• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Structure Capital

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Social Welfare Analysis of Policy-based Finance with Support for Corporate Loan Interest

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.45-67
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    • 2021
  • We analyze the social welfare effect when a policy-based financial system (PFS) enters a decentralized financial market. Particularly, the PFS in this case supports the interest spread for corporate loans held by firms with heterogeneous bankruptcy decisions under an imperfect information structure. Although support for capital costs through the PFS expands the economy consistently, the optimal level of PFS out of the corporate loan market is estimated to be 8.6% by a simulation model considering social welfare adjusted by the disutility of labor. This result is much lower than the recent level of PFS in the Korean financial sector.

The Structural and Spatial Characteristics of the Actor Networks of the Industries for the Elderly: Based on the Social Network Analysis (고령친화산업 행위주체 테트워크의 구조적.공간적 특성: 사회 네트워크 분석을 중심으로)

  • Koo, Yang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.526-543
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    • 2008
  • Based on the social network analysis(SNA), this study examines the structural and spatial characteristics of the actor networks of the manufacturing industries for the elderly. In the field of economic geography, former researches on network have mainly focused on the network governance. However, this study focused on the social network analysis. Centrality indexes are used to analyze the topological structure of actor networks of firms and organizations. In order to investigate the spatial structure of actor networks, not only the regional distribution of actors but also the correlation between centrality index and distance are analyzed. Network matrixes among actors are transformed to network matrixes among regions using block modeling method to reveal the spatial characteristics of the actor networks. In spite of the importance of the Capital Region, networks in the non-Capital Region like Chungnam and Pusan were showed high network density. This suggested that some kinds of policy project operating in the non-Capital Region had the influence on this network in the initial stage of industry.

Determinants of Trade Flows and Trade Structure between Korea and ASEAN

  • Truong, Hoan Quang;Dong, Chung Van;Nguyen, Hoang Huy
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.55-88
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    • 2019
  • Our paper contributes to existing literature by empirically investigate the trade structure and trade performance between Korea and ASEAN. Overall, trade activities between Korea and almost major ASEAN economies have significantly focused on capital goods, medium and high technology goods, while the remaining ASEAN countries' exports over Korea have been mainly primary and low technology goods. There has been a higher complementarity in between Korea's exports and ASEAN's imports compared with between ASEAN's exports and Korea's imports. Estimation results show that ASEAN's GDP and income have larger impacts than those of Korea on aggregate trade flows as well as sectoral level between two sides. Additionally, geographical conditions are critical factors impeding Korea-ASEAN trade. Meanwhile, other factors in the estimation model have mixed impacts on components of Korea-ASEAN trade structure. Finally, there is a significant room for Korea's trade expansion with ASEAN, particularly new and less developed members in future.

A exploratory study about a influenced position of social network formed by success factors cognition of Social Enterprises with importance : two-mode data (사회적 기업 성공요인 공유 관계와 사회네트워크 영향력 위치 탐색연구 : 투 모드 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Byung Suk;Choi, Jae Woong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2014
  • A organization of social enterprises is to achieve various goals such as private interests, the public nature, and social policy. For fulfilling these goals, we have to understand the various success factors. These success factors were shared among peoples. This study explored a position of structure of social network formed by success factors of Social Enterprises with importance. A position within social network defined a number of link connected other nodes. A position is closely associated with to individual's behaviors, opinions and thinking. We used social network analysis with two mode method for explaining feathers of structure of social network formed by success factors shared among peoples. We choose degree centrality for determining a position within social network. Centrality is a key measure in social network analysis. Results is that shared success factors are operation capital(15.15%) totally, and by Buying experience of products of Social Enterprises, Business Compliance(14.39%) and planning(12.88%), and by usage time of smart devices, Business Support(17.05%) and planning(16.10%). and the dominant success factor was not explored.

