• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spinal neoplasm

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Minimally Invasive Surgery without Decompression for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Spinal Metastasis with Epidural Spinal Cord Compression Grade 2

  • Jung, Jong-myung;Chung, Chun Kee;Kim, Chi Heon;Yang, Seung Heon
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2019
  • Objective : There is a lack of knowledge regarding whether decompression is necessary in treating patients with epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC) grade 2. The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) without decompression and conventional open surgery (palliative laminectomy) for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) spinal metastasis of ESCC grade 2. Methods : Patients with HCC spinal metastasis requiring surgery were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with ESCC grade 2, medically intractable mechanical back pain, a Nurick grade better than 3, 3-6 months of life expectancy, Tomita score ${\geq}5$, and Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score ${\geq}7$ were included. Patients with neurological deficits, other systemic illnesses and less than 1 month of life expectancy were excluded. Thirty patients were included in the study, including 17 in the open surgery group (until 2008) and 13 in the MIS group (since 2009). Results : The MIS group had a significantly shorter operative time ($94.2{\pm}48.2minutes$ vs. $162.9{\pm}52.3minutes$, p=0.001), less blood loss ($140.0{\pm}182.9mL$ vs. $1534.4{\pm}1484.2mL$, p=0.002), and less post-operative intensive care unit transfer (one patient vs. eight patients, p=0.042) than the open surgery group. The visual analogue scale for back pain at 3 months post-operation was significantly improved in the MIS group than in the open surgery group ($3.0{\pm}1.2$ vs. $4.3{\pm}1.2$, p=0.042). The MIS group had longer ambulation time ($183{\pm}33days$ vs. $166{\pm}36days$) and survival time ($216{\pm}38days$ vs. $204{\pm}43days$) than the open surgery group without significant difference (p=0.814 and 0.959, respectively). Conclusion : MIS without decompression would be a good choice for patients with HCC spinal metastasis of ESCC grade 2, especially those with limited prognosis, mechanical instability and no neurologic deficit.

Extended Posterolateral Thoracotomy for "Dumbbell" Mediastinal Tumor -Report of 3 Cases- (광범위후외측개흉술에 의한 "Dumbbell" 종격동종양수술지험 -3례 보고-)

  • Oh, Bong-Suk;Kim, In-Gwang;Kim, Su-Han;Jeong, Jae-Yoon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.1071-1074
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    • 1995
  • Approximately 9.8% of neurogenic tumors of the mediastinum extend into the spinal column so that the composite neoplastic mass was dumbbell shaped. We experienced three patients confirmed by Dumbbell shaped mediastinal tumor radiologically and tried surgical resection by posterolateral thoracotomy only corpectomy and costotransversectomy was performed simultaneously in three patients and interbody fusion in two. In one patient the diagnosis was liposarcoma and in 1 neuroblastoma and in 1 neurilemmoma. then followed by radiation theraphy in case I and radiation and chemotheraphy in case II. All three cases showed satisfactory results clinically and radiographically.

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Epidemiologic Study of Operative Treatment for Spinal Metastasis in Thailand : A Review of National Healthcare Data from 2005 to 2014

  • Luksanapruksa, Panya;Santipas, Borriwat;Ruangchainikom, Monchai;Korwutthikulrangsri, Ekkapoj;Pichaisak, Witchate;Wilartratsami, Sirichai
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2022
  • Objective : To study the factors relating to operative treatment for spinal metastasis in Thailand during 2005-2014 and to determine the hospital costs, mortality rate, and incidence of perioperative complication. Methods : Inpatient reimbursement data from 2005 to 2014 was reviewed from three national healthcare organizations, including the National Health Security Office, the Social Security Office, and the Comptroller General's Department. The search criteria were secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow patients (International Classification of Diseases 10th revision, Thai modification codes [ICD 10-TM], C79.5 and C79.8) who underwent spinal surgical treatment (ICD 9th revision, clinical modification procedure with extension codes [ICD 9-CM], 03.0, 03.4, 03.09, and 81.0) during 2005-2014. Epidemiology, comorbidity, and perioperative complication were analyzed. Results : During the study period, the number of spinal metastasis patients who underwent operative treatment was significantly increased from 0.30 to 0.59 per 100000 (p<0.001). More males (56.14%) underwent surgical treatment for spinal metastasis than females. The most common age group was 45-64 (55.1%). The most common primary tumor sites were the unknown origin, lung, breast, prostate, and hepatocellular/bile duct. Interestingly, the proportion of hepatocellular/bile duct, breast, and lung cancer was significantly increased (p<0.001). The number of patients who had comorbidity or in-hospital complication significantly increased over time (p<0.01); however, the in-hospital mortality rate decreased. Conclusion : During the last decade, operative treatment for spinal metastasis increased in Thailand. The overall in-hospital complication rate increased; however, the in-hospital mortality rate decreased.

