• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sources of Knowledge

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Separation of Single Channel Mixture Using Time-domain Basis Functions

  • Jang, Gil-Jin;Oh, Yung-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4E
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    • pp.146-155
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    • 2002
  • We present a new technique for achieving source separation when given only a single charmel recording. The main idea is based on exploiting the inherent time structure of sound sources by learning a priori sets of time-domain basis functions that encode the sources in a statistically efficient manner. We derive a learning algorithm using a maximum likelihood approach given the observed single charmel data and sets of basis functions. For each time point we infer the source parameters and their contribution factors. This inference is possible due to the prior knowledge of the basis functions and the associated coefficient densities. A flexible model for density estimation allows accurate modeling of the observation, and our experimental results exhibit a high level of separation performance for simulated mixtures as well as real environment recordings employing mixtures of two different sources. We show separation results of two music signals as well as the separation of two voice signals.

Separation of Single Channel Mixture Using Time-domain Basis Functions

  • 장길진;오영환
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.146-146
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    • 2002
  • We present a new technique for achieving source separation when given only a single channel recording. The main idea is based on exploiting the inherent time structure of sound sources by learning a priori sets of time-domain basis functions that encode the sources in a statistically efficient manner. We derive a learning algorithm using a maximum likelihood approach given the observed single channel data and sets of basis functions. For each time point we infer the source parameters and their contribution factors. This inference is possible due to the prior knowledge of the basis functions and the associated coefficient densities. A flexible model for density estimation allows accurate modeling of the observation, and our experimental results exhibit a high level of separation performance for simulated mixtures as well as real environment recordings employing mixtures of two different sources. We show separation results of two music signals as well as the separation of two voice signals.

Study on the policy literacy of the Republic of Korea regarding nuclear and new-renewable energy

  • Im, Eunok;Kim, Ju Kyong;Woo, Seung Min
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.741-748
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    • 2022
  • Policy literacy plays a critical role in enhancing deliberative communication among the public, policymakers, and experts. It also helps develop a positive view of policy by the public, which facilitates public acceptance. Despite its importance, however, policy literacy has received little attention in energy policy practice. Therefore, this study explores factors affecting the public's understanding and knowledge (i.e., policy literacy) of nuclear and new-renewable energy policies. Accordingly, we analyzed data from an online survey of 790 laypeople in Korea. Specifically, we examined the effects of trust, transparency, and policy public relations (PR) on the policy literacy of the public regarding the two alternative energy sources. The analysis revealed that people showed higher policy literacy about the alternative sources when provided with more transparent information and exposed to more policy PR activities. However, we found that trust in energy plant operators played a negligible role in improving policy literacy for both energy sources. Based on these findings, we developed some policy suggestions to secure the energy policy literacy of the public.

A Study on Consumer In Search Patterns and Search Outcomes(1) (소비자 정보탐색유형과 탐색성과에 관한연구(I))

  • 채정숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 1994
  • The major purpose of this study was to find the influencing factors in explaining information search patterns and to find if significant differences exist in search outcomes by search patterns. The data for this study were collected in a survey conducted in March of 1993. The final sample consisted of 327 respondents purchased refrigerator 340 purchased bed. The important findings of this study are as follows: First The variables related to search cost-benefit play an important role in identifying search patterns of consumers. Second search outcomes were different among four information search patterns for each of information sources. The overall search outcomes the level of purchase knowledge and of post-purchase satisfaction was relatively high for high-search and high-reliance group compared with other groups. And the results also indicate that although some consumers search less than others they still can make good purchase decision-making and can maximize their utility if they choose useful information sources selectively and use those selected information sources effectively. The findings of this study provide some implications regarding consumer education programs the consumer information providing policies and future research methods.

