• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spine stabilization muscle

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Back Muscle Changes after Pedicle Based Dynamic Stabilization

  • Moon, Kyung Yun;Lee, Soo-Eon;Kim, Ki-Jeong;Hyun, Seung-Jae;Kim, Hyun-Jib;Jahng, Tae-Ahn
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2013
  • Objective : Many studies have investigated paraspinal muscle changes after posterior lumbar surgery, including lumbar fusion. However, no study has been performed to investigate back muscle changes after pedicle based dynamic stabilization in patients with degenerative lumbar spinal diseases. In this study, the authors compared back muscle cross sectional area (MCSA) changes after non-fusion pedicle based dynamic stabilization. Methods : Thirty-two consecutive patients who underwent non-fusion pedicle based dynamic stabilization (PDS) at the L4-L5 level between February 2005 and January 2008 were included in this retrospective study. In addition, 11 patients who underwent traditional lumbar fusion (LF) during the same period were enrolled for comparative purposes. Preoperative and postoperative MCSAs of the paraspinal (multifidus+longissimus), psoas, and multifidus muscles were measured using computed tomographic axial sections taken at the L4 lower vertebral body level, which best visualize the paraspinal and psoas muscles. Measurements were made preoperatively and at more than 6 months after surgery. Results : Overall, back muscles showed decreases in MCSAs in the PDS and LF groups, and the multifidus was most affected in both groups, but more so in the LF group. The PDS group showed better back muscle preservation than the LF group for all measured muscles. The multifidus MCSA was significantly more preserved when the PDS-paraspinal-Wiltse approach was used. Conclusion : Pedicle based dynamic stabilization shows better preservation of paraspinal muscles than posterior lumbar fusion. Furthermore, the minimally invasive paraspinal Wiltse approach was found to preserve multifidus muscles better than the conventional posterior midline approach in PDS group.

A study on relearning program of deep stabilizing muscle for low back pain (요통에 적용된 심부 안정근 재교육 프로그램에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Hee-Seo;Kim, Soon-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2004
  • The concept of segmental stabilization has been one of the most exciting advancements in the field of physical therapy. Specific deep stabilizing muscle have proven to reverse motor control deficits that occurs after back injury. After an injury, a new motor programming strategy is adopted and there is excessive recruitment of the large , strong , global muscular system works instead of small segmental deep muscle recruitment for stability. Many physical therapists and doctors mistakenly prescribe therapeutic exercise for low back pain to use larger, superficial musculature to strengthen the spine for stability and pain control. But motor control coordination of local segmental muscle is actually the key to stability and pain control, not strengthening of global muscle. A recent focus in physiotherapy management of patients with chronic back pain has been the specific training of muscles surrounding the lumbar spine whose primary role is considered to be the provision of dynamic stability and segmental control to the spine. These are the deep transverse abdominis muscle and lumbar multifudus.

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Effects of Flexible Pole Training Combined with Lumbar Stabilization on Trunk Muscles Activation in Healthy Adults

  • Lim, Jae-Heon
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This study aimed to determine the efficacy of flexible pole training combined with lumbar stabilization in improving trunk muscle activities and to investigate the difference according to posture in young adults. Methods: Twenty-five participants were enrolled in this study. The subjects were randomly allocated into either the flexible pole group or the rigid pole group. Participants performed lumbar stabilization exercises on quadruped and curl-up, with the flexible pole or rigid pole. Electromyography was used to assess the percent maximal voluntary isometric contracion (%MVIC) of the rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), internal oblique (IO), and erector spine (ES) muscles. All participants completed one 30-minute session per day, 3 days per week, for 6 weeks. The evaluation was performed before and 6 weeks after the training, and follow-up. The data were analyzed using independent t-test and two-way repeated measure analysis of variance to determine the statistical significance. Results: The flexible pole in curl-up showed significant differences in EO and IO muscle activities compared with the rigid pole. The flexible pole in quadruped showed significant differences in IO and ES muscle activities compared with the rigid pole. The RA, EO, IO, and ES muscle activities of both groups were significantly higher after 6 weeks training. Conclusion: The flexible pole in curl-up and quadruped showed an improvement in trunk muscle activation. The flexible pole combined with lumbar stabilization will be useful as an exercise tool to improve activity of trunk muscles.

