• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial images

검색결과 2,502건 처리시간 1.317초

The Evaluation of Reconstructed Images in 3D OSEM According to Iteration and Subset Number (3D OSEM 재구성 법에서 반복연산(Iteration) 횟수와 부분집합(Subset) 개수 변경에 따른 영상의 질 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Seok;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Shim, Dong-Oh;Yoo, Hee-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Presently in the nuclear medicine field, the high-speed image reconstruction algorithm like the OSEM algorithm is widely used as the alternative of the filtered back projection method due to the rapid development and application of the digital computer. There is no to relate and if it applies the optimal parameter be clearly determined. In this research, the quality change of the Jaszczak phantom experiment and brain SPECT patient data according to the iteration times and subset number change try to be been put through and analyzed in 3D OSEM reconstruction method of applying 3D beam modeling. Materials and Methods: Patient data from August, 2010 studied and analyzed against 5 patients implementing the brain SPECT until september, 2010 in the nuclear medicine department of ASAN medical center. The phantom image used the mixed Jaszczak phantom equally and obtained the water and 99mTc (500 MBq) in the dual head gamma camera Symbia T2 of Siemens. When reconstructing each image altogether with patient data and phantom data, we changed iteration number as 1, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 30 times and subset number as 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 times. We reconstructed in reconstructed each image, the variation coefficient for guessing about noise of images and image contrast, FWHM were produced and compared. Results: In patients and phantom experiment data, a contrast and spatial resolution of an image showed the tendency to increase linearly altogether according to the increment of the iteration times and subset number but the variation coefficient did not show the tendency to be improved according to the increase of two parameters. In the comparison according to the scan time, the image contrast and FWHM showed altogether the result of being linearly improved according to the iteration times and subset number increase in projection per 10, 20 and 30 second image but the variation coefficient did not show the tendency to be improved. Conclusion: The linear relationship of the image contrast improved in 3D OSEM reconstruction method image of applying 3D beam modeling through this experiment like the existing 1D and 2D OSEM reconfiguration method according to the iteration times and subset number increase could be confirmed. However, this is simple phantom experiment and the result of obtaining by the some patients limited range and the various variables can be existed. So for generalizing this based on this results of this experiment, there is the excessiveness and the evaluation about 3D OSEM reconfiguration method should be additionally made through experiments after this.

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The Usefulness of LEUR Collimator for 1-Day Basal/Acetazolamide Brain Perfusion SPECT (1-Day Protocol을 사용하는 Brain Perfusion SPECT에서 LEUR 콜리메이터의 유용성)

  • Choi, Jin-Wook;Kim, Soo-Mee;Lee, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Jin-Eui;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Basal/Acetazolamide-challenged brain perfusion SPECT is very useful to assess cerebral perfusion and vascular reserve. However, as there is a trade off between sensitivity and spatial resolution in the selection of collimator, the selection of optimal collimator is crucial. In this study, we examined three collimators to select optimal one for 1-day brain perfusion SPECT. Materials and Methods: Three collimators, low energy high resolution-parallel beam (LEHR-par), ultra resolution-fan beam (LEUR-fan) and super fine-fan beam (LESFR-fan), were tested for 1-day imaging using Triad XLT 9 (TRIONIX). The SPECT images of Hoffman 3D brain phantom filled with 99mTc of 170 MBq and a normal volunteer were acquired with a protocol of 50 kcts/frame and detector rotation of 3 degree. Filterd backprojection (FBP) reconstruction with Butterworth filter (cut off frequencies, 0.3 to 0.5) was performed. The quantitative and qualitative assessments for three collimators were performed. Results: The blind tests showed that LESFR-fan provided the best image quality for Hoffman brain phantom and the volunteer. However, images for all the collimator were evaluated as 'acceptable'. On the other hand, in order to meet the equivalent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), total acquisition time or radioactivity dose for LESFR-fan must have been increased up to almost twice of that for LEUR-fan and LEHR-par. The volunteer test indicated that total acquisition time could be reduced approximately by 10 to 14 min in clinical practice using LEUR-fan and LEHR-par without significant loss on image quality, in comparison with LESFR-fan. Conclusion: Although LESFR-fan provides the best image quality, it requires significantly more acquisition time than LEUR-fan and LEHR-par to provide reasonable SNR. Since there is no significant clinical difference between three collimators, LEUR-fan and LEHR-par can be recommended as optimal collimators for 1-day brain perfusion imaging with respect to image quality and SNR.

