who had the second child compare with the mothers who had first or third child. And the educational need of caretaking activities was significantly high in the mothers who had caretaking help compare with the mothers who had no caretaking help. The specific subjects of 'mother-infant interaction', 'emergency care' and 'prevention of accident' on educational need of caretaking were relatively high. 4) The maternal burden of caretaking was not correlated with the support need or the educational need of caretaking activities. But the support need of caretaking activities was significantly correlated with the educational need of caretaking activities. 5) The support and educational need of caretaking activities were significantly high in the mothers who wanted home care for caretaking their infants. Through the study, it was found that there is considerable maternal burden of caretaking as well as the support and educational need on the caretaking activities in the mothers whose child is young. Therefore developing the systematic and effective program is needed to meet the mother's need. The results of this study will be useful resources to develop the program. On the other hand, it can be recommanded that home health care will be one of the approach to support the mothers caretaking activities.

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Preliminary test estimation method accounting for error variance structure in nonlinear regression models (비선형 회귀모형에서 오차의 분산에 따른 예비검정 추정방법)

  • Yu, Hyewon;Lim, Changwon
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.595-611
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    • 2016
  • We use nonlinear regression models (such as the Hill Model) when we analyze data in toxicology and/or pharmacology. In nonlinear regression models an estimator of parameters and estimation of measurement about uncertainty of the estimator are influenced by the variance structure of the error. Thus, estimation methods should be different depending on whether the data are homoscedastic or heteroscedastic. However, we do not know the variance structure of the error until we actually analyze the data. Therefore, developing estimation methods robust to the variance structure of the error is an important problem. In this paper we propose a method to estimate parameters in nonlinear regression models based on a preliminary test. We define an estimator which uses either the ordinary least square estimation method or the iterative weighted least square estimation method according to the results of a simple preliminary test for the equality of the error variance. The performance of the proposed estimator is compared to those of existing estimators by simulation studies. We also compare estimation methods using real data obtained from the National Toxicology program of the United States.

Brain Activation in Generating Hypothesis about Biological Phenomena and the Processing of Mental Arithmetic: An fMRI Study (생명 현상에 대한 과학적 가설 생성과 수리 연산에서 나타나는 두뇌 활성: fMRI 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Ju;Shin, Dong-Hoon;Lee, Jun-Ki;Yang, Il-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate brain activity both during the processing of a scientific hypothesis about biological phenomena and mental arithmetic using 3.0T fMRI at the KAIST. For this study, 16 healthy male subjects participated voluntarily. Each subject's functional brain images by performing a scientific hypothesis task and a mental arithmetic task for 684 seconds were measured. After the fMRI measuring, verbal reports were collected to ensure the reliability of brain image data. This data, which were found to be adequate based on the results of analyzing verbal reports, were all included in the statistical analysis. When the data were statistically analyzed using SPM2 software, the scientific hypothesis generating process was found to have independent brain network different from the mental arithmetic process. In the scientific hypothesis process, we can infer that there is the process of encoding semantic derived from the fusiform gyrus through question-situation analysis in the pre-frontal lobe. In the mental arithmetic process, the area combining pre-frontal and parietal lobes plays an important role, and the parietal lobe is considered to be involved in skillfulness. In addition, the scientific hypothesis process was found to be accompanied by scientific emotion. These results enabled the examination of the scientific hypothesis process from the cognitive neuroscience perspective, and may be used as basic materials for developing a learning program for scientific hypothesis generation. In addition, this program can be proposed as a model of scientific brain-based learning.

Effects of Leisure Time-Use and Occupational Performance according to the Participation of a Rehabilitation Sports Program for Intellectual Disabilities Residing in a Residential Care Facility (시설 거주 지적장애인들의 재활체육 프로그램 참여에 따른 여가시간 사용과 여가활동 수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Son, Sung-Min;Lee, Kyeong-Lark;Jeon, Byoung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2016
  • Objective : The purpose of study is to provide basic information about the effects of leisure time use and leisure activity performance for intellectual disabilities residing in a residential care facility by participating a regular rehabilitation sports program. Methods : Participants were recruited 8 individual with intellectual disability in a residential care facility in Yong-in city and the study period lasted 12 weeks, from september 1 to November 30 in 2015. As a program, participants participated a muscle strengthening exercise using a Gym-ball and a elastic band. In order to analyze leisure time-use, time questionnaire was used every month to analyze total time and exercise frequency. Also, analyze the effects of leisure activity performance, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure(COPM) was used to performance and satisfaction of dynamic leisure activity. Collected data was encoded by item and analyzed with SPSS ver18.0. Descriptive statistics were used for the participants' general information. A non-parametric test (the Friedman test) was used to analyze leisure time-use. A non-parametric test (the Wilcoxon's signed ranked test) was used to analyze to the effects of leisure activity performance. Statistical significance was accepted outside the 95% confidence interval. Results : The results of the total time and the exercise frequency showed significant increase. Also, the results of the performance and the satisfaction showed significant increase. Conclusion : Thus, the participation of the rehabilitation sports program is a vital element to lead to change leisure time use and leisure activity performance for intellectual disabilities residing in a residential care facility. Also, through the providing and the developing a regular rehabilitation sports program systematically, intellectual disabilities residing in a residential care facility have a higher quality of life and satisfaction of the daily routine and life in a residential care facility.