Effects of Stabilization Exercise with and without Respiratory Muscle Training on Respiratory Function and Postural Sway in Healthy Adults (호흡근훈련 유무에 따른 안정화 운동이 건강한 성인의 호흡 기능과 자세 동요에 미치는 영향)

  • Hye-Ri Seo;Duk-Hyun An;Mi-Hyun Kim;Min-Joo Ko;Jae-Seop Oh
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2023
  • Purpose : Stabilization exercise and respiratory muscle training are used to train trunk muscles that affect postural control and respiratory function. However, there have been no studies that combine stabilization exercise and respiratory muscle training. The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of stabilization exercise with and without respiratory muscle training on respiratory function and postural sway. Methods : Fifteen healthy adults were recruited for this experiment. All the subjects performed stabilization exercise with and without respiratory muscle training. For stabilization exercise with respiratory muscle training, the subjects sat on a gym ball wearing a stretch sensor. The subjects inspire maximally as long as possible during lifting one foot off the ground, alternately for 30 seconds. The stretch sensor was placed on both anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), and the stretch sensor was used to monitor inspiration. For stabilization exercise without respiratory muscle training, the subjects sat on a gym ball and lifted one foot off the ground, without respiratory muscle training. Kinovea program used to investigate postural sway tracking during exercise. The maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) were measured using a spirometer to investigate changes of respiratory muscle strength before and after exercise. A paired t-test was used to determine significant differences postural sway tracking, MIP, and MEP between stabilization exercise with and without respiratory muscle training. Results : There were significantly lower a distance of postural sway tracking during stabilization exercise with respiratory muscle training, compared with stabilization exercise without respiratory muscle training (p<.05). The MIP and MEP were significantly increased after stabilization exercise with respiratory muscle training compared with before stabilization exercise with respiratory muscle trianing (p<.05). Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that stabilization exercise with repiratory muscle training would be recommended to improve postural control and respiratory muscle strength.

Effects of EMS Compression Belts with Different Muscular Patterns on Lumbar Stabilization (근육모양의 패턴을 달리한 EMS 복압벨트가 요추 안정화에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Yeon;Park, Jin-hee;Kim, Joo-Yong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we investigated the effects of five EMS lumbar back pressure belts produced on an anatomical basis on lumbar spine stabilization. Five core muscles were selected, including the urinal, vertebral column, endotracheal, external abdominal, and large back muscles, and patterns were designed using a conductive fabric considering the appropriate muscle shape and pain-causing points. We experimented with four motions to examine the effects of different EMS abdominal compression belts on lumbar spine stabilization. Five healthy men in their 20s were selected. The selection conditions include no back pain history for the past three months, no restricted movements through pre-inspection, and the muscular strength of the body should belong to the normal grade. Using SLR, the sequence of experimental actions was chosen from the following but not limited to left-hand, body-hand, and back-line forces. Resting between movements lasted for 2 min, and the experiments were conducted after wearing the EMS abdominal pressure belt. Electrical stimulation was applied for 10 min to increase blood flow and muscle activation. The statistics of the experimental results were analyzed for specific differences by conducting the Wilcoxon and Friedman tests with nonparametric tests. The ranking results of each pattern were successfully assessed in the order of 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 for the five patterns, and we could identify slightly more significant results for experimental behavior associated with each muscle movement. Patterns produced based on anatomy showed differentiated effects when electric stimulation was applied to each muscle in different shapes, which could improve the stabilization of the lumbar spine in everyday life or training to the public. Based on these results, subsequent research would focus on developing smart healthcare clothing that is practical in daily life by employing different anatomical mechanisms, depending on the back pain, to utilize trunk-type tights.

Comparison of Lumbar Stabilization Exercises and Gluteal Strengthening Exercises on Pain, Disability and Psychosocial Factors in Low Back Pain Patients with Lumbar Instability (요추부 불안정성을 가진 요통환자의 요추부 안정화 운동과 둔근 강화 운동이 통증, 기능장애 및 심리사회수준에 미치는 효과 비교연구)

  • Jeon, Ji-hye;Kim, Suhn-yeop
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2017
  • Background: Lumbar stabilization exercise and gluteal muscle strengthening exercises are widely used to treat for lower back pain patient. The present study aimed to compare the effects of lumbar stabilization exercise and gluteal muscle strengthening exercises on chronic lower back pain with lumbar spine instability, with regard to pain intensity, disability, and psychosocial factors. Methods: Among 53 patients with chronic lower back pain, those with spine instability were selected using 5 examination tests. The selected 28 patients were randomly assigned to lumbar stabilization exercise group (LSE, n=15) and gluteal strengthening exercise group (GSE, n=13). Each group performed the corresponding exercise for 40 minutes, twice a week for 4 weeks. To analyze and compare the effects, pain intensity, the level of low back disability, and psychosocial factors were assessed before and after intervention. Results: There was significant difference in lower back pain intensity between the two groups before and after intervention. The change in low back disability was significant in the GSE group alone following intervention (p<.05), but no other significant difference was found between the groups. Among psychosocial factors, the changes in the fear-avoidance beliefs questionnaire (FABQ)-physical activity and FABQ-total were significant in the LSE group alone following intervention (p<.05). However, no significant difference were found in these factors between the two groups before and after intervention. Conclusions: LSE and GSE for lower back pain with lumbar spine instability showed no significant difference for pain intensity, physical disability, or psychosocial functioning.

