• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial interpolation method

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A Study on the GIS for The Sea Environmental Management I - Focus on the Study of A Interpolation on The Application of LDI Algorism - (GIS를 활용한 해양환경관리에 관한 연구 I - LDI 알고리즘 적용을 위한 보간법에 관한 연구 -)

  • Lee, Hyoung Min;Park, GI Hark
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 2006
  • Today, satellite remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) plays an important role as an advanced science and technology. This study was developed a Line Density Algorithm which was clarify and describe the thermal front by using NOAA SST (sea surface temperature) and GIS spatial analysis for systemic and effective management of fish raising industry and sea environmental pollution by land reclamation program. Before this, a study about a interpolation method was carry out which was very important for estimate the hidden value between a special point. For this study Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation, Spline interpolation, Kriging interpolation methods were choose and SST data from 2001 to 2004 in spring (March, April, May) were analyzed. According to the study Kriging interpolation method was the very adaptive method from a practical point of view and excellent in description and precision then others. Finally, the result of this study will be use for develope the Line Density Index Algorism.

Quadrilateral Irregular Network for Mesh-Based Interpolation

  • Tae Beom Kim;Chihyung Lee
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.439-459
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    • 2023
  • Numerical analysis has been adopted in nearly all modern scientific and engineering fields due to the rapid and ongoing evolution of computational technology, with the number of grid or mesh points in a given data field also increasing. Some values must be extracted from large data fields to evaluate and supplement numerical analysis results and observational data, thereby highlighting the need for a fast and effective interpolation approach. The quadrilateral irregular network (QIN) proposed in this study is a fast and reliable interpolation method that is capable of sufficiently satisfying these demands. A comparative sensitivity analysis is first performed using known test functions to assess the accuracy and computational requirements of QIN relative to conventional interpolation methods. These same interpolation methods are then employed to produce simple numerical model results for a real-world comparison. Unlike conventional interpolation methods, QIN can obtain reliable results with a guaranteed degree of accuracy since there is no need to determine the optimal parameter values. Furthermore, QIN is a computationally efficient method compared with conventional interpolation methods that require the entire data space to be evaluated during interpolation, even if only a subset of the data space requires interpolation.

농업용수 수요량 분석을 위한 잠재증발산량 공간 분포 추정

  • Yu, Seung-Hwan;Choe, Jin-Yong
    • KCID journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2006
  • Weather station based PET(Potential Evapotrarspiration) analysis has often been inadequate to meet the needs of regional-scale irrigation planning. A map of continuous PET surface would be better a solution for the spatial interpolation considering spatial variations. Using a normal PET data collected at the 54 meteorological stations in Korea, 10-days spatial distribution PET map was created using universal Kriging(UK). These estimation methods were evaluated by both visual assessments of the output maps and the quantitative comparison of error measures that were obtained from the cross validation. The universal Kriging method showed appropriate results in spatial interpolation from weather station based PET to spatial PET with low statistical errors.

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A Study of Optimal Mesh Interface Region Generation to Improve Spatial and Temporal Accuracy (공간 및 시간 정확도 향상을 위한 최적의 삽간영역 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Kum Won
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2003
  • The spatial accuracy becomes first-order when second-order conservation schemes including the non-conservative interpolation in general Chimera method are used. To ensure the solution accuracy, the discontinuities must be located away from the overlapped regions, and the length of overlapped region also must be proportional to the grid spacing. In this paper, a proposed method, cut-paste algorithm, is used to satisfy above constraints. The cut-paste algorithm can generate the optimal mesh inteface region automatically, To validate the spatial and temporal accuracy due to the non-conservative interpolation, inviscid and viscous problems are tested.

Overload Measurement and Control of Access Control Channel Based on Hysteresis at Satellite Communication of DAMA (이진영상을 이용한 효율적인 에지 기반의 디인터레이싱 보간 알고리즘)

  • Lee Cheong-Un;Kim Sung-Kwan;Lee Dong-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.8C
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    • pp.801-809
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a new algorithm for improving the performance of the spatial filter which is the most important part of deinterlacing methods. The conventional edge-based algorithms are not satisfactory in deciding the exact edge direction which controls the performance of the interpolation. The proposed algorithm much increases the performance of the intrafield interpolation by finding exact edge directions based on the binary image. Edge directions are decided using 15 by 3 local window to find not only more accurate but also many low-angle edge directions. The proposed interpolation method upgrades the visual quality of the image by alleviating the misleading edge directions. Simulation results for various images show that the proposed method provides better performance than the existing methods do.

A New Spatial Interpolation Method of GCP Datum of Remote Sensing Images

  • Ren, Liucheng
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1365-1367
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    • 2003
  • A new method, called dynamic space projection method that is suitable to remote sensing image, is adopted to encrypt GCP (ground control point) datum in this paper. The essence of this method is to encrypt enough GCP by using a few known GCP in order to realize the precise correction of remote sensing image. By making use of the method to the GCP datum encrypting and precise geometric correction of TM image and SPOT image, the precision of encrypted GCP is less than one pixel, the precision of precisely corrected image is less than two pixels.

