• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sport data analysis

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'Son of God' : Perception and Experience on Military Service Exception of Male Dancers in Korea ('신의 아들': 남성 무용수들의 병역특례 인식과 경험)

  • Kwon, Yea-Jin;Lee, Jong-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.387-395
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to ponder men's perception and experience of military service revealed in Korean society by looking into the military service exception cases of a Korean male dancer. this study used non-participation observation, in-depth interviews and bibliographic data, etc. targeting a total of 6 persons covering 3 male dances who received military service privileges by winning a prize at home & overseas dance concours, and another 3 male dancers who fulfilled military duties. Then, this study did a qualitative analysis of the collected data. The deducted results through this process are as follows: First, all the surveyed male dancers consented to the necessity of military service as Korean people, but it was found that they wished to get miliary service privileges in order to maintain the career they actually had achieved. Second, the male dancers, who fulfilled military service, were found to make endless effort to catch up with the tendencies of dance suited for the relevant period after returning to society due to career discontinuity and social severance caused in the process of fulfilling military service.

Vertical Ground Reaction Force Asymmetry in Prolonged Running

  • Ryu, Ji-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the asymmetry of vertical ground reaction force (GRF) components between dominant and non-dominant legs in rested and fatigued states in prolonged running. Method: Twenty healthy men, heel strikers, were included (age: $24.00{\pm}5.0years$; height: $176.1{\pm}6.0cm$; body mass: $69.0{\pm}6.0kg$) in this study. Subjects ran on an instrumented treadmill for 130 minutes. During treadmill running, GRF data (1,000 Hz) were collected for 20 strides at five minutes (rested) and 125 minutes (fatigued) running while they were unaware of collecting data. Asymmetry indexes (ASI) were calculated to quantify the asymmetry magnitude in rested and fatigued states. Paired t-test was used to verify the differences between dominant and non-dominant legs in rested and fatigued states. In addition, one-way repeated measure analysis of variance was applied for comparison of ASI of both states. The level of significance was set at p < .05. Results: Passive force peak magnitude, loading rate, and impulse affecting the development of running injury were found significantly greater in dominant leg than in non-dominant leg at rested state (p < .05). However, passive force peak time and active force peak magnitude were found significantly different between legs in fatigued state (p < .05). To determine changes in percentage of asymmetry between legs in both states, ASI was used. ASI for all variables increased in fatigued state; however, no significant differences were found between both states. Conclusion: This study found that fatigue did not affect differences in vertical GRF between dominant and non-dominant legs and asymmetry changes.

Analysis of Female Windsurfers' Performance Using Global Positioning System Information During Competitions (여자 윈드서핑 선수의 경기 중 Global Positioning System 정보를 활용한 경기력 분석)

  • Chun, Sa Bin;Park, Jong Chul;Park, Sang Ha;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.162-167
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    • 2021
  • Objective: This study aimed to identify the different wind speed categories and competitive level among windsurfers through GPS variables to provide the useful information on the development of training programs for enhancing windsurfers' performance. Method: Data from 69 female athletes who participated in 27 races during the 2018-2019 windsurfing season were used for the analysis. Average board speed, total race time, total distance, upwind race time, downwind race time, beam reach race time were collected through GPS. Unconfirmed data were excluded along with penalty point data. The wind conditions were classified as light, light to medium, medium, medium to heavy, and heavy wind, the competitive levels were classified as level 1, level 2, and level 3. Results: As for the average board speed, the level 1 or level 2 group showed higher board speed than the level 3 group in all wind conditions except for the light wind. The total race time and upwind race time showed less time in level 1 or level 2 group than level 3 group in all wind conditions. The total distance, downwind race time and beam reach race time showed less distance and time in level1 group than level 3 group under sufficient wind conditions. Conclusion: Our results show that the aerobic capacity to sustain pumping during upwind course in wind conditions below 15 kts effects performance. In wind conditions of 15 kts or more, indicated that the board control for the fast board speed and small distance required during up, down, beam reach courses had an effect on competition performance. This information can be provided to windsurfers and coaching as basic data for training programs to improve performance.

