• 제목/요약/키워드: Soil mineral nitrogen

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유박의 온도, 수분, 토심, 및 토성에 따른 질소의 무기화 (Nitrogen mineralization of oil cakes according to changes in temperature, moisture, soil depth and soil texture)

  • 조성현;장기운
    • 유기물자원화
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2007
  • 토양중 유박의 온도(10, 20, $30^{\circ}C$) 및 수분변화 (양토 : 포장용 수량의 40, 50, 60, 70%, 사양토 : 포장용수량의 50, 60, 70, 80%)에 따른 무기화정도를 검토하기 위해 토양과 피마자유박, 대두박, 탈지강을 혼합하여 실내항온배양을 30일간 실시하여 무기태 질소를 측정하였다. 또한 PVC파이프로 컬럼을 제작하여 실외 포장에 토양컬럼을 설치하여 30일 후 토양깊이에 따른 무기화를 조사하였으며 실내 및 실외배양에 사용된 토양은 사양토와 양토로 이들 두 토양간의 무기태질소의 생성량을 조사하였다. 피마자박, 대두박 및 탈지강을 토양에 혼합하여 실내항온배양을 실시한 결과 배양온도가 높고 수분함량이 높을수록 무기태 질소의 생성량이 증가되었으며 양토보다 사양토에서 무기태 질소의 생성량이 높았다. 한편 토양컬럼 실험결과 토심에 따른 무기태 질소의 생성량은 토심이 깊어짐에 따라 감소하였으며 실내항온배양과 마찬가지로 사양토가 양토보다 무기태 질소의 생성량이 높았다.

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헤아리베치 피복을 이용한 옥수수 무경재배에 관한 연구 I. 헤아리베치의 피복량별 토양 무기태 질소함량 , 옥수수의 수량 및 질소 흡수량의 변화 (Study on No-tillage Silage Corn Production with Legume Hairy Vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth ) Cover I. Changes of soil mineral nitrogen, yeild and nitrogen uptake of corn by quantity of hairy vetch cover)

  • 서종호;이호진
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 1998
  • No-tillage silage corn with legume hairy vetch(Vicia villosa Roth, HV) has renewed interest in supply of mineral N, soil erosion control at sloping land and weed control by cover of HV killed. This study was conducted to monitor concentration of soil mineral N ($NO_3^-$ -N + $NH_4^+$-N) and to find out variation of growth, yield and N uptake of silage corn according to quantity of HV cover; HV-removed, 1X-HV, 2X-HV at field of Crop Experiment Station in 1996. HV groM in early spring decreased the mineral N of soil depth 7.5 -22cm before corn seeding. But, killed HV cover increased the concentration of soil mineral N at surface soil (0-7.5cm) up to 45.4mglkg at early growth stage of corn. Dry matter(Dh4) of corn at harvest was lower in W-removed than in Okg FNlha. But DM and N uptake of corn at harvest were increased by quantity of HV-cover increasing liom HV-removed to 2X-HV. Hairy vetch could substitute N fertilizer for silage corn by N mineralized h m HV killed, but reduced early growth and N uptake of corn before silk by reducing soil mineral N of plow layer.

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Plant Analysis Methods for Evaluating Mineral Nutrient

  • Lee, Ye-Jin;Sung, Jwa-Kyung;Lee, Seul-Bi;Lim, Jung-Eun;Song, Yo-Sung;Lee, Deog-Bae;Hong, Suk-Young
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제50권2호
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2017
  • Analysis of mineral nutrients in plant is required for evaluating diagnosis of plant nutritional status. Pretreatment procedure for the analysis of plant can be varied depending on elements to be analyzed. Wet-digestion is suitable for total nitrogen, phosphate and cations, however, digestion solution including nitric acid is not suitable for nitrogen analysis. Incineration procedure is required to analyze chloride, silicate and total sulfur. After digestion, total nitrogen is analyzed by Kjeldahl method, and phosphate is detected at 470nm by colorimetric analysis with ammonium meta vanadate. Cations and micro elements are determined by titration or colorimetry, also, these elements can be measured by Atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) or Inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (ICP).