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Spatial interpolation of geotechnical data: A case study for Multan City, Pakistan

  • Aziz, Mubashir;Khan, Tanveer A.;Ahmed, Tauqir
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.475-488
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    • 2017
  • Geotechnical data contributes substantially to the cost of engineering projects due to increasing cost of site investigations. Existing information in the form of soil maps can save considerable time and expenses while deciding the scope and extent of site exploration for a proposed project site. This paper presents spatial interpolation of data obtained from soil investigation reports of different construction sites and development of soil maps for geotechnical characterization of Multan area using ArcGIS. The subsurface conditions of the study area have been examined in terms of soil type and standard penetration resistance. The Inverse Distance Weighting method in the Spatial Analyst extension of ArcMap10 has been employed to develop zonation maps at different depths of the study area. Each depth level has been interpolated as a surface to create zonation maps for soil type and standard penetration resistance. Correlations have been presented based on linear regression of standard penetration resistance values with depth for quick estimation of strength and stiffness of soil during preliminary planning and design stage of a proposed project in the study area. Such information helps engineers to use data derived from nearby sites or sites of similar subsoils subjected to similar geological process to build a preliminary ground model for a new site. Moreover, reliable information on geometry and engineering properties of underground layers would make projects safer and economical.

Two-dimensional Spatial Distribution Analysis Using Water Quality Measurement Results at River Junctions (하천 합류부에서의 수질계측결과를 활용한 2차원 공간분포 해석)

  • Lee, Chang Hyun;Park, Jae Gon;Kim, Kyung Dong;Ryu, Si Wan;Kim, Dong Su;Kim, Young Do
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.343-350
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    • 2022
  • High-resolution data are needed to understand water body mixing patterns at river junctions. In particular, in river analysis, hydrological and water quality characteristics are used as basic data for aquatic ecological health, so observation through continuous monitoring is necessary. In addition, since measurement is carried out through a one-dimensional and fixed measurement method in existing monitoring systems, a hydrological and water quality characteristics investigation of an entire river, except for in the immediate vicinity of the measurement point, is not undertaken. In order to obtain high-resolution measurement data, a measurer has to consider multiple factors, and the area or time that can be measured is limited. Although the resolution might be lowered, an appropriate interpolation method must be selected in order to acquire a wide range of data. Therefore, in this study, a high-elevation measurement method at a river junction was introduced, and the interpolation method according to the measurement results was compared. The overall hydraulic and water quality information of the river was indicated through the visualization of the prediction and interpolation method in the low-resolution measurement result. By comparing each interpolation method, Inverse Distance Weighting, Natural Neighbor, and Kriging techniques were applied in river mapping to improve the precision of river mapping through visualized data and quantitative evaluation. It is thought that this study will offer a new method for measuring rivers through spatial interpolation.

Super Resolution Image Reconstruction using the Maximum A-Posteriori Method

  • Kwon Hyuk-Jong;Kim Byung-Guk
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 2004
  • Images with high resolution are desired and often required in many visual applications. When resolution can not be improved by replacing sensors, either because of cost or hardware physical limits, super resolution image reconstruction method is what can be resorted to. Super resolution image reconstruction method refers to image processing algorithms that produce high quality and high resolution images from a set of low quality and low resolution images. The method is proved to be useful in many practical cases where multiple frames of the same scene can be obtained, including satellite imaging, video surveillance, video enhancement and restoration, digital mosaicking, and medical imaging. The method can be either the frequency domain approach or the spatial domain approach. Much of the earlier works concentrated on the frequency domain formulation, but as more general degradation models were considered, later researches had been almost exclusively on spatial domain formulations. The method in spatial domains has three stages: i) motion estimate or image registration, ii) interpolation onto high resolution grid and iii) deblurring process. The super resolution grid construction in the second stage was discussed in this paper. We applied the Maximum A­Posteriori(MAP) reconstruction method that is one of the major methods in the super resolution grid construction. Based on this method, we reconstructed high resolution images from a set of low resolution images and compared the results with those from other known interpolation methods.

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A Relevant Distortion Criterion for Interpolation of the Head-Related Transfer Functions (머리 전달 함수의 보간에 적합한 왜곡 척도)

  • Lee, Ki-Seung;Lee, Seok-Pil
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2009
  • In the binaural synthesis environments, wide varieties of the head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) that have measured with a various direction would be desirable to obtain the accurate and various spatial sound images. To reduce the size' of HRTFs, interpolation has been often employed, where the HRTF for any direction is obtained by a limited number of the representative HRTFs. In this paper, we study on the distortion measures for interpolation, which has an important role in interpolation. With lhe various objective distortion metrics, the differences between the interpolated and the measured HRTFs were computed. These were then compared and analyzed with the results from the listening tests. From the results, the objective distortion measures were selected, that reflected the perceptual differences in spatial sound image. This measure was employed in a practical interpolation technique. We applied the proposed method to four kinds of an HRTF set, measured from three human heads and one mannequin. As a result, the Mel-frequency cepstral distortion was shown to be a good predictor for the differences in spatial sound location, when three HRTF measured from human, and the time-domain signal to distortion ratio revealed good prediction results for the entire four HRTF sets.