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The Discriminating Nature of Dopamine Transporter Image in Parkinsonism: The Competency of Dopaminergic Transporter Imaging in Differential Diagnosis of Parkinsonism: $^{123}I-FP-CIT$ SPECT Study (도파민운반체 영상의 파킨슨증 감별진단 성능: $^{123}I-FP-CIT$ SPECT 연구)

  • Kim, Bom-Sahn;Jang, Sung-June;Eo, Jae-Seon;Park, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Yu-Kyeong;Kim, Jong-Min;Lee, Won-Woo;Kim, Sang-Eun
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the discriminating nature of $^{123}I-FP-CIT$ SPECT in patients with parkinsonism. Methods: $^{123}I-FP-CIT$ SPECT images acquired from the 18 normal controls; NC ($60.4{\pm}10.0$ yr) and 237 patients with parkinsonism ($65.9{\pm}9.2$ yr) were analyzed. From spatialIy normalized images, regional counts of the caudate, putamen, and occipital lobe were obtained using region of interest method. Binding potential (BP) was calculated with the ratio of specific to nonspecific binding activity at equilibrium. Additionally, the BP ratio of putamen to caudate (PCR) and asymmetric Index (ASI) were measured. Results: BPs of NC $3.37{\pm}0.57,\; 3.10{\pm}0.41,\; 3.23{\pm}0.48$ for caudate, putamen, whole striatum, respectively) had no significant difference with those of essential tremor; ET ($3.31{\pm}0.64,\; 3.06{\pm}0.61,\; 3.14{\pm}0.63$) and Alzheimer's disease; AD (3.33 $\pm$0.60, 3.29$\pm$0.79, 3.31$\pm$0.70), but were higher than those of Parkinson's disease; PD (1.92$\pm$0.74, 1.39$\pm$0.68, 1.64$\pm$0.68), multiple system atrophy; MSA (2.36$\pm$1.07, 2.16$\pm$0.91, 2.26$\pm$0.96), and dementia with Lewy body; DLB (1.95$\pm$0.72, 1.64$\pm$0.65, 1.79$\pm$0.66)(p<0.005). PD had statisticalIy lower values of PER and higher values of ASI than those of NC (p<0.005). And PD had significantIy lower value of PCR, higher ASI and lower BP in the putamen and whole striatum than MSA (p<0.05). Conclusion: Dopamine transporter image of $^{123}I-FP-CIT$ SPECT was a good value in differential diagnosis of parkinsonism.

Abosrbed Dose Measurements and Phantom Image Ecaluation at Minimum CT Dose for Pediatric SPECT/CT Scan (소아 SPECT/CT 검사를 위한 최저조건에서의 피폭선량측정 및 팬텀의 영상평가)

  • Park, Chan Rok;Choi, Jin Wook;Cho, Seong Wook;Kim, Jin Eui
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of study was to evaluate radiation dose for pediatric patients by changing tube voltage (kVp) and tube current (mA) at minimum conditions. By evaluating radiation dose, we want to provide dose reduction for pediatric patients and maintain good quality of SPECT/CT images. Materials and Methods: Discovery NM/CT 670 Scanne was used as SPECT/CT. Tube voltages are 80 and 100 kvP. Tube currents are 10, 15, 20, 25 mA. Using PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate) Phantom, radiation dose which were calculated at center and peripheral dose and SNRD (Signal to Noise Ratio Dose) were evaluated. Using the CT performance phantom, spatial resolution was evaluated as the MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) graph. Jaszczak phantom was used for SPECT image evaluation by CNR (Contrast to Noise to Ratio). Results: Radiation dose using the PMMA phantom was higher peripheral dose than center dose about 7%. SNRD were 7.8, 8.2, 8.3, 8.8, 8.8, 9.9, 9.8, 9.6 for 80 kVp 10, 15, 20, 25 mA, 100 kVp 10, 15, 20, 25 mA. We can distinguish 35, 45, 70, 71, 52, 58, 90, 110 linepair for 80 kVp 10, 15, 20, 25 mA, 100 kVp 10, 15, 20, 25 mA at resolution with MTF. CNR of SPECT images using CT attenuation map were 57.8, 57.7, 57.1, 56.7, 56.6, 56.7, 56.7, 56.7% for 80 kVp 10, 15, 20, 25 mA, 100 kVp 10, 15, 20, 25 mA. Conclusion: In this study, radiation dose for pediatric patients showed decreased low dose condition. And SNRD value was similar in all condition. Resolution showed higher value at 100kVp than 80kVp. for CNR, there was no significant difference. we should take additional study to prove better quality and dose reduction.