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Industry in a Networked World: Globalization and Localization of Industry" (네트워크세계의 산업: 산업의 세계화와 국지화)

  • 박삼옥
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.111-130
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    • 2002
  • Major purposes of this stud? are to analyze Korean firms'innovation networks and sources of knowledge for innovation and to understand their spatial dimensions. In the innovation networks, parent firms are most important for subcontracting firms, while suppliers, customers and competitors are relatively important for independent firms. However, in the future innovation networks, it is expected that government-sponsored research institutions and university wilt become more important on the one hand, networks with foreign firms will become more important on the other hand. Regarding the process of innovation, distance does not matter for the acquisition of codified knowledge. Spatial proximity is, however, critical for the acquisition of tacit knowledge because discussions and researches in a research division within a firm, personal networks of CEO and workers who are responsible for innovation activity, and inter-firm relations with suppliers and customer in a region are regarded important as sources of tacit knowledge. Overall, the innovation networks are different between the Capital Region and non-Capital Region as well as between the industrial complex and non-industrial complex, suggesting that different regional innovation strategies and policies should be established and implemented by considering such regional specificities. Finally, based on the results of this study several policy implications are suggested.

Sources of Innovation: Stakeholder Theory Perspective (혁신의 원천 : 이해관계자 관점에서)

  • Lee, Joo-Heon;Bae, B.Y.
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.171-190
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    • 2008
  • Innovation has become a key distinct feature of modern industrial society. It is generally recognized that new knowledge and technology are one of the most important sources of innovation. However, because of their limited resources, firms can not pursue all the promising new knowledge and technology that have possibilities to be developed into critical innovation. In this article, using the stakeholder theory, we try to establish a new conceptual model that can be used for understanding knowledge creation and innovation in society. In a society, there exist diverse socio-economic groups that have conflicting values and interests. Our stakeholder theory perspective on innovation claims that innovation can occur only when new solutions can satisfy their idiosyncratic stakeholders' values and interests better than current existing solutions. From the viewpoint of stakeholder innovation theory, there could be three different types of innovation: value improvement innovation, non -traditional value Innovation, and innovation for non-traditional stakeholders.

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Evaluation of a Nutrition Education Program Designed to Reduce Sugar Intake in Preschool Children (유아의 당 저감화를 위한 프로그램의 효과평가)

  • Yeom, Ma-Young;Cho, Youn-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.179-192
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate a nutrition education program designed to reduce sugar intake in preschool children. The nutritional knowledge, dietary attitude, dietary behavior, and food intake with a sweet taste in preschool children were tested before and after 4 weeks of nutrition education from March 8 to April 1, 2016. The preschool children were recruited in Dobong-gu, Seoul. The subjects were divided into two groups; educated (N=59) and non-educated group (N=40). Statistical analyseis were performed using SPSS 22. The nutritional knowledge about sweet tasting food was significantly increased (P<0.01) in the educated group and significantly decreased (P<0.01) in the non-educated group. The dietary attitude toward sweet tasting food was significantly decreased (P<0.05) in the educated group but not significantly changed in the non-educated group. The dietary behavior toward sweet tasting food was significantly decreased (P<0.05) in the educated group and significantly decreased (P<0.01) in the non-educated group. The major food sources of sugar intake were not significantly changed in either groups. The major food sources of sugar intake in the 5 years old children were yogurt products>sweetened breads>cookies/biscuits>chocolate>cereals>beverages>sweetened milk>sweet spicy chicken>Tteokbokki. Although there are some limitations in this study, due to the short length of the nutrition education and lack of active participation by the parents, the results suggest that effective nutrition education on sweet tasting food can bring about changes in nutritional knowledge as well as dietary attitude.