Culinary Narratives on the Global Stage: Analyzing K-Food's Cultural Capital through Netflix's 'Black and White Chef

  • Taek Yong YOO;Seong-Soo CHA
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the representation of Korean cuisine (K-Food) in Netflix's "Black and White Chef: The Culinary Class War," exploring its implications for K-Food's cultural capital in the global culinary landscape. Through qualitative analysis of the show's content, including narrative structure, visual representations, and culinary discourse, we investigate how K-Food's cultural capital is constructed and disseminated through global media platforms. The research draws on theoretical frameworks from cultural studies, media studies, and food studies, particularly Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital and theories of culinary globalization. Our findings reveal a complex portrayal of K-Food that simultaneously reinforces and challenges traditional notions of culinary cultural capital. The show navigates tensions between tradition and innovation, authenticity and adaptation, and local and global identities, reflecting the "glocalization" process in ethnic cuisine globalization. Furthermore, the study highlights how the show's unique 'black spoon' versus 'white spoon' narrative provides insights into the intersection of social class and culinary practices. The research contributes to the growing body of literature on food media and cultural globalization, offering practical implications for culinary professionals, policymakers, and media producers involved in K-Food's global expansion. It also suggests future research directions, including studies of comparative analyses of K-Food representations across various media platforms.

A Study on Sustaining Knowledge Contribution Intention of Participants in the Open Source Software Development Communities (오픈소스 개발 커뮤니티 참여자들의 지속적 지식기여 의도에 관한 연구)

  • Jin Oh Ju;Kyung Tae Hwang
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.111-135
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    • 2016
  • The major characteristic of open source software (OSS) is innovativeness. Innovativeness stems from the process of sharing and solving technical problems. This study analyzes the impact of voluntary participation and collaboration of OSS developers on sustained participation in the community based on organizational citizenship behavior and social capital theories. Based on Bolino et al. (2002) and Wasko and Faraj (2005), a research model and hypotheses are developed. A total of 152 OSS developers participated in the survey. The hypotheses are tested by LISREL modeling. The results of analysis show that royalty, social participation, and advocacy participation enhance or positively influence social capital. In addition, reciprocity and shared vision reinforce intention of sustained knowledge contribution. However, the result shows a statistically insignificant relationship between social participation and shared vision and between cohesiveness and intention of sustained knowledge contribution.

A Study on Social Capital of Strategy Alignment to IT Govenance in Digital Libraries (디지털도서관의 IT 거버넌스를 위한 전략적 연계의 사회적 자본 분석 모형)

  • Lee, Jeong-Soo;Kim, Seong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.295-316
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    • 2009
  • This research applied the concepts of IT architecture and IT governance for managing with an integrated computing environment and organized structure, which base a digital library's management and operation. It also aims to analyze the structural system between information technology of human resources and strategy alignment elements of business, which both constitute the core content. Social network analysis software was used to investigate the complicated relationship between IT and business-related strategy alignment elements. The following is the results of carrying out this research on the social network structure and features of strategy alignment elements for a digital library. First, analysis indexes for strategy alignment elements and social network of a digital library were developed. Second, an analysis model was designed based on the analysis index for social network as to strategy alignment elements. Analysis model was appraised by collecting social network datasets for such strategy alignment elements as Communications, Competency and Value, Governance, Partnership, Scope and Architecture, and Skills against the Business strategy, Information strategy, Business and Technology of a digital library. As for the content of analysis, social network structure and specific features were analyzed in relation to a digital library's (1) General social network, (2) Structure of strategy alignment elements, (3) Strategy fit and Functional integration.

