• Title/Summary/Keyword: Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises

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Degree of Internationalization and Performance of High-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Evidence from Korea

  • Shin, Joon-Ho;Kim, Chang-Bong
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - In this study, we explore the relationship between the degree of internationalization (DOI) and firm performance (DOI-P) of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector. Specifically, we investigate whether the costs and benefits dynamics concerning the internationalization of SMEs differ between high-tech and non-high-tech industries. Design/methodology - We extend the prior literature on this relationship by employing 5-year data on 589 Korean SMEs in the manufacturing sector and examining the moderating impact of the industry characteristics. Our findings reveal a U-shaped relationship between the DOI and SME performance. High-tech SMEs demonstrate an inverted U-shaped relationship, whereas non-hightech SMEs exhibit a U-shaped relationship. Findings - Our findings illustrate the importance of the industry factor in testing the performance impact of the internationalization of Korean SMEs. By incorporating industry dynamics, our results indicate that the DOI-P relationship depends on the context of the industry in which an SME operates. High-tech SMEs also display a higher DOI but are outperformed by non-high-tech SMEs for the entire internationalization path, which implies that high-tech SMEs face more challenges than non-high-tech SMEs while seeking internationalization. Originality/value - The findings strongly validate that significant benefits exist for SMEs undertaking internationalization. We also employ the contextual framework contributing to increasing the understanding of the intrinsic value of internationalization and resolving the mixed results issue on the DOI-P relationship, by illustrating that the industry factor leads to different dynamics of costs and benefits of SME internationalization; it also determines the shape and direction of the relationship.

The Effect of SMEs' Slack Resource on Internationalization: Focusing on SMEs' Subcontracting Relationship

  • KIM, Jae-Jin
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2021
  • Purpose-This study examines how financial slack resources and subcontracting of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) affect their internationalization. To identify slack resources, subcontracting, and internationalization of SMEs, 1,062 SME samples in the electronics industry are used in the logistic regression analysis to analyze their relationship with SMEs' export. Research design, data, and methodology-This study conducted the empirical analysis on 1,062 SMEs in the electronics industry using the sample survey method. The samples were based on data selected and distributed by the Ministry SMEs and Startups. The data analysis methods were descriptive, correlation analysis, and logistics regression analysis. Result-The analysis shows that only available resources are negatively related to SMEs' internationalization. It can be interpreted as a high tendency for SMEs to avoid relatively risky choices such as entering overseas markets if they have enough financial resources. Moreover, subcontracting has a negative relationship with internationalization. Conclusion-This study broadened the scope of SME research by analyzing subcontracting and slack resources together and provides practical implications for policymakers and managers.

The Effect of Green Government Support According to Changes in Distribution and Logistics on Export Competitiveness of SMEs: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Green Dynamic Capabilities and Green SCM (유통 물류 변화에 따른 친환경 정부지원이 중소제조업체의 수출경쟁력에 미치는 영향: 친환경 동적 역량과 Green SCM 관행의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Chang-Bong Kim;Hye-Jeong Yang
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.161-179
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    • 2022
  • This paper aims to examine the role of government's support in facilitating small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)' green dynamic capabilities and green SCM practices in a global market. It also investigates whether government support, green dynamic capabilities, and green SCM practices affect export competitiveness. To develop those hypotheses, prior studies and in-depth interviews were conducted and data was collected from Korean manufacturing companies that export abroad and then developed the structural equation model. The hypotheses test results revealed that green dynamic capabilities through government support positively affect export competitiveness and green SCM practices through green dynamic capabilities have positive effects on export competitiveness. Finally, this study is valuable in that it directly and indirectly confirmed the effect of eco-friendly government support on export competitiveness.

