• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sleeve length

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A Study on the Upper Part of the Body Form Variation According to Arm Movements for Male by Plater Gypsum Experiments (석고법에 의한 남성 상반신 체표면변화에 관한 피복인간공학적 연구)

  • 김미경
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to improve clothing construction by analyzing form variation of upper trunk & upper arms with the use of plaster cast. Experimental research was performed by plaster gypsum method. The subjects were males between age 21 and 25, classified Standard somatotype by their bust size and Rorher Index. Arm movements were consisted of 5 types(0$^{\circ}$, 45$^{\circ}$, 90$^{\circ}$, 135$^{\circ}$, 180$^{\circ}$) to each vertical motion in front. The statistical analyses used in this study were mean, standard deviation, repeated mesure design. The result obtained from this study were as follows; 1. As a result of investigating into the rate of the expantion and contraction of basic body-surfact-lines, the side seam length showed the maxium rate of expantion in 180$^{\circ}$ degrees, the shoulder length showed the maxium contraction in the same degrees. 2. The variation of the upper part of the body form by increasing the upper limb motions, shoulder point was moved to be the inside or upside. And the anterior armfit point, posterior armfit point and armfit point were moved to upside. The form of the armhole-line in Drafts of a body surface was differently changed by increasing the movements. 3. Increasing the upper limb motions, the height of sleeve cap decresed and width of the sleeve decreased but girths of the sleeve cap was not show consistant change.

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An Experimental Study on the Performance of Compression-type Anchor with various inner shapes for CFRP Tendons (CFRP 긴장재용 압착식 정착구의 내부형상별 정착성능 실험 연구)

  • Jung, Woo-Tak;Lee, Seung-Joo;Park, Young-Hwan;Hwang, Geum-Sic
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.321-324
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents the results of the performance of compression-type anchor for CFRP tendon. As the results of previous tests, the principal variables for enhancing performance of anchor were sleeve dimensions, inserts, compression pressure, etc. A total of 18 specimens were tested for the performance of compression-type anchor with various inner shapes. Test results revealed that the length of sleeve increased along with the performance of anchor up to 18-22%. Also, the performance of anchor was susceptible to the length of sleeve compared to the surface treatment with the oxide.

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Implementation of Broadband Printed Sleeve Monopole Antenna (광대역 프린티드 슬리브 모노폴 안테나의 구현)

  • Choe, Gwang-Je;Kang, Sang-Won
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents the broadband printed sleeve-monopole antenna implementing the sleeve monopole structure in the form of PCB. In the proposed antenna, the antenna performance was improved by the diameter variation of the radiator, the length variation of the sleeve, and the variation of the diameter of the sleeve conductor. HFSS simulator of ANSYS corp. was used in order to confirm the antenna parameter characteristic. According to the simulation results, the VSWR was less than 2 for the range of 2.12GHz~3.18GHz. The frequency bandwidth is 1.08GHz. The frequency range of the actual fabricated antenna was 2.0GHz~3.55GHz, the frequency bandwidth is 1.55GHz. The maximum gain was 1.64dBi. The proposed antenna was $56{\times}5{\times}1.6mm$ in size. The utilization possibility of the broadband printed sleeve-monopole antenna could be confirmed according to compare and analyze the simulation and measurement data.

A Study on the Clothing Behaviors and Wearing Sensation of Women's Ready-to-wear (노인여성의 의복행동과 기성복 맞음새)

  • Lee, Young-Ju;Kim, Jeam-Hae
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the clothing behaviors and wearing sensation of ready-to-wear of the elderly woman who residing in the Pusan and Kimhae. The subjects were elderly woman who assessed the wearing sensation of slacks, jacket 1(1-2button), jacket 2(over 4button), and jumper. The results were as follows: 1. In the analysis of the clothing behaviors factors, the factor 1 was the concern about the appearance, the factor 2 was mental dependency about the clothes, the factor 3 was the satisfaction about the clothes and the factor 4 was the concern about the fashion. 2. As for the wearing sensation of the slacks, waist and thigh of the slacks was large and slacks length and crotch length was long. As for the wearing sensation of the jacket 1, over the age of 70 years was more satisfied than under the age of 70 for the wearing sensation of bust, waist, hip, and sleeve length. As for the wearing sensation of the jacket 2, under the age of 70 years was more satisfied than over the age of 70 for the wearing sensation of sleeve length and location of the armhole. As for the wearing sensation of the jumper, the area showed significant difference in waist. Jumper was larger than jacket.