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Generation of Sea Surface Temperature Products Considering Cloud Effects Using NOAA/AVHRR Data in the TeraScan System: Case Study for May Data (TeraScan시스템에서 NOAA/AVHRR 해수면온도 산출시 구름 영향에 따른 신뢰도 부여 기법: 5월 자료 적용)

  • Yang, Sung-Soo;Yang, Chan-Su;Park, Kwang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2010
  • A cloud detection method is introduced to improve the reliability of NOAA/AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data processed during the daytime and nighttime in the TeraScan System. In daytime, the channels 2 and 4 are used to detect a cloud using the three tests, which are spatial uniformity tests of brightness temperature (infrared channel 4) and channel 2 albedo, and reflectivity threshold test for visible channel 2. Meanwhile, the nighttime cloud detection tests are performed by using the channels 3 and 4, because the channel 2 data are not available in nighttime. This process include the dual channel brightness temperature difference (ch3 - ch4) and infrared channel brightness temperature threshold tests. For a comparison of daytime and nighttime SST images, two data used here are obtained at 0:28 (UTC) and 21:00 (UTC) on May 13, 2009. 6 parameters was tested to understand the factors that affect a cloud masking in and around Korean Peninsula. In daytime, the thresholds for ch2_max cover a range 3 through 8, and ch4_delta and ch2_delta are fixed on 5 and 2, respectively. In nighttime, the threshold range of ch3_minus_ch4 is from -1 to 0, and ch4_delta and min_ch4_temp have the fixed thresholds with 3.5 and 0, respectively. It is acceptable that the resulted images represent a reliability of SST according to the change of cloud masking area by each level. In the future, the accuracy of SST will be verified, and an assimilation method for SST data should be tested for a reliability improvement considering an atmospheric characteristic of research area around Korean Peninsula.

Narrative Composition and Visual Representation of Alternative History in FPS Game Trailer -By focusing on (FPS 게임 트레일러 속 대체 역사적 서사구성과 시각적 재현 - <울펜슈타인: 더 뉴 오더>를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Do-Won;Lee, Hyun-Seok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • 통권41호
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    • pp.253-277
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    • 2015
  • When was launched in 2014, it was immediately ranked 2nd in English gross sales record in the first half of 2014, attracting huge attention from avid game users. Colin Moriarty(2014) states that the worldwide popular game, , lies on the alternative history assumption, 'what if Nazi Germany won the second world war? In regard to this, this research addresses how the characteristics of alternative history was adopted and visually represented in FPS game trailer. In terms of research method, firstly, literatures will be reviewed about definition of alternative history and some of the previous examples where alternative history was applied in novels, films and games. Secondly, narrative composition of alternative history is categorized as three sequential phases, (1) borrowing real history material, (2) connection between real and fictional history and (3) reconstruction of history through reinterpretation. Thirdly, the live-action game trailer will be analysed by three sequential phases of narrative composition, and CG game character and background will be analysed by spatial background, characters and props. The phase of 'borrowing' has used the historic images related to the World War II, and the phase of "connection' has composited by "connection through circumstantial events". The phase of 'reconstruction' has unfolded its fictional narrative in the form of "limited fictional history" In addition to this, has constructed dystopia world through composing of historic images and CG characters by SF design. In the light of this, the narrative composition of alternative history successfully extends to game area.

Probabilistic Anatomical Labeling of Brain Structures Using Statistical Probabilistic Anatomical Maps (확률 뇌 지도를 이용한 뇌 영역의 위치 정보 추출)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Dong-Soo;Lee, Byung-Il;Lee, Jae-Sung;Shin, Hee-Won;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The use of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) program has increased for the analysis of brain PET and SPECT images. Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinate is used in SPM program as a standard anatomical framework. While the most researchers look up Talairach atlas to report the localization of the activations detected in SPM program, there is significant disparity between MNI templates and Talairach atlas. That disparity between Talairach and MNI coordinates makes the interpretation of SPM result time consuming, subjective and inaccurate. The purpose of this study was to develop a program to provide objective anatomical information of each x-y-z position in ICBM coordinate. Materials and Methods: Program was designed to provide the anatomical information for the given x-y-z position in MNI coordinate based on the Statistical Probabilistic Anatomical Map (SPAM) images of ICBM. When x-y-z position was given to the program, names of the anatomical structures with non-zero probability and the probabilities that the given position belongs to the structures were tabulated. The program was coded using IDL and JAVA language for 4he easy transplantation to any operating system or platform. Utility of this program was shown by comparing the results of this program to those of SPM program. Preliminary validation study was peformed by applying this program to the analysis of PET brain activation study of human memory in which the anatomical information on the activated areas are previously known. Results: Real time retrieval of probabilistic information with 1 mm spatial resolution was archived using the programs. Validation study showed the relevance of this program: probability that the activated area for memory belonged to hippocampal formation was more than 80%. Conclusion: These programs will be useful for the result interpretation of the image analysis peformed on MNI coordinate, as done in SPM program.

