• Title/Summary/Keyword: Static and Dynamic Analysis

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Preliminary Study on Linear Dynamic Response Topology Optimization Using Equivalent Static Loads (등가정하중을 사용한 선형 동적반응 위상최적설계 기초연구)

  • Jang, Hwan-Hak;Lee, Hyun-Ah;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.1401-1409
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    • 2009
  • All the forces in the real world act dynamically on structures. Design and analysis should be performed based on the dynamic loads for the safety of structures. Dynamic (transient or vibrational) responses have many peaks in the time domain. Topology optimization, which gives an excellent conceptual design, mainly has been performed with static loads. In topology optimization, the number of design variables is quite large and considering the peaks is fairly costly. Topology optimization in the frequency domain has been performed to consider the dynamic effects; however, it is not sufficient to fully include the dynamic characteristics. In this research, linear dynamic response topology optimization is performed in the time domain. First, the necessity of topology optimization to directly consider the dynamic loads is verified by identifying the relationship between the natural frequency of a structure and the excitation frequency. When the natural frequency of a structure is low, the dynamic characteristics (inertia effect) should be considered. The equivalent static loads (ESLs) method is proposed for linear dynamic response topology optimization. ESLs are made to generate the same response field as that from dynamic loads at each time step of dynamic response analysis. The method was originally developed for size and shape optimizations. The original method is expanded to topology optimization under dynamic loads. At each time step of dynamic analysis, ESLs are calculated and ESLs are used as the external loads in static response topology optimization. The results of topology optimization are used to update the design variables (density of finite elements) and the updated design variables are used in dynamic analysis in a cyclic manner until the convergence criteria are satisfied. The updating rules and convergence criteria in the ESLs method are newly proposed for linear dynamic response topology optimization. The proposed updating rules are the artificial material method and the element elimination method. The artificial material method updates the material property for dynamic analysis at the next cycle using the results of topology optimization. The element elimination method is proposed to remove the element which has low density when static topology optimization is finished. These proposed methods are applied to some examples. The results are discussed in comparison with conventional linear static response topology optimization.

Fast Dynamic Reliability Estimation Approach of Seismically Excited SDOF Structure (지진하중을 받는 단자유도 구조물의 신속한 동적 신뢰성 추정 방법)

  • Lee, Do-Geun;Ok, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2020
  • This study proposes a fast estimation method of dynamic reliability indices or failure probability for SDOF structure subjected to earthquake excitations. The proposed estimation method attempts to derive coefficient function for correcting dynamic effects from static reliability analysis in order to estimate the dynamic reliability analysis results. For this purpose, a total of 60 cases of structures with various characteristics of natural frequency and damping ratio under various allowable limits were taken into account, and various types of approximation coefficient functions were considered as potential candidate models for dynamic effect correction. Each reliability index was computed by directly performing static and dynamic reliability analyses for the given 60 cases, and nonlinear curve fittings for potential candidate models were performed from the computed reliability index data. Then, the optimal estimation model was determined by evaluating the accuracy of the dynamic reliability analysis results estimated from each candidate model. Additional static and dynamic reliability analyses were performed for new models with different characteristics of natural frequency, damping ratio and allowable limit. From these results, the accuracy and numerical efficiency of the optimal estimation model were compared with the dynamic reliability analysis results. As a result, it was confirmed that the proposed model can be a very efficient tool of the dynamic reliability estimation for seismically excited SDOF structure since it can provide very fast and accurate reliability analysis results.