Consideration on the Type and Structure of the Capital City in the Liáo(遼) Dynasty (요대(遼代) 도성(都城)의 유형과 형태구조에 대한 고찰)

  • Dong, Xinlin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.4-27
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    • 2012
  • The five capital(五京) was installed in the $Li{\acute{a}}o$(遼) Dynasty. $Sh{\acute{a}}ngj{\bar{i}}ng$(上京) was the main capital city of the $Li{\acute{a}}o$(遼) Dynasty. $Zh{\bar{o}}ngj{\bar{i}}ng$(中京) was the second capital(陪都); and the other three was the capital city with symbolic meaning. The layout of $Sh{\grave{a}}ngj{\bar{i}}ng$ was the '日-shaped plan; this was newly advent structure of ancient Chinese capital city system. $Zh{\bar{o}}ngj{\bar{i}}ng$(中京) was surrounded by multiple ramparts influenced by the $Bi{\grave{a}}nli{\acute{a}}ng$ Fortress (?梁城). Three capitals, Nanjing(南京), $X{\bar{i}}j{\bar{i}}ng$(西京) and $D{\bar{o}}ngj{\bar{i}}ng$(東京), were reconstructed on the foundation of the previously constructed town in $T{\acute{a}}ng$(唐) or Bohai(渤海) Fortress (舊城). The structure and Planning of $Sh{\grave{a}}ngj{\bar{i}}ng$(上京) in the $Li{\acute{a}}o$(遼) Dynasty, had significantly influenced in the capital city planning of the $J\bar{i}n$(金), $Yu{\acute{a}}n$(元) and Qing(淸) Dynasties of China

Dynamic Analysis on the Construction of the Innovative City (혁신도시 건설에 관한 동태적 분석)

  • Lee, Man-Hyung;Kim, Yeon-Sik;Kim, Mi-Sung;Hong, Sung-Ho
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.141-173
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    • 2007
  • In Korean context, the innovative cities imply new towns or urban clusters in the Non Capital Regions, all of which would accommodate the relocated Capital based public organizations. The central government-initiated innovative cities have provoked pros and cons towards their effectiveness and efficacy for the balanced territorial development. From a broader prospective, this paper firstly examines the current status quo of the innovative cities. Based on their master plans, it analyzes physical and non physical factors which would exert significant impact on the innovative cities. Secondly, it pays attention to how key factors strengthen or weaken their behavioral patterns in terms of dynamic location and implementation policies of the innovative cities. Using System dynamics approaches, it sets up couples of scenarios, categorizing between supporting and opposing arguments towards the innovative cities. Lastly, after divulging systematic structure of the innovative cities, it proposes a series of practical alternatives which would contribute to minimizing unexpected side effects or unwanted social cost in the long run. In order to guarantee reinforcing structure of the innovative cities, the paper suggests that QOL (quality of life) variables, which would require continuous investment in the social infrastructure, are pivotal in achieving original goals of the innovative cities. Otherwise, the innovative cities would not be innovative per se. In the worst case, they might be degraded into the unpopular ghost towns.

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Evaluation and Direction of the New Town Development in Korea (우리나라 신도시 개발의 평가 및 발전방향)

  • Kim, Dong-Yoon
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2013
  • With regard to the new town developments which have supplied lots of houses in a short period of time in Korea this study aims to evaluation and finding out problems of the developments finally to suggest the direction. A new town's competitiveness model set in the previous paper takes a role of research frame to recognize the problems and to show the direction. The model explains that new town's competitiveness is composed of 4 factors; Self-sufficiency, Innovativenss, Identity and Sustainability. Problems of the developments are as follows; incongruity of spatial structure especially in the capital region, deficiency of self-sufficiency resulted from single-use development, restriction on mixed development by a number of regulations in capital region, low business value, grand scale of land compensation, house oriented planning guidance, unfair share of infrastructure fee, and physical structure depending mainly on fossil energy. Based on this recognition this study conclusively suggests corresponding direction such as role performance as a means of urban growth management, promotion of quality of life by accumulating social capital, introduction of socially sustainable management program for the new towns, discovery and creation of town's value, reexamination of self-sufficiency's meaning or target, selective deregulation of metropolitan development, institutional strategy for cost reduction, changeover from house index to urban function oriented index, and pursuit of low-carbon green town.