A study for improvement of far-distance performance of a tunnel accident detection system by using an inverse perspective transformation (역 원근변환 기법을 이용한 터널 영상유고시스템의 원거리 감지 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu Beom;Shin, Hyu-Soung
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.247-262
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    • 2022
  • In domestic tunnels, it is mandatory to install CCTVs in tunnels longer than 200 m which are also recommended by installation of a CCTV-based automatic accident detection system. In general, the CCTVs in the tunnel are installed at a low height as well as near by the moving vehicles due to the spatial limitation of tunnel structure, so a severe perspective effect takes place in the distance of installed CCTV and moving vehicles. Because of this effect, conventional CCTV-based accident detection systems in tunnel are known in general to be very hard to achieve the performance in detection of unexpected accidents such as stop or reversely moving vehicles, person on the road and fires, especially far from 100 m. Therefore, in this study, the region of interest is set up and a new concept of inverse perspective transformation technique is introduced. Since moving vehicles in the transformed image is enlarged proportionally to the distance from CCTV, it is possible to achieve consistency in object detection and identification of actual speed of moving vehicles in distance. To show this aspect, two datasets in the same conditions are composed with the original and the transformed images of CCTV in tunnel, respectively. A comparison of variation of appearance speed and size of moving vehicles in distance are made. Then, the performances of the object detection in distance are compared with respect to the both trained deep-learning models. As a result, the model case with the transformed images are able to achieve consistent performance in object and accident detections in distance even by 200 m.

Performance Evaluation of Siemens CTI ECAT EXACT 47 Scanner Using NEMA NU2-2001 (NEMA NU2-2001을 이용한 Siemens CTI ECAT EXACT 47 스캐너의 표준 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: NEMA NU2-2001 was proposed as a new standard for performance evaluation of whole body PET scanners. in this study, system performance of Siemens CTI ECAT EXACT 47 PET scanner including spatial resolution, sensitivity, scatter fraction, and count rate performance in 2D and 3D mode was evaluated using this new standard method. Methods: ECAT EXACT 47 is a BGO crystal based PET scanner and covers an axial field of view (FOV) of 16.2 cm. Retractable septa allow 2D and 3D data acquisition. All the PET data were acquired according to the NEMA NU2-2001 protocols (coincidence window: 12 ns, energy window: $250{\sim}650$ keV). For the spatial resolution measurement, F-18 point source was placed at the center of the axial FOV((a) x=0, and y=1, (b)x=0, and y=10, (c)x=70, and y=0cm) and a position one fourth of the axial FOV from the center ((a) x=0, and y=1, (b)x=0, and y=10, (c)x=10, and y=0cm). In this case, x and y are transaxial horizontal and vertical, and z is the scanner's axial direction. Images were reconstructed using FBP with ramp filter without any post processing. To measure the system sensitivity, NEMA sensitivity phantom filled with F-18 solution and surrounded by $1{\sim}5$ aluminum sleeves were scanned at the center of transaxial FOV and 10 cm offset from the center. Attenuation free values of sensitivity wire estimated by extrapolating data to the zero wall thickness. NEMA scatter phantom with length of 70 cm was filled with F-18 or C-11solution (2D: 2,900 MBq, 3D: 407 MBq), and coincidence count rates wire measured for 7 half-lives to obtain noise equivalent count rate (MECR) and scatter fraction. We confirmed that dead time loss of the last flame were below 1%. Scatter fraction was estimated by averaging the true to background (staffer+random) ratios of last 3 frames in which the fractions of random rate art negligibly small. Results: Axial and transverse resolutions at 1cm offset from the center were 0.62 and 0.66 cm (FBP in 2D and 3D), and 0.67 and 0.69 cm (FBP in 2D and 3D). Axial, transverse radial, and transverse tangential resolutions at 10cm offset from the center were 0.72 and 0.68 cm (FBP in 2D and 3D), 0.63 and 0.66 cm (FBP in 2D and 3D), and 0.72 and 0.66 cm (FBP in 2D and 3D). Sensitivity values were 708.6 (2D), 2931.3 (3D) counts/sec/MBq at the center and 728.7 (2D, 3398.2 (3D) counts/sec/MBq at 10 cm offset from the center. Scatter fractions were 0.19 (2D) and 0.49 (3D). Peak true count rate and NECR were 64.0 kcps at 40.1 kBq/mL and 49.6 kcps at 40.1 kBq/mL in 2D and 53.7 kcps at 4.76 kBq/mL and 26.4 kcps at 4.47 kBq/mL in 3D. Conclusion: Information about the performance of CTI ECAT EXACT 47 PET scanner reported in this study will be useful for the quantitative analysis of data and determination of optimal image acquisition protocols using this widely used scanner for clinical and research purposes.