Structural Shape Optimization under Static Loads Transformed from Dynamic Loads (동하중으로부터 변환된 등가정하중을 통한 구조물의 형상최적설계)

  • Park, Ki-Jong;Lee, Jong-Nam;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.1262-1269
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    • 2003
  • In structural optimization, static loads are generally utilized although real external forces are dynamic. Dynamic loads have been considered in only small-scale problems. Recently, an algorithm for dynamic response optimization using transformation of dynamic loads into equivalent static loads has been proposed. The transformation is conducted to match the displacement fields from dynamic and static analyses. The algorithm can be applied to large-scale problems. However, the application has been limited to size optimization. The present study applies the algorithm to shape optimization. Because the number of degrees of freedom of finite element models is usually very large in shape optimization, it is difficult to conduct dynamic response optimization with the conventional methods that directly threat dynamic response in the time domain. The optimization process is carried out via interfacing an optimization system and an analysis system for structural dynamics. Various examples are solved to verify the algorithm. The results are compared to the results from static loads. It is found that the algorithm using static loads transformed from dynamic loads based on displacement is valid even for very large-scale problems such as shape optimization.

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Structural Shape Optimization under Static Loads Transformed from Dynamic Loads (동하중으로부터 변환된 등가정하중을 통한 구조물의 형상최적설계)

  • Park, Ki-Jong;Lee, Jong-Nam;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.27 no.8
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    • pp.1363-1370
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    • 2003
  • In structural optimization, static loads are generally utilized although real external forces are dynamic. Dynamic loads have been considered in only small-scale problems. Recently, an algorithm for dynamic response optimization using transformation of dynamic loads into equivalent static loads has been proposed. The transformation is conducted to match the displacement fields from dynamic and static analyses. The algorithm can be applied to large-scale problems. However, the application has been limited to size optimization. The present study applies the algorithm to shape optimization. Because the number of degrees of freedom of finite element models is usually very large in shape optimization, it is difficult to conduct dynamic response optimization with the conventional methods that directly threat dynamic response in the time domain. The optimization process is carried out via interfacing an optimization system and an analysis system for structural dynamics. Various examples are solved to verify the algorithm. The results are compared to the results from static loads. It is found that the algorithm using static loads transformed from dynamic loads based on displacement is valid even for very large-scale problems such as shape optimization.

Evaluation of Dorim-Goh bridge using ambient trucks through short-period structural health monitoring system

  • Kaloop, Mosbeh R.;Hwang, Won Sup;Elbeltagi, Emad;Beshr, Ashraf;Hu, Jong Wan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.69 no.3
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    • pp.347-359
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    • 2019
  • This paper aims to evaluate the behavior of Dorim-Goh bridge in Seoul, Korea, under static and dynamic loads effects by ambient trucks. The prestressed concrete (PSC) girders and reinforcement concrete (RC) slab of the bridge are evaluated and assessed. A short period monitoring system is designed which comprises displacement, strain and accelerometer sensors to measure the bridge performance under static and dynamic trucks loads. The statistical analysis is used to assess the static behavior of the bridge and the wavelet analysis and probabilistic using Weibull distribution are used to evaluate the frequency and reliability of the dynamic behavior of the bridge. The results show that the bridge is safe under static and dynamic loading cases. In the static evaluation, the measured neutral axis position of the girders is deviated within 5% from its theoretical position. The dynamic amplification factor of the bridge girder and slab are lower than the design value of that factor. The Weibull shape parameters are decreased, it which means that the bridge performance decreases under dynamic loads effect. The bridge girder and slab's frequencies are higher than the design values and constant under different truck speeds.

Development of a Static and Dynamic Characteristics Analysis System for Machine -Tool Spindle Systems with 3 Lobe Sliding Bearings (3원호 미끄럼 베어링을 적용한 공작기계 주축계의 정적 및 동적 특성 해석시스템 개발)

  • 조재완
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2000
  • In this study, a static and dynamic characteristics analysis system for machine tool spindle systems with 3 lobe sliding bearing is developed based on Timoshenko theory, finite element method and windows programming techniques. And the characteristics value of 3 lobe sliding bearing such as eccentricity ratio, attitude angle, friction coefficient , stiffness coefficients, damping coefficients and so on, are determined by using the thermal equilibrium conditions of spindle systems. Since the developed system has various analysis modules related to static deformation analysis, modal analysis, frequency responses analysis and so on, it can be utilized to perform systematically the design an devaluation process of spindle systems with 3 lobe sliding bearing under windows GUI environment.