Soil Mineral Nitrogen Upteke and Com Growth from Hairy Vetch with Conventional and No-Tillage Systems

  • Seo, Jong-Ho;Lee, Ho-Jin
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2003
  • Winter hairy vetch (HV) can be used as green manure with conventional tillage system (CT), in which chemical N fertilizer required for cultivation of sub-sequent com could be fully saved, or as cover crop with no-tillage system (NT) in which soil could be protected from erosion, control of weed, and the reduction of N fertilizer application. This experiment was carried out to compare the enrichment of soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) at corn root zone, and the changes of com growth and N uptake according to HV amounts (winter fallow, above-ground HV removed, intact HV, and HV added from aboveground HV removed) under two tillage systems in the upland field of National Crop Experiment Station, Suwon, Korea in 1996. HV cultivation during winter decreased SMN a little at com planting. HV incorporation with CT increased SMN rapidly during early growth stage according to rapid decomposition of Hv. SMN by HV cover with NT was increased slowly and its increase was higher in the surface soil (soil layer 0-7.5cm) compared to deep soil layer 7.5-22cm. Com growth and N status at corn silking stage, com yield and N uptake at harvest were increased in proportion to aboveground HV amounts regardless of tillage system. Average hairy vetch nitrogen (HV-N) uptake efficiency by com was 10% higher with CT than with NT in which average HV-N uptake efficiency was 43 %. Corn yields were not different between two tillage systems, but corn N uptake was increased by 33 kgN/ha more with CT than with NT due to the increase of corn N concentration. The increase of SMN and com N uptake from HV cover with NT could not be disregarded though those with CT were higher than with NT

시설애호박 관비재배 시 생육단계별 질소요구량 산정 (Estimation of growth stage-based nitrogen supply levels for greenhouse semi-forcing zucchini cultivation)

  • 하상건;손연규;정강호;이예진;조민지;윤혜진;성좌경
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.319-324
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    • 2015
  • An estimation of the requirement of minerals based on growth stage and cropping pattern is very important for greenhouse zucchini. This study was performed at farmer's field which was applied with a fertigation system and a semi-forcing cultivation from Feb. to July in 2014, and nitrogen levels were set up with x0.5, x0.75, x1.0 and x1.5 of the NO3-N-based soil-testing recommendation for zucchini cultivation. Top dressing of nitrogen (basal : top = 4 : 6) and potassium (basal : top = 3 : 7) was applied with an interval of every two weeks from two and six weeks after transplanting, respectively, and phosphorus was totally supplied with basal dressing. The nitrogen uptake was the order of x1.0, x0.75, x1.5 and x0.5, phosphorus, x1.0, x0.75, x0.5 and x1.5, and potassium, x0.75, x1.0, x1.5 and x0.5. From these results, it was suggested that highest mineral uptake could be reached between x0.75 and x1.0 of the NO3-N-based soil-testing recommendation. In conclusion, nutrient management based on the growth stage was proven to be better method for favorable growth and yield of zucchini.

Effect of soil physical properties on nitrogen leaching during sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivation under lysimeter conditions

  • Chan-Wook Lee;Jung-Hun Ok;Yang-Min Kim;Yo-Sung Song;Hye-Jin Park;Byung-Keun Hyun;Ye-Jin Lee;Taek-Keun Oh
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제49권2호
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    • pp.379-387
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    • 2022
  • A large amount of the mineral nitrogen is necessary for crop growth. With the use of nitrogen fertilizers, agricultural yield has increased during the last few decades. However, at the same time, nitrate from the cultivated land can be a source of environmental pollution, especially in water systems. For nitrogen management, it is necessary to analyze the pattern of nitrogen movement in soil. In this study, nitrogen leaching in upland soils was evaluated using undisturbed lysimeters with different soil textures during sesame cultivation. The soil texture of the lysimeters was clay loam (Songjung series) and sandy loam (Sangju series) soils. Sesame was cultivated from May 25 to August 24 in 2020. The standard amount of NPK fertilizer (N-P2O5-K2O = 2.9-3.1-3.2 kg·10 a-1) was applied before sowing. The amount of nitrogen leaching was calculated by multiplying the nitrogen (NO3-N + NH4-N) concentration and the amount of water drained below 1.5 m soil depth. The water was drained through percolation into macropores in the clay loam lysimeter. In contrast, in the sandy loam lysimeter, water drained more slowly than in the clay loam lysimeter. There was a slight difference in the total amount of leachate during the cultivation period, but the amount of nitrogen leaching was high in sandy loam soil. During the sesame cultivation period, the amount of nitrogen leaching from clay soil was 5.64 kg·10 a-1, and 10.70 kg·10 a-1 for sandy soil. We found that there was a difference in leaching depending on the soil physical characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of soil to evaluate the leaching of nitrogen.