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The Retrospective Study on the Correlation between the Multifidus Muscle Atrophy on Low Back Pain Patients and the Magnetic Resonance Images (자기공명영상 (Magnetic Resonance Image)을 통한 요통 환자의 다열근 위축에 대한 후향적 연구)

  • Lee, Kil-Joon;Park, Young-Hoi;Keum, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : In the assessment of the lumbar spine by magnetic resonance imaging (hereinafter, "MRI"), changes in the paraspinal muscles are overlooked. The purpose of our study is to examine the correlation between the multifidus muscle atrophy on MRI findings and the clinical findings in low back pain (hereinafter, "LBP") patients. Methods : The retrospective study on 38 LBP patients, presenting either with or without associated leg pains, was undertaken. The MRI findings on the patients were visually analysed to find out a lumbar multifidus muscle atrophy, disc herniation, disc degeneration, spinal stenosis and nerve root compressions. The clinical history in each case was obtained from their case notes and pain drawing charts. Results : The lumbar multifidus muscle atrophy has occurred from more than 80% of the patients with LBP. Most of lumbar multifidus muscle atrophies have increased from lower level of lumbar spine. It was bilateral in the majority of the cases. In addition, multifidus muscle atrophy was correlated to the patient's age, disc degenerations and spinal stenosis. On the contrary, gender, the duration of LBP, referred leg pain, disc herniation and nerve root compressions had no relevance to multifidus muscle atrophies. Therefore, when assessing the MRIs of the lumbar spine, we should have more attetion on multifidus muscle, because it has lot's of information about spinal neuropathy problems. Conclusions : Therefore, the examination of multifidus muscle atrophies should be considered when assessing the MRIs of the lumbar spine. In addition, it helps to evaluate and plan the treatment modalities of LBP. Moreover, it prevents from LBP by discovering the importance between the multifidus muscle and the spine stabilization exercise.

Effects of Core Exercise Program on the Low Back Function in Private Guard and Security (경호원들의 코어프로그램 수행과 요추부 기능개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Min-Wan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.21
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2009
  • Background: This study was to investigate the effects of spinal strengthening exercise and lumbar stabilization exercise(core exercise program) on trunk muscle strength, flexibility and balance, lumbar function. The subjects of this study were the eighteen subjects who was registered in private guard company. The each exercise group of 9 persons were chosen by random controlled trial. Methods: We used instrument BTE, Libra, Ruler Measuring tape to measured trunk muscle strength, flexibility, balance and lumbar function. Results: The result of this study were summarized below; The flexor muscle strength was improve in lumbar stabilization exercise(core exercise) group(p<.05). The extensor muscle strength was improve in lumbar stabilization exercise(core program) group(p<.05). The trunk flexibility was improve in spinal strengthening exercise group and lumbar stabilization exercise group(p<.05). The balance ability was improve in spinal strengthening group and lumbar stabilization exercise group(core program) group(p<.05). Conclusion: With the above results, demonstrated effects of spinal strengthening exercise and lumbar stabilization exercise in each private guard and security in this study.

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The effect of sling exercise on lumbar stabilization and muscle strength (슬링운동이 요부안정화와 근력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim Byoung-Gon;Seo Hyun-Kyu;Jung Yeon-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of Lumbar Stabilization is to recover the ability of regulating movement of muscular strength, which currently becomes an essential approach to the treatment for lumbago. Sling exercise is a dynamic exercise and a method of active exercise for the patients to take part in their own treatment. This research is to develop the correlation between Lumbar Stabilization and muscular strength as well as Sling exercise. The subjects of this experiment are 12 healthy and normal male and female lasting for 4 weeks. EMG and Postural Med were used as measuring apparatuses. After experiment of 4 weeks exercises, there was not a meaningful result in the measured result of EMG(P>0.05), But there was a significant increase in the result of Postural Med after the experiment(P<0.05). According to this result, we can find out that there is a significant correlation between Sling exercise and muscular strength as well as Lumbar Stabilization. The increase in the lumbar region augments Lumbar Stabilization and the reaction speed of muscle power. So it recovers the stabilization of spine. This Sling exercise program is efficient for the treatment and prevention of back pain.

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