• Title/Summary/Keyword: Slow light

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Coherent x-ray scattering to study dynamics in thin films (결맞는 X-선 산란을 이용한 박막의 표면 거동 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.143-146
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    • 2005
  • A new method of x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) using coherent x-rays is developed recently for probing the dynamics of surface height fluctuations as a function of lateral length scale. This emerging technique applies the principles of dynamic light scattering in the x-ray regime. The short wavelength and slow time scales characteristic of XPCS extend the phase space accessible to scattering studies beyond some restrictions by light and neutron. In this paper, we demonstrate XPCS to study the dynamics of surface fluctuations in thin supported polymer films. We present experimental verification of the theoretical predictions for the wave vector and temperature dependence of the capillary wave relaxation times for the supported polymer films at melt for the film thicknesses thicker than 4 times of the radius of gyration of polymer. We observed a deviation from the conventional capillary wave predictions in thinner films. The analysis will be discussed in terms of surface tension, viscosity and effective interactions with the substrate.

The Structure of Visual Cells in the Retina of the Pond Loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Pisces; Cobitidae)

  • Kim, Chi-Hong;Kim, Jae-Goo;Park, Jong-Young
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.254-258
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    • 2015
  • A histological study on the retina of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus was carried out by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy as part of getting information about relation between its habitat and visual cells. The visual cells of the retina in M. anguillicaudatus, a bottom-dwelling freshwater pond loach in stagnant or slow waters such as swamps, reservoirs and paddy fields, consists of double cones and large rods. The cones form a row mosaic pattern in which the partners of double cones are linearly oriented with a large rod. In a double cone, the two members are unequal such that one cone may be longer than the other.

Study on dynamics of the cross-couplig phenomenon between longitudinal and lateral motion (종/횡운동 coupling 상태에 대한 비행역학 연구)

  • 김성관;하철근
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.1300-1303
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    • 1996
  • In this paper a typical problem is examined that a light, general aviation airplane, such as Cessna or Navion, in gliding turn flight shows helical-dive phenomenon when pilots try to stop the descent by using elevator only. It is known from pilot's experience that in a certain flight trim it is impossible to recover from helical-dive by using elevator only. From this study it is shown that helical-dive phenomenon is involved with longitudinal/lateral dynamics coupling to airplane's aerodynamics. Also this phenomenon consists of three parts of flight dynamics; first of all, fast longitudinal motion occurs, then is followed by a little slow lateral motion, and finally logitudinal/lateral coupled motion is fully developed.

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Effect of Particle Contamination on Objective Lens in a CD-ROM Drive on Laser Diode Power and Photo Diode RF Signal (CD-ROM 드라이브의 대물렌즈 입자오염이 Laser Diode의 Power와 Photo Diode의 RF Signal에 미치는 영향)

  • Pae, Yang-Il;Hwang, Jung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.1429-1434
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    • 2003
  • A number of dust particles are intruded into ODD(Optical disk drive) due to the flow caused by disk rotation and are adhered to a lens or disk surface. The space between the disk and the lens is being reduced. Someone indicates the problems of this drive that are relatively small data storing capacity and slow access time. In recent, the problems of this optical disk drive mentioned above are being solved by adding the speed of the disk's revolution, making the actuator high-speed or light, and making the beam spot size smaller than making the space narrow between disk and lens. These particle contamination affects seriously RF Signal, readout signal in an ODD. Especially, the affected parts by a particle contamination in an ODD's readout signal are objective lens and media.

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Applications of Variable Indexed Colors for Game Development of Mobile Devices (모바일 기기용 게임 개발을 위한 가변 인덱스 컬러 응용)

  • Jung, Jong-Pi;Kim, Chee-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2008
  • Most games based on PCs or consoles at present show vivid special effects and brilliance sceneries. However, the other games running on mobiles and portable devices can not show magnificent scenes because of low hardware specifications such as slow CPU, old graphics card and battery capacity. These games relatively prefer light and casual contents that do not need tremendous calculation. It is very important to keep minimum of game graphics quality in those games. Thus this research presents the new possibility of variable indexed color palettes to overcome the low hardware capacities.