The Legacy Goes on: Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Uzbekistan Koryoin (ethnic Koreans)

  • Aleksey L. Kim;Hyeon Jin Jeong;Ju Eun Jang;Hyeok Jae Choi;Chang-Gee Jang;Hee-Young Gil
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.48-48
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    • 2022
  • Ethnobotany is an interdisciplinary science at the intersection of botany and ethnology. Currently, there is a sharply increasing need for the study and conservation of traditional knowledge about plants. The loss of traditional sources, knowledge, and practices in using plants is caused by the growth of technologies in all branches of production, widespread urbanization, and globalization of the economy. This study was been conducted to collect and analyze the Koryoins (Koryo saram) traditional ethnobotanical knowledge, living in Uzbekistan, whose number 174,200 people. They are the descendants of Korean immigrants to the Russian Far East, who ended up in Central Asia as a result of the forced resettlement in 1937. In the processing of collected data, four main categories of uses were defined - Alimentary, Medicinal, Household/Handicraft, and Others. For quantitative data analysis, synthetic indices were used - RFC (Relative Frequency of Citation) and CI (Cultural Importance Index), which are commonly applied to assess the importance of plants. The respondents mentioned 72 plants belonging to 28 botanical families. A significant part of them was cultivar plants. The category that had the largest number of plants mentioned by the respondents was the Alimentary use category (51). According to quantitative indices rates, the most important plants are traditionally used for food. A comparison of ethnobotanical knowledge was made with the collected data of this study and Korean traditional knowledge.

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A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Experience of College Students toward Sexual Behavior (일개 대학 대학생들의 성 지식, 태도 및 경험에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Han, Kyoung-Soon;Ham, Mi-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.115-131
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the knowledge, attitude and experience in sex for college students in oder to provide basic sex education information. For this study, the questionnaires were given to 316 students in the S college of Kyungi-do and collected during the period from March 22 to May 7, 1999. These results were analyzed statistically by means of frequency, percentage, t-test, one-way ANOVA. The results of this analysis are as follows. 1. The level of sexual knowledge related to sex was relatively high. The level of subjects knowledge was sexual Physiology, Generation Physiology, Venereal Disease and Genital Physiology. 2. The sources of sexual knowledge were friends 26.6%, expert books 23.4%, teachers 7.6%, mass-media 7.6% of subjects obtained. 3. Only 19.3% of subjects thought that pre-marriage virginity should be kept and there was difference of concept between males(3.48%) and females (15.8%). 4. The experience of masturbation was 28.5% of total. The subjects that had not experienced kiss were 51.6% of total. The subjects that experienced sexual intercourse were 76.9% of total and there were difference between both sexes(male: 54.0%, female: 82.6%).

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A Study on the Factors Influencing the Knowledge Sharing in Foodservice Enterprise (외식기업의 지식공유 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Taek-Yong;Na, Young-Sun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2004
  • Nowadays, a knowledge management becomes more important as it recognizes and utilizes a industrial knowledge as a significant sources for the improvement of enterprise competitiveness. Moreover, a industrial value tends to be evaluated by a knowledge value. In this study, influencing factors (processes, compensation system, leadership and information technology) on the knowledge sharing for strategies in foodservice Enterprise were investigated. For processes, it was important that the sharing and collecting factors for restaurants in hotel, the knowledge sharing and collecting for family-restaurants, the knowledge utilization and collecting for fast-food restaurants and the knowledge utilization and sharing for special restaurants. In compensation system, both mental and physical compensation were not related with the knowledge sharing in hotel-restaurants. On the other hands, the knowledge sharing in family-restaurants, fast-food restaurants and special restaurants was highly affected by the mental compensation, which indicated that food-service. Enterprise should lay emphasis on mental compensation than physical compensation. In industrial cultures, the influencing factors on the knowledge sharing were rational culture and progressive culture for restaurants in hotel and fast-food restaurants, and for special restaurants and family- restaurants, respectively. The ordering leadership was important factor for restaurants in hotel, fast-food restaurants and family-restaurants, while the knowledge sharing in special restaurants was more influenced by the supporting leadership. For information technology, it was important that the information utilization for restaurants in hotel, special restaurants and fast-food restaurants, and both information utilization and ability for family-restaurants.

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