Female Workers' Uniform Preference of the Fiber Firms (섬유업체 근로여성의 작업복 실태 및 선호연구)

  • 이옥희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 1997
  • This study was initiated to research on the uniform preference uniform satisfaction and wearing of female workers' uniform of the fiber firms. Data was obtained from 361 female workers of the fiber firms in Chon Buk. And it was analyzed by frequency percent mean duncan's multiple test. The results of this study were as follows; 1) Pocket sleeve and front hem were parts of the damage. The weaving workers were mostly wore upper and under garments but most of there workers were only wore an upper garment on the basic type of uniform The older and married were small in the fitness of uniform the armhole sleeve girth sleeve length and breast girth were unfitted 2) Workers was dissatisfied to the noise and the dust in working environment. Uniform satisfaction of workers were mostly low design color and fabric were the lowest factors of uniform satisfaction. The satisfaction of material were also low the lowest factors were absorptiveness elasticity breathability. Workers wanted the fashion and light colored uniform but they prefered function activity to work and manageability on wearing rather than externals among the uniform preference.

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Comparative Study on Fur Clothing Preferences of Korean and Russian Women - Focused on Seoul and Moscow Women - (한국과 러시아 여성들의 모피의류 선호도 비교연구 - 서울-모스크바 여성들을 중심으로 -)

  • 이주은
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.425-448
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to compare fur clothing preferences of Korean and Russian women, and then to provide a beneficial data to Koran fur manufacturers who is working in Korea and advancing into Russia. 346 subjects were gather in Seoul and Moscow through convenience sampling method, and frequency, percentage, mean, x²-test, t-test were conducted for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Korean and Russian women's fur clothing buying motives, information sources, important factors on purchasing, purchasing, influences ere generally examined. 2. Russian women's fur clothing possession rate as well as fur clothing purchasing intention in the future were higher than Korean women's. 3. Fur clothing item, material, color, style, length which Korean and Russian women prefer were compared. 4. In case of shilhouette, Russia women showed high preference on swinger shilhouette, relatively Korean women preferred H-line. 5. In case of collar design, Russian women showed high preference on stand collar, relatively Korean women preferred notch collar or shawl collar. 6. In case of sleeve design, Russian women showed high preference on turn back cuffs sleeve, relatively Korean women preferred push-up sleeve.

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Fit and Problems of Ready-to-Wear Garment in Women (여성용 기성복에 대한 적합성과 문제점에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yang-Weon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 1999
  • To investigate the fitting and its problems related in clothing fit and to get basic data to develop fitted ready-to-wear garment, total 238 subjects were surveyed during the period of May, 1997 in Taejon. The major results were as follows; 1. The results showed that most subjects had purchased ready-to-wear garments in a department store. 2. The fit of ready-to-wear garments is more suitable in the upper wear such as T-shirts and blouse than in lower wear such as skirts and pants. 3. Fitting problems in ready-to-wear garments were identified, including sleeve length, shoulder area. 4. A variety of fitting problems in ready-to-wear garments were showed waistline, thigh girth, sleeve length. 5. There were significant differences between the demographic variables, i.e. marital status and occupation and clothing problems.

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Comparisons between Dancing Costumes Style of Kokurye and Han dynasty (漢代와 고구려의 長袖衣 무용복 비교)

  • 윤지원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2000
  • During the 3C(B.C.) and 2C(A.D.), there were large influx of variety of arts to Jin and Han dynasty such as music, dancing, and at performing from neighboring countries. It made a tremendous impact on the development of dancing an in Han dynasty. On the other hand, Kokurye people had also enjoyed their own singing and dancing culture (styles) for a long time. Han and Kokurye's dancing costumes were studied based on artifacts (data) such as wall paintings, clay doll, and other small paintings all from tombs in Han and Kokurye. A similarity was found between two dynasties' dancing costume, since both had tong sleeve dresses. However, the further detailed study showed that one can't simply say both are in the same style. For example, the dress in Han dynasty had a long length style of coat(深衣) covering all the way to feet, and there were round neckline coat(團領) and long Jacket(장유). In contrast, that of Kokurye had a shorter length in coat(直領) covering only up to calf of the leg or long jacket(장유).