Last's biomechanical function changes analysis for Marathone shoes last development

  • Park, Seung-Beom;Seo, Guk-Ung;Kim, Yong-Jae;Yu, Seok-Ju;Lee, Jung-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.319-330
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    • 2002
  • A toe spring and ball girth data, when marathone shoes research, development, and production in Korea, is a important point in athlete shoe research. It is clear from the results presented that any differences between MA3 and MA1, MA4 in 70%, 80% session in forepart last comparision. Especially the more 70%-80% session getting wide, the more 90% session getting up, Also, To development for high performance marathones shoes last, in all session, in korean style, 70%, 80%, and 90% session part function changed and consequently there is a need for normative last data that desribe foot, last shape, dimension. this leads to the conclusion that unique shoe lasts for both marathone shoes developmented last comparison are required for optimal marathone shoe comfort. The more ball girth construction will wide in forepart in last, the more comfort characteristic sill development. But relative with performance ability, it is need to research. The further study of Korea marathoner forefoot measurements(70% session ~ 90% session) among toe spring's angular difference of marathone last to north american and Korea marathone shoes last is required to develop and improve athletes performance in an effective way of study and to prevent forefoot injury.

The Kinematic Analysis of Peters Motion on Parallel bars (평행봉 피터스 동작의 운동학적 분석)

  • Yoon, Hee-Joong;Yoon, Chang-Sun;Kim, Tae-Sam
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematic variables of peters motion in parallel bars. The subjects were 3 male national gymnasts. For this study, kinematic data were collected using video camera. Coordinate data were low-pass filtered using a fourth-order Butterworth with cutoff frequency of 6Hz. Each valuables analyzed was used to compare kinematic features between the subjects. The conclusions were as follows; 1. For a stable regrasp motion, the subjects appeared to increase horizontal and vertical displacement during the DS phase because it induce a vertical elastic of body and reaction of bar for the US phase. 2. For a stable hand standing motion of the regrasp, the subjects appeared to maintain the fast vertical and horizontal velocity during the DS phase, but in contrary during the US and Air phase the vertical and horizontal velocity appeared to do decrease. 3. When the arm lean angle and the trunk lean angle maintain a big angle during the DS phase, the subjects appeared to do a stable performance to release in a high position.

From Goals to Engagement: The Impact of Achievement Goal Theory on Value Co-Creation in Fitness Clubs

  • Trang Quang LE;Thuy Thi Thu PHUNG
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The increasing competition in the fitness industry has driven the need for clubs to better understand how to engage and retain members. This study examines the application of Achievement Goal Theory in the context of customer engagement and value co-creation within fitness clubs. The research aims to explore the psychological factors driving members' motivation, engagement, and retention, along with the role of value co-creation in enhancing customer experiences. Research design, data and methodology: A quantitative research design was adopted, with data collected from 364 fitness club members in Vietnam through structured surveys. The analysis employed structural equation modeling to assess the relationships between mastery goals, performance-approach goals, fitness club mastery goals, customer engagement, and value co-creation. Results: the research reveals that mastery and performance-approach goals significantly enhance customer engagement, which, in turn, positively influences value co-creation through co-production and value-in-use. Conclusions: These findings suggest that fitness clubs can improve member retention and satisfaction by fostering environments that support diverse motivational orientations and encourage active customer participation in service development. The study provides valuable insights for fitness managers to optimize engagement strategies and improve service distribution.

Effects of Participation in Sports for All on the Formation of Social Capital (생활체육 참여가 사회자본 형성에 주는 영향의 실증적 분석)

  • Kim, Jaekyeong;Park, Deukhee;Sasaki, Mitsuo;Jung, Soonok
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • This study is to analyze the effect of participation in sports for all on the formation of social capital. For this purpose, this study used convenience sampling method with the 150 subjects who participated Sports for All in Seoul and Gyeonggi area. and selected 150 questionnaires excluding 30 unsuitable for the data. For data analysis was made by SPSS 17.0, performing exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression model. This analysis reveals that (1) participation eagerness in sports for all influence on influence on the formation of social capital.(social capital consist of information sharing, norms, trust, network) (2) participation period of time and participation frequency in sports for all don't influence on on the formation of social capital. (3) socioeconomic background don't influence on the formation of social capital. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the eagerness in sports for all.