'Yongyudam of Hamyang', the Significance and Value as a Traditional Scenic Place ('함양 용유담(咸陽 龍遊潭)', 전래명승으로서의 의의와 가치 구명)

  • Rho, Jae-hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.82-101
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to survey and analyze the origin story and the legends associated with Yongyudam(龍遊潭, Dragon Creek), its scenic and spatial description in Climbing Writings(遊山記: Yusangi Notes), its geographical and geological features, its surrounding remains and letters chiseled on the rocks through the field study and the study on literatures associated with it so to identify its significance and value and then to ensure justification on preservation of Yongyudam scenic site. Conclusions of this study are as follow. As the traditional scenic place 'Geumdae-Jiri(金臺智異)' representing Hamyang-gun(咸陽郡) depicts Mount Cheonwangbong and 'Yongyudong Village(龍遊洞)', ancient maps and literatures have positioned Yongyudam as the center of Eomcheon-river Creek as well as the representing scenic site of Yongyudong Village. Core images in the spatial awareness of Yongyudam described in our ancestors' Climbing Writings Notes on Jirisan Mount are 'geographical and scenic peculiarity associated with swimming dragons', 'potholes in various shapes and sizes scattered on rocks', 'loud sound generated by swirling from shoals' and 'the scenic metaphor from the dragon legend', which have led scenic features of Yongyudam scenic site. In addition, significant scenic metaphors from legends such as 'Nine Dragons and Ascetic Majeog' and 'Kasaya Fish' as well as 'the Holy Place of Dragon God', the rain calling magic god have descended not only as the very nature of Yongyudam scenic site but also the catalyst deepening its mystic and place nature. On the other hand, Jangguso Place(杖?所, Place of Scholars) in the vicinity of Yongyudam was the place of resting and amusement for scholars from Yeongnam Province, to name a few, Kim Il-son, Cho Sik, Jung Yeo-chang and Kang Dae-su, where they experienced and recognized Jirisan Mount as the scenic living place. Letters Carved on the rocks at Jangguso Place are memorial tributes and monumental signs. Around Yongyudam, there are 3 stairs, letters chiseled on the rocks and the water rock artificially built to collect clean water, which are traditional scenic remains detectable of territoriality as the ritual place. In addition, The letters on the rock at Yongyudong-mun(龍遊洞門) discovered for the first time by this study are the sign promoting Yongyudam as the place of splendid landscape. The laconism, 'It is the Greatest Water in Jirisan Mount(方丈第一山水)' on a rock expresses the pride of Yongyudam as the representing scenic place of Mount Jirisan. Other than those, standing rocks such as Simjindae Rock, Yeong-gwidae Rock and Ganghwadae Rock show the sign that they are used as amusement and gathering places for ancestor scholars, which add significance to Yongyudam. By this study, it was possible to verify that Yongyudam in Mount Jirisan is not simply 'the scenic place in the tangible reality' but also has seamlessly inherited as the traditional scenic attraction spiritualized by overlapped historical and cultural values. Yongyudam, as the combined heritage by itself, shows that it is the product of the place nature as well as unique ensemble of cultural scenic attraction inherited through long history based on natural scenery. It is certain that not only the place value but also geographical, geological, historical and cultural values of Yongyudam are the essence of traditional scenic attraction, which should not be disparaged or damaged by whatever political or economic interests and logics.