"DUMBBELL" Neurilemmoma -A Case Report- ("DUMBBELL" 신경종양 -1례 보고-)

  • Park, Jin-Seok;Im, Seung-Pyeong;Kim, Gwan-Tae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.502-505
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    • 1994
  • Neurogenic tumors of the mediastinum may have an intraspinal component connected by a narrowed segment of tumor in the intervertebral foramen,hence the descriptive term dumbbell.Recently we had an occasion to remove a dumbbell neurilemmoma in a 62 years old woman using an approach designed to allow wide posterolateral thoracotomy and concomitant laminectomy for a single stage removal of the entire tumor. The mass in the posterior mediastinum was discovered on routine chest roentgenography. CT scan demonstrated a dumbbell shaped soft tissue mass density compressing spinal canal but preserving spinal cord. There were no neurologic signs. A standard posterolateral thoracotomy incision was made to remove tumor mass and then T5 unilateral laminectomy has done by Neurosurgeon. 7 x 7 cm sized extrapleural neurilemmoma was round, cystic, soft mass which covered parietal pleural with invaded regional vertebrae. There was no postoperative neurological complication.

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A Case of Intramedullary Schwannoma at the Cervicomedullary Junction - A Case Report - (연수와 경수에 발생한 수내 신경초종 - 증 례 보 고 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Park, Seung-Won;Kim, Young-Baeg;Hwang, Sung-Nam;Choi, Duck-Young
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.1238-1242
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    • 2000
  • Spinal schwannomas are usually extramedullary intradural tumors and their intramedullary localizations are thought to be extremely rare. A 60-year-old woman complaining spastic quadriparesis, voiding difficulty and dyspnea was admitted. Her cervical MRI revealed an intramedullary mass in the cervicomedullary junction with multiple cyst which extended from lower cervical to C3 spinal cord. The mass showed a low signal on T1WI, high signal on T2WI with an wall enhancement. The patient underwent a suboccipital craniectomy and C1-2 laminectomy and the cystic tumor was totally removed through a midline myelotomy. The tumor was proved as an intramedullary schwannoma by pathologic examination. The Intramedullary presence of a tumor arising from the cells of the nerve sheath is unusual, because the central nervous system fibers do not contain the Schwann cell. There have been several hypotheses, but none has been accepted universally. This rare tumor is considered as a curable benign neoplasm, and an accurate intraoperative diagnosis and surgically total removal are essential.

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Thoracic Intramedullary Schwannoma Accompanying by Extramedullary Beads-Like Daughter Schwanommas

  • Ryu, Kyeong-Sik;Lee, Ki-Yeol;Lee, Hong-Jae;Park, Chun-Kun
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.302-304
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    • 2011
  • Thoracic intramedullary schwannomas are rare spinal cord tumors. Most of these tumors have been reported as a single lesion in the spinal cord. The authors report the first case of intramedullary schwannoma accompanying by extramedullary beads-like daughter masses of the thoracic spine. A 68-year-old male presented with walking disturbance and decreased sensation below T10 dermatome. Imaging workup revealed an intramedullary mass at T6 and T7, T6 and T7 laminectomy and mass removal were performed. Intraoperatively, extramedullary beads-like daughter masses along the nerve roots adjacent to intramedullary mass were identified. Total removal of intramedullary lesion and partial resection of extramedullary masses were done. Histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of schwannoma. The patient could ambulate independently at postoperative 1 month without any neurological sequelae. The authors experienced a surgical case of intramedullary schwannoma accompanying by extramedullary beads-like same pathologies in the thoracic spine.

Cervical Disc Herniation Producing Acute Brown-Sequard Syndrome

  • Kim, Jong-Tae;Bong, Ho-Jin;Chung, Dong-Sup;Park, Young-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.312-314
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    • 2009
  • Brown-Sequard syndrome may be the result of penetrating injury to the spine, but many other etiologies have been described. This syndrome is most commonly seen with spinal trauma and extramedullary spinal neoplasm. A herniated cervical disc has been rarely reported as a cause of this syndrome. We present a case of a 28-year-old male patient diagnosed as large C3-C4 disc herniation with spinal cord compression. He presented with left hemiparesis and diminished sensation to pain and temperature in the right side below the C4 dermatome. Microdiscectomy and anterior cervical fusion with carbon fiber cage containing a core of granulated coralline hydroxyapatite was performed. After the surgery, rapid improvement of the neurologic deficits was noticed. We present a case of cervical disc herniation producing acute Brown-Sequard syndrome with review of pertinent literature.

