• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sodium Nitrite

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Effects of the Addition Levels of White Kimchi Powder and Acerola Juice Powder on the Qualities of Indirectly Cured Meat Products

  • Choi, Jae Hyeong;Bae, Su Min;Jeong, Jong Youn
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.636-648
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the effects of the addition levels of white kimchi powder and acerola juice powder, as natural sources of sodium nitrite and sodium ascorbate, on the quality of cooked ground pork products. Freeze-dried white kimchi powder was prepared and used after fermentation for 2 wk. Six treatments were included: control (100 ppm sodium nitrite and 500 ppm sodium ascorbate), treatment 1 (0.2% white kimchi powder, 0.02 % starter culture, and 0.1% acerola juice powder), treatment 2 (0.2% white kimchi powder, 0.02% starter culture, and 0.2% acerola juice powder), treatment 3 (0.4% white kimchi powder, 0.04% starter culture, and 0.1% acerola juice powder), treatment 4 (0.4% white kimchi powder, 0.04% starter culture, and 0.2% acerola juice powder), and treatment 5 (0.4% celery powder, 0.04% starter culture, and 0.2% acerola juice powder). The pH values were decreased (p<0.05) because of lower pH of acerola juice powder, resulting in lower cooking yields (p<0.05) in these treatments. CIE L* and CIE a* values of indirectly cured meat products were not different (p>0.05) from the sodium nitrite-added control. However, indirectly cured meat products showed lower (p<0.05) residual nitrite contents, but higher (p<0.05) nitrosyl hemochrome contents and cure efficiency than the control. Treatments 2 and 4 had higher (p<0.05) total pigment contents and lipid oxidation than the control. This study indicates that white kimchi powder coupled with acerola juice powder has substantial potential to substitute synthetic nitrite to naturally cured meat products, which could be favored by consumers seeking clean label products.

Effects of Nicotine and Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine on Carcinogenesis (Nicotine 및 Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine이 발암과정에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Ho-Il;Park, Mi-Sun;Kim, Ok-Hee
    • Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.118-123
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    • 2005
  • Nicotine has been implicated as a potential factor in the pathogenesis of human lung cancer, however its mechanism of action in the development of lung cancer remains largely unknown. To explore the role of nicotine in the development of lung cancer, we first investigated the effects of nicotine on the expression of tumor associated genes by treating Sprague-Dawley rats with nicotine (10 mg/kg) by gavage once daily for 10 days. We determined the expression of proteins and mRNAs of the ras, raf, myc, jun, fos oncogenes and p53, Rb tumor suppressor genes by Western and Northern blotting, respectively. We did not detect any changes on the levels of proteins and mRNAs of these tumor associated genes in the lung of Sprague-Dawley rats from 3 days to 12 weeks after the last treatment of nicotine, indicating that nicotine appears to have no effect on expression of these oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes at an early stage in multistage chemical carcinogenesis. In a second experiment, we investigated the possibility that 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) could be formed endogenously by treating with nicotine and sodium nitrite. We treated groups of Fischer 344 rats with nicotine ($60{\mu}mol/kg$) and sodium nitrite ($180{\mu}mol/kg$), nicotine, sodium nitrite and NNK (120 nmol/kg) alone by gavage once daily for 7 days, respectively and determined the 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), as an indicator of NNK formation, in the lungs of rats 24 hours and 48 hours after the last treatment by HPLC/ECD method. We detect increased level of 8-OHdG in the lungs of rats treated with NNK, but in the case of nicotine plus sodium nitrite, nicotine and sodium nitrite alone we could not detected any changes of 8-OHdG, respectively.

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Microbiological safety of processed meat products formulated with low nitrite concentration - A review

  • Lee, Soomin;Lee, Heeyoung;Kim, Sejeong;Lee, Jeeyeon;Ha, Jimyeong;Choi, Yukyung;Oh, Hyemin;Choi, Kyoung-Hee;Yoon, Yohan
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.1073-1077
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    • 2018
  • Nitrite plays a major role in inhibiting the growth of foodborne pathogens, including Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum) that causes botulism, a life-threatening disease. Nitrite serves as a color-fixing agent in processed meat products. However, N-nitroso compounds can be produced from nitrite, which are considered as carcinogens. Thus, consumers desire processed meat products that contain lower concentrations (below conventional concentrations of products) of nitrite or no nitrite at all, although the portion of nitrite intake by processed meat consumption in total nitrite intake is very low. However, lower nitrite levels might expose consumers to risk of botulism poisoning due to C. botulinum or illness caused by other foodborne pathogens. Hence, lower nitrite concentrations in combination with other factors such as low pH, high sodium chloride level, and others have been recommended to decrease the risk of food poisoning. In addition, natural compounds that can inhibit bacterial growth and function as color-fixing agents have been developed to replace nitrite in processed meat products. However, their antibotulinal effects have not been fully clarified. Therefore, to have processed meat products with lower nitrite concentrations, low pH, high sodium chloride concentration, and others should also be applied together. Before using natural compounds as replacement of nitrite, their antibotulinal activities should be examined.