Compromised Network Design Model for the Strategic Alliance of Service Centers and Consolidation Terminals in Express Courier Services (택배 영업소 및 화물터미널의 전략적 제휴를 위한 절충적 네트워크 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Ki-Ho;Ko, Hyun-Jeung;Ko, Chang-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.304-310
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    • 2011
  • The express courier business in Korea has been recognized as one of promising business sectors with the annual growth rate of over 10 percent since 2001. As such many domestic and foreign companies have been established and are fiercely competing to extend their own market share. The severe competition has forced them to focus on achieving cost competitiveness and high level of customer service. Small and medium-sized enterprises( SMEs) with relatively poor network infrastructure in particular are facing tougher challenges to cost reduction and efficiency improvement in their logistics networks. Strategic alliances among SMEs may be an effective way to cope with these challenges. Therefore this study proposes an integer programming model for compromised network design and its solution procedure based on maxmin and maxsum criteria for strategic alliances. The applicability and efficiency of the proposed model are demonstrated through an illustrative numerical example.

A Study on the Operating Efficiency of Small and Medium-sized IC Companies in China (중국 중소 IC 회사의 운영 효율성에 관한 연구)

  • Guo, Tian-Jiao;Yang, Jun-Won;Kim, Hyung-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate various factors affecting the efficiency of China IC industry, reflecting the resource utilization and overall development level of China IC industry. In this paper, three input indicators (R&D Expenditure, Cash paid to and for employees, Total fixed assets) and two output indicators (Net profit, Sales revenue) were selected for 17 listed companies in the IC industry with operating profit of less than 1 billion yuan in 2018 and applied the technology efficiency theory and DEA analysis method to analyze the relative efficiency of the output base. The study found that one of the 17 companies analyzed was efficient, two were inefficient on an inadequate scale, and the rest were inefficient due to insufficient production technology, scale and management level. This study argues that enterprises should reduce resource input appropriately and strengthen scientific and technological innovation management to maximize resource utilization efficiency. Therefore, this study has important practical significance for improving the efficiency of IC enterprises. The Malmquist method will be used to study the total factor productivity of small and Medium-sized companies in IC industry.

A study on the activation plan of domestic franchise companies third party logistics (국내 프랜차이즈 기업의 제3자 물류 활성화에 관한 연구 : 본아이에프 사례 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jun-ho;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2011
  • Modern enterprises should concentrate their efforts on continuous improvements in focusing their development in the core areas of business and to reduce their expenses and to enhance the quality of service for customers. The enterprises should focus on their core business while outsourcing the non-core areas of business to external specialists for the purpose of reducing cost. In South Korea, the enterprises are becoming increasingly interested in outsourcing their logistics function, especially in using IT technologies to the 3PL. The underlying reason for this trend is because the logistics costs of Korean businesses are much higher than that of other advanced countries. This higher logistic costs weakens the price competitiveness of Korean companies in the overseas export markets and even dampening the balance of international trade. Domestically, the higher logistics costs have the effect of raising prices in the local markets and thus affecting the local economy. Therefore a solution is urgently needed to save the logistics costs for the Korean companies in the interest of increasing national competitiveness. Outsourcing to the 3PL is becoming an attraction solution to this problem. Thanks to the increasing supply of professional logistics companies, many of the enterprises are switching to the Third Party Logistics. Nevertheless the enterprises do not yet utilize the integrated third-party logistics services on a full scale. This study analyzes present conditions and problems of the domestic third-party logistics market and suggests directions for future development. To solve the problems in the domestic third-party logistics market, four actions are recommended. First there should be new supporting policies in the laws and regulations and a system for small and medium sized companies to grow. Solutions to structural problems such as abnormal multilevel merchandising, illegal operation of private cars, and freight dumping should be implemented concurrently. Furthermore, standards for new companies entry into the market should be enhanced to allow only the competitive distribution companies to enter the market. Second, development of variety of educational programs is needed through establishing human-resource development system and specialized formal educational institution focused on this market. Third, the third party distribution companies, which seek long-term relationships with the owners of goods, should endeavor to strengthen their communications capability. Fourth, adoption of high-tech distribution system and the advent of U-Logistics, making use of RFID is urgent. This study has the limitation of objectivity because it does not include various comparative case studies about companies relating to the Third Party Logistics and domestic franchise companies. However, this study is significant to the extent that it analyzes the general present conditions and the problems of domestic Third Party Logistics and suggests recommendations for revitalization of Third Party Logistics. For future studies, analyzing the successful cases of international third party logistics companies' empirical data and studying the application into domestic franchise companies would improve the objectivity of the results. This would assist the domestic third party logistics companies not only to perform excellent domestic logistics function but also to enter into the global market for international logistics.