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Finite element analysis in static and dynamic behaviors of dental prosthesis

  • Djebbar, N.;Serier, B.;Bouiadjra, B. Bachir
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, implants have gained growing importance in all areas of medicine. The success of the treatment depends on many factors affecting the bone-implant, implant-abutment and abutment-prosthesis interfaces. In this paper, static and dynamic behaviors of the dental prosthesis are investigated. Three-dimensional finite element models of dental prosthesis were constructed. Dynamic loads in 5 sec applied on occlusal surface. Therefore, FEA was selected for use in this study to examine the effect of the static and dynamic loads on the stress distribution for an implant-supported fixed partial denture and supporting bone tissue.

Static and dynamic stability of cracked multi-storey steel frames

  • Sabuncu, Mustafa;Ozturk, Hasan;Yashar, Ahmed
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2016
  • Multi-storey frame structures are frequently exposed to static and dynamic forces. Therefore analyses of static (buckling) and dynamic stability come into prominence for these structures. In this study, the effects of number of storey, static and dynamic load parameters, crack depth and crack location on the in-plane static and dynamic stability of cracked multi-storey frame structures subjected to periodic loading have been investigated numerically by using the Finite Element Method. A crack element based on the Euler beam theory is developed by using the principles of fracture mechanics. The equation of motion for the cracked multi-storey frame subjected to periodic loading is achieved by Lagrange's equation. The results obtained from the stability analysis are presented in three dimensional graphs and tables.

A Parameter Study for Static and Dynamic Denting

  • Jung, Dong-Won;Worswick, M.J.
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.2009-2020
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    • 2004
  • A parametric study of the factors controlling static and dynamic denting, as well as local stiffness, has been made on simplified panels of different sizes, curvatures, thicknesses and strengths. Analyses have been performed using the finite element method to predict dent resistance and panel stiffness. A parametric approach is used with finite element models of simplified panels. Two sizes of panels with square plan dimensions and a wide range of curvatures are analysed for several combinations of material thickness and strength, all representative of auto-motive closure panels. Analysis was performed using the implicit finite element code, LS-NIKE, and the explicit dynamic code, LS-DYNA for the static and dynamic cases, respectively. Panel dent resistance and stiffness behaviour are shown to be complex phenomena and strongly interrelated. Factors favouring improved dent resistance include increased yield strength and panel thickness. Panel stiffness also increases with thickness and with higher curvatures but decreases with size and very low curvatures. Conditions for best dynamic and static dent performance are shown to be inherently in conflict ; that is, panels with low stiffness tend to perform well under impact loading but demonstrate inferior static dent performance. Stiffer panels are prone to larger dynamic dents due to higher contact forces but exhibit good static performance through increased resistance to oil canning.

Linear Analysis and Non-linear Analysis with Co-Rotational Formulation for a Cantilevered Beam under Static/Dynamic Tip Loads (정적 및 동적 하중을 받는 외팔보 거동에 관한 선형 및 CR 정식화 비선형 예측의 비교)

  • Ko, Jeong-Woo;Bin, Young-Bin;Eun, Won-Jong;Shin, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the behaviour of a cantilevered beam was predicted to examine the difference between linear and non-linear static, dynamic analysis for a structure by using CR nonlinear formulation. Then, external transverse static and dynamic loads were applied at the free tip of the beam. Classical theories were used for the present linear analysis and co-rotational dynamic FEM program was used for the present nonlinear analysis. In the static analysis, effects of the load for the beam deflection were observed in both linear and nonlinear analysis. Then, normalized displacement at the tip of the beam was predicted for different frequency ratio and a significant difference was obtained in the vicinity of the resonant frequency. In addition, effects of frequency and time for the beam deflection were investigated to find the frequency delay.