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A Study on Pattern Development of Pet Dog's Wear through Movement analysis of Pet Dog (애견(愛犬)의 동작분석(動作分析)을 통(通)한 애견복(愛犬服)패턴 개발연구(開發硏究))

  • Shim, Boo-Ja;Suh, Chu-Yeon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2003
  • This study were to grasp the present situation of the pet wear market and the problem of pet wear, and to develop the pet wear pattern which agrees well to dog's shape and movements. We carried out survey research to analyze the actual pet wear market condition for a dog-lover, and movement analysis and sensory test to develop a pattern for Maltese which was the favorite dog among Korean. For data analysis, ANOVA with duncan test, T-test were conducted using SPSS statistic program(ver. 10.0). The results are as follows: 1. The results of the survey research, 75% of dog-lover had a pet wear and favorite was T-shirts. The problems of wearing T-shirts were 'too tight seam sleeve and bodice(front legs hole)', 'the clothes easily hang down' and 'easily taken off due to large neck size'. 2. The ease amount of the developed pattern was given according to the results of dog's shape and movement analysis, and the results of sensory test, there is a significant difference in the following items: depth of front neck line, front chest${\to}$abdomen curve, ease amount of sleeve, comfort level of leg parts. 3. The size of each parts of the developed pattern in this study were as follows : neck girth 27.0cm, body girth 40.0cm, back length 26.0cm, front leg girth 23.0cm, sleeve length 20.7cm, sleeve width 14.4cm. But, there exists some limits to generalize these results since dog's body size and shapes are various according to dog species. Therefore, further studies are needed to develop each pet wear pattern for each dog species.

A Study On the costume of the Koryo Dynasty (2)-$\cicled3$-See Through by the Human being, on the Buddist Painting of Koryo Dynasty Engraved Painting on the wood.- (고려시대 인물관련 제작물을 통해서 본 복식제도에 관한 연구(2)-고려시대 인물관련 제작 불화(佛畵)중 '경판화'를 통해서 본 복식제도에 관한 연구(2)-$\cicled3$-)

  • 임명미
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.26
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 1995
  • It was aimed to study the costume of Koryo dynasty based upon the one hundred and thirty four pictures of the engraved painting on the wood. The costume to study were made about 400 years during the King Mok-jong(1006) to the forth year of the king Wu based upon the Avatamaka Sutra and Pulsul-Yaesu 가) Men's wear 1. Hair style and hair dress ; Man tied up a top knot and they put on the hat such as a Kuan, Kun, and Mo. The young boys binds his hair up one, two, and three knots. 2. Clothes : 1) King wore an uniform of Mien-lu Kuan system. 2) The Crown Prince and high rank officials wore Yuan-yu-Kuan Won-jung-po-ju-Kuan, Sa-bang-Kuan, Yun-wha-Kuan and montain shape Po-ju-Kuan as a court dress. 3) Officials put on the Pok-du as an official dress and Won-jung-ip-mo, Kun and Mo as an everyday dress, the monk put on the diamond shape Do-kuan and Du-kun and the soldier put on the Helmet. Costume system of man was as follows ; They wore exchanged shape collar, big sleeve jacket, long skirt, apron, hanging precious stone big belt as a Mien-pok. 4) The soldiers wore helmet, Keun-Kap, Scarf, Pee-Bak, Hung-Kap, Pok-Kap, Yang-Dang-Kap, We-Yo-Kap, Kum-Kap, and caries arms. Lower-level officials wore Pe-Bal, Kun-Mo, gae, won-leung, very small sleve jacket, a long coat reaching up to the knee length, slacks, belt, loin cloth and apron. 5) Children's bind their hair up angle shape and wore a half long jacket raching up to the hip and slacks. 나) Women's wear; 1. hair style and hair dress; 1) High rank women's hair style was very extravaganceful. They made their hair top knot (one, two, or more knots) and decoraed precious stone, pan shape head dress, wheel shape head dress, and flower shape precious stone decorated head dress. 2. Clothes ; 1) High rank ladi's wore Kun-Kyun attached jacket, and jacket sleeves decorated pleats, and pleats decorated long skirt, apron, back apron, knot belt, scarf, this type is the same with Dang Dynasty, five dynasty of china, Song, Kum, Won, Myung Dynasty, and our costume of Poe-hae, and Shilla Dyansty. 2) Official ladies wore exchange shape collor, big sleeve jacket, long pleats skirt, apron, and back apron, scarf. 3) Women wore top knot hair style and decorated by ribbons. Shoulder scarf attached small sleeve jacket and wore reaching up to the knee length. Side seam is open and under wear was long skirt. 4) High knot hair style and exchanged shape collor jacket, under wear wore long skirt. They wore under skirts and the jackets. 5) High knot hair style, exchange shape collor jacket reaching up to the knee length small sleeve under wear wore long skirt, belt. 6) High knot hair style, big sleeve jacket and long skirt. 7) Foot wear wore boots, mokasin type shoes, sandal.

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