• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Development

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Development of a 3D Building Information-Based Sky Obstruction Analysis Program for Improving RTK Surveying Efficiency (RTK 측량의 효율성 향상을 위한 3D 건물 정보 기반 상공 장애도 분석 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Jeong, Ho-Hyun;Kang, Sang-Gu;Kim, Su-Hyun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2024
  • This study developed and evaluated a program for analyzing sky obstructions using 3D building information to improve the efficiency of RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) surveying. RTK surveying provides real-time positioning based on GNSS signals and boasts high accuracy, but in urban environments, the efficiency can be significantly reduced due to signal blockage or reflection caused by buildings and trees. To address this issue, the study analyzes the Sky Obstruction Rate (SOR) based on regularly updated 3D building information and provides a feature for recommending the most suitable survey points when planning the survey. The results confirmed that the program enhances both the efficiency and reliability of RTK surveying, while minimizing potential errors during the surveying process. However, the program's dependency on the accuracy and completeness of the building database presents limitations. Future research will explore the development and integration of a smartphone app to consider natural obstacles such as trees, expanding the program's functionality.

Spatial problems of Korea -A delphi survey- (國土管理의 方向定立을 위한 國土診斷 -專門家 集團의 問題意識을 中心으로-)

  • Kim, Inn;Yu, Woo-Ik;Huh, Woo-Kung;Park, Young-Han;Park, Sam-Ock;Yu, Keun-bae;Choi, Byung-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.16-38
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    • 1994
  • The spatial structure of Korea has been changed drastically during the second half of this century. The events such as the Korean War and the resultant division of the Korean Peninsular into two Koreas, rapid industrialization and urbanization are the major causes among others for the spatial changes of the nation. The changes in turn have spawned a number of spatial problems. It is time, we argue, to diagnose how much the nation is now ill-structured, and to discuss of which directions the long-term spatial management be reoriented. A delphi survey was conducted during the early 1993 to fulfill such research needs. Questionnaires were distributed among geographers, planners, and high governmental officials throughout the nation. These 'experts of spatial problems' were requested to evaluate the past spatial policies and strategies, and to identify spatial and environmental problems at the national, regional and local levels. The survey included questions with regard to the spatial problems in North Korea too. A complementary literature survey in the fields of spatial sciences was accomplished as well in order to identify the major research interests and issues with regard to the nations's spatial structure. The delphi survey results indicatee that the present spatial structure: in relation to consumption, housing and economic activities is satisfactory in overall, while rather poor in terms of education, leisure and community activities. Most of the experts consider infrastructural improvements are urgent in the areas of roads, waste disposal facilitles, railroads, harbors, water supply and drainage systems. The over-concentration of economic, social and political function in the Seoul Metropolitan Region is perceived to be the most serious spatial problem in Korea. The long-term solutions suggested are strategies toward a more balanced regional development as well as toward a cleaner environment. The concensus among the experts for the short-term solution is the redistribution of population and industries from the Seoul Metropolitan Region to the intermediate and small cities. The land use policies and concurrent large-scale infrastructural projects are evaluated largely pertinent and desirable in general. It is, however, suggested that development projects be conducted in a more harmonious way with environment. The survey respondents suggest that the present environmental management policies should be reexamined critically. With regard to regional and local problems, transportation and pollutions are thought to be most serious in the Seoul Metropolitan Region, while employment opportunities, and information, education and health care services are most deprived in small cities and rural areas. The majority of the experts consider a city size of 250, 000-500, 000 population is desirable to live within. Respondents beileve that North Korea's physical environment is still not aggravated much whereas its infrastructural provisions are largely pool. The co-authors of this research figure a "environmentaly sound and spatially balanced Korean Penninsular" as the ideal type of spatial structure in Korea. The basic guidelines toward this ideal prototype are suggested: the recovery of spetial integrity, progressive restructuring of the nation, land uses geared to public welfare rather than private interests, and eco-humanistic approach in spatial policies.

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