• Title/Summary/Keyword: Springback Simulation

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Development of Automobile One-piece Lower-Arm Part by Thermo-Mechanical Coupled Analysis (열-소성 연계 해석을 이용한 자동차 로어암 부품 개발)

  • Son, H.S.;Kim, H.G.;Choi, B.K.;Cho, Y.R.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.218-221
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    • 2008
  • Hot Press Forming (HPF), an advanced sheet forming method in which a high strength part can be produced by forming at high temperature and rapid cooling in dies, is one of the most successful forming process in producing components with complex geometric shape, high strength and a minimum of springback. In order to obtain effectively and accurately numerical finite element simulations of the actual HPF process, the flow stress of a boron steel in the austenitic state at elevated temperatures has been investigated with Gleeble system. To evaluate the formability of the thermo- mechanical material characteristics in the HPF process, the FLDo defined at the lowest point in the forming limit diagrams of a boron steel has been investigated. In addition, the simulation results of thermo-mechanical coupled analysis of an automobile one-piece lower-arm part are compared with the experimental ones to confirm the validity of the proposed simulations.

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Optimization of Conditions of Forming Quality for Hot-press-formed Lower Control Arm Using Finite Element Analysis (유한요소해석을 이용한 열간프레스성형 적용 로어 컨트롤 암의 성형품질 조건 최적화)

  • Son, Hyun-Sung;Choi, Byung-Keun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2011
  • Hot-Press-Forming (HPF), an advanced sheet metal forming method using stamping at a high temperature of about $900^{\circ}C$ and quenching in an internally cooled die set, is one of the most successful forming process in producing crash-resistant parts such as pillars and bumpers with complex shape, ultrahigh strength, and minimum springback. To optimize conditions of a forming quality in HPF process and secure a safe product without any failures, such as fractures and wrinkling, the simulations based on the coupled thermo-mechanical analysis for a hot-press-formed lower control arm are applied with Taguchi's orthogonal array experiment. Three factor variables - the friction coefficient, blank shape, and hole location for burring - are selected to be optimized. The most effective condition of a forming quality for a hot-press-formed lower control arm is suggested. The simulation results are confirmed with experimental ones.

Design and Production of Hybrid Type Center Plate for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (용융탄산염 연료전지용 하이브리드 타입 센터 플레이트의 설계 및 제작)

  • Lee, C.H.;Ryu, S.M.;Yang, D.Y.;Kang, D.W.;Chang, I.G.;Lee, T.W.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2011
  • Employing the TRIZ problem solving technique, a hybrid-type center plate for the molten carbonate fuel cell(MCFC) was developed for the purpose of improving gas sealing and maintenance. The manufacturing method of the hybrid-type center plate was divided into a trimming operation and a two-step bending process. In the latter, a modified punch shape was used to reduce springback. Using finite element(FE) simulations, bending stresses in the thickness and the in-plane directions were computed and the bending conditions were optimized. The optimized results of the two-step bending process were used as a basis for the design of the trimming process of the hybrid-type center plate. Finally, the external manifold-type center plate and the hybrid-type center plate were fabricated using a die set that accounts for the optimized conditions. It was found that the numerical simulation results were in good agreement with the experiments.

A Parametric Study of the Hemming Process by Finite Element Analysis (유한요소해석에 의한 헤밍 공정 변수연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jong;Choi, Won-Mog;Lim, Jae-Kyu;Park, Chun-Dal;Lee, Woo-Hong;Kim, Heon-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2004
  • Implicit finite element analysis of the flat surface-straight edge hemming process is performed by using a commercial code ABAQUS/Standard. Methods of finite element modeling for springback simulation and contact pair definition are discussed. An optimal mesh system is chosen through the error analysis that is based on the smoothing of discontinuity in the state variables. This study has focused on the investigation of the influence of process parameters in flanging, pre-hemming and main hemming on final hem quality, which can be defined by turn-down, warp and roll-in. The parameters adopted in this parametric study are flange length, flange angle, flanging die corner radius, face angle and insertion angle of pre-hemming punch, and over-stroke of pre-hemming and main hemming punches.