Determination of Some Inorganic Anions in Saline Water by Ion Chromatography with UV Detection (이온크로마토그래피를 이용한 소금물중의 무기음이온들의 분리정량)

  • Han, Sun Ho;Park, Yang Soon;Park, Soon Dal;Joe, Kih Soo;Eom, Tae Yoon
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 1999
  • A stepwise gradient elution with two wavelengths detection was performed for the separation and determination of some anions in saline water. The eight anions such as iodate, bromate, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, chromate, iodide and thiocyanate were successfully separated using AS-7 column and sodium chloride/sodium phosphate buffer solution as an eluant within 40 min. The separation behaviors of anions were studied at various sodium chloride concentrations. The peak shapes of anions of bromate, nitrite, bromide and nitrate gradually broadened as the concentration of sodium chloride increased until 1.0 M in the sample solutions. However, no effect was observed in the peak shapes of chromate, iodide and thiocynate. A good linearity was obtained at the range of ppm(mg/L). The detection limit was proved to be $10-720{\mu}g/L$ for the eight anions with $50{\mu}L$ injection volume. This method was applied to the determination of $Br^-$, ${NO_3}^-$ and $I^-$ in sea water.

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The Effect of Sodium Nitrite Exposure on Physiological Response of Starved Far Eastern Catfish, Silurus asotus

  • Park, In-Seok;Gil, Hyun Woo
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.319-329
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    • 2018
  • The experiment was conducted for 210 days to determine the effect of feeding, and starvation, and exposure to sodium nitrite ($NaNO_2$) on the survival, physiological changes, hematological parameter, and stress response of Far Eastern catfish, Silurus asotus. The survival of the starved group was lower than that of the fed group during the experiment. Starvation resulted in retardation of growth, which provides an example of fish that failed to continue to grow and remain in a good condition. Blood analyses (cortisol and glucose) showed significant differences of stress response between the fed and starved groups exposed to $NaNO_2$ at the conclusion of the experiment (p<0.05). These results suggest that all nutritional parameters used for starvation and feeding with $NaNO_2$ stress in this experiment appear to be a useful index of nutritional status in Far Eastern catfish.

Effects of Nitrite and Phosphate Replacements for Clean-Label Ground Pork Products

  • Jiye Yoon;Su Min Bae;Jong Youn Jeong
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.232-244
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    • 2023
  • We investigated the effects of different phosphate replacements on the quality of ground pork products cured with sodium nitrite or radish powder to determine their potential for achieving clean-label pork products. The experimental design was a 2×5 factorial design. For this purpose, the ground meat mixture was assigned into two groups, depending on nitrite source. Each group was mixed with 0.01% sodium nitrite or 0.4% radish powder together with 0.04% starter culture, and then processed depending on phosphate replacement [with or without 0.5% sodium tripolyphosphate; STPP (+), STPP (-), 0.5% oyster shell calcium (OSC), 0.5% citrus fiber (CF), or 0.5% dried plum powder (DPP)]. All samples were cooked, cooled, and stored until analysis within two days. The nitrite source had no effect on all dependent variables of ground pork products. However, in phosphate replacement treatments, the STPP (+) and OSC treatments had a higher cooking yield than the STPP (-), CF, or DPP treatments. OSC treatment was more effective for lowering total fluid separation compared to STPP (-), CF, or DPP treatments, but had a higher percentage than STPP (+). The STPP (+) treatment did not differ from the OSC or CF treatments for CIE L* and CIE a*. Moreover, no differences were observed in nitrosyl hemochrome content, lipid oxidation, hardness, gumminess, and chewiness between the OSC and STPP (+) treatments. In conclusion, among the phosphate replacements, OSC addition was the most suitable to provide clean-label pork products cured with radish powder as a synthetic nitrite replacer.

Investigating the Effects of Chinese Cabbage Powder as an Alternative Nitrate Source on Cured Color Development of Ground Pork Sausages

  • Jeong, Jong Youn;Bae, Su Min;Yoon, Jiye;Jeong, Da hun;Gwak, Seung Hwa
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.990-1000
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the effects of Chinese cabbage powder as a natural replacement for sodium nitrite on the qualities of alternatively cured pork products. Chinese cabbages grown in Korea were collected and used for preparing hot air dried powder. Different levels of Chinese cabbage powder were added to pork products and evaluated by comparing these products to those with sodium nitrite or a commercially available celery juice powder. The experimental groups included control (100 ppm sodium nitrite added), treatment 1 (0.15% Chinese cabbage powder added), treatment 2 (0.25% Chinese cabbage powder added), treatment 3 (0.35% Chinese cabbage powder added), and treatment 4 (0.4% celery juice powder added). The cooking yields and pH values of treatments 1 to 3 were significantly lower (p<0.05) than the control. However, all of the alternatively cured products were redder (higher CIE a* values; p<0.05) than the control and this result was supported from higher nitrosyl hemochrome, total pigment, and curing efficiency. Furthermore, the inclusion of vegetable powders to these products resulted in considerably less residual nitrite content. However, Chinese cabbage powder (0.25% and 0.35%) was effective in producing alternatively cured meat products with a higher curing efficiency comparable to those of the traditionally cured control or the products with celery juice powder. Therefore, Chinese cabbage powder exhibited the efficacy for use as a natural replacer for alternatively cured meat products.