Spinal Cord Hemangioblastoma : Diagnosis and Clinical Outcome after Surgical Treatment

  • Na, Joon-Ho;Kim, Hyeong-Soo;Eoh, Whan;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Soo;Kim, Eun-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.436-440
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    • 2007
  • Objective : Spinal cord hemangioblastoma is an uncommon vascular neoplasm with a benign nature and is associated with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease in 20-30% of patients. Total removal of these tumors without significant neurological deficit remains a great challenge. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of VHL mutation analysis and to evaluate surgical outcome of patients with spinal cord hemangioblastomas. Methods : This study included nine patients treated for spinal cord hemangioblastomas at our institute between December 1994 and March 2006. There were four male and five female patients. Mean age was 37.8 years. The mean follow-up period was 22.4 months. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the complete neuraxis was done in all cases and VHL mutation analysis was performed in three cases for a definite diagnosis. Results : Six patients had intramedullary tumor, and the remaining patients had intradural extramedullary lesions. Five patients were associated with VHL disease. The von Hippel-Lindau mutation analysis was done in three patients and two of them showed VHL gene abnormality. Tumors were located in the cervical cord in five cases and in the thoracic cord in four cases. All patients underwent surgical intervention, and total removal was achieved in six cases. All patients showed improvement or, at least, clinically stationary state. Surgical complications did not develop in any cases. Conclusion : Spinal hemangioblastoma in this series has been safely and effectively removed via a posterior approach. Postoperatively, clinical outcome was excellent in the majority of cases. The VHL mutation analysis was useful in patients with family history and in those with multiple hemangioblastomas.

Vertebral compression fractures after spine irradiation using conventional fractionation in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

  • Rhee, Woo Joong;Kim, Kyung Hwan;Chang, Jee Suk;Kim, Hyun Ju;Choi, Seohee;Koom, Woong Sub
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: To evaluate the risk of vertebral compression fracture (VCF) after conventional radiotherapy (RT) for colorectal cancer (CRC) with spine metastasis and to identify risk factors for VCF in metastatic and non-metastatic irradiated spines. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 68 spinal segments in 16 patients who received conventional RT between 2009 and 2012. Fracture was defined as a newly developed VCF or progression of an existing fracture. The target volume included all metastatic spinal segments and one additional non-metastatic vertebra adjacent to the tumor-involved spines. Results: The median follow-up was 7.8 months. Among all 68 spinal segments, there were six fracture events (8.8%) including three new VCFs and three fracture progressions. Observed VCF rates in vertebral segments with prior irradiation or pre-existing compression fracture were 30.0% and 75.0% respectively, compared with 5.2% and 4.7% for segments without prior irradiation or pre-existing compression fracture, respectively (both p < 0.05). The 1-year fracture-free probability was 87.8% (95% CI, 78.2-97.4). On multivariate analysis, prior irradiation (HR, 7.30; 95% CI, 1.31-40.86) and pre-existing compression fracture (HR, 18.45; 95% CI, 3.42-99.52) were independent risk factors for VCF. Conclusion: The incidence of VCF following conventional RT to the spine is not particularly high, regardless of metastatic tumor involvement. Spines that received irradiation and/or have pre-existing compression fracture before RT have an increased risk of VCF and require close observation.

Percutaneous osteoplasty for painful bony lesions: a technical survey

  • Kim, Won-Sung;Kim, Kyung-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.375-393
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    • 2021
  • Percutaneous osteoplasty (POP) is defined as the injection of bone cement into various painful bony lesions, refractory to conventional therapy, as an extended technique of percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP). POP can be applied to benign osteochondral lesions and malignant metastatic lesions throughout the whole skeleton, whereas PVP is restricted to the vertebral body. Common spinal metastases occur in the thoracic (70%), lumbosacral (20%), and cervical (10%) vertebrae, in order of frequency. Extraspinal metastases into the ribs, scapulae, sternum, and humeral head commonly originate from lung and breast cancers; extraspinal metastases into the pelvis and femoral head come from prostate, urinary bladder, colon, and uterine cervical cancers. Pain is aggravated in the dependent (or weight bearing) position, or during movement (or respiration). The tenderness and imaging diagnosis should match. The supposed mechanism of pain relief in POP is the augmentation of damaged bones, thermal and chemical ablation of the nociceptive nerves, and local inhibition of tumor invasion. Adjacent (facet) joint injections may be needed prior to POP (PVP). The length and thickness of the applied needle should be chosen according to the targeted bone. Bone cement is also selected by its osteoconduction, osteoinduction, and osteogenesis. Needle route should be chosen as a shortcut to reach the target bony lesions, without damage to the nerves and vessels. POP is a promising minimally invasive procedure for immediate pain relief. This review provides a technical survey for POPs in painful bony lesions.