Hydro-forming Process Control and Design Concept of Automotive Rear Sub-frame Components Through Cross Sectional Analysis (단면 분석을 통한 자동차용 리어 서브-프레임 하이드로포밍 부품의 공정 제어 및 설계)

  • Kim, Kee Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2018
  • Hydro-forming technology has spread dramatically throughout automotive industry over the last 20 years. This technology has many advantages for automotive applications in terms of better structural integrity of the parts, lower cost from fewer parts, material savings, weight reduction, lower springback, improved strength, durability, and design flexibility. In this study, various simulation technologies were developed to investigate the formability of hydro-forming components. Through this technology, to establish the effective forming process for appropriate components design, the bending process, pre-forming process, die closing process, etc. were considered for good forming. This paper proposes the forming amount, section length (corresponding to the hydro-forming press capacity), and minimum curvature (curvature effect evaluation according to the hydro-forming pressure) among the considerations in the design of the hydro-forming part. In addition, a design method is proposed for hydro-forming molding by carrying out cross section analysis of a real sub-frame part for automobiles. The effects of pre-bending, axial feed, hydraulic pressure, press load, and friction among the hydro-forming process parameters were analyzed. Therefore, whether these processes are necessary factors for hydro-forming were examined.

Hydro-forming Process of Automotive Rear Sub-frame by Computer Simulation (CAE) (컴퓨터 시뮬레이션(CAE)을 이용한 자동차용 리어 서브-프레임의 하이드로-포밍 공정 개발)

  • Kim, Kee-Joo;Sung, Chang-Won;Baik, Young-Nam;Lee, Yong-Heon;Bae, Tae-Sung;Sohn, Il-Seon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2008
  • The hydroforming technology has been spreaded dramatically in automotive industry last 10 years. Itmay cause many advantages to automotive applications in terms of better structural integrity of the parts, lower cost from fewer part count, material saving, weight reduction, lower springback, improved strength and durability and design flexibility. In this study, the whole process of rear sub-frame parts development by tube hydroforming using steel material having tensile strength of 440MPa grade is presented. At the part design stage, it requires feasibility study and process design aided by CAE (Computer Aided Design) to confirm hydroformability in details. Effects of parameters such as internal pressure, axial feeding and geometry shape in automotive rear sub-frame by hydroforming process were carefully investigated. Overall possibility of hydroformable sub-frame parts could be examined by cross sectional analyses. Moreover, it is essential to ensure the formability of tube material on every forming step such as pre-bending, preforming and hydroforming. In addition, all the components of prototyping tool are designed and interference with press is examined from the point of geometry and thinning.

Finite Element Analysis on Process Improvement of the Multi-Forming for the Motor-Case of an Automobile (자동차용 모터케이스 성형용 멀티포머의 공정개선에 관한 유한요소해석)

  • Kim H. J.;Bae W. B.;Cho J. R.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.467-470
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    • 2005
  • There are about 10 motors for tile actuator of the automation system in an auto-mobile recently. The performance of the motor-case is much related to the noise and the vibration of an auto-mobile Multi-Forming process is so much the better than existing deep-drawing or Multi-step forming by press by less cost, installation and staff. But there isn't the specific and general process design, so we aren't good at competition. So in the first step, I want to study about the core design for the multi-forming process. We can access by the elasto-plastic theory and the finite element method, and we use a commercial package of the Deform-2D and, Deform-3D which is based on three-dimensional elasto-plastic finite element, evaluated propriety oi the package. The evaluation of the package propriety was simulated by simple bending example. It was found the elasto-plastic theory was mostly in agreement with the simulation. We proposed that three type of section for the core and analyzed by finite element method (Deform-2D). We can get the best result with the ellipse type core. Then we apply the result of the preceding analysis to the finite element method (Deform-3D). In 3D-finite element analysis, we can get the result of 8/100mm-roundness. This result can help the improvement of the multi-forming process.

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