• Title/Summary/Keyword: Springback Simulation

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A Study on the Multi-row Progressive Die for Thin Sheet Metal Forming by Computer Simulation

  • Sim, Sung-Bo;Kim, Chung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2008
  • The progressive die performs a work of sheet metal processes with a piercing, notching, embossing, bending, drawing, cut-off etc. in many kinds of pressing. Now a days, these processes have been evaluated as a advanced tooling method to increase the productivity and high quality assurance. The first step analyzing of die design is production part review, then the arrangement drawing of product design and strip process layout design should be done as a next steps with a FEM simulation for its problem solution. After upper procedure were peformed, it was started to make the die, then tryout and its revision of the die and product quality, safety, productivity etc. were done continually. For the all of these process, we mobilized the theory and practice of sheet metal forming, die structure, the function and activity of die components, and the others of die machining, die material, heat treatment and know‐how so on. In this study the features of representative are production part analyzing through the FEM simulation of bending area with a considering spring back problem by DEFORM.

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A Numerical and Experimental Study of Surface Deflections in Automobile Exterior Panels (자동차 외판의 미세면굴곡 거동의 수치해석적 평가)

  • Park, Chun-Dal;Chung, Wan-Jin;Kim, Byung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.23 no.9 s.186
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2006
  • Surface deflections have a great effect on the external appearance of automobiles. Usually, they are occurred on large flat panels containing sudden shape changes and of very small size about $\pm$30$\sim$300$\mu$m. Since the current numerical method is not sufficient for predicting these defects, the correction of these defects still depends on trial and error, which requires a great deal of time and expense. Consequently, developing the numerical method to predict and prevent these defects is very important far improving cosmetic surface qualities. In this study, an evaluation system that can analyze surface deflections using numerical simulation and a visualization system are reported. To calculate the surface deflections numerically, robust algorithms and simulation methodologies are suggested and to visualize them quantitatively, the curvature variation algorithm is proposed. To verify the developed systems, the experimental die of the handle portion of exterior door is analyzed. The results showed that the experimental and simulational visualization are in good agreement. Compensation methods to correct the surface deflections are also tested. The evaluation system proposed in this paper could be used to predict and minimize the occurrence of surface deflections in die manufacturing.

Forming Analysis of Automotive Fender Panel Considering Die Deformation (금형 변형을 고려한 자동차 펜더패널의 성형해석)

  • Song, M.S.;Keum, Y.T.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.15 no.5 s.86
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 2006
  • In order to see the effect of die deformation on the forming analysis of sheet metals, the draw-ins, strains, and spring-backs of an automotive fender panels are numerically simulated by considering the die deformation found by the simultaneous structural analysis of press and dies. By coupling the forming analysis and the structural analysis, the die deformation is simultaneously taken into account in the forming process. Furthermore, for the consideration of load difference transferred among the upper die, punch, and blank holder due to the changes in sheet thickness, the gap elements are employed instead of the blank sheet in the structural analysis. The numerical simulation results of an automotive finder draw panel are compared with the measurements. The comparison of the forming and spring-back analysis results between the rigid die and the deformed die shows that the consideration of tool deformation can predict more accurately the forming and spring-back of sheet metals.

Mechanical and microstructural characteristics of a high-strength boron-alloyed steel for hot press forming (고온성형 위한 고강도보론강의 기계적 특성 및 마이크로구조 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Shin;Chae, Myoung-Su;Park, Chun-Dal;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1355-1360
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    • 2007
  • The use of high strength steels are gradually increasing to reduce the weight of automobile to improve the environmental problems and collision safety. To encounter the traditional disadvantages of high strength steels like as a poor formability and high springback, hot press forming has been developed. By this method, the strength of steel sheet is increased about three times of original one through die quenching process. In order to the design of hot press forming tools by using numerical simulation, the knowledge of mechanical and microstructural characteristics are required. This study show the mechanical and microstructural characteristics of a high strength boron-alloyed steel according to the various quenching conditions.

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SpringBack Prediction for Sheet Metal forming Process Using Shell Element (쉘 요소를 이용한 박판성형 공정의 스프링 백 예측)

  • Ko Hyung-Hoon;Lee Chan-Ho;Kim Byung-Sik;Lee Kwang-Sik;Jung Dong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.402-405
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    • 2005
  • Such press-forming process are the used machine ability and the characteristic, used material, tile accuracy of the part, condition of a process are considered the designed. In order to estimate in automotive sheet forming processes used AutoForm software. A through in simulation result comparison with experimentation result, it was possible to know that much the same estimated spring-back through a forming analysis. By making apply this to an industrial site the productivity improvement and cost reduction etc. effect able was predicted.