Effects of Preservatives on Inhibition and Survival of Listeria Monocytogenes (Listeria monocytogenes의 생존성에 관한 식육보존료의 효과)

  • 이우원;김병지;임기재;신종백
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.20-33
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    • 1993
  • The studies were conducted to determine the effects of preservatives such as sodium chloride, sodium nitrite, sodium benzoate and sorbic acid on the survival of L. monocytogenes with regard to interaction of temperature, heat and pH of the medium. Inactivation of L. monocytogenes Scott A was more predominent by combination of sodium chloride and the other preservatives than sodium chloride alone, and inactivation was more exhilarated at $4^{\circ}C$ than at $35${\circ}C.$ The organism was not inactivated when sodium chloride, sodium nitrite, sodium benzoate and sorbic acid were added to 3%, 100ppm, 0.1, or lower, respectively, but was inactivated in the concentration increased twice. In TSB(tryptic soy broth) at pH 5.0 or lower, the organism did not grow regadless of the kinds of preservatives, and inactivation effect particularly was prominent in the presence of sodium nitrite and sorbic acid. On the other hand, at pH 6.0 or higher L. monocytogenes gradually increased in numbers and the effects of inhibition was higher in the presence of sorbic acid than in the other preservatives. When the preservatives were added to the concentration commonly used, incubation in TSB at $4^{\circ}C$ gradually resulted in growth of the bacterium and the organism rapidly decreased in numbers at $20^{\circ}C\; or\; 35^{\circ}C$ after incubation for 1 week. When L. monocytogenes was inoculated in TSB containing various preservatives and heated at $55^{\circ}C$ for 30minutes, the organism decreased in numbers at all preservatives. Particularly, viability rate of the organism was the lowest as 0.07% in the presence of sorbic acid.

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Effect of Sodium Nitrate and Nitrate Reducing Bacteria on In vitro Methane Production and Fermentation with Buffalo Rumen Liquor

  • Sakthivel, Pillanatham Civalingam;Kamra, Devki Nandan;Agarwal, Neeta;Chaudhary, Chandra
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.812-817
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    • 2012
  • Nitrate can serve as a terminal electron acceptor in place of carbon dioxide and inhibit methane emission in the rumen and nitrate reducing bacteria might help enhance the reduction of nitrate/nitrite, which depends on the type of feed offered to animals. In this study the effects of three levels of sodium nitrate (0, 5, 10 mM) on fermentation of three diets varying in their wheat straw to concentrate ratio (700:300, low concentrate, LC; 500:500, medium concentrate, MC and 300:700, high concentrate, HC diet) were investigated in vitro using buffalo rumen liquor as inoculum. Nitrate reducing bacteria, isolated from the rumen of buffalo were tested as a probiotic to study if it could help in enhancing methane inhibition in vitro. Inclusion of sodium nitrate at 5 or 10 mM reduced (p<0.01) methane production (9.56, 7.93 vs. 21.76 ml/g DM; 12.20, 10.42 vs. 25.76 ml/g DM; 15.49, 12.33 vs. 26.86 ml/g DM) in LC, MC and HC diets, respectively. Inclusion of nitrate at both 5 and 10 mM also reduced (p<0.01) gas production in all the diets, but in vitro true digestibility (IVTD) of feed reduced (p<0.05) only in LC and MC diets. In the medium at 10 mM sodium nitrate level, there was 0.76 to 1.18 mM of residual nitrate and nitrite (p<0.01) also accumulated. In an attempt to eliminate residual nitrate and nitrite in the medium, the nitrate reducing bacteria were isolated from buffalo adapted to nitrate feeding and introduced individually (3 ml containing 1.2 to $2.3{\times}10^6$ cfu/ml) into in vitro incubations containing the MC diet with 10 mM sodium nitrate. Addition of live culture of NRBB 57 resulted in complete removal of nitrate and nitrite from the medium with a further reduction in methane and no effect on IVTD compared to the control treatments containing nitrate with autoclaved cultures or nitrate without any culture. The data revealed that nitrate reducing bacteria can be used as probiotic to prevent the accumulation of nitrite when sodium nitrate is used to reduce in vitro methane emissions.