  • PDF

Biomechanical Analysis of Walking and Running after a Surgically Repaired Achilles Tendon Rupture (아킬레스건 파열 수술 후 걷기 및 달리기 운동역학적 분석)

  • Heo, Jeong;Park, Sang-Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2021
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in muscle strength, kinematics, and kinetics between injured and non-injured sides of the leg after Achilles Tendon Rupture surgery during walking and running. Method: The subjects (n=11; age = 30.63 ± 5.69 yrs; height = 172.00 ± 4.47 cm; mass = 77.00 ± 11.34 kg; time lapse from surgery = 29.81 ± 10.27 months) who experienced Achilles Tendon Rupture (ATR) surgery participated in this study. The walking and running trials were collected using infrared cameras (Oqus 300, Qualisys, Sweden, 100 Hz) on instrumented treadmill (Bertec, U.S.A., 1,000 Hz) and analyzed by using QTM (Qualisys Track Manager Ver. 2.15; Qualisys, U.S.A). The measured data were processed using Visual 3D (C-motion Inc., U.S.A.). The cutoff frequencies were set as 6 Hz and 12 Hz for walking and running kinematics respectively, while 100 Hz was used for force plate data. Results: In ATR group, muscle strength there were no difference between affected and unaffected sides (p> .05). In kinematic analysis, subjects showed greater ROM of knee joint flexion-extension in affected side compared to that of unaffected side during walking while smaller ROM of ankle dorsi-plantar and peak knee flexion were observed during running (p< .05). In kinetic analysis, subjects showed lower knee extension moment (running at 2.2 m/s) and positive ankle plantar-flexion power (running at 2.2 m/s, 3.3 m/s) in affected side compared to that of unaffected side (p< .05). This lower positive ankle joint power during a propulsive phase of running is related to slower ankle joint velocity in affected side of the subjects (p< .05). Conclusion: This study aimed to investigate the functional evaluation of the individuals after Achilles tendon rupture surgery through biomechanical analysis during walking and running trials. Based on the findings, greater reduction in dynamic joint function (i.e. lower positive ankle joint power) was found in the affected side of the leg compared to the unaffected side during running while there were no meaningful differences in ankle muscle strength and walking biomechanics. Therefore, before returning to daily life and sports activities, biomechanical analysis using more dynamic movements such as running and jumping trials followed by current clinical evaluations would be helpful in preventing Achilles tendon re-rupture or secondary injury.

Development of the Web-based Sports Biomechanics Class (웹기반 운동역학 수업 모형 개발)

  • Lee, Ki-Kwang
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.307-318
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    • 2002
  • To provide a guideline for the development of a web-based sport biomechanics class in undergraduate program, thirty web sites, searched via search engines in May 2002, were analyzed intensively. In terms of requirement of log-in, only one site of 30 sites required user name and password. Seventeen(57%) sites provided the lecture note, which had various file formats such as 59% if PDF, 29% of HTML, and 12% of PPT. Fourteen(47%) sites provided the assignment and grade information on web. Eleven(37%) sites provided various resource and links which were related in sports biomechanics. Only four(13%) sites provided discussion or online digitizing or kinematic analysis program. Based on above results, a guideline for the development of a virtual classroom for college level sport biomechanics. A web-based sport biomechanics class should be developed with consideration of several functions as follows; homepage design, lecture note, measurement of class attendance, collaborative research system, and web-based data collection and analysis software for biomechanics laboratory.

The Analysis of Foot Pressure and Lap Time for the Development of Korean Bobsleigh Shoes (한국형 봅슬레이화 개발을 위한 구간 시간과 족저압력 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Jin;Kim, Kyung-Hun;Park, Seung-Bum
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2015
  • Objective : A study and development of Korean Bobsleigh athletes's shoe which considers their physical condition has yet to be completed. So this study examines the effects of running shoes used by athletes based on plantar pressure and sprint time in order to provide raw data for the development of bobsleigh shoes suitable for Koreans. Method : The study selected seven bobsleigh athletes as subjects and selected three pairs of spiked running shoes from three companies, which will be referred to as Company N (Type A), Company A (Type B), and Company M (Type C). To analyze sprint time and plantar pressure for each shoe, the subject of the study were instructed to wear the selected shoes and to drag a sled at maximum sprint for 15 meters for 15 meters for in each condition that would be in real bobsleigh competitions. Results : The average sprint intervals for each athlete in each pair of shoes revealed Type C produce the fastest sprint in the order of Type C < Type A< Type B. Shoe Type C also had the largest contact area in order of Type C > Type B > Type A (p<.01). None of the three shoe types seem to yield a distinct advantage in terms of maximum average pressure or maximum pressure. Conclusion : In the future, functional analysis should be carried out by comparing the material properties, hardness, and toe spring of shoes based on the Type C shoe from Company M in order to develop bobsleigh shoes suitable for Koreans.