The Marketing Effect of Loyalty Program on Relational Market Behavior : Focusing in Franchise Membership Fitness Club (로열티 프로그램이 고객 참여와 소비자-브랜드 관계에 기초한 관계형 시장 행동에 미치는 영향 : 프랜차이즈 회원제 휘트니스클럽을 대상으로)

  • Yoon, Kyung-Goo;Shin, Geon-Cheol
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2012
  • I. Introduction : The purpose of this study is to test empirically hypothetical causality among constructs used in previous studies to build the model of relational market behavior on customers' participation and consumer-brand relationship after introducing theories of relationship marketing, loyalty program, consumer-brand relationship, customers' participation in service marketing as previous studies with regard to relational market behavior, which Bagozzi(1995) and Peterson(1995) commented on constructs and definition suggested by Sheth and Parvatiyar (1995). For this purpose, loyalty program by the service provider, customers' participation and consumer-brand relationship as preceding variables explain relational market behavior defined by Sheth and Parvatiyar(1995). This study proposes that loyalty program as a tool of relationship marketing will be effective in that consumers' participation in marketing relationship results in a narrow range of choice(Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995) because consumers think that their participation motive result in benefits(Peterson, 1995). Also, it is proposed that the quality of consumer-brand relationship explain the performance of relationship as well as the intermediary effect because the loyalty program could be evaluated based on relationship with customers. We reviewed the variables with regard to performance of relationship based on relation maintain in marketing literature, and then tested our hypotheses related to several performance variables including loyalty and intention of relation maintain based on the previous studies and constructs(Bendapudi and Berry, 1997 ; Bettencourt, 1997 ; Palmatier, Dant, Grewal and Evans, 2006 ; You Jae Yi and Soo Jin Lee, 2006). II. Study Model : Analyses about hypothetical causality were proceeded. The marketing effect of loyalty program on relational market behavior was empirically tested in study regarding a service provider. The research model in according to the path hypotheses (loyalty program customers' participation consumer-brand relationship relational market behavior and loyalty program consumer-brand relationship, and loyalty program relational market behavior and customers' participation consumer-brand relationship, and customers' participation relational market behavior) proceeded as an activity for customer relation management was suggested. The main purpose of study is to see if relational market behavior could be brought as a result of developing relationship between consumers and a corporate into being stronger and more valuable when a corporate or a service provider try aggressively to build the relationship with customers (Bettencourt, 1997; Palmatier, Dant, Grewal and Evans, 2006; Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995). III. Conclusion : The results of research into the membership fitness club, one of service areas with high level of customer participation (Bitner, Faranda, Hubbert and Zeithaml, 1997; Chase, 1978; Kelley, Donnelly, Jr. and Skinner, 1990) are as follows: First, causalities in according to path hypotheses were tested, after the preceding variables affecting relational market behavior and conceptual frame were suggested. In study, all hypotheses were supported as expected. This result confirms the proposition suggested by Sheth and Parvatiyar(1995), who claimed that intention of consumer and corporate to participate in marketing relationship brings high level of marketing productivity. Also, as a corporate or a service provider try aggressively to build relationship with customers, the relationship between consumers and a corporate can be developed into stronger and more valuable one (Bettencourt, 1997; Palmatier, Dant, Grewal and Evans, 2006). This finding supports the logic of relationship marketing. Second, because the question regarding the path hypothesis of consumer-brand relationship relational market behavior are still at issue, the further analyses were conducted. In particular, there existed the mediating effects of consumer-brand relationship toward relational market behavior. Also, multiple regressions were conducted to see if which one strongly influences relational market behavior among specific question items with regard to consumer-brand relationship. As a result, the influence between items composing consumer-brand relationship and ones composing relational market behavior was different. Among items composing consumer-brand relationship, intimacy was an influence of sustaining relationship, word of mouth, and recommendation, intimacy and interdependence were influences of loyalty, intimacy and self-connection were influences of tolerance and advice. Notably, commitment among items measuring consumer-brand relationship had the negative influence with relational market behavior. This means that bringing relational market behavior is not consumer-brand relationship without personal commitment, but effort to build customer relationship like intimacy, interdependence, and self-connection. This finding confirms the results of Breivik and Thorbjornsen(2008). They reported that six variables composing the quality of consumer-brand relationship have higher explanation in regression model directly affecting performance of consumer-brand relationship. As a result of empirical analysis, among the constructs with regard to consumer-brand relationship, intimacy(B=0.512), interdependence(B=0.196), and quality of partner(B=0.153) had the effects on relation maintain. On the contrary, self-connection, love and passion, and commitment had little effect and did not show the statistical significance(p<0.05). On the other hand, intimacy(B=0.668) and interdependence(B=0.181) had the high regression estimates on word of mouth and recommendation. Regarding the effect on loyalty, explanation level of the model was high(R2=0.515), intimacy(0.538), interdependence(0.223), and quality of partner(0.177) showed the statistical significance(p<0.05). Furthermore, intimacy(0.441) had the strong effect as well as self-connection(0.201) and interdependence (0.163) had the effect on tolerance and forgive. And these three variables showed effects even on advice and suggestion, intimacy(0.373), self-connection(0.270), interdependence (0.155) respectively. Third, in study with regard to the positive effect(loyalty program customers' participation, loyalty program consumer-brand relationship, loyalty program relational market behavior, customers' participation consumer-brand relationship, customers' participation relational market behavior, consumer-brand relationship relational market behavior), the path hypothesis of customers' participation consumer-brand relationship, was supported. The fact that path hypothesis of customers' participation consumer-brand relationship was supported confirms assertion by Bitner(1995), Fournier(1994), Sheth and Parvatiyar(1995) about consumer relationship to participate in marketing relationship.

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