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The Expansion Strategy for the New Route between Korea and Hungary (한-헝가리 간의 신물류 확대전략)

  • Seo, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The competitiveness of logistics in the 21st century rests on ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of its local hub. While considering entry into a niche market in local logistics, it is pertinent to note that Budapest is emerging as a hub in EU enlargement in Eastern Europe. Big, small, and medium-sized businesses in Korea entered Hungary in the early 1990s since then, there has been a significant increase in Korean presence, of approximately 130 times. This study aimed to identify the key distribution issues that have emerged in relation to Eastern Europe. Research design, data, and methodology - This study indicates that 33 major Korean companies were located in Hungary, which serves as an out post to enter the European marketplace. However, Korea's exports to Hungary have declined (-32.0% in 2012) because of a loss of competitiveness against multinational corporations, due to factors such as the rise in current local distribution costs and wages. Hungary, on the other hand, through diversification and expansion of foreign trade with the non-EU markets, including Korea, is increasing its exports. Strategies of emerging countries are compared and reviewed in this study, by examining the vicissitudes of Hungary's distribution methods. Results - There are issues regarding Hungary's innovative ability. Hungary has a history of low wages and high skilled labor. However, the outflow of high-quality human resources for high-wages has become more extensive, and this underlines concerns that the CEE's trade hub is moving to neighboring countries. After the European financial crisis in 2010, the Hungarian economy is now developing, because of the IMF's measures, and it is being transformed into a trade surplus nation, while regaining distribution volumes rapidly. However, if there is continued lack of investment, the supply chain is weakened and exports decline amidst competition with TNCs or with China's distribution networks. Conclusions - It is necessary to create a new logistics approach for increasing trade between Korea and Hungary. First, Korean small and medium enterprises (SMEs) should build trust by working with advanced Hungarian talent, and they should expand into state-of-the-art fields instead of being confined to traditional sectors. Second, this study focuses on limiting and lowering their high expectations for success according to foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and the role in the CEE distribution hub Korea should try to strengthen the distribution hub with its centralized population, using better, more highly educated human resources, thereby sustaining more innovative ability. Further, the positive effects of these measures are manifested in enhanced business on both sides of Hungary, namely, the EU and non-EU nations such as Turkey and emerging markets around Europe, and a better engagement in the core placement of culture and industry. For this, Korea can contribute to, and benefit from, a Hungarian logistics center, for adopting the high-tech cluster systems and commercializing distribution technology such as RFID·USN.

New Distribution Strategies of Korean SMEs in Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Focusing on the Innovation of Official Distribution Channels

  • Lee, Min-Jae;Jung, Jin-Sup
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - In this study, we aim to explore new distribution strategies for sustainable growth in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, focusing on SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in Korea, and suggest ways to upgrade the government's official distribution channel to the next level. Design/methodology - First of all, this paper explored the prior research, the current status of sales support for SMEs, and the changes in the distribution industry due to COVID-19 pandemic. Based on Moon (2016)'s ABCD strategic model - Agility, Benchmarking, Convergence, and Dedication, the study then derived directions in which official distribution channels should move and the new distribution strategy for Korean SMEs to secure competitive advantage. Findings - First, in terms of 'Agility', in order to upgrade official distribution channels, which are currently at some competitive disadvantages compared to private distribution companies, we must quickly introduce technologies for the 4th industrial revolution, such as AI, Big Data, etc., and establish precise strategies to strengthen the capabilities of SMEs. Second, in terms of 'Benchmarking', the use of "Chamelezones" has been increasing to enhance the competitiveness of offline stores in line with recent ontact trends. Therefore, official distribution channels should also benchmark such cases, strengthening their competitiveness by utilizing offline spaces more efficiently and effectively. Third, in terms of 'Convergence', in line with the rapidly changing trend of the times, official distribution channels should also promote active partnerships with media commerce, e-commerce and ICT platforms, as well as cooperation with private retailers, and focus on creating synergy effects through them. Finally, from the perspective of 'Dedication', digitalization should be promoted step by step, finding the sector that can accelerate digital among the value chains of official distribution channels, and continuing to discuss how to digitize it realistically. Originality/value - Based on this analysis, we have presented strategies and implications for innovating official distribution channels for SMEs, which will contribute to enhancing the competitive advantage of official distribution channels in the post COVID-19 pandemic era.

A Study on the Strategic Trade Policy of Korea, China and Japan in the Era of Digital Trade (디지털무역 시대의 한국·중국·일본의 전략적 무역정책에 관한 연구)

  • Jia-Jia Liu;Nak-Hyun Han
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.335-353
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    • 2022
  • There are two aspects of digital trade: the digitalisation of goods/services being traded and the digitalisation of the transactional act. Digital data (i.e. machine-readable industrial data and transactional data) is the major driving force for both aspects of digital trade. Digital data is a non-rivalrous input, whether for production or marketing activities, and is thus able to be used by many firms or government agencies without limiting the use of others. Digital platforms provide online infrastructure for the interactions between groups, for instance, consumers and producers. The externality effect refers to the situation in which prosperity in one group on a given platform will improve the returns of other groups on the same platform. In the era of the data-driven economy, strategic trade policy can involve data-related policies. The major objective of these policies is to improve the competitiveness of domestic firms. For instance, firms may be subsidised if they use cloud services provided by specific platforms. This strand of strategic trade policies might be useful for increasing the competitiveness of small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) via the digitalisation of production/marketing processes. Alternatively, strategic trade policy may also exploit the externality effect via platform economy-related policies. Further, some countries may form data coalitions to facilitate cross-border data flow. This paper uses cases in Asian countries to illustrate which role these strategic trade policies can play in the digital economy.

A Study of Cause of Employee Turnover and Countermeasures against Turnover in Shipping and Port Logistics Firms (중소항만물류기업의 이직원인 분석과 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hun;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2015
  • This study One of the key elements of corporate competitiveness in the modern world of unlimited competition is human resource management. The reason that the world's leading companies are devoting a lot of investment and effort for good human resource development and management is that human resource can impact firm survival. In particular, there is little research on the internal and external environmental stimuli and job stress in the employee of small business which are often led to turnover, while they have suffered from chronic shortage of manpower. The purpose of this study is to determine the turnover factors in the small logistics companies and contribute to stable maintenance of workforce, facilitating human resource management and minimizing turnover. This study empirically analyzed the factors of the turnover in the organization of logistics companies from Busan Port, South Korea, which became one of the national infrastructure and the fifth world largest harbor. The conclusion proposed the development and direction of the human resource management which could promote the job environment improving the turnover factors and creating sustainable work condition through conducting preventive measures. The results indicated that the highest turnover rates was found in the category of field work, and the highest turnover group was from the 'less than one year', which implies that high turnover rates after and during job training might be greater cost to the companies than early turnover. The most common reasons for the high employee turnover were 'excessive workload' and 'dissatisfaction with wages'. Followed reasons including 'troubles with managers' and 'failure in organizational adaptation' can be understood in line with worse working conditions of the small logistic companies. It turned out that the preventive programs of the logistic enterprises had little effect through 'incentives system' and 'improving wage system' which are mainly conducted. The human resource managers appreciated the importance of 'wage raise' and 'benefits improvement'. This study is aimed at contributing to efficient human resource management through understanding of the turnover causes and human resource managers applying preventive measures. In particular, this can benefit small port logistics companies securing competitiveness and promoting persistent growth and development.