경기도(京畿道) 광릉(光陵) 상수리나무 성숙림(成熟林)의 질소(窒素) 무기화(無機化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification in a Mature Quercus acutissima Stand in Kwangnung, Kyonggi Province)

  • 김춘식
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제87권1호
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 1998
  • 경기도 광릉 중부임업시험장 내에 위치한 상수리나무임분의 무기 질소 동태를 구명하기 위하여 3개의 $20{\times}10m$의 조사구를 선정하고 각 조사구로부터 직경 5cm, 김이 15cm 토양을 비닐주머니매설 배양법을 이용하여 1995년 11월부터 96년 11월까지 1년 동안 조사하였다. 조사 기간 동안 질소 무기화량은 95.2mg/kg/yr, 질산화량은 65.4mg/kg/yr 이었으며, 질산화가 질소 무기화에 차지하는 비율은 69%였다. 질소 무기화나 질산화에 영향을 미치는 환경 인자 중 토양 온도나 토양 수분 조건은 이 임분의 질소 무기화나 질산화에 큰 영향을 미치지 않았다.

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Botanical Composition, Herbage Production and Plant Mineral Contents as Affected by Application of Chemical Fertilizer and Fermented Sawdust Pig Manure on Cheju Brown Volcanic Ash Pasture Soil

  • Kim, Moon-Chul;Hyun, Hae-Nam;Lee, Sung-Cheol
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2000
  • This experiment was carried out during the period from September, 1997 to October, 1998 to determine the effect of fermented saw-dust pig manure (FSP) application on the herbage production on a mixed pasture in the Cheju brown volcanic ash soil. Split plot design (main plot: 3 nitrogen application levels of 0, 150 and 300 kgiha; sub plot: 4 pig sawdust manure levels of 0, 3, 6 and 12 tonha) was used. Plant height and dry matter yield increased significantly with an increase of nitrogen and FSP level. There was no difference in the botanical composition of grasses as affected by FSP application level, but herbage yields of grass species were increased by nitrogen application compared to that without nitrogen application. Botanical composition of white clover decreased with an increase of nitrogen application, but increased with an increase of FSP application level. Percentages of weeds were not affected by application rates of chemical nitrogen fertilizer and swine manure in the mixed species pasture. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents of species in the pasture significantly increased with increasing application rates of nitrogen fertilizer. In conclusion, it would be an optimum to apply 150 kgha of inorganic chemical fertilizer and plus either 3 or 6 toniha of fermented swine manure with sawdust for optimum production of mixed pasture on Cheju Island. (Key words : Herbage production, Botanical composition, Morphology, Plant mineral contents)

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토양 및 옥수수의 질소 집적에 미치는 헤어리벳치 녹비시용 효과 (Effect of Hairy Vetch Green Manure on Nitrogen Enrichment in Soil and Corn Plant)

  • 서종호;이호진
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2005
  • 미사식양토에서 질소로 $240kg\;ha^{-1}$에 상당하는 생헤어리뱃치와 화학비료 초안(질산암모늄)을 옥수수 파종 1주일 전에 토양에 혼입하고 옥수수를 재배하면서 토양 무기태질소, 미생물태질소, 옥수수 지상부의 질소 집적량을 1997년부터 2년간 조사하였다. 헤어리벳치의 초기분해 시 초안 유래의 질산태질소의 60-70%에 달하는 질소량이 헤어리뱃치로부터 무기화되어 토층 0-15 cm에 집적되었다. 또한 토양미생물태 질소도 헤어리뱃치구가 초안구보다 $10-20mg\;kg^{-1}$ 증가하였으며 약간의 헤어리뱃치 유래 토양무기태 질소는 천천히 무기화되어 출사기 이후까지 옥수수에 공급되는 것으로 보였다. 출사기에서의 옥수수의 전체 질소 집적량은 2년간 모두 두 질소원 간에 차이가 없었다. 옥수수 수확기의 질소 집적량은 1997년도에는 헤어리뱃치 녹비구가 초안구보다 8% 적었지만 1998년도는 오히려 19% 증가하였다. 질소원으로서 $240kg\;N\;ha^{-1}$에 달하는 헤어리벳치녹비의 시용은 완효적인 질소무기화 효과를 나타내었으며 같은 량의 질소 화학비료를 대체할 수 있는 옥수수 생육촉진 효과를 보였다.