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Development of Ultra Thin Notebook Case Usins Mg Alloy Sheet (초박판 마그네슘 노트북 케이스 개발)

  • Lee, K.T.;Beak, H.J.;Hwang, S.H.;Choi, C.S.;Kim, H.J.;Kim, H.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.383-386
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    • 2008
  • Magnesium alloy sheets have been extending their field of applications to automotive and electronic industries taking advantage of their excellent light weight property. In addition to their excellent light property, magnesium alloys have several other advantages: high specific strength, good welding capability and corrosion resistance. Taking advantage of these benefits, magnesium alloys have also been substituting the polymeric materials in the electronic devices industries. In sheet metal forming application with magnesium alloys, the lower formability and high springback due to the lower elastic property (Young's modulus=45 GPa) at room temperature are major hurdles by which magnesium alloys have limited applications. In this study, commercial notebook case was adopted as the benchmark model, and then design parameters and process conditions are analyzed by the finite element simulation and physical try-outs.

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Numerical modelling of springback behavior in folding process

  • Serier, Mohamed;Bendaoudi, Seif-Eddine;Mansour, DJazia-Leila Ben;Tabti, Affaf
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2019
  • Through experimental and numerical studies of metal forming processes by plastic deformation, this paper represents a numerical simulation by finite element of the mechanical behavior of the material during a permanent deformation phenomenon. The main interest of this study is to optimize the shaping processes such as folding. In this context the elastic return for the folding process has been further reduced by using the design of experiments approach. In this analysis, it is proposed to consider the following factors: bending radius, metal-sheet thickness, gap and length of the fold.

Application of the CAE Process to the Parameter Determination far the Tool Design of an Auto-body Member (자동차용 부재 금형설계의 공정변수 결정을 위한 CAE 프로세스 적용)

  • Kim Seho;Huh Hoon;Song Junghan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2005
  • This paper is concerned with the simulation-based parameter determination for the tool design in the stamping process of the complicated auto-body member. The CAE procedure of the stamping process is proposed so that troubles such as wrinkle, springback and excess metal be eliminated with changing parameters such as the blank size, the restraining force of the draw-bead and the embossing shape in the die face. The selected indicators of failure during forming are wrinkling. the amount of spring after unloading of the tool, the amount of excess metal developed .The proposed analysis scheme is applied to the tool and process parameter design for the front side member of a RV car. The simulation results show that the scheme can produce sound product from the viewpoint of thickness distribution, the contact condition between tools and the blank, the shape accuracy and so on.

Collapse Simulation with a Finite Element Limit Analysis for Thin-walled Structures Considering Forming Effects (성형효과를 고려한 박판 부재의 유한요소 극한해석을 이용한 붕괴거동해석)

  • Kim, Kee-Poong;Heh, Hoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2002
  • This paper is concerned with a collapse behavior analysis for a thin-walled structure considering farming effects. Numerical simulation is carried out with a finite element limit analysis in order to identify forming effects on collapse behavior of a thin-walled structure such as an S-rail. The formed S-rail contains fabrication histories such as residual stress, work hardening, non-uniform thickness distribution and geometric changes resulted from the forming process. The collapse behavior analysis of an S-rail with forming effects leads to different results from that without such effects. The present study deals with the collapse analysis of the S-rail fabricated with the typical forming, trimming and springback processes. Collapse properties such as the collapse load, the collapse mode and the energy absorption are calculated and investigated In order to identify forming effects. It is fully demonstrated that the design of thin-walled structures needs to consider the forming effects for a proper assessment of the load-carrying capacity and the deformation of the formed structures.

Study on the Characteristics of Drawbead Forces in Automotive Stamping Dies (자동차 스템핑 금형의 드로우비드력 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, S.J.;Wagoner, R.H.;Keum, Y.T.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.457-462
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    • 2007
  • The drawbeads, which are used for controlling the flow of the sheet into die cavity by imposing the tension and for preventing the forming defects like wrinkling, springback, etc. during the sheet forming process, affect the formability strongly because of the differences in the restraint and opening forces according to the drawbead shapes and dimensions. In this study, the experimental device enabling to measure the drawbead restraining and opening forces is manufactured and the drawing forces of circular, square, and step drawbeads are measured. The drawbead restraining and opening forces of a circular drawbead are increased as its drawbead height is increased. Similarly, those of a square drawbead are increased as its height is increased and shoulder radii decreased. The drawbead forces obtained from the experiment were compared with those calculated in the numerical simulation of stamping process of automotive fender. Good agreement was found so that the experimental measurements can be used in the simulation of auto-body stamping process.