Composite Fuzzy Control of a Single Flexible Link Manipulator (단일 유연 링크 매니퓰레이터의 복합 퍼지 제어)

  • 김재승;이수한
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.353-353
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    • 2000
  • To control a light weight flexible manipulator, a composite fuzzy controller is proposed. The controller is designed based on two time scaled models. A singular perturbation technique is applied for deriving the models. The proposed controller, however, does not use the complex equilibrium manifold equations, which are usually needed in the controller based on the two time scaled models. The controller for a slow sub-model and a fast sub-model are T-S type fuzzy controllers, which use 3 linguistic variables for each sub-model. A step trajectory is used in simulations as a reference trajectory of joint motions. The results of simulations with the proposed controller show excellent damping of flexible motions compared to a controller with derivative control of flexible motions.

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Spectrophotometric Studies of the Solution of Iodine in Pyridine and Quinoline (分光光度法에 依한 Iodine 의 Pyridine 및 Quinoline 溶液의 硏究)

  • Park, Chong-Hoe
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 1962
  • Spectrophotometric studies have been made on the solutions of elementary iodine in pyridine and quinoline, in the absence of light. The results shown that triiodide ion is produced in both solutions with different rates, and that triiodide ion behaves differently in both solutions. Iodine reacts slowly with pyridine, giving rise to triiodide ion, which is relatively stable in this solvent, hereas, iodine reacts rapidly with quinoline, forming triiodide ion, which interacts further with the medium at slow rate. It has been thought that the difference of the behavior of triiodide ion in both solutions may be due to the stronger basicity of quinoline than pyridine.

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Optical Pipelined Multi-bus Interconnection Network Intrinsic Topologies

  • d'Auriol, Brian Joseph
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.632-642
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    • 2017
  • Digital all-optical parallel computing is an important research direction and spans conventional devices and convergent nano-optics deployments. Optical bus-based interconnects provide interesting aspects such as relative information communication speed-up or slow-down between optical signals. This aspect is harnessed in the newly proposed All-Optical Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System (OLARPBS) model. However, the physical realization of such communication interconnects needs to be considered. This paper considers spatial layouts of processing elements along with the optical bus light paths that are necessary to realize the corresponding interconnection requirements. A metric in terms of the degree of required physical constraint is developed to characterize the variety of possible solutions. Simple algorithms that determine spatial layouts are given. It is shown that certain communication interconnection structures have associated intrinsic topologies.

Application of variable indexed colors for game development of portable (hand-held) devices (가변 인덱스 컬러를 이용한 뉴 미디어 기기용 게임 제작 방법)

  • Jung, Jong-Pil;Kim, Chee-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.131-134
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    • 2008
  • Most games based on PCs or consoles at present show vivid special effects and brilliance sceneries. However, the other games running on mobiles and portable devices can not show magnificent scenes because of low hardware specifications such as slow CPU, old graphics card and battery capacity. These games relatively prefer light and casual contents that do not need tremendous calculation. It is very important to keep minimum of game graphics quality in those games. Thus this research presents that the new possibility of variable indexed color palettes to overcome the low hardware capacities.

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How Environmental Agents Influence the Aging Process

  • Karol, Meryl H.
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2009
  • Aging is a multifaceted biological process that affects all organs and organ systems of the body. This review provides an up-to-date analysis of this highly exciting, rapidly changing field of science. The aging process is largely under genetic control but is highly responsive to diverse environmental influences. The genes that control aging are those that are involved with cell maintenance, cell damage and repair. The environmental factors that accelerate aging are those that influence either damage of cellular macromolecules, or interfere with their repair. Prominent among these are chronic inflammation, chronic infection, some metallic chemicals, ultraviolet light, and others that heighten oxidative stress. Other environment factors slow the aging process. Included among these agents are resveratrol and vitamin D. In addition, dietary restriction and exercise have been found to extend human lifespan. The various mechanisms whereby all these agents exert their influence on aging include epigenetic modification, chromatin maintenance, protection of telomeres, and anti-oxidant defense, among others. The complex process of aging